Sumproduct Usage Slowing Down Spreadsheet

Sep 25, 2009

My spreadsheet has a sheet1 with 1000 rows and needs four columns with "sumproduct" formulas referencing sheet2 with 20000 rows. An example of the formula is:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet2!$F$2:$F$20000=$B3),--(Sheet2$A$2:$A$20000 >=$J$2))

Once I add them, the recalculation slows it to a crawl. In trying to understand the problem, I do a Manual/Automatic between running a sort. The recalculation still takes too long to be practical.

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SUMPRODUCT Formulas Slowing Down Calculations

Feb 22, 2008

I am doing a report which analyzes a specific person's transaction per country (3 criterias). The workbook has 3 sheets. First sheet is the database, 2nd is the report itself and 3rd is a reference table. I am using a sumproduct formula to count per person's transaction per country. It is giving me slow calculations.

I cannot possibly use a pivot table since there will still be other calculations involved after determining the transactions. I tried using database functions but i can't seem to understand how to go about it when there are multiple criterias involved.

I am attaching a sample file for your reference.

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SUMPRODUCT Formulas Slowing Worksheet Significantly

Jan 22, 2009

I have had a workbook that I have been using to track inventory. I use a userform to enter the data for inventory in and out of the system. I recently added two more worksheets to the workbook, each of which has several SUMPRODUCT formulas on them that reference the inventory data.

Since adding these two sheets, when entering data via the userform, it takes a long time (relatively speaking) for the sheet to update with the relevant new data. I have attached a copy of the file, in hopes that someone can show me exactly what is causing the slow-down, and if there is a way that I can get the same results using different programming or formulas that will not be so slow.

The part that is slow is on the "Data" sheet. Click on the green or orange buttons to open the userform. Make a selection in each section, and enter an amount. Clicking on "Enter" will transfer the appropriate information to the worksheet. This is the part that is slow.

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Sumproduct The Usage Of (--) Or (-)

Apr 23, 2009

i have seen lot of formula especially sumproduct where "--" or "-" is used. i understand it is used for giving the conditions when the column has text or dates to be retrieved. But what decides two minus or single minus or no minus to be used.

If somebody can throw some light on this will be really helpful for my excel

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Creation Of A Program That Monitors Usage Of Spreadsheet Reports

Mar 27, 2007

I currently produce excel reports for my company but need to somehow monitor how many times they are accessed and, if possible, when and by whom. All these excel files are situated on a server that our company uses and all users systems are connected to this. We use office 2003 and Outlook as the emailing system. My guessing is that the programming would have to intiate the usage file, amend it, and then close it each time a report is opened.

For each of the files that I want this file to monitor, I have written the following program which essentially opens up the usage file 'EPoS Usage' which is a simple grid, enters an extra one to the relevant counter cell then closes it. I really need to include a date and time for each opening and, if possible, get a username as well. Here it is:

Private Sub workbook_open()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"S:Newman CommonCATEGORY MANAGEMENT - RangesEPoS Usage.xls"
Dim Counter As Integer
Counter = Cells(2, 8)
Counter = Counter + 1
Cells(2, 8) = Counter
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Slowing Down A Loop

Dec 18, 2006

I want to run through a loop to make it look as if my graph is animated. But the loop is too fast.

How can I slow down the loop to 1/10 of a second per calculation?

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Calculate Slowing Sheet

Jan 18, 2010

If the below formula is activated - e.g. something is put into cell f8 or g8, the I get the word calculate in the bottom left hand size of the s/sheet.

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Formulas Are Slowing Sheet Down

Feb 18, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that has 1800 sumproduct formulas in it. Foe each day of the year it counts or sums 5 things. Each of these things has 2-3 criteria that is why I used sumproduct. The database it counts from is on the same sheet. It takes to long for the sheet to calculate. Is there a better way. I am using Excel 2003. The sheet itself is not huge 913 kb.

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Vlookup Slowing Down Workbook

Jun 28, 2007

I would like to make a file that can calculate the quantity that need for the bakery shop, it's just my example. The customers can order the number of layers of the cake and that is related to the quantity from the table. I would like to looking for the 3 ingredients and the quantity in grams, and afterwards create a pivot table to sum by each type of the ingredients. The orders is about 3000 rows and ingredients are about 20 columns, If I use IF() and Vlookup() or put in Array formula, my program will be very very slow. Can I use others function to get the ingredients and the quantities? I have attached the file belows.

Please also make some suggestion, or something to read more, about the way I use the funtion like I use IF()+IF() or IF()&IF() instead of IF(,,IF). Does it make any different?

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Slowing Down And Waiting For Data Results Using VBA?

Aug 21, 2013

I have 2 sheets in a workbook

My VBA code gets data from a cell in sheet1 Then it paste that into a cell on sheet2 sheet 2 processes some data and produces a single cell result based on the pasted data Then that single cell result is pasted back into sheet1

Here is the problem. Sheet 2 takes a up to one second to produce the final result because it has to fetch some data from the web My code is pasting data back to sheet1 before sheet2 has had time to produce a final result

How can I make sure the data is finished on sheet2 before my code paste the result back to sheet1?

The variable MacdBlack is the being pasted back to sheet1 before sheet2 has had time to update it This is because sheet2 has to get data from the web which is slow

Sub SheetTest()
Dim x As Integer
Dim StartCell1 As String


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Adding Subroutine To Macro For Slowing Down Time?

Aug 10, 2014

I would like to add a "subroutine" to my macro to show the numbers it is picking. But I am having a problem figuring out how to do this.. Here is my macro...

Sub generatelottery2()

Const l& = 1 'lower value
Const u& = 49 'upper value
Const n& = 6 'number of numbers per draw


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Offset Index Match Formula Slowing Down Excel

Dec 28, 2009

I have the following formula in a cell:

When the workbook with this formula is open it slows down other workbooks quite a bit.

If I run code in another workbook without the workbook with the formula open, calculation takes 0.099 seconds. If the workbook with the formula is open, the same code takes 2.24 seconds.

How could I change/replace above formula to average the last n (cell M9 value) cells in an ever changing column.

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IsEmpty Usage

Feb 23, 2009

This seems like it is pretty easy but for some reason it is being goofy for me.

I entered this code to check it.

IF IsEmpty(Range("A1")) Then
msgbox("Yes, It is empty")
msgbox("Not empty")

When it comes up I always get the box with "Not empty" even though I havent typed anything in the cell since I have created it. Even tried Clear Cell. Basically what it is for is to check if cell A1 is empty and if it is, it will create a Data header and if not, it will find the first empty cell and continue inputting data.

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Usage In Application

Jun 26, 2009

done some VBScript spreadsheet reporting involving basically inserting data and some formatting.

I need some advice on what approach to take with Excel on my current project. The basic goal is to scrape project requirements off a word doc and load them into Quality Center (a test management tool from HP, henceforth referred to as QC). I have an hta/vbs process that offers the user choices gleaned from the QC API, scrapes the word doc, and creates a spreadsheet with a row for each requirement and a column for each property a "requirement" has in QC. These values are a combination of data from the word doc and values selected by the user in the preceeding hta interface.

The reason for this Excel step in the process is that all the values chosen up to this point are generic for the entire project. But there are a few properties that will be requirement specific. So all the info is collected in Excel and the user is to then go through each row and choose the "target cycle" (which I pulled off QC earlier in the process and display in Excel as a dropdown list). The "Platform Folder" and the "Module Folder".

Ok, so with that backround, here is my quandry... In the hta interface the user selected all the "Platform Folders" the project will have requirements in. These are then presented in a dropdown in the Excel, so the user can choose which of these Platform Folders this specific requirement should be loaded into. What I need to do is then have the "Module Folders" to be a dropdown that is dependant on the "Platform folder" chosen.

This is difficult enough for me, creating a dynamic dependant dropdown that will be replicated on each row. I don't know exactly how to do this but feel I can probably figure it out with all the help offered on these MVP sites.

What I can't figure out is where to do this. Should I set up the lists, formulas, and control code dynamically? Can these dependant list derive their values from comma delimited lists (like I did the non-dependent lists) or must they be in a worksheet? The only way I see to make the dependent dropdown work correctly is to have it run off a worksheet event. Can worksheet event code be applied dynamically or do I need to have a "template" type workbook containing the code in the application's folder and use that instead of creating a new workbook at exe time? I still have to write the upload into QC code, and that will probably be a macro that the user will have to install into their personal.xls. Can the dependent dropdown code be installed in the same way even though it needs to be event driven? Another aspect is getting the data for the dropdown. I can either get the lists earlier in the process when I already have a connection to QC and pass it along, or I can connect to QC from Excel and get the values dynamically. I am assuming passing them in will be more efficient.

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100% CPU Usage With Many Userforms

Nov 21, 2006

We have designed a data collection program in excel which use's userforms for the data entry and form printing. There are 20 userforms, each with a "Next" button which hides the current userform and shows the next userform. The first "next" button has a copy and paste code which copies a today() statement and paste's it in a different cell to record how long it took to complete the data entry. We are able to go through the program once, but when we try a second time it freezes and the cpu usage goes to 100% resulting in us having to End Task.

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Memory Usage ...

Dec 6, 2006

I'm using a Dell P4, 1.6Ghz, 512Mhz of memory (Win2K & Excel 2003), and it's bogging on spreadsheets that aren't that big and complicated (compared to thing's I did years ago, in the days of 386's and Win98)...

It hits the 100% CPU usage and stays there for minutes (especially when saving) on files that are only around 2M in size, yet it's not using much of the memory...

Spreadsheets large or small seem to have little effect on how much memory is being used... is Win2K allocating a fixed % of total memory for Excel to use?... can this be changed, so Excel gets to use more of the available memory?

I've been cleaning up and redesigning my spreadsheets to make them more efficient, but there seems to be a disconnect between my hardware specs and Excel's performance with files that aren't that big ~:-/

Disabling my antivirus software (Nortons) prior to saving, seems to speed it up a little, but this is not something I should be having to do...

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Formula To Calculate Usage?

Apr 25, 2014

how I have the data arranged... What I need to do is for each type I need to be able to calculate usage, so I will need to make sure it is subtracting say COKE usage the week of APRIL 1ST where beginning inventory on april 1ST was 99 and on April 7th the invnentory was 72, of course the usage is 99-72/7 will give me per day but I need the formula to be able to know which date will correlate to know which inventory to subtract from... So each time I add a new inventory in the sheet it will always be able to find where the data is it needs to subtract from to get the proper usage... Of course do this without manually entering the usage each week...

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Option Button Usage

Jan 2, 2010

I have a worksheet where the user selects between two option controls, which are mutually exclusive. when they toggle an option, a user form pops up, depending on which option they selected, and askes them for a number, which is used in a calculation elsewhere in the page. The user form has a cancel button, in case they decide to back out. If they cancel, I want the option buttons to reset back to their original state.

The problem I'm having is that when I code it, if you select cancel on the user form, it causes the option to revert back to it's previous state, but that triggers the selection of the option again, which pops up the form, making a neverending loop! Is there a better way to do this? I tried it with a toggle button, with the same results.

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SQL And VBA Memory Usage And Clean Up

Feb 3, 2010

I have created an excel tool w/ A LOT of macros in it, and the tool "speaks" to the SQL server (downloads data from it and uploads it back). My big problem now is that every time I run any of the VBA code the amount of RAM that is getting allocated to Excel (2007) is increasing - I am checking it in the Task Manager. So if I work for a long time without closing down Excel - my entire RAM is getting consumed and the system slows down, and sometimes crushes.

I was wondering if there is a way in VBA to clean up memory that is used by Excel.

Do you have any hints? I am using extensively 3 things - screenupdating off; displaymessages off, and calculations off. But this speeds up Excel but doesn't reduce the memory usage.

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Erase Statement Usage

Jan 20, 2010

basically im setting a range type variable to be the a column of data from a table that is on another sheet but in the same workbook. im wondering if im supposed to get rid of certain variables i have created...especially in an instance like this, where the variable seems to be more of a reference to the actual table data.

Dim curtzeNum As Range

Set curtzeNum = Worksheets("RawData").Range("Table3[Curtze_num]")

should there be an erase statement for these at the end of the sub?

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Memory Usage Limited To 1 Gig

Jun 24, 2006

I was reading in the sticky post about the new version of Excel that is due out this year. One of the improvements listed was the increase of usable memory by Excel from 1gig to the amount of Windows memory. In reading this, am I to understand that increasing a machine's physical memory above 1gig is useless for Excel in the current version? My specific issue is I have a very involved worksheet that takes about 2.5 minutes to calculate and this will increase as more data is added, it is heavy formula laden. I was going to increase memory from 2gig to 4gig to assist in reducing the calculation time.

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Lowering Memory Usage

May 12, 2007

I am working on a spreadsheet that is very large. Opening the spreadsheet and even operating the spreadsheet with the cells off of manual calc can slow down the computer quite a bit. The spreadsheet has quite a few sheets, alot of data, very basic formatting, and alot of vlookup (as well as other) formulas.

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Pivot Table / Usage Calculation

Apr 25, 2014

Calculating usage...

Take the Current date and I need that inventory ---- find the date 7 days before this date ---- get the inventory for that date --- current inventory - previous inventory / 7 will give me the daily usage... the data will be in a pivot table so I need to make sure it doesnt change the usage when moving the table around...

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Usage Input Box And Application.username

Mar 27, 2009

I would like to combine the application.username function with the input box however, I do not know the proper syntax.

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Electronic Log Of Sheet Usage - Remote

Jun 5, 2007

I send out multiple versions of the same sheet every month. I want to be able to have a script run every time the spreadsheet is opened to send an electronic log directly to a text file on my machine (or something similar)

Is this possible or some sort of a pipe dream?
It would be used for me to monitor usage of the sheet, and i'd require only the same of the spreadsheet (which is always unique), the date/time and possibly the computer name / username? (not really needed)

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Variable Usage Inside Formulas

Aug 10, 2007

In a macro I am writing, I am trying to use the data stored in a variable inside a formula. Specifically, my variable holds a string that represents the title of a specific sheet in my workbook. I am trying to put this variable into the count formula to be used as the sheet location.

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Variable Monthly Usage With Maximum Limit?

May 29, 2014

i am working on model where customer is billed based on usage of the equipment. Usage is measured in cycles per day. Assuming there are 30 Days a month. i am trying to build a spreadsheet where if i increase or decrease the monthly usage it automatically update the sheet. Remember there is limit on maximum number of times an equipment can be used.

Like for Example

Maximum life of one equipment. 3000 Cycles
Daily usage : From 1 cycle per day to 10 cycles.
Monthly usage = 30 Days * (daily usage)

Now the problem is each month new equipment is leased. so i have to keep track of each month's equipment how much it has been used and how much left. I have attached the example spreadsheet.

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How To Get Monthly KWh Usage When Bill Data Spans Months

Jun 8, 2013

In the attached sheet, I have logged my gas energy consumption (kWh) from 2006 to 2012. I want to analyse my relative consumption over time, on a monthly basis.

However, the bills have been generated by different suppliers for irregular periods (eg. 10-May-2006 to 24-Jul-2006, or 23-Feb-2010 to 6-Mar-2010). So, how can I re-tool my sheet to arrive at rough figures that can be allocated against each month?

Or, if there is no dependability about that method, formulae which allow for effective comparison over time? Let's say, daily?

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CPU Usage Shown On Task Manager Is 99 For Excel File?

Jan 13, 2012

Some of my excel files, which are not massive seem to crash my computer when saving or recalulating or even using some filters. The files show as not responding for a couple of mins then come back to life after completing the requested action. Often this is not a complicate task that can cause this.

When this is happening the CPU usage shown on task manager is 99 for the excel file.

This doesn't happen on any other program, I can use word and powerpoint etc with no issues. Its just excel that my computer has a problem with.

This is really frustrating as I can end up twiddling my thumbs for 5 mins unable to do anything, when I just want the file to save or re calculate. I already use manual calculation on anything file more than 500 lines to work with the situation.

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Average Based On Criteria :: Count Daily Usage

Aug 18, 2006

I need to monitor the average daily usage of a liquid tank for a customer. We fill this tank every few weeks. The formula I am looking for would ignore the fills and just count the daily usage.

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