Text Based Treeview Control
Nov 21, 2006
i found this quick online tutorial [url] on treeviews. i was trying to modify the code to make it a simple tree contaning just text like attached image, and to have a command buttton to add, and delete from the tree.
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Jan 12, 2007
I have created a userform within VBA which has a TreeView Control and a Spreadsheet control on it.
I have populated the TreeView control with data and what I want to be able to do is to drag the nodes off the TreeView control to the spreadsheet control.
I can drag onto a normal worksheet but not onto the spreadsheet control (the no drop mouse pointer keeps showing).
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Jun 27, 2007
it is possible to add excel's standard controls at runtime to a userform, but can a treeview be added at runtime?
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Jan 8, 2007
I want to create sections in excel exactely like below. I need to show user how many types systems are available and in each type how many config systems available.
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Mar 13, 2009
In my program I connect too a OPC server the OPC server contains different channels, those channels contains devices and the devices contain items, those items could be a collection of items or individual items.
I have already used a listbox and listview in my userform, but i'm not particulary happy with the results. So i want too add the treeview because i think it would look and work better.
I'll add all of my code and i hope you can see what i mean. I have found some examples but they use data on a worksheet which is a bit different too how i want too do it. I have found out the .add that is used there doesn't work and i'm having trouble finding what i need. for some reason opening the help files is blocked on win xp.
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Jun 24, 2006
I have a tree view control property in a userform working fine, however, when the form open, only the top level is list (ie, only 1 string is visible). In order to see more, then user needs to click on the + which is not an issue, but they would rather have the tree open up to certain level, say 5 hierarchical levels down, instead of just the one string.
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Oct 24, 2006
I write macros that creates a treeview according to data from column "A". In attached example I have series of numbers, that means following:
0 is a root (A1), 1 is its nod (A2), 2 are nods of 1 (A3,A4), three appearance of 3 are nods of 2 (A5,A6,A7) , e.t.c.
It means that I must dinamically to create the loops.
How to make it.
All that I know is a static creation.
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Oct 26, 2006
i am trying to adapt this code to show userform textbox's instead of cell information
Sub treeview()
Dim i As Integer
Dim nodX As Node
Dim strRel As String
Dim strRship As String
Dim strKey As String
Dim strText As String
For i = 1 To 3
'cell A3
strRel = ActiveCell
'cell B3..................
which i found here, fileTreeview control.
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Jan 10, 2007
I was trying to drag a node onto a worksheet and for that node to remain in the treeview control.
I have found out that if I hold the CTRL key then the node remains on the treeview.
Does anyone know how I can implement this action in my code so I don't have to keep pressing the control key?
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Jan 16, 2007
I am trying to populate a TreeView control from multiple sheets. I have managed to populate it from one sheet but can't do it for multiple sheets.
see my code below:
Dim arrName As Variant
Dim arrParent As Variant
With Sheets("Sheet1"). Range(Sheets("Sheet1").[A2], Sheets("Sheet1").[A65536].End(xlUp))
arrName = .Value
arrParent = .Offset(, 1).Value
End With
I want to be able to make it look up from Sheet2 aswell.
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Sep 5, 2012
I have enclosed a picture of my problem : Diagnostic Notes Generator Example.jpg
The treeview on the left-side panel will populate with different options based on what is chosen from the "category" combo box.
Based on the category chosen, different "troubleshooting steps" will be presented in the Treeview List.
As each selected tree node is mouse clicked...the text values needs to be copied into the adjacent text-box.
My question, what is the code to copy a Treeview item over to a text box?
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May 15, 2013
I have a treeview box w/ multi-select enable. My question is how do I display in a message box of all the item I've selected.
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Dec 17, 2006
I am using a TreeView control and need to determine if the user clicked on the Image or the Label of a node. The Hittest function can return either a TreeViewHitTestInfo object or a node. By default it returns the node. I'm not quite sure how to trigger the return of a TreeViewHittestInfo object, but at the moment I'm even struggling to make VBA aware of that class. A simple statement like
Dim info As TreeViewHitTestInfo
returns an error saying that TreeViewHitTestInfo is not defined.
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Jul 14, 2006
I have a workbork for employee time keeping. I have designed an Input Box that has 15 text boxes (7 diff hour types, 2 weeks, one total box). I have everything working properly except I want to make the control source relative. When the user clicks on a name of an employee (A column), then clicks the macro button, the Input Box appears. I need the text boxes to be linked to the cells E:S on the same row as the active cell. I've tried typing in ActiveCell.Offset(0,4) and variants of it, but all are rejected. How can I link the text boxes using active cell and offset?
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Sep 28, 2006
Rather than use Control-F to find the text in a cell, is there some VBA programming that could do the same and then go to the cell or cells containing the text input to be found? I tried recording the macro to find, but it would show up in the VB Editor because I had to close the find function down to then stop recording.
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Jan 29, 2007
I am trying to create a text box using the format control, however, everytime I click on the box it go to visual basic editor. I believe I'm missing something. I am not familiar with visual basic.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a text file and need to convert into excel output using macro with a few selection item. Im attached a text file at least u know what how the text file look. In the text file, please ignore the 1st page(introduction page). In page 2 onward, what i want macro to run is to sort the items to excel into each column like 'BOOKINGNO',P.DELIV','CNTRNO','TYPE','INCOMING VSL','VOY','L. PORT'.
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Jan 26, 2007
I have several checkboxs in an excel sheet, that if one is checked i would like it to make a change to a variable in a macro that will run when saving a file.
for an example:
if checked:
Checkbox1 = NCE1
Checkbox2 = NCE2
Checkbox3 = NCE3
Checkbox4 = NCE4
Checkbox5 = NCE5
I have a bit of code that is like this....
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("\marketing2PartageNonconforms" & sF1 & " - CO" & sF2 & " - FC" & sF3 & ".xls")
I would like sF1 to change depending on which checkbox is checked. so if checkbox1 is checked, than sF1 = NCE1 .
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Jul 17, 2007
I am working on a form in VB and have a combobox and three monthviews. My question is when a user selects a specific item from the combobox (ex. terminal illness), I want one my monthviews to disable.
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Jan 15, 2008
I have a userform which uses the tag property of the frame to determine whether a frame is visible (and hence the controls that reside within the frame). A frame contains three combo boxes, and six text boxes. The tag property of the frame matches the number of frames that are visible on the form, so that if the user selects five frames, frames 1 through five become visible and for all other frames visible = false. A frame contains all the data for a single entry. There can be up to fifty frames/ entries that are visible on the form depending on the user selection.
I want to use the visibility property to do two things: first the combo boxes are filled from an array after the user selects the number of frames (or entries). I only want to fill the comboboxes where the frame is visible. The second thing is that I have a function which uses the data from the text boxes and combo boxes as required arguments. Since these are required arguments, I will get a data mismatch error if I try to call it and the controls are empty. Therefore, I only want to call the function if the frame which houses the controls is visible.
Public Sub Visible1(Entry As String)
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In UserForm2.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "Frame" And ctrl.Tag <= Entry Then
With ctrl
.Visible = True
End With
If TypeName(ctrl) = "Frame" And ctrl.Tag > Entry Then
With ctrl
.Visible = False.............
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Aug 21, 2006
I am trying to store some information in a cell from a UserForm. The two sets of information I have are:
InvoiceNumber(number with no decimals)
InvoiceAmount(currency with two decimal points)
The problem I get is when I use the following command to store the information, it stores the information as text rather then a number.
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("C" & Position + 1).Value = InvoiceNumber
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("E" & Position + 1).Value = InvoiceAmount
I tried using the NumberFormat option as below, but it doesnt fix the problem.
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("E" & Position + 1).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("C" & Position + 1).NumberFormat = "0"
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Aug 23, 2006
I have an excel application that I'm developing that is going to be used by two different departments. On one side everything will pretty much be userforms. The sheets they the data I need to pull in for them is on sheets that I have such that their visibilty is equal too xlveryhidden. I'm trying to change the captions on labels using the data on the veryhidden sheets. Something like this.
'frmCurrentProposal is a userform
'lbGroupName and lbGroupNum are both labels that should vary
frmCurrentProposal.lbGroupName.Caption = Sheet2. Range("B2").Value
frmCurrentProposal.lbGroupNum.Caption = "Group # " & Sheet2.Range("B3").Value
The labels are not changing their values.
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Sep 11, 2009
Is it possible to place formulas in vba to control cells based on the cells contents.
A2 will be the the price of an item excluding vat and b2 will be the price of an item including vat
What i want to achieve is if I put a figure into a2 b2 then multiplies a2 by 1.15 to reflect the price including vat. If this is achievable I then want to reverse the proceedure so if I put the price including VAT into b2 a2 divides b2 by 1.15 to reflect the price exc. VAT.#
if all of the above is clear and possible I would like to know if it is easily possible to copy the workings for a3, 4 ,5 ,6 etc and b3, 4, 5, 6 etc.
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May 28, 2014
I have previous been given the below macro from here that splits a string of text in one cell into groups of 30 and then puts them into several cells, works perfectly.
What I would like to incorpate now is the ability to overide the point at which it splits the text.
i.e. if the inputter puts a "|" (for example) in the original text, this will cause a split in the text and it will restart its 30 count from this point onwards.
Example of what I would like to achieve:
Cell A1 = I would like to change this string of text into groups of 30, where this appears | I would like it to start a new split of 30s from this point on wards and again if another one of these | appears in the text.
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Apr 13, 2007
I want the contents of the text box (which will be input by the user) to update a cell in another worksheet. I have found numerous examples of how to display the contents of a cell in the text box but I want to know how to display the text box contents in a cell.
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Mar 26, 2009
Can anyone provide a formula to be used in data validation that will control text length (6 digits) and restrict duplicate entries. The best formula will prevent anything other that 6 digits, but question the user regarding a duplicate entry.
For example: if the user enters 123456 no problem, but if 12345 is entered, Excel validation would not allow. If the user enters 123456 again, Excel's validation window would allow but the window will pop-up and ask to confirm.
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May 14, 2008
I'm trying to do is set up a form load event to initlize some controls. Here is my
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Initialize the form
lblProcessing.Visible = False
txtFileName.Text = "Enter a file name"
End Sub
At the moment, this event is not triggering. I have the code in the code behind my form - should it be in a module? PS: This site is great - it's answered a lot of my other questions so far without me having to make any posts.
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Sep 1, 2006
i have a user form with 4 combo boxes and one text box. what i've tried to do is make it so that if the month combo box reads january, then all of the info is placed in a worksheet called january. at the moment it is putting all the info inputted into one sheet. if some one could take a peek at the code below.
If cbomonth.Value = January Then
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Or IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)) Or IsEmpty.....................
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Jul 18, 2012
My drop downs are simple yes/no/NA witht a down arrow apprearing to the right. Works fine for all users except one troublemaker who for some reason sees the text and arrow as a mirrored, upside down image. It's not rotated to be upside down, it's mirrored so if you turned your monitor upside down you'd see the letters in the words backwards as if looking in a mirror. We're both on Excel 2007.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have 2 dropdown lists.
The 1st shows the portfolio list and the 2nd one should display project names based on the portfolio selection in Dropdown1.
My data resides in another sheet where Column B is the Portfolio list,Column C project list and Column D to X some data related to the project.
I have to give cell link reference to the project selected in dropdown 2 so that the other values in the dashboard changes based on a vlookup formula.
I have attached the sample sheet for reference with some dump values.
Dashboard sample.xlsx
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