Text To Columns Macro (to Avoid Out Of Memory Error)

Jul 5, 2009

I am trying to convert cells (all in column D) which are separated by "~" into columns. Unfortunately, running the text to columns command on several rows at a time can cause Excel to panic with an out of memory error (error #7 etc.).

The file is ~100mb and contains 500k-700k rows (I have 4GB of RAM so I know this is more a limit of Excel's 2GB RAM constraint).

Can you please help me write a macro to text to column convert each cell in column D?

I tried a macro which started with a for loop, and called the function for each cell individually, but even this led to an out of memory exception after 156,000 rows (although the same macro worked fine on a similar sheet with 700,000 rows).

Are there any other ways of clearing the Excel buffer/temporary space during the function calls to avoid causing Excel to crash?

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Clear Rows Vs. Deleting Rows To Avoid #REF! Formula Error - Macro

Jun 9, 2009

I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).

Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.

Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to

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Out Of Memory Error Using A User Form

Jan 22, 2007

I have a userform with about 20 multipage tabs, each of which has quite a few text and combo boxes. My problem is I think I have reached some physical limits for the number of controls on the userform. When I try and add code for the userform I get an "out of memory" error.

I thought I have seen some limits on the length of macro code before, but couldn't find them again. If anyone could let me know the limits on userform controls and the number of VBA lines allowed behind the userform, that would be great.

I have tried to put as much of the code as possible in public subs, but there is still a fair amount of code that is associated with things like the AfterUpdate function and I don't know of any other place to put this code. Please let me know if there is another way to put this code in so I don't run out of room.

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Out Of Memory Error 7 - Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another?

Feb 27, 2014

I am using the below macro to copy the rows (Starting from Row 2 excluding header row) to another sheet (Starting from Row 2 excluding the header row). I have a huge number of rows which i need to copy to the new sheet (crossing 1.5 Lakh records) which is probably causing "Out of Memory Error: 7" to occur when i execute the below code.


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Out Of Memory Error After Previous VBA Code Successfully Finished

Mar 8, 2014

I experience "out of memory" error after previous vba code is successfully finished. So quick "solution" is to restart Excel.

My current PC configuration:
HP Compaq dx7300 Microtower
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
6320 @ 1.86GHz
1.58 GHz, 1,99 GB of RAM

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Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory Error

Aug 20, 2009

I create and delete a conditional formatting rule programmatically. The issue I am facing is when I try to delete the conditional formatting rule that I programmatically created, I ran into the following errors:

1. Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
2. Attempted to read or write protected memory. this is often indication that other memory is corrupt.

I get these errors only when I have user created conditional formatting rules prior to deleting – I don’t want to delete all conditional formatting rules using FormatConditions.Delete(). Further, I can’t use FormatConditions[index].Delete() because I don’t have a index reference for the one that was created from the application.

Note: I have checked the Trust access to the VBA project object model.

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Run Time Error 7: Out Of Memory. Selecting Shapes To Delete

May 24, 2005

i have a macro which is executing some cleaning up and then copying information from project sheets to a summary sheet. the individual project sheets are (currently still manually) copied/moved into the big(ger) overview workbook. to support the work with the individual project sheets they contain a macro that is assigned to some (three) shapes. one part of the cleanup is stripping the macros off the individual project sheets:

' remove the traffic-light macros of the project sheets from all sheets in case of unwanted or uncontrolled "infection"
For CurrentWS = 1 To SheetCount
Selection.OnAction = ""
Worksheets(CurrentWS). Range("A1").Select
Next CurrentWS

on the line "ActiveSheet.Shapes.SelectAll" i get frequently (not always... ) a run time error '7': out of memory. it happens on at least two computers. i closed all other SW. according to the windows task manager information there should be plenty of memory free.

- how to get rid of the error message? OR:
- is there another (more smart) way to strip the ("imported") macros, while keeping the "main" marco alive that does not lead to an error message?

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Solver: An Expected Internal Error Occurred, Or Available Memory Was Exhausted

Dec 29, 2006

I have a macro that does a solver routine. I have another macro that runs this solver, then copies and pastes new inputs, then runs the solver, then copies the results and pastes them somewhere, then copies new inputs, etc. It is a long process and it worked fine a few days ago. Now when I run it, about 90% of the way through and then excel crashes. The error says:

Solver: An expected internal error occurred, or available memory was exhausted.

What can I do?

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Compile Error: Invalid Use Of Object: Releasing Variable From Memory

Oct 19, 2006

I'm having trouble releasing a String variable from Memory...

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Missing References VBA Fix (to Avoid Compile Error)

Nov 3, 2009

I have an excel database which links into Outlook and Word via macros to automate sending of e-mails and creating documents, etc. Obviously, I have created the correct VBA references and things have been working fine for a while.

However, this is a shared workbook over a small number of machines and due to a recent upgrade, one of the machines is running Vista and Office 2007, whereas the rest run Office 2000 and NT.

All works well until the workbook is opened and saved on the Office 2007 machine as this then changes all the references to Word 12, Outlook 12, etc, instead of Word 9 as seen in Office 2000. Then, when an office 2000 machine opens the workbook, it has a compile error as it cannot find the office 12 references!!

I have created some code to fix this, which uses the AddFromGuid method, which works ok, e.g.:

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Formula To Avoid Compile Syntax Error

Sep 30, 2011

One of the formulas list whether or not an item is available or not. But when I try create a similar formula to indicate whether the item should be displayed or not I only end up with it being always displayed.

Option Explicit

Sub Reformat()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim iRow As Long

For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

[Code] .......

what would be the correct format?

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Avoid Error When Sheet Doesn't Exist

Sep 21, 2007

I run a macro to change many features on an excel sheet. I'm trying to include a command that searches for an excel sheet and if not found to skip over that command and proceed to search for the next sheet. If the second sheet is included, then to proceed in running the following code for that specific page.

1) Search if sheet is included
2) if no to sheet exisiting, then proceed to search for next sheet.
3) if yes to sheet existing, then run the code below.

and so on..........

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Count Blank Cells To Avoid Runtime Error 1004

Mar 10, 2013

I got a macro connected to a button that select empty cells within a range and fill them with the value above. The code looks like this:

Range("A1:A10").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).Select
Selection.Resize(, 4).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

[Code] .......

If you press the button twice you will get run-time error 1004 becuase Excel can't find any empty cells.

I want a function that counts blank cells before running the macro. If there are no blanks I don't want to execute the macro. That is to avoid run-time error 1004.

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Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Of 33554432 Bytes Exhausted, Saving Without Macros 2007

Jun 16, 2009

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/eforum/public_html/search.php on line 1155. I have following macro, what worked just fine in 2003. Now I'm working with 2007 and I can't set up the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library. Here's the

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Macro Memory Overload

Dec 15, 2007

it crashes after one or two macro-plays and you are forced to restart Excel. With a 7MB file, this can cause some frustration due to the time it takes to load the file.

The tool is used to make graphs, and my code works with an umbrella macro that " loops" through a main macro depending on the number of graphs the user wants. From the error messages, I am guessing that the causes are either my userforms or my variables (I try to release them, but not sure if I am doing it right), but either way, I just want it to stop crashing.

Here is the code (I didn't include all of the side macros due to sheer length. I can if need be...):

Public comp As String
Public mega As String
Public custom As String
Public total As String
Public floored As String
Public PPName As String
Public SScreen As Boolean
Public multiG As Boolean
Public multipp As Boolean
Public one As Boolean
Public two As Boolean
Public three As Boolean
Public four As Boolean
Public five As Boolean
Public six As Boolean
Public seven As Boolean
Public eight As Boolean

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Formula To Handle 5 Fields Of Data To Avoid Creating Extra Columns?

Nov 27, 2009

I am inputting 5 variables in columns A through E:

Family (Y/N)
Adult (1/0)
Child (1/0)
Date of Birth

I am attempting to generate:

Age Males in families sorted into age brackets
Age Females in families sorted into age brackets
Age Males single sorted into age brackets
Age Females single sorted into age brackets

I did this rather simplistically generating 4 columns (F through I) and then using COUNTIF (although I know there is a better way than the lame way I used COUNTIF but that is not the point right now).

However, my question is, can I generate the data described above (located in D13:I22 on my spreadsheet) without going through the messy, cumbersome step of creating extra columns?

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Macro Gradually Uses Up All Of Memory And Slows Down?

Mar 24, 2013

I have written this macro which I run about 1000 times in a loop. It runs solver and copies the results to a row in my spreadsheet so i end up with a sheet of solver results.

The problem is that every time it runs it eats up memory and slows down. I timed it and the first 100 runs take about 2 minutes and the last 100 takes about 15 minutes, the ram use increases by about 4gb in that time too.

As this is the first VBA code I have written and I have been learning as I go along, I assume its something I have done wrong in the code.

Sub run()
' run Macro
' run solver


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Free Memory As Macro Running

Aug 18, 2007

I have a macro that is performing a lot of string comparisons and sorting out a lot of unformatted data using a loops and instr calls and passing results into arrays to store in a database. The macro works flawlessly, however as the macro runs, over time is gets slower and slower until its barely moving 10% as fast as it was to start.

I run the macro in a separate windows session so I can continue working w/o the macro affecting other excel related tasks I work on. I can tell the computer begins to slow down as the macro runs. Is their any way to clear the system memory while the macro is running, maybe every 5 minutes or something?

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How To Avoid Replace From Changing The Datatype From Text To General

Apr 18, 2013

I am trying to find a way of replacing a whole amount of data, over 1000 items, initially each cell contains this >>> 056001 Not Set, I am trying to remove 'Not Set', but the big problem I am facing is that Excel also removes the leading 0 or zeroes, when it finishes removing ... I tried several things, like changing the column to Text, and then paste the data from another column, because I read the Text format is preserved, nothing, as soon as the column is pasted it changes back to General, if I change it back to Text again, and then apply a Search and Replace, each cell is changed to 56001, which is not what I intended, the only way I have seen it works is if I manually remove the string, then it works and is changed into the text format and number as text, as I intended to

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Avoid Copy And Paste - Copying Text Not Values

Mar 22, 2012

I have the following script to copy values from one sheet to another, is there a text version of this script, to copy text rather than values without having to copy and paste.


Sheets("WS2").Range("A1:a65000").Value = Sheets("WS1").Range("a1:A65000").Value

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How To Append Sequential Number To A Text String To Avoid Duplicates

Jun 12, 2014

Is there a formula that will add a number, in sequence, to the end of a text string to avoid duplicates?

I need to generate an ID number for transactions. This ID number is the Account Code-Last Two #s of the Year-Unique 3-Digit Number. So for instance, 5022-14-001 means it is the first transaction from account 5022 in the year 2014.

Column A has the Account Codes. Column B has the date of the transaction in MM/DD/YYYY format. So far the formula I have is:


With ???? being some function or set of nesting functions I need to create the sequential number. It needs to be able to say "Okay, this is the third instance of there being a 5022-14, so we need to stick -003 at the end of this."

Additionally, this "003" needs to be frozen, so if we change how the sheet is sorted and the line item moves around, it will still always be "003".

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Avoid Printing Macro Buttons?

Feb 17, 2009

I have an excel spread sheet set up with a button I created (a colored rectangle with text) that has been asigned a macro. When I print this spread sheet I do not want the 'button' to print on the page.

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Avoid Sheet Flipping When Run Macro

Oct 15, 2011

I have the following macro

Sub UpdataMainTables()
' UpdataMainTables Macro
Sheets(" Table ").Select
Sheets("Main Data").Range("B2:B1048576").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _
, CopyToRange:=Range("B2"), Unique:=True

[Code] ......

I have 2 questions

First one about avoid the movement of this macro, as you can see it starts at one sheet but the job is in other sheet when i run it it goes to the second sheet to do the job,, how i can avoid showing the movement.

Second question about th last part of the macro,, it most replace words with no thing,, if these words are not available it givs me alert,, how i can eliminate this alert.

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Run-Time Error "7" Out Of Memory

Sep 14, 2009

I am running an auto_open macro in an Excel 2007 workbook that is kicked off remotely by a job on an AS400. This process is run multiple times during the day, one right after another. I am experiencing with some of the jobs the "Out of Memory" error condition.

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Macro Code Error To Paste Text

May 3, 2007

I've created a form and would like to use a macro to transfer the form information details (form) from an intermediate worksheet (database intermediate) to the main database worksheet (database).

So far I've only been able to record a simple macro that will do just that. However, when I click on my assigned macro again, the information is washed away and the new form details have replaced it. Been trying to use the x1down coding to make it such that each new data goes onto the subsequent line? But I can't seem to get it right without getting an error message.

I've attached the file to give you a better picture,

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Macro - Hold View And Avoid Confirm Delete Message

Feb 11, 2009

1. I can't remember it, but I know there is a command so that the view hold and that the selected tabs and cells does not show and the same view remains until the "unhold" is called in the macro. THEN the view is updated. What is this command again? Could not find it...

2. The macro needs to delete tabs at the click of a button (easy part) but for each deletion, a message appear:

Data may exist in the sheet selected for deletion. To permanently delete this data, press Delete. Is there a way to prevent the message from popping out when the macro is executed?

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Text To Columns :: Macro To Split Text

Jun 17, 2008

I am trying to write a micro code to split text which is copied into cell A1 into columns. I can do this fine by going to "data" the "text to Columns" and selecting the places i want to split the text (this is the same for every piece of data i copy in).

The macro works perfectly every time. the problem is that the spreadsheet is shared and i want to protect certain cells on the sheet, when i protect the sheet the recorded macro does not work as the "data", "text to columns" is not available in a protected workbook.

I was just wondering if someone could help me, so i can run a macro to split the text which also allows me to protect cells. In the "text to column" option the "fixed width" (column breaks) i choose are: 4, 25, 34 and 43.

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Handle Find Macro Error When Text Is Not Found

Mar 1, 2008

I have the following macro which I've pieced together which works great at clearing the cell as long as the text entered by the user is found in the specified column.

Unfortunately I'm a big rookie with this stuff and I can't figure out how to handle the process/error when an entered value is not found. When ChosenRow returns with a 0 I get a Run time error '91', Object Variable or With Block variable not set.

The code...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
oldSheet$ = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim ChosenRow As Long
Dim loc As Variant
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With UserForm4
loc = .TextBox1.Text
End With
With ActiveWorkbook
End With

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Create Text File - Runtime Error 91

Jun 18, 2012

When I am running a macro in excel 2003/windows 7 and trying to create a text file, it is giving this error. I am attaching two pictures.

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Text To Columns Macro

Sep 12, 2007

First of all i have to mention that i'm not a coder guy so excuse me if i'm no good in explaining the problem.

What i'm trying is to convert texts into columns. I constantly have an email containing short codes about my business and each code has a special meaning. So i need to convert these codes and lookup in my database. Here is an example of the source file in email.

V * AIRFLPAC * EC-REG * L405A71 * R690A71 * LNGTUR
V * ESH-LEFT * UDFP * 4*2 * TRACTOR CONC-BAS............

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