I used to have a ton of experience with Java and C# but now my job calls for VB scripts in excel. Probably an assignment error or logic error but here's the ....
i m doing is i have two workbooks "New Dashboard" and "Book1". I search column A in Book1 for HELLO, and then i use the row it was found in to grab a value "HrsVal". I take that value and i put it "New Dashboard". I then do the same for every sheet. It seems to fail in my second loop in the 2nd sheet. Error says "Overflow".
1. If column D422 is greater then 9,750 then multiply D422 by 10% and then floor it to the nearest 100. But what I am trying to do is;
If D422 is between 9,750 and 9,999 then multiply it by 10% then ceiling it to the nearest 100 which would be 1,000. But if it is equal to or greater the 10,000 then multiply it by 10% then floor it to the nearest 100. So the minimum 10% returned should be 1,000.
Say i got a figure 9.9218. If written "=floor(9.9218,0.0625)", the result i would get is 9.875. However, if the formula was written with the CEILING function, I would get 9.9375.
Now here's the fun part. Is it possible to combine the FLOOR and CEILING function codes into one complete function, where it could determine whether 9.9218 is closer to 9.9375 than 9.875?
The following was taken from my decimal equivalent chart, at spaces of .0156:
I have the following calculation that I use to determine if a price is outside of a floor or ceiling, if it is outside of the range it uses either the floor or ceiling price
the formula is in cell G71 F13 is the total quantity E76 is the ceiling price of $15.00 F76 is the floor price of $7.50 G76 is the calculated price of ($6.21)
In this case the floor of $7.50
I would like to modify the formula to where if you input N/A (or something else) that it will give a result of $0. I do not want to put a zero in the cells for the floor and ceiling price because it will give me a result of $0.
I have a value in a cell that is to one decimal place. I need to round this value to the nearest 0.5 multiple up or down which ever is closer. The value in cell A1 reads 6.6, therefore rounding I want the cell to read 6.5 If the value in A1 is closer to 6 say 6.2 I want the cell to read 6.0
I have a search spreadsheet where I click a button, and an input box appears where I put a car reg in, and it searches a different sheet, returning results on the row the reg belongs in.
I've had a slight change in spec. I now need the same function to work, but instead of an input box.. I want the user to type the reg in a text box that is already on the sheet, and then click a search button to retrieve the results.
Is there anyway to easily amend the following code to get there?
I have a simple function defined in one of my worksheets (Sheet1):
Function AddFuel(fuel As String) MsgBox fuel End Function
How would I be able to call this from a form button event?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheet1.AddFuel(TextBox1) End Sub
Everytime I try running this code I receive the error: Run-time error '1004'; Application-defined or, Object-defined error. I've even tried Application.Run("Sheet1.AddFuel", TextBox1) but still no luck. I think this is a pretty common question but I couldn't find any answer to it on the forums.
I am attempting to format some TextBoxes from within a For/Next loop. I need a way to check which TextBox is the active TextBox in the loop. Using i as the variable, I came up with this code snippet: Me.Controls("TB" & i).Text = Format("TB" & i, "mm/dd/yy")
If i = 3, this gives me in TextBox3 (which is called TB3) the text 'TB3' and not the value of what is in TB3. It has got to bo something simple, I just can't see it!!!
I'm running into an overflow stack with a fairly large MACRO program. Will chopping the VBA MACRO into call routines reduce the stack size of the MACRO?
i am experiencing runtime error '6': overflow on one computer but not on another computer when it is the exact same file running on two different computers.
I have a sub that takes the value in 2 textboxes and creates a profit margin in another textbox. It's a simple sub but it keeps returning the overflow error, and I can't figure out how to fix it.
Here is what the sub says that is causing the overflow:
Sub FindNetProfitMargin() UserForm2.tbProfitNetProfitMargin.Value = Val(Mid(UserForm2.tbTotalContractPrice2.Value, 2)) / Val(Mid(UserForm2.tbProfitNetProfit.Value, 2)) End Sub
I declare a bunch of variables and arrays, mostly longs and doubles, then run a DLL. After that, I redim one of my arrays (2D) to the right size and try to fill in some values. The array is a double and the values are less than one million. On the first element the code breaks and throws an overflow error.
If I choose "Debug", I can then click continue and it finishes just fine as if there was no error. I can see in the debugger that the array is sized properly, has the correct type, etc. I have no idea what could be wrong here. Could it be a memory problem?
I'm experiencing a overflow error in Excel VBA. The operation that causes this problem is (I have very long for loop, but that is correct only this following sentence is causing the problem):
whenever i run my code below that states "Runtime error '6' Overflow". At debug, the affected statement is " Cells(x + 1, 12) = Cells(x + 1, 11) / Cells(x + 1, 8) ". Can anybody help me with this error ?
Sub QQQQ() Dim v As Long, x As Integer, k As Variant Dim arr(0 To 100, 0 To 100) As Variant
I have a very serious problem with my excel and TRUNC function. I have created a spreadsheet to show whether a number is divisible by other number or not. If it is, excel would display 0. when it is not I'd expect something like 0,12123. (the number should never be bigger than 1). The formula I use is:
I have read the other posts on here and swapped, Dim timeinc As Interger to Dim timeinc As Long and Dim timeinc As Double but neither worked. They both make the calculation 0 and I can not figure out why. This macro has worked before and is failing only on this new dataset which I have attached as well.
I am solving this problem on a PC and the macro was built for a Mac but I do not think that should change much as when I run it on a Mac it fails the same
I have a script that usually runs, but all of a sudden gives me a run-time error 6: Overflow error. Basically I'm searching for certain criteria and copying or cutting and pasting lines from one sheet to another. Why I'm getting the error by the code below?
Sub teal() Dim i As Long Dim qq As Long Dim assignmentnum As Long[code]......
I worked a while on getting a macro to do what I needed in VBA. I am sure it is not the most efficient way of doing it, but its all I know. The only problem I am now encountering is getting an "Overflow" error and I can not fix it.
Sub CodeRateChange() 'Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+t
'Vlookup of PC to get PG Sheets("CODE").Select For I = 1 To 1000 If Left(Cells(I, 1), 1) = "P" Then Cells(I, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Cells(I, 1), Range("Hierarchy"), 2, False) End If Next I 'Calculate Base Sales Dollars Sheets("CODE").Select For I = 1 To 1000 If Left(Cells(I, 1), 1) = "P" Then Cells(I, 39) = (Cells(I, 3) * Cells(I, 15)) Cells(I, 40) = (Cells(I, 4) * Cells(I, 16))....................
I've been contracted some work and I was asked to add an additional metric on the report summary page. I have completed adding metric, tested it, and everything works fine. I was asked to put the code I worked on into an updated copy and thats where I get this "Run Time Error 6 - OverFlow" error message. The only difference between the two files is that the data worksheet (where the Summary page gets the info) in the new file has 100 more row of data. I understand that the code may be stuck in a loop, but what would cause this?
A little background on what the file does. Every month the user enters the publication name, whether it is a color or black or white ad, and the size of the ad. The macro then summerizes the data onto a different worksheet (similar to what the results of a pivot table would give you), calculating the revenue for each publicaton (based on b/w x rate + color x rate). The file worked fine until I replaced the old data with the new data.
I am currently trying to develop a code for calculating the value of an asian option using a binomial tree... In running the macro I get a run-time error 6 - overflow message. I have put the code below. note that the code is still under construction - in order to check it I have put in some hard-coded figures. Of course, these should be calculated in the model eventually. The bug is in calculating the "InterO1" value ...
Sub bereken_asian_call() sig = Sheets("Sheet1"). Range("B1").Value T = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Value N = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B3").Value r = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B7").Value div = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B8").Value S = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B12").Value K = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b13").Value alpha = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B14").Value Dim St() As Double Dim F() As Double Dim O() As Double Dim NewAv1() As Double Dim NewAv2() As Double Dim Ffut1() As Double Dim Ffut2() As Double Dim Ffut3() As Double Dim Ffut4() As Double Dim den1() As Double Dim den2() As Double Dim InterO1() As Double Dim InterO2() As Double dt = T / N u = Exp(sig * Sqr(dt)) d = 1 / u pu = (Exp(dt * r) - d) / (u - d)................