Reference Userform Controls In Public Module

Jan 9, 2007

I located combobox on userfom and don't see it in the module.

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Reference UserForm Controls In Loop

Nov 17, 2006

I have a userform with fields (TextBoxes) Num1, Num2, Num3, Num5 and Num5

I also have an array which i have looped through and seeded with five values.

Now when I try and loop again and pass the values from the array to each of the textboxes I cant remember the syntax to reference the textbox using the loop variable - Num(var). I've experimented with the & symbol but it escapes me at the moment !

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Reference To Controls On UserForm Causes Crash

Feb 4, 2008

I have a fairly big excel spreadsheet with about 2 userforms at the moment. One Userform (the main one) has a multipage control with about 12 pages. Now here is the weird part. I open up the excel document and this main user form loads up simply with this code

Sub Auto_Open()
Load Userform1
End Sub

This works fine the form loads. Now on this form there is a multipage control with about 12 pages as mentioned above. Now everything works the way I want it to eg the text boxes, combo boxes, command buttons etc all work and link with the worksheets fine just the way they should...But if I reference or try to use a couple of the controls in any way excel crashes. It doesn't give any errors or anything it just crashes and then I get a prompt saying do you want to send the error report blah blah. I have narrowed it down to 3 command buttons and 1 combo box so far that this happens on. If I do the most basic of commands on any of these controls such as something as simple as msgbox problemcombobox.visible...

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Number Variable To Reference UserForm Controls

Mar 31, 2008

I have a sub that I need to call multiple times. I'm trying to figure out if there is a better way to do this rather than write out the call each time:

AYForm = "UserForm2.txtAYMonths" & i
AYPForm = "UserForm2.txtAYPercent" & i
SummerForm = "UserForm2.txtSummerMonths" & i
SummerPForm = "UserForm2.txtSummerPercent" & i
JobForm = "UserForm2.cboJobClass" & i
NameForm = "UserForm2.txtName" & i

For i = 1 To 15
Call FormatAY((AYForm), (AYPForm), (SummerForm), (SummerPForm), (JobForm), (NameForm))

' Call FormatAY(UserForm2.txtAYMonths & i, UserForm2.txtAYPercent & i, UserForm2.txtSummerMonths & i, _
' UserForm2.txtSummerPercent & i, UserForm2.cboJobClass & i, UserForm2.txtName & i)
Next i

the sub FormatAY has six arguments; 5 textboxes and 1 combobox. Since the names of these items are the same except for a number (example UserForm2.cboJobClass1, UserForm2.cboJobClass2, UserForm2.cboJobClass3 etc...), I wanted to write a for loop and use a variable to represent the last number. Is this even possible? The couple of ways that I have tried this, I get either a member not found, or ByRef error.

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Reset All Public Variables In A Module

Aug 6, 2009

Is tere a way to reset all public variables in a module. I have a number of sub routines withing the same module and need to carry a variable from one to another so I have decalared tham as public variables.

This works fine except for an instance when I expect the variable to be empty (because nothing has yet been assigned to it) when in fact it contains the value that was assigned to last time another sub was run. So I suppose what I need is a way to reset all the variables in the module when a particular sub ends

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Call Public Function From Class Module

May 25, 2006

I have written a public function inside a class module. Is there anyway I could call the public function in Excel? What is the exact syntax to do it?

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Class Module Change Event For Controls

Nov 20, 2006

I have a class module (MyCtrlEvents) with a sub (TxtGroup_Change) which I want to handle on a change event for some specific textboxes.

When the form is opening I don't get the correct sum for the textbox "TBSum601". It should be 200 but I get 14464

When I then also change a number in the form for any control like "TB7%", the change trigger event doesn't seem to occur....

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Using Class Module For Handling Events Of Dynamically Created Controls

Mar 4, 2009

I have a userform with a single blank multipage. At runtime additional pages are added, the number of pages depends on input from another userform. Six frames, containing labels, textboxes and comboboxes are then added to each page.

I need to be able to use the textbox and combobox change events of these dynamically created controls to perform lookups and calculations. Although I can name the controls at the time they are created, it is not feasible to write code specifically for each control (I can have over 1,600 text boxes distributed over 9 pages, for example).

Having searched for some time on how to achieve this I believe using a class module is the way to go. However, how to use a class module is just not sinking in I'm afraid.

HTML Private WithEvents mpTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Private WithEvents mpComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mpTextBox = MSForms.TextBox
Set mpComboBox = MSForms.ComboBox
End Sub

Private Sub mpComboBox_Change()
MsgBox "ComboBox value has been changed."
End Sub...........................................

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Public Variable Loosing Reference

Mar 14, 2008

I've got the following code, setting up and initializing a Public variable for a sheet, but I've found that it's has no value after the Auto_Open is run,
though it works fine in the procedure Auto_Open calls.

I can get around it by reSetting it in the module I need it in,
but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a Public variable:

code in Module1

Public parSheet As Worksheet

Sub Auto_Open()

Set parSheet = Worksheets("Params")
Call Initialization.BuySellInit

End Sub

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Userform Not Passing Through 1 Particular Public Variable?

Aug 20, 2014

I have a userform that is called within a sub in module. I declared a public string, "divisonb", in the module. When the userform's ok button is clicked, I define the public string through a "select case" method.

At the end of the private sub for the ok button click I have this:


a message box comes up with the correct string for divisonb. After the sub ends and it returns to the module I have the following:

[Code] ....

When this message box pops up, it is blank. Somehow, divisonb was redifined as blank within that 2 lines of code. All my other public strings are returned to the module with their correct values.

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Pass Userform To Public Sub Procedure

Feb 15, 2010

I have a userform that has a number of cascading comboboxes, however i wish to use the same cascading feature in a number of other userforms. So what i am trying to achive is calling the cascading element from a public macro, to do this i need to pass the userform name to the procedure. The snippet of code i am using is:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then
myform = Me.Name
Call Cascade1(myform)
End If
End Sub

ub Cascade1(myform)
myform.Label2.Visible = True
myform.ComboBox2.Visible = True
myform.ComboBox2.RowSource = Range(myform.ComboBox1.RowSource).Cells(myform. ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, 1)
End Sub

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UserForm Variables In Public Modules

Jan 13, 2008

I make a userform called Option and now i want to call some of the variables of the userform in a module. First i try to copy this variables in a cell with the next

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = Me.MediaP.Value

and it works. But now, i want to call to MediaP in a module. For do that I try to do this:

With Worksheets("Hoja2")
.Range("B1").Value = Option.MediaP.Value

but it doesn't work. I don't want to use public variables or copy/use the information of the cell(2,3), i only want to know how use the information on the textbox called MediaP in a module.

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Losing Public Variable When Submitting Userform

Jan 29, 2009

I have an Excel 07 spreadsheet containing multiple tabs, modules, and userforms.
In Module1, I have a public variable declared as boolean - will call it X. When X is selected from a combo box in Userform 1, X is set to TRUE. However I've noticed that when the user enters Userform 2, X is somehow set to FALSE.

I can't set it back to TRUE at that point because more often than not, it SHOULD be FALSE, thereby sending the macro down a different path. Any idea how I can retain the "TRUE" value for X. I've tried changing the Public Variables to Global, but am still having the problem.

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Declaring Public 2 Dimensional Array In Userform

Apr 22, 2014

i'm trying to develop an array that is populated when a userform is activated. The userform has a command button that when pressed, will cross check the information filled out in the userform with the entries in the array. If there are no matches then the array is ReDim and the new information is added to the array. Once all the entries have been made. The array is then transposed to a sheet titled "Database". My problem is that vba is not allowing me declare a public array.Below is the first part of the code. Which is when the userform is activated.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Sheets("Resources")
cbZIP.List = .Range("A2", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBED.List = .Range("B2", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBATH.List = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbSTABRV.List = .Range("G2", .Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
End With


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Pass Variables From Userform To Public Procedures

Nov 17, 2007

When working in an userform, and you call another sub routine within the userform, will all variables passed automatically be byref (no way to do byval?)?

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Reference Webpage Controls

Sep 3, 2007

I am using excel vba to control IE page with a variety of forms / inputs .

Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate (URL)
Call ie_wait(ie)
ie.Document.all.loginID.Value = USERNAME
ie.Document.all.PASSWORD.Value = PASSWORD
ie.Document.forms(1).submit 'login

I am trying to control a drop down box in a HTML page

<select name="attv_39721_5004" onchange="executeRules(this, '39721', '5004', 'attv_', 'Choose...')">
<option value="0">Choose...</option>
<option value="8140">1</option>
<option value="8141">2</option>
<option value="8142" selected="selected" >3</option>

and i will normally use

ie.Document.all.attv_39721_5004.SelectedIndex = newS

The problem is the unique name for the html select drop-down box changes always!! i.e. it may not always be "attv_39721_5004"

Thus I am not able to use the above method. Does anyone have a different method to changing this values?

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Reference Array Elements From All Module & Procedures

Mar 4, 2008

I am trying to figure out a method for calling the ith number in an array that was defined in another function. The mean function is working and the result is (1 x variables) array. Then, I want to use that array in the sdev function. I am having trouble pulling the ith number from the mean function. Also, is there a way to make variables constant so that they do not need to be declared for every function.

Sub stats()
periods = Range("periods")
variables = Range("variables")
Redim X(periods, variables) As Double
Redim uX(variables) As Double
Redim sdX(variables) As Double
'Load Data
For i = 1 To variables
For t = 1 To periods
X(t, i) = Cells(4 + t, 2 + i)
'Calculate Mean (run 'mean' function')
uX() = mean(X)................................

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Access UserForm Controls From Another UserForm

Jul 2, 2007

I am trying to change the property value of all optionbuttons on userform1 via userform2's deactivate event

Private Sub UserForm2_Deactivate()
If userform1.Controls = OptionButton Then
Value = False
End If
End Sub

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Run Module Through Userform

Dec 21, 2012

I have created an Excel Add-in to create the Text file. I want to create the text file through select sheet from userform.

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How Do You Run A Module From A Userform

Oct 24, 2009

I have been trying many different commands to run a module from a userform, but nothing is working. I'm sure it's possible, right?

Basically, I'm trying to run modules based on a selection made via a listbox.

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Getting Variable From Module To Userform

Feb 21, 2014

I got some codes defined as below and I want use a userform for and checking the process. If ı could use variable "i " in userform, my codes would work.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range

' The variable KeyCells contains the cells that will
' cause an alert when they are changed.

Set KeyCells = Range("E3:P36")

[Code] ......

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Open UserForm From Module

Oct 25, 2012

I have a Sub() in a module that sends an email to address that it retrieves from a spreadsheet.

See portion of code below

HTML Code:
vaRecipient = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Please add the name of the recipient such as:" & vbCrLf _
& " or just the Staff ID.", _
Title:="Recepient", Default:=Range("I" & vaRow).Value)
Loop While vaRecipient = ""

[Code] .......

This is basically showing 3 popup boxes one after the other to verify each address,

Is it possible to either have it show an input box with 3 fields or ( what I'm currently trying) is to show a Userform . I have tried but it isnt working.

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UserForm & Its Module In 1 Screen

Nov 2, 2006

if its possible to have the VBA object on one screen and the VBA code on another?

I can have the spreadsheet on one and the editor on another but carnt get it to work with the objects and code.

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Excel 2003 :: VBA / Reference ActiveX Controls In A Cell

Oct 12, 2011

In VBA (Excel 2003), I'm wanting to get a reference to an ActiveX comboBox that is inside/attached to a cell.

I can iterate thru all the OLEObjects in the OLEObjects collection of the Worksheet and test the .TopLeftCell property to see if it matches my target cell. However, this seems like a long way around the problem - particularly if there's hundreds of comboboxes in the sheet.

Intuitively, I would have thought there would be a Cell.OLEObjects collection, but it appears that there isn't.

Is there a quicker and easier way to get a reference to the OLEObjects within a target cell?

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Name Conflicts With Existing Module, Project Or Object Library. Adding Reference

Oct 5, 2007

In a workbook made in Excel 2003, I have the following for a UserForm:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date
End Sub

I copied this workbook to a computer with Excel 2007 and it bombs out at "Date"
It comes up with a compile error, "Can't find project or library"

In the references window (Tools, References) it has the "Missing: Ref Edit Control" checked and the location at the bottom of this window states "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice11REFEDIT.DLL".

The reference to Office11 is from the computer with Office 2003 as the computer with Office 2007 has Office12.

There is another "Ref Edit Control" in the References window and when I check it and browse to the Office12 folder, highlight REFEDIT.Dll and click on open and in the references window on OK it comes up with "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library". I have tried to delete the "Missing: Ref Edit Control", change the priority and change the reference in the missing control to Office12 but all to no avail.

How can I change the reference to the Ref Edit Control from Office11 to Office12?

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Setfocus From Module To Userform Control

Jan 1, 2009

I have a project with many textboxes on different forms. On some of the textbox_exits on some of the forms, I call a standard module that checks what the user has input. If the user needs to change the input, a msgbox appears to inform the user the info needs to be changed.

I have tried to use ControlSource, Name etc., But I cannot seem to setfocus back onto which ever textbox the input needs to be changed. I think it has something to do wih the _exit event, but not sure.

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Receive String From Module To Userform

Jan 25, 2013

I have created a search all sheets function in VB in excel in a Module. All results are populated to a listbox in a userform.

What I want to do is, as soon as I select 1st result in the listbox, it must Jump to cell where the result was found.

If need be, I can mail you the excel sheet.

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Transfer Userform Variable To Module?

Jun 12, 2013

i have a userform where when i initialize i load my combo box with a range

I have a variable which = combo box value

Sub cmd click()
myval = cbo.value
unload me
End sub

How can i use or pass this variable to my standard module i.e

Sub test()
myevent = myval
end sub

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VBA / How To Use Variable In Userform Declared In Module

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to use some code similar to what i have used in one of my Modules in a Userform (The module calls this userform)

I have declared a few variables in the module:

Public LastRow As Long
Public TabLen() As Integer
Public AHUArray() As String
Public ArrayDim As Integer

and i want to try and use them in a userform (i call the userform through an bit of code that usures that the other subs that assign values to the variables have been used so there should be values in the variables??i think?)

i get to this line in my userform

TabPos = TabPos + TabLen(i)

this is the first line that requires a value to be in the array and it errors: Subscript out of range

I just want a few variable that are used in a module to be available in other modules and userforms.

EDIT:the (i) is decalred in this sub within the userform. A thought occurs, the sub in the userform is a private sub, might that effect it?Also, explain Sub vs Private Sub vs Public Sub?, im new to this! the sub that fils the arrays in the module is just Sub SubName_Click()

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Can OnTime Execute Sub In UserForm Module

Aug 26, 2008

I have a splash screen (user form) which displays fo a number of seconds. The UserForm_Activate routine uses Application.OnTime to run the KillSplash subroutine, which is defined in Module1. Thing is, I would like to move the "KillSplash" routine to the UserForm module. What should be the full name of KillSplash I need to pass to OnTime? What "trick" do I use to make "KillSplash" visible to Application.OnTime?

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