Using COUNTIF To Return The Sum Of Dates That Fall Within A Month/Year Range..
Jan 20, 2010
I want to use a COUNTIF to return the sum of all the dates that fall within a given month/year. For example: E1 Contains the date July-2009
Column A has date entries such as July 3, 2009, July 18, 2009, August 4 2009. In F1 I want to return the sum of all dates that fall within the month of E1.
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Jul 10, 2009
I want to create a function that will check 2 user input dates (and anything in between) to see if it lies in a defined tax year. I will define the tax year in Cells A1: 6/4/2009 and A2: 5/4/2010 and ask the user to input dates in Cells B1 and B2 to check if any of these dates (or anything in between) falls between A1 and A2.
For example: Tax Year is 6th April 2009 - 5th April 2010, Cell A1 is 6/4/2009 and A2 is 5/4/2010. User inputs 2nd March 2009 in Cell B1 and 10th May 2009 in B2. Because the 10th May falls in the tax year the output should be "True". I can Excel to check one user defined number (Cell B1) using this =IF(AND (B1>=A1,B1<=A2),"Yes","No") but not sure which route to take to check 2 numbers B1 & B2 and anything in between.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have items arriving on certain dates (the dates are listed in column N)
In the cell to the right of each month, I want to have a formula that will count the dated cells in column N that fall under each month.
i.e. In cell B5, next to January, I want to display the total number of cells that contain a date in January (ultimately giving me the number of items that arrive in January) the number would read '5' because there are 5 dates in January that are in the list.
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Feb 2, 2009
Please see the attached xls file so see what I am referring to.
I have shipments that are going to different destinations (rotterdam, austria, london, etc.)
I would like to count the arrival dates in column H that fall under each week's span, but ONLY IF its corresponding value in column F is 'rotterdam'.
Column C contains the ideal numbers that I would like column B's formula to return. I plan on doing this for the entire year, but if someone can some up with a formula, I might be able to modify it for the rest.
Note: This is only an example spreadsheet, I am going to be referencing an external file with much more information on it.
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Nov 21, 2007
I have a workbook with two spreadsheets in it. On the second sheet there is a large table, which column headings are months and years (e.g. Jun-07 Jul-07, Aug-07, Sep-07....). I was trying to write an excel vba code that would search the first row (column headings) to find the current month and year, and copy the corresponding column along with two previous columns (months) to the first sheet. I would like to have a code that will be able to do this in Jan-08, Feb-08, or Jan-09 as well.
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Jul 27, 2014
How do I 'countif' for a particular month of the year?
I have a long list of dates and need to count how many are in January, february etc.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have created a time sheet in excel (see attached) that will be part of the larger workbook that will be linked with other sheets to auto fill in most fields. I am wondering if there is a way for an user to enter a Month and a Year at the top of the page and that in turn automatically fills in the days of the month by week.
So in attached sheet there are 5 boxes representing 5 weeks in a month. So if we used May 2014 as an example I would like to know if there is a way that once May 2014 is entered in up to top that. Excel fills in the dates in Week #1 with under Thursday showing 1st, under Friday showing 2nd as on for the entire month...
So as the month go by all user has to do is state the month and year and excel fills in the weekly dates for each day in month.
Attached File : Time and Attendance.xlsx‎
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Dec 1, 2012
In a sheet I enter the following:
... in A1 a year (say 2012)
... in A2 a month, formatting as "MMM" (JAN, FEB, MAR etc.)
How to automatically get in column A (say from A3) all the dates of the month entered, formatting as "D/M/YYYY" (e.g. 1/1/2012, 2/1/2012/ 3/1/2012, etc.)?
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Mar 6, 2014
I am a memeber of this forum for more than a year, and currently assign into a new assignment which dealing an excel file everyday. We have one excel file for moniroting of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 2,500+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till todate. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this month out of the total numbers of action items.
Is it possible to use the COUNTIF formula to count the number of items in Col C, where Col B contains a date?
2-Jan-13 Closed
2-Jan-13 Closed
5-Jan-13 Closed
19-Feb-13 Closed
16-Feb-13 Closed
22-Feb-13 Closed
2-Mar-14 Closed
5-Mar-14 Closed
8-Mar-14 Closed
10-Mar-14 Closed
15-Mar-14 Closed
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Apr 23, 2009
I got this problem I can’t solve, maybe it is easy to solve, but I am fairly new to writing functions in excel.
I got a lot of different dates in single column, what I need is to pull the dates if they fall in to the range, from today till 30 days from now.
I understand it calls for array formula.
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Jul 31, 2009
I'm needing a formula that will determine the number of days that fall in a specific month based on a date range. For example, if I have a date range of 10/15/2009 to 01/13/2009, I need the formula to determine the number of days in each month within the range (October has 15 days in the date range; November has 30, December has 31, and January has 13.) I have a large spreadsheet that would be so much easier to manage with such a formula. Currently, my spreadsheet is setup as follows. I need the forumla automatically fill in the number of days under each month.
Stard Date End Date Oct-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Feb-10
10/15/2009 01/13/2009
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Jan 24, 2008
I trying to find a formula to give the difference between two dates in year and month.
For example, the start date is Feb 1 2006 and end date is Jan 1 2008.
The formula should result in 2.11
I tried the following formula from a previous thread but it gives the answer in text but I need it to result in 2.11.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have Month/Year dates in Column A. Eg. A7= Aug-2009.
I need this to be separated as follows:
Cell C7 must only show the month name in full eg. August
Cell E7 must show the year only eg 2009.
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Aug 20, 2007
I am trying to calculate the number of days it takes to complete a project when the project ends in a specific month. If it is July 2007 I want the number of days for each project completed in July 2007. The number of days is not the problem it is reflecting the number when a project takes longer than one month to complete. To add to things the users sometimes have "open" or "00/00/00" in E (for never close).
I have a spreadsheet with dates a project begins in column D and dates the project ends in column E and a start and end date for each month going across rows 1 and 2. When the project starts and ends in the same month life is good and my original formal of greater than and less than the dates (courtesy of this website) is effective. I tried the following formula in F34. Each piece of the formula worked but when I combined it I either broke it or have too many nested formulas.
I created a work around by putting formulas in B and C and row 3 that would answer some of the nested if and working off the results. I was hoping someone might be able to help me make this a little more effecient.
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Mar 13, 2008
If I have a date which is 03/09/2006. How can I create a formulae to abbreviate this. Ie to return 09/2006 (I am english so we have the DD and MM the other way round to you guys in the states).
In other words if an event happens on the third of september 2006 I want a column which classifies that event as september 2006 with NO reference to the day.
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Apr 14, 2014
Attached spreadsheet has the resource names and their date of joinings (Column - F2), now I would like group the date of joinings into Month & Year format. I tried text formula and then converted it back to date format but its giving incorrect results. For ex - Column F2 has 9th Sep -2013, whereas my formula in H2 is showing Sep-2014. Any way to group these dates into months in a simpler way?
Once I have this grouping done, I would like to do a pivot and sort them.
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May 8, 2012
i'd like a formula to change a date to month and year
Column E
11 May 201123 November 201108 July 201103 September 201111 March 201224 December 2011
I've used =Text(e1,"MMM") to pull the month through but would like to include the year too.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have the below find and replace code that is now working. I double checked the syntax and can't find a reason why. The errors I get are Overflow and 400.
'format column with custom date format.
Public Sub formatDate()
Dim charHold As Date
What = m / d / yyyy
repl = yyyymd
Cells.Replace What:=What, Replacement:=repl, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2014
I have a sheet with the following values:
280315 085B 10:24 2R
The '085' is the 85th day of the year. I would like a formula that reads that part of the data, and return the month that day is in, in the "jan", "feb", "mar", etc. format.
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Nov 14, 2011
I am trying to count the number of dates in November - is there a Countif function or Sumproduct function that would return the number of dates in November?
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May 11, 2013
I am trying to count dates from a list using sum product (I found the formula via google) I have plugged it into my spreadsheet but it does not seem to be calculating correctly.
I have attached the spreadsheet too : sumproduct_Error.xlsx
I am expecting a count of all the dates in January 2008 with the formula above.
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Nov 16, 2009
I have a data chart that lists dates in various types of formats, for example:
Jan '10
Jan/Feb '10
I'm trying to figure out a formula that will just pull the month and year no matter what format the dates are in. Based on the above I'm looking for the following results:
1/1/10: Jan 10
1/1/09: Jan 09
Jan: Jan 09
Jan '10: Jan 10
Jan/Feb '10: Jan 10
Jan/Feb: Jan 09
This data is for the entire year so the same applies for all months.
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Jan 21, 2009
formula off here i use all the time relating to finding and sumproducts for specific months and years i.e.
Jan 2008, Dec 2007.. depending on these dates excel searched through a specified range and returned me any values i wanted like No. of occurences, totals, sums etc etc it was a sumproduct formula...
is there any way i could specifiy a date i.e. Jan 2009, which would search column a and return the date /and/or an account number in column b, only if the date was during jan 2009?
The reason i want this is to use a lookup on the account numbers to return specific items of info, but i only need the account numbers if they occurred in specific months which i want to choose.
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Dec 17, 2009
In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?
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May 30, 2007
I want to create a monthly timesheet which contains 9 columns for
(Date, Day, Project no., Activity, Time In, Time Out, Total Hours, OT Hours, Remarks)
I have used IF Function to calculate Total Hours & OT hours automatically. Time IN & Time OUT, Project No., will be entered manually on daily basis.
Weekday function is used in the Day column to return the corresponding day of the date in the Date column.
Name of the Month and Year will be manually entered in the designated cells I3 and I4 respectively.
Now the solution I am looking for is, the dates should be automatically entered in the Date column (in cells A8 to A38) based on the Month & Year entered in cells I3 & I4. Dates of the corresponding month of the year should only be filled in. (If a month is not having 29, 30 or 31st day, the corresponding cells should be left blank. i.e. nothing should be displayed in the corresponding cells). I am looking for some sort of formula to enter in the cells of Date column (A8 to A38) achieve this. I have searched the forum and could not find anything which could at least give me an idea about the kind of function or formula to be used.
Attached here is the time sheet I am trying to create.
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Apr 3, 2014
In cell b2 I have a formula =text(today(),"yyyy") which daisplays todays date as a year, in cell b3 I have =text(today(),"mmmm") which displays todays date current month.
I have a column of Months and Years
January 2014
February 2014 etc
I need todays (current) month and year to indicate in a helper column next to the relevent month and year as a number 1 to use as a reference to return date from the row where the 1 is displayed, I have tried =if(and(b2=a10,b3=b10),1,"")) and it dosent like the fact that the year in the colmuns is entered as standard text, is there any whay to do this?
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Aug 15, 2014
I have a table with columns 'Date', 'Account', 'Sales'.
I need a formula that will give me the given sales for a certain month, for a certain account.
Ive tried various SUMIFS '=SUMIF(Table1[Billing Month],(MONTH(A191)&YEAR(A191) = MONTH(Table1[Billing Month])&YEAR(Table1[Billing Month])),Table1[Net Invoice Value])'
Ive looked at Arrays =SUM(IF(MONTH($A$2:$A$6)=1,$B$2:$B$6,0))
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Aug 20, 2013
How to get only MONTH' YEAR if there is a DATE-MONTH-YEAR in a cell?
A1: 27-July-2012
Answer D1:JULY' 2012
Pl note "' " is suffixed after JULY (the month).
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May 8, 2008
I collect unique prices each day. I am trying to find a way to determine the average of the numbers collected from the 21st of the previous month to the 20th of the current month. This formula will need to calculate for multiple months and years. So for example, I need Feb2008 average-which would be the average of numbers found between Jan21-Feb20, I then need Mar 08 average which would be data from Feb21-Mar20 etc. My spreadsheet is setup with the first column having the dates (ex. 01/01/08, 01/02/08 etc) and the second column containing the value for that particular date ($2.85, $3.00 etc).
As the number of days between the 21st and 20th change each month, I just can't seem to find a way to do it without a whole lot of manual effort.
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Jan 29, 2013
My problem is , I have a date range 21-Feb-2013 till 07-Mar-2013 (Col C2, Col D2 respectively) which is holiday list for a person.
I am trying to pull out the number of working days for that person in the month of Feb which should exclude weekends.
To get the total no. of working days for the month of Feb, I have used the below formula.
This gives me a value of 20 which is correct.
Now I need to find no. of days which fall under the month of FEB from the date range 21-Feb-2013 till 07-Mar-2013 (Col C2, Col D2) which are working days. so that I can subtract that from no. of working days for that month (FEB) to get the no. of working days which the person has actually worked.
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