Check If 2 Dates (or Any Dates In Between) Fall In Tax Year
Jul 10, 2009
I want to create a function that will check 2 user input dates (and anything in between) to see if it lies in a defined tax year. I will define the tax year in Cells A1: 6/4/2009 and A2: 5/4/2010 and ask the user to input dates in Cells B1 and B2 to check if any of these dates (or anything in between) falls between A1 and A2.
For example: Tax Year is 6th April 2009 - 5th April 2010, Cell A1 is 6/4/2009 and A2 is 5/4/2010. User inputs 2nd March 2009 in Cell B1 and 10th May 2009 in B2. Because the 10th May falls in the tax year the output should be "True". I can Excel to check one user defined number (Cell B1) using this =IF(AND (B1>=A1,B1<=A2),"Yes","No") but not sure which route to take to check 2 numbers B1 & B2 and anything in between.
I want to use a COUNTIF to return the sum of all the dates that fall within a given month/year. For example: E1 Contains the date July-2009
Column A has date entries such as July 3, 2009, July 18, 2009, August 4 2009. In F1 I want to return the sum of all dates that fall within the month of E1.
I am trying to calculate the number of days it takes to complete a project when the project ends in a specific month. If it is July 2007 I want the number of days for each project completed in July 2007. The number of days is not the problem it is reflecting the number when a project takes longer than one month to complete. To add to things the users sometimes have "open" or "00/00/00" in E (for never close).
I have a spreadsheet with dates a project begins in column D and dates the project ends in column E and a start and end date for each month going across rows 1 and 2. When the project starts and ends in the same month life is good and my original formal of greater than and less than the dates (courtesy of this website) is effective. I tried the following formula in F34. Each piece of the formula worked but when I combined it I either broke it or have too many nested formulas.
I created a work around by putting formulas in B and C and row 3 that would answer some of the nested if and working off the results. I was hoping someone might be able to help me make this a little more effecient.
I have items arriving on certain dates (the dates are listed in column N)
In the cell to the right of each month, I want to have a formula that will count the dated cells in column N that fall under each month.
i.e. In cell B5, next to January, I want to display the total number of cells that contain a date in January (ultimately giving me the number of items that arrive in January) the number would read '5' because there are 5 dates in January that are in the list.
I have in column A the units, and in B and C the date changes. I want, when I pick a month from the box, that it only picks the IN and OUT date that applies to the month that I picked (per unit). For ex: if I choose Month march, it should show only for unit 19902506 for example: A2 and A5. And not A7 and A11. As March falls in between the Start and End Date. Is that passible? Something with OFFSET? I managed to find the latest known date with the formula =lookup (Column M:N) but Im not sure
Please see the attached xls file so see what I am referring to.
I have shipments that are going to different destinations (rotterdam, austria, london, etc.)
I would like to count the arrival dates in column H that fall under each week's span, but ONLY IF its corresponding value in column F is 'rotterdam'.
Column C contains the ideal numbers that I would like column B's formula to return. I plan on doing this for the entire year, but if someone can some up with a formula, I might be able to modify it for the rest.
Note: This is only an example spreadsheet, I am going to be referencing an external file with much more information on it.
I got this problem I can’t solve, maybe it is easy to solve, but I am fairly new to writing functions in excel.
I got a lot of different dates in single column, what I need is to pull the dates if they fall in to the range, from today till 30 days from now. I understand it calls for array formula.
i am using excel to create 8 groups that does night shifts for 4 days then another group does it afterwards and so on. instead of putting the dates manually and adding 4 days after the start of each night shift, is there a way or a formula i could use to just make it easier so that i wont be able to just manually do the dates each year? i've put a screenshot copy of the excel file that i am working on.
I imported a large amount of data from another program. The data is in one column and is in date format (02/24/57), for example. The data is made up of my clients birthdays. I want to import those birthdays into my outlook to create reminders but the dates are years past. I need to change the birth year to the current year in order for the reminder to activate going forward. If I dont update the year, the dates import back to the date they were born. In some cases 60 years back. I am hoping that I dont have to manually change each date before I attempt to import into outlook.
I want a list of working dates for the year in excel. Wanted to have it so that there was some flexibility in the table too, but cannot get it to work 100%.
For some reason in the below example, in December, 26th shows up (despite being in the list of holidays) and the 29th (Sunday) shows up too.
I'm trying to put in dates into my spreadsheet depending on the year I enter in. in cell A1, I put in the year (2007). In cell S2, I want to have the first day of the first month to show up, so my formula is =DATE($A$1,COLUMN()-18,1). That works great, it shows up as 1/1/07, which I want. Now my question is, is there a way to copy the formula over to the right, leaving three blank cells and having 2/1/07 show up in cell W2, 3/1/07 in cell AA2, and so on. Right now when I copy it over, what shows up is: 5/1/07 in cell W2, 9/1/07 in cell AA2, and so on.
How can I lookup the value depend on Which year in the period?. I have prepared clean data attached. I use date calculation to find how many days in the period and then divide by 365 day to count the year. But it doesn't work.
If I have a date which is 03/09/2006. How can I create a formulae to abbreviate this. Ie to return 09/2006 (I am english so we have the DD and MM the other way round to you guys in the states).
In other words if an event happens on the third of september 2006 I want a column which classifies that event as september 2006 with NO reference to the day.
Attached spreadsheet has the resource names and their date of joinings (Column - F2), now I would like group the date of joinings into Month & Year format. I tried text formula and then converted it back to date format but its giving incorrect results. For ex - Column F2 has 9th Sep -2013, whereas my formula in H2 is showing Sep-2014. Any way to group these dates into months in a simpler way?
Once I have this grouping done, I would like to do a pivot and sort them.
My intentions are for Excel to recognize a series of dates as a particular week in the year. For example: 12/28/2008 thru 1/3/2009 equals Week 1, 1/4/2009 thru 1/10/09 equals Week 2.
I cannot for the life of me calculate a working formula.
I need to take the month and day of a seniority date and add it to the reset year but am having difficulty doing so. If the seniority date if July 4, 2008, I need to convert it to July 4, 2012 for my calculation to work. My formula is this:
I have the below find and replace code that is now working. I double checked the syntax and can't find a reason why. The errors I get are Overflow and 400.
'format column with custom date format. Public Sub formatDate() Dim charHold As Date What = m / d / yyyy repl = yyyymd Cells.Replace What:=What, Replacement:=repl, LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _ ReplaceFormat:=False End Sub
I am trying to count dates from a list using sum product (I found the formula via google) I have plugged it into my spreadsheet but it does not seem to be calculating correctly.
I have attached the spreadsheet too : sumproduct_Error.xlsx
I have a hotel room schedule of up to 1,000 rows. Each row is a different room, each column representing a different day of the year. Each cell in a row either has the surname of a guest for that particular day, or the word "Available" to indicate no guest is occupying that room on that day.
analysing each room's occupancy and availability periods over the year. i.e. - what day(s) a guest occupied and vacated a room, - what day(s) a another guest then occupied and vacated that room, or - what day(s) it was then "Available" from
The dates of occupancy are needed in case the guest queries the period.
Parameters - All 365 days of the year are used - irrespective of holidays/ weekends - the room will either be occupied or available - The day after a guest leaves, it will automatically become available until unless another guest occupies it - The same guest may use a room more than once in a year. This will need to be shown as a unique occurrence, not accumulative
Design - A1:A1000 is a list of room numbers - B1:NB1 are all 365 days of the year regardless of weekends/ holidays - Every cell has either the surname of the guest or the word "Available" - The results of the analysis can be on another worksheet
Sample I have attached a scaled down sample of what I'm after. Row 1 has the dates starting from 30 April 2013 to 23 May 2013. Room numbers in Column A. C10:D26 are samples for the analysis I'm after. I've randomly chosen Room 100 and Room 500. Room 500 has Mr Mathews staying 4 times.
I am needing to create a formula that will calculate the number of paychecks and the dates for the calendar year. There is some employees that are paid bi-weekly and some bi-monthly.
For Example:
A1-Employee, A2-Hire Date, A3-Pay Frequency, A4-Number of Paychecks
Based on the hire date and pay frequency it will calculate the number of paychecks in A4.
Is this something that can be calculate with excel or would it need to be done manually.
I have a data chart that lists dates in various types of formats, for example:
1/1/10 1/1/09 Jan Jan '10 Jan/Feb '10 Jan/Feb
I'm trying to figure out a formula that will just pull the month and year no matter what format the dates are in. Based on the above I'm looking for the following results:
1/1/10: Jan 10 1/1/09: Jan 09 Jan: Jan 09 Jan '10: Jan 10 Jan/Feb '10: Jan 10 Jan/Feb: Jan 09
This data is for the entire year so the same applies for all months.
I would like to automate a sheet to report statistics of projects based on a single cell that is the year that a user manually inserts. I've got a separate worksheet with all dates manually set up for next 10 years and would like it to be read by formulae in a reporting worksheet based on the year that user enters.
So if I specify year 2014/15 (financial year), I would like the cell C1 under "Reporting" sheet to display 1/07/14 predetermined in "Dates" B3, if I specify 2015/16, the cell C1 will read 1/07/15 from "Dates" B6 and so on.
I could do it with "IF" function but there will be too many nested IF functions in a lot of cells (hundreds if not thousands). This may make my file size very large.
I want to sum values in a column only if the year of the date in the adjacent column is <= to the year in cell F61. the column to evaluate is in the format d/mm/yyyy, and F61 is just yyyy. What I want to accomplish but it doesn't work: