Using Userform ComboBox To Activate Specific Worksheet

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to have a ComboBox activate a specific sheet based on the value of "ComboBox1.Column(1)". I have many sheets to select from so i want to avoid using the Case method Here is a small sample of my code that isn't working:

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Add Date To Worksheet Via UserForm Combobox

May 30, 2008

I have a userForm to add holiday record into this worksheet. UserForm has one comboBox (userIDList) to search userID from ='Jan-July'!empName1 which is from A11 ( named Range as empName1). I am trying to add holiday details ( I mean the dates) in column T to CA ROW as per userID. I do not have any clue how could I pass the data (Holiday dates) from user form to the worksheet. Columns T10:ca10 titles are dated (01/01/2008,02/01/2008..... 29/02/2008). Do I have to use find or Select CASE.
At the moment I can locate empolyee as per userID and then select the row. I have attached the xl file.

Private Sub addButton_Click()
Dim sfind As String
Dim cl As Range
Dim fromDate, toDate As Date
'check for a value & show message
Sheet = "JanJuly"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Me.userIDList.Value = "" Then 'the textbox in userform
Exit Sub

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Transfer Userform TextBox Data To Worksheet Combobox

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to create a userform to allow user to register their new team member. In the userform, I have textbox1 (new team member) & textbox2 ( name of their leader). Once both the textbox has been filled, the user need to click on the commandbutton, which will then add the newly registered team member to the combobox1 in the Sheet1 and then create a spreadsheet(tab with the Team member name) in a separate workbook, which corresponde with the name of their leader (as filled in textbox2 in the userform.

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Excel Userform Combobox Looking Up Value From Worksheet Based On Other Values Picked

Jun 28, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet that is a roster to track mutliple crews and shifts.

I have a userform which is used to select a person on shift and assign them as being on either, Annual Leave, Personal Leave, Training.... on particular days.

I would like to have the shift combobox auto populate what shift the person is on based on the person and dates entered. All the information is there I just can't get the code to do this.

I was also thinking about blocks where the shift goes from DS to NS and if people are on leave over this time. I would need the combobox to know this also.

I have attached my workbook : New Annual Leave Spreadsheet.xlsm

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Filtering Data From One Worksheet To Another Based On Selection In Combobox On Userform

Feb 14, 2013

I am using the combo box that lists the loan officers number from the selection the loan officers name and branch is loaded. I want to be able also base on the officer selected add get the total new loans opened by that officer. I added an if statement that checks if the loan officers number from the "Oct_2012" is equal to the loan officers' selection from the combo box then add all the loans than match that criteria. I am not sure if what I am doing will work but when it reach to the For block it only reads the For statement and then go to the endif and don't execute the statement within the block.

Sub cmbLnOffNum_Change()
Dim idx As Long
Dim LnOffRow As Long


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Userform To Search For Exact And Partial Values From Combobox In Database Worksheet

Jan 15, 2014

Below is my current code. The strFind1 searches for a name within the database and then I need strFind2 to do a exact for a Subproject search and a partial search for everything containing the Subproject selected and other Subprojects. Currently, when the database entry in the worksheet includes Subproject 1 the search function works but when I have an entry that contains Subproject 1/Subproject 4 it does not find the entry. How can I expand the strFind2 to equal what is selected in the Combobox2 and find entries that have what is selected plus more text. I have set the line where I think everything is going wrong to a bold format.

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Activate Hyperlinks From ComboBox

Oct 11, 2007

I have a Combobox in a userform in Visual Basic. the form pulls the information from the worksheet called "Printers" the cells contain hyperlinks (right clicked cells, to link to PDF docs contained in a folder on a shared drive)

What I need is to create VBA code to activate the hyperlink contained within the cells so users can select the printer in the list and click the command button to pull up the PDF file.

here's my VBA code snippet: ...

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Entering Data On Specific Worksheet Using Userform Command Button?

Mar 24, 2014

I have a combobox that is referenced to a named list 'ListReels'. There are only 8 choices (Reels 1 -8), and each has an accompanying worksheet in the workbook. The user selects a reel, then inputs other information. When an 'Enter' command button is clicked, I had like the data to be entered onto the next available row of the worksheet with the same reel name (eg, if reel 2 is selected from the combobox, then the data should be added to the Reel 2 worksheet on the next blank row.

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Activate Userform Check Box With Keyboard

Nov 29, 2009

I would like to be able to check a checkbox on a userform with a keyboard stroke rather than using the mouse. Any key will do, "P" or Enter would be prefered. It would make data entry much easier.

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Activate Userform When A Cell Is Selected

Dec 17, 2008

I have a user form containing a calendar. What I'm trying to do is that if any cells are selected in a range - D4:E83 - then I want to run the userform therein forcing the user to use the calendar and ensure the date is correctly formatted.
The userform is named frmCalendar.

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Cell Activate Macro/userform

Oct 11, 2007

How do I make a userform or maco run when a cell is clicked on. For instance in my case if E20,E23,E30 are selected I want a userform to popup.

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Checkbox On / Off To Activate Specific Cell Formatting

Jun 24, 2014

I have a lost of questions with a possible yes / no answer that is selected via a checkbox. I now need to change the colour of a specific cell if the number of the answers marked yes is greater than the number of questions answerd no.


Question 1)Does 11 come after 10?

Question 2)Does 5 come after 6?

Question 3)Is 20 larger than 15?

I.e. The majority of answers are yes so Sheet1!n4 will be coloured green for example

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Userform Activate Label In Correct Format...

Nov 19, 2009

Userform Activate Label in correct format. I have the following code in a userform activate

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Double Click To Run A Sub But Then It Runs The Userform Activate Sub

Jun 2, 2006

I have a userform that has a listbox that contains data in 7 columns. I also have a command button that when clicked allows the user to edit the data in whatever row of the list box is highlighted. This works fine.

I decided to have a double click in the listbox on a row do the same thing. So I simply picked the double click event and called the command button sub. When I try this, it runs the command button sub, but then it runs the userform Activate sub. This is a problem as it does things that I do not want to occur again.

I then decided to put the command buttom code in a separate sub and then call that sub on the double click -- same result.

Then I just put the exact code that I have in the command button into the double click event -- still does it.

Anyone know why this happens, I see no reason for it. It works great in the command button, but with double-click it run the userform Activate sub when it is done.

Here is the code that runs (if called by a command button it works fine, if called by a double_click in the listbox, it runs the userform_activate sub):

Private Sub Edit()
SetCell = "d" & ListBox1.ListIndex + 5

Range("AA1").Value = 1

NextRow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
EndARR = "J" & NextRow
ODCData = Range("D5", EndARR)

ListBox1.Column = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ODCData)

Range("AA1") = ""
ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
End Sub

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ActivatE Calendar When A User Selects A Specific Cell

Jan 29, 2009

I'm wondering if someone can help me with this. I am using the excel calendar control and trying to activate it when a user selects a specific cell "C3". I can get it to activate when I move off the cell, but it's not working when they click on the cell.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("C3")) Then
Call OpenCalendar
MsgBox "Calendar"
End If
End Sub

Userform2 (I have this code under here)...............................

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Running A Specific Maro Through The Combobox Feature When A Specific Word Is Chosen

Apr 21, 2006

I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.

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Select / Activate Specific Row Then Copy Format / Formula To All Blank Rows

Jan 21, 2012

I need a code that will copy the format AND formulas of the entire row that I have selected (or activatedwith my cursor) to each and every blank row - until it gets to the last row of data on this spreadsheet.Since any employee could have more than 1 row of data - I am using a code that inserts1 blank row after each NEW employee name.

NOTE: This report is initially sorted by employee name so that each occurrence is grouped together.REPORT SPECIFICS:1) This report reflects typical paryoll information.2) Certain columns have data that is either in text, general, or number ($) format3) The number of columns may vary depending on which PR report is being worked4) For the sake of simplicity - we can assume that the column titles will always be across row 15) Each employee name on this report may repeat several times depending on how many weeks they worked,so the SUM() formula should adjust automatically to capture all the rows of data to add up for each employee

texttexttexttexttextformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/7/1281$ 600.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/16/12245$ 25.00 CSDINNECage Nick2581/23/12323$ 25.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/7/12856$ 60.00 CSDINWPolly Cracker1781/16/12242$ 654.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/23/12322$ 2.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1781/28/12161$ 5.00 ARVIPWPolly Cracker1782/6/1284$ 3.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/7/1284$ 65.00 CSDINSEDim Sum6871/16/12126$ 5.00

Sub InsertRowAtNewNameONE()Dim LR As Long, i As LongLR = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).RowFor i = LR To 2 Step -1If Range("C" & i).Value Range("C" & i - 1).Value Then Rows(i).InsertNext iEnd Sub

NOTE: See below: I will format and add formulas where I need on the 1st blank row that was createdand I need a code that will copy this particular row to all blank rows to the last.

recordtexttexttexttextcountformulaformulaformulaDeptDivEmployee NameEE#Period EndHrs WorkedPTOAccrd LiabilityCSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/7/1280.5$ 100.00 CSDINSEWilma Wilsont4561/16/12121$ 200.00 2201.5$ 300.00

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Excel 2010 :: How To Select Userform Button And Activate With Pressing Enter Key

Jul 2, 2012

I have developed a Userform button in Excel 2010 using the developer icons, which when clicked on with my mouse it runs my super dooper macro. It works great!

But one thing I want to have happen is to have the choice of using the Enter key to start the macro or use the left mouse button

For example, I place data in (say) cell A1 and the userform button is in cell A2. When I place the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves down to A2, but doesn't highlight the user button. When I press the Enter key again, the cursor moves to cell A3.

What I want is when I fill in the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves to cell A2 and selects the button, so that when I press the Enter key again, it activates the macro.

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Userform Loads Combobox Values Upon Userform Initialize

Oct 1, 2009

I have one userform that loads combobox values upon userform Initialize. Though through a second userform changes can be made to anotherworkbook this workbook is saves any changes. when i close the second userform i need to rerun the 1st userform Initialize event to update the combobox's incase changes have been made.

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Activate Worksheet By Cell Value

Dec 4, 2006

What code can one use to Activate a worksheet on a workbook by using a Cell value on a worksheet.

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Userform Combobox Value Selects Next Combobox To Appear

Dec 2, 2009

I have a userform with a combobox that has three items to choose from: Blue, Red, and Yellow. When a user selects one of those options, I would like another combobox to appear on my userform with a specific list for that option.

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Userform - Second Combobox Based On First Combobox

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to make a userform that has 2 combo boxes. I have just 3 columns right now.

Procedure GrpADA-QSI DescProcedure GrpAnesthesia And
Drugs9210-LOCAL ANESTH/NO SURGAnesthesia And DrugsAnesthesia And
Drugs9212-TRIGEM BLOCK ANESTHCrowns And BridgeAnesthesia And
Drugs9215-LOCAL ANESTHESIADenturesAnesthesia And

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I copied and pasted Column A into Column C and then removed duplicates. I named Column C 'ValList' and placed it in the RowSource for ComboBox1. What I now want is for ComboBox2 to populate based on my selection in ComboBox1. There are no duplicates in Column B. Duplicates are in Column A.

I also named Column A 'Proc_Grp' and Column B 'ADA_QSI_Desc'

For the properties in Combobox2, I left the RowSource empty. (that's correct right?) Because there's going to be a code that links Combobox2 to Combobox1... I think...

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Worksheet Activate Event Question

Jun 22, 2009

I wrote a worksheet activate event (for wrksht1). It reads a list of customer inputs found on wrksht1 then parses these inputs into 'like' lists and pastes the results into a wrksht called ADIM. ADMIN is kept well hidden so our customer cannot mess with it. These parsed lists are then used as validation data with the drop down menus applied to cells found on wrksht2. So to recap, inputs on wrksht1 appear as drop down values for cells found on wrksht2. Here's the problem. The worksheet activate event is triggered whenever wrksht1 is activated and since the code changing the focus away from this wrksht and then back to it, it appears to enter an endless loop. At least I think that is what is happening. Is there a way to programmatically deactivate the event so that when focus returns to wrksht1 the event does not trigger and cause an endless loop? and then reactivate so the event triggers then next time the user changes focus.

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Reprogram Enter Key On Worksheet Activate

Aug 31, 2009

Is there code for worksheet activate event that will reprogram the Enter Key to mimic the Tab Key such that if you hit Enter, the cell to the right of the active cell is selected? I've searched the net for several hours today and find nothing that addresses this question.

Also, the Enter Key would have to be normalized on worksheet deactivate.

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Activation Of Userform Hide Worksheet And Closing Userform Activates Worksheet

May 14, 2014

I want activation of userform to hide worksheet, but as soon as the Userform is closed, the worksheet should show.

I have attached file to aid.

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VBA Code To Activate Second-to-last And Last Worksheet Tabs In A Workbook?

Dec 11, 2008

I use a workbook where new worksheet tabs are added and removed daily. Every day I use the second-to-last tab (2nd from the right) and the last tab (far right). What code would enable me to activate and reference both of these tabs individually? I believe it would be something like the code below but I can't figure it out...

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Worksheet Activate Not Happening When Workbook First Opens

May 18, 2009

I have a workbook where the sheets are all protected and I want to stop users scrolling up or across beyond the limits of the input areas.
I have used the following code (or variations of)...

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ScrollArea = "A1:G32"
End Sub

This works fine except that when I first open the workbook, the first sheet displayed can still be scrolled. As soon as you move to another sheet and then back again, it is then OK.

It appears that the Worksheet_Activate code does not execute when the workbook is first opened.

How do I get round this?

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Macro Triggered By Worksheet Activate - Endless Loop

Oct 25, 2011

I have a multi-sheet workbook. The first sheet is a summary of results from the rest of the workbook. I would like this summary sheet to auto-refresh itself each time the sheet is activated. The VBA code triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event feeds some parameters out to other sheets, then copies back the results to the summary sheet of the workbook.

While doing so, it keeps "reactivating" the first sheet, causing it to get into an endless loop that is triggered by the Worksheet/Activate event. Essentially, I'd like the Worksheet/Activate event to go dormant for 15 seconds or so each time it is triggered.

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Activate Worksheet: The Retro Is Also Suppose To Test Cell H12 To See If It Is Blank Before Running The Msgbox

Apr 9, 2009

I do not know if I have this written correctly, I would like to have the sub - Retro run whenever some one opens this worksheet - "FORM". The retro is also suppose to test cell H12 to see if it is blank before running the msgbox.

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ComboBox In UserForm

Feb 5, 2014

Is it possible that i fill the CB.list with range().value so the values are in Column 'A' and in Column 'C' and if i enter the field and select value then i see value from column 'A' & value in Column 'C'?

Then if i pick one value then the CB.value = the value from Column 'A' only, Can i solve it some how?

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