VBA - Generate Date Range Within 2 Supplied Dates
Apr 17, 2009
First I would like to thank you for taking the time to assist me. My issue is a follows: I want to have 2 dates (beginning and ending) input on one sheet. With these 2 dates entered, I want to generate a date range between them but have it output on a different worksheet. Here is the function that first pulls the date values entered:
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May 11, 2009
I just wanted to understand something about some code that was supplied to me on this forum. The code works perfectly, with the exception of one minor issue. The original thread and solution presented is found here
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).
When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)
So my questions are:
1. Is this due to the formatting?
2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?
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Feb 13, 2007
I've created a userform to track attendance. The code below creates entries based on the activities undertaken on that day; one row for each activity reflecting Name, ID, date, Activity and comments. The intent is that several activities can be undertaking on a day, and the code generates separate rows for each activity....
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Jul 1, 2008
I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.
To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in
D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet
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Jun 2, 2014
I would like to know the function/syntax for determining the due dates given certain date ranges.
See attached sheet for the example : due dates example.xlsx
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a start date, and an end date for a promotion. However, I am trying to create some unique keys for a VLOOKUP, so I can combine the data I have by day, with the data I have for promotional start/end dates.
So, simple question, if I have a start date and an end date, is there was way (either using excel or vba) to pull out all the dates within that range and display them on a spreadsheet?
For example, I have 21/01/2012 and 28/01/2012 as the start and end dates. I would want to display 21/01/2012, 22/01/2012, 23/01/2012 etc.
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Jan 13, 2007
I am attaching an Excel file where I am trying to calculate lead time (even if a negative number of days) to a next activity based on projected dates based on a 'cycle start date'. I am trying to perform this with e complicated IIF statement which you can see from the attached file.
Note: this file is created from a vb.net application at runtime where this excel file is actually an xlt template. I attached it as an xls to make it easier to look at. EDIT: I have a flag in the Annual/Semi-Annual that blanks out cells that are not needed if Annual. It causes my LeadTime Col. to blow chunks and I can't seem to get past an error in the formula since adding this.
=If(F3>=NOW(),F3-NOW(),If(G3>=NOW(),G3-NOW(),If(H3>=NOW(),H3-NOW(),If(I3>=NOW(),I3-NOW(),If(J3>=NOW(),J3-NOW(),"CycleStart Null"))))). Replaced Zip file
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Mar 27, 2008
I've got a 2007 Excel spreadsheet that will count dates within a range using the COUNTIFS function. I am having to send this spreadsheet to users that only have Excel 2003. I need to know how to convert this so it works in 2003.
Since I'm doing this for a fiscal year I have to use a date range. Here are my two formulas I'm trying to convert:
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Sep 15, 2014
i'm trying to count dates within a 2 week date range. I don't want to update the formula every day to the actual dates that would make up two weeks so I tried this formula but it keeps giving me an error.
=COUNTIFS(Tracker!I2:I479, "=>" TODAY()+1,Tracker!I2:I479,"<=" TODAY()+14)
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Jan 6, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of my travel. Column A has the date I arrived somewhere, and Column B has the date I departed, and Column C has the name of the city I went to.
I am wondering if there is a way to generate a calendar using my list that will mark those dates. For example, a calendar for the month of June 2008 that would show I was traveling from June 3 to June 14, either by marking those dates with a different color or labeling them with the city names, or even just putting an x in the box.
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Aug 19, 2013
I have an Excel file containing data about employees. Each row contains a lot of information that is relevant for a specific date range, denoted by the columns "start date" and "end date". I would like to copy each row so that I have it accessible per date that is within the date range. The only columns that would change in the copy are the date columns. For example, for 1 row that has a date range of 01/08/2013 - 05/08/2013, I want to copy the row 5 times except the date columns become "01/08/2013", "02/08/2013", etc.
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Jul 26, 2012
I've gotten the desired result in Column B, but this will not work going forward as we add to the table in columns E:G .
I'm looking to search between columns E:F, Identify the date-range where my dates in column A belong, and pull the corresponding rate from column G into column B.
Excel 2010
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Feb 11, 2013
How to find out the number of cells in a range containing dates less than a specified date.
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Feb 28, 2008
I'm trying to do a sumif based a range of dates but keep getting a "-" for the result.
In the past when using dates I've had to value the dates in order for it to work. I can't seem to figure out the formula this time around - any thoughts? See attached for sample - my 'broken' formula is in cell C29.
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Sep 10, 2013
I have a marketing calendar that I need to update just about daily with new promotional plans because the dates change very often and there are a lot of markets that we are keeping track of. Because the format of the excel is basically a bunch of merged cells to show the range of dates of a particular promotion, it takes a very long time to unmerge and remerge everything when one date changes.
I have an example of what the graph looks like below, as well as a grid of what I would like to use to generate this graph automatically using the start and end dates so thats all you need to change. If you changed the start dates, the market name, or the promo name, the chart would reflect the updates.
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Feb 13, 2014
I am attempting to find a way to search through a database I created based upon every day of the year. My goal is to have a user input a beginning date and end date for a trip, then my functions will return the range specified with each day and it's individual temperature average (in my database).
I also need generating the dates between the start and end dates that are entered by the user. I was considering combining Days360 with an Hlookup that searches through a massive sheet with all the dates for the upcoming year and then going down 1 in the column for the difference in the dates in each column.
Vlookup Help.xlsx
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Mar 6, 2013
I have an excel sheet where I would like a user to enter a start date and end date(say Feb 1, 2013 to Feb 28,2013). And these dates will be able to change to whatever month the user wishes to look up in a specific date range(column A has 365+ dates). This post is closely related to [URL]... but I cannot figure out how to get it to work from my case.
So working off the same worksheet, I have the beginning date in AC35 and the end date in AC36 in which the user enters. I would like the dates that fall in this entire month, including the beginning and ending dates to be referenced when looking for the specific day that contains a value I have in S35.
In other words, I have data in columns A through N. The dates are in column A and S35 is a value obtained from using Max(L185:L526) where L185:L185 is manually selected each time I want a different month. I don't want this to be a manual process of scrolling down the spreadsheet to get the next month.
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Feb 6, 2012
Excel 2007 Q: I have a combo box (ActivX) that I want to be able to choose a a date from a range of dates in column A on sheet 'Working Copy'. I want a cell to update with the number/position of the date when the date is chosen i.e. the first date in the range yields 1 the second date yields 2 and so on. I also want the date to be displayed in dd-mmm-yyyy format. I am able to get the cell to give the correct position of the date but the date reverts to five digit number in combo box. I can change the code to return the correct date in the combo box when the date is chosen but then the cell just returns 0.
How can I make it so that the combo box returns the correct date and the cell updates with the position instead of jsut one or the other?
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.Value = Format(ComboBox1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Sheets("Working Copy").Range("G1").Value = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
End Sub
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Feb 11, 2013
Within a user entered range of two dates, I would like to identify the individual calendar date(s) and count the number of Mondays which fall within the specified date range.I will eventually be using the same "Monday" code to find the same data for every day of the week within the dates ranges, but I figured I'd start with Mondays and build from there.
For Example: Date range 1/1/2013 - 1/15/2013 (date ranges could potentially encompass a full business quarter) Within the range, list each of the dates as dates. (used for comparative counting purposes elsewhere in the document)Count the number of Mons, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fris, and Sats within the date range.Based on the example date ranges above; Mons = 2, Tues through Sats = 3 each.
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Feb 9, 2014
How to create a sheet to generate Random numbers from 2 specific list of a main list range of 36 Numbers. (List A = Specific 15 numbers, List B = The remaining Numbers from these 36)
Example :
-The Main List Range is from Number 01 to 36
-The Specific random list will be 15 Numbers of these 36
List A-. The Specific 15 Numbers are: 01,02,03,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,30,31,32,33
List B-. Remaining Numbers : 04,05,06,07,08,09,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,28,29,34,35,36
I need to generate ONE Unique Random Numbers of List A ( 01,02,03,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23,30,31,32,33)
In Cell A1
In Cell A2
In Cell A3
And from List B, (04,05,06,07,08,09,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,28,29,34,35,36)
I need to do the same thing In
Cell A4
Cell A5
Cell A6
It's possible to have a 6 cells with random but Unique Digits? (not repeated numbers between the 6 cell ??)
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Aug 28, 2009
I have been supplied a list of data (company name, address, tel no, email ect.) unfortunatly the data is not in the correct order. There is about 300 companies on the sheet.
Is there a way i can rearrange the data, i have attached a file to show the end result i am trying to acheive.
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Jun 18, 2007
I want to present a user with a list that they can make a selection from and enter their selection in a cell. Sounds easy but.........
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Mar 10, 2009
I have a file where cell A1 is the name of the file along with B1 and C1 which provide the versions and variations:-
A1 - Sales Analysis
B1 - Version 2
C1 - Variation C
Is it possible to have a macro driven off a button button which will save the file as (current path to current folder) and then Sales Analysis Version 2 Variation C
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May 15, 2009
Hello all. Can someone please help me save rows to the variable name stored in dtselect4 (which captures the name input by the user on a userform)?
The sheet is created here: ...
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Apr 24, 2008
each time a button is clicked I want a new ref number to be produced and displayed on my userform.
I can't however create the code to generate this ref number.
In column A of my 'sweeplog' worksheet is where I want the ref number to be placed. This ref number is simply made up of today's date - in format ddmmyy eg 240408 for today 24th April 2008 then add the number '1' if its a new date or the next number in coulumn A if not.
for example In column A I have these 3 ref numbers
A2 = 2404081 (24th April 2008 plus 1 as this is the first ref used today)
A3 = 2404082 (as above but with 2 added)
A4 = 2404083 (as above but with 3 added)
now tomorrow the next ref number that would be shown in column A (after the user clicks the button) would be as follows.....
A5 = 2505081 (25th April 2008 plus 1 as this is first ref used on 25th)
I am able to get this unique ref number to show in my userform but can't figure out how to produce the code to generate it
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May 30, 2009
On my timesheet, there is a button that, when clicked, allows you to select a pay period end date. Our pay periods end every other Friday. When the button is clicked, it opens a form I designed that has a listbox that I manually entered every pay period for the year into. Here is the code I used:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Populate the ListBox control.
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "04/03/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "04/17/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "05/01/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "05/15/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "05/29/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "06/05/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "06/19/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "07/03/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "07/17/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "07/31/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "08/07/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "08/21/09"
listPayPeriodEndDates.AddItem "09/04/09"........................
What I'd like to do instead is have VBA populate the listbox (or combobox or what have you) dynamically, by using a reference point (say, the first pay period of the year) and then populating every other Friday from that point forward. Also, it would be great if it could reference the current date as to only list pay period end dates in the future (or even the two prior to todays date, and then maybe 3 or 4 pay period end dates in the future).
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Feb 14, 2010
1 - We receive an excel file from our customer (approx 20 different customers in total)
2 - I have an excel template we have to use, which will import into our MIS software. This excel template must remain the same or it wont import into our system. ie (Columns must be in this particular order)
3 - Our customer sends their own spreadsheets in their own formats ie, column in a different order to our excel template.
4 - I need to know if there is a quick way to remap customer columns into my excel template
5 - Im looking for a little application that will look at the customer spreadsheet and our template in the same window and let me link which fields need to map where in my template. When I have completed I can save what ive done and run when needed for this customer.
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Aug 31, 2007
My colleague and I are writing a udf which uses a "match/ index" combination to return a value to a cell from a named range in another sheet. The cell returns returns the error "value used in the formula is of the wrong data type". When we break down the code into a function which refers directly to the relevant cells, and a sub which returns the value in a message box, it works correctly: here's the code for the function and test sub:
Function MRL(PropertyType, ReturnType, Location, Year2) ....
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a folder containing about 100,000 files and subfolders. Approximately 20% of the files are duplicates. I would like to create a list of all the files with some details so that I can sort through and identify which ones are duplicates, then create a batch file to delete them. How to get a file list with additional details, like size, modified date, etc, into an excel format?
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