Excel 2007 :: Choose Date From A Range Of Dates In Column On Sheet
Feb 6, 2012
Excel 2007 Q: I have a combo box (ActivX) that I want to be able to choose a a date from a range of dates in column A on sheet 'Working Copy'. I want a cell to update with the number/position of the date when the date is chosen i.e. the first date in the range yields 1 the second date yields 2 and so on. I also want the date to be displayed in dd-mmm-yyyy format. I am able to get the cell to give the correct position of the date but the date reverts to five digit number in combo box. I can change the code to return the correct date in the combo box when the date is chosen but then the cell just returns 0.
How can I make it so that the combo box returns the correct date and the cell updates with the position instead of jsut one or the other?
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.Value = Format(ComboBox1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Sheets("Working Copy").Range("G1").Value = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
End Sub
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Nov 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2007 and am having some trouble formatting a column for dates. I am setting up a template spreadsheet for the company I work for. The template spreadsheet has a sheet for entering the raw data and a sheet for summarizing it. I need new dates that are to be entered to be formatted correctly. I have set up a sample spreadsheet and inputted some sample data which looks like the following:
Now if I format these cells as English(UK) dates with the "dd.mm.yy" format the data>sort cannot sort these dates from oldest to newest. I can correctly sort them by using "text to columns" however if i do this then it only format's the cells that currently have a date entered into them and not any new date entries.
So in summary: Format cells into a date format does not allow dates to be sorted using the data>sort tool. (I assume that as they cannot be sorted ,a formula that searches for cells with dates before a certain date will not work either) Text to columns does not allow new entries to be formatted in the same way as the cells that had data in them when the text to columns tool was used.
Is there a way to format blank cells so that they will recognize the data inputted as a date?
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Jan 20, 2014
I am setting up a Cattle management system in excel 2007. In the column F are the date of births for each individual animal. Example: F2 13/03/2013 F3 23/05/2013. I would then like to highlight the cells with the dates in to find all the cattle that are under the age of 16 months from the current date.
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Aug 11, 2014
I have a column in my data set that consists of dates and times in this format: 2014/08/02 01:46:49 PM. I am trying to convert these dates and times to numbers so that I can actually use these values for calculations and regression analysis. When I click on one of the cells, I get a number that is revealed along with decimals. For example, the cell with 2014/08/02 01:46:49 PM had a stored value of 41853.574. I tried to highlight the entire column of dates + times and click on the format cells button. I selected the number category under number but that did not work. I also tried to use the =DateValue(Cell #) function but that did not allow for distinguishing between the same date but different times.
What are my options for converting these dates and times to numbers that I can work with? Is there a way to get the entire column of dates + times to show each cell's numeric stored value?
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Jan 30, 2013
Secondly, I'm using Excel 2007.
In column B3:B367, I have dates for every day of the year. In column D3:D367, I have body weight for every day of the year. This gets filled in on a daily basis.
What I'm looking to do:
1. Find the first daily weight for the month.
2. Find today's weight.
3. See if today's weight falls within the specified month.
4. Compare the first daily weight of the month with today's weight.
I am able to accomplish #1 with LOOKUP, #2 with LOOKUP, and #4 with IF/THEN. For the life of me, I cannot comprehend how to do #3.
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Jul 26, 2012
I've gotten the desired result in Column B, but this will not work going forward as we add to the table in columns E:G .
I'm looking to search between columns E:F, Identify the date-range where my dates in column A belong, and pull the corresponding rate from column G into column B.
Excel 2010
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May 28, 2014
I am using Excel 2007.
Sheet 1 - I have columns filled with dates (weekdays only) For example 28-May, 29-May, 30-May up to 28-Nov. Above 10 rows below each date columns and each cell has some values.
Sheet 2 - I have Start date defined in B1 Cell, and End date defined in B2 Cell
I need defining the formula to sum all the cell values fall between the date range defined in Sheet 2 B1 and B2.
For Example if B1=28-May B2=30-May, I want the sum of all the numbers come under the range of 28-May to 30-May, with this above example, it should be 19.5.
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a work book.
In column C27 and down, the user can input a date.
In column M27 down, the user chooses pass or fail.
N8, contains a date chosen by user as the "From" date and P8 the "to" date.
Cell o11 is "Passed" and cell 012 is "failed"
The user can choose a date range and input the from and to date in N8 and P8, this will count the number of pass and fails and input the number in O11 and o12.
Formulas are below.
=COUNTIFS('Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,">="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"
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Oct 21, 2011
I am in strange situation where I have a data with Invoice Dates. These dates are in Text. However, when I convert it into reall excel dates. For some reason the dates do not come right. convert my text dates into excel real dates. I did a lot of google search and apply these three methods but all of these gave me strange result I was not expecting. These are the methods I used and the result of each method.
Method 1 : Using Text to Column Wizard (Excel 2007)
I highlighted invoice column and went into text to column wizard. I clikced on Date button, and selected MDY format. Strangely enough, my result was day, month and year i.e. DMY which does not seem right.
Then I press Control ~ on this data as shown in second view.
Inv DateMDY09/22/1122/09/201108/31/1131/08/201108/31/1131/08/201108/31/1131/08/201108/31/1131/08/2011
control ~ (overview)
Inv DateMDY09/22/114080808/31/114078608/31/114078608/31/114078608/31/1140786
2nd Method - Using formula to convert text date to real dates When I used formula, I get the following result. As you can see, formula is converting text dates into different system dates than the first method.Further strange things is when I take these system dates i.e. 4283 and in 2007 excel format use "Short Date" the same system date gets converted into wrong year as shown in the second view.
Inv DateFormulaFormula Result09/22/11=DATE(MID(B2,7,2),MID(B2,1,2),MID(B2,4,2))428308/31/11=DATE(MID(B3,7,2),MID(B3,1,2),MID(B3,4,2))426108/31/11=DATE(MID(B4,7,2),MID(B4,1,2),MID(B4,4,2))426108/31/11=DATE(MID(B5,7,2),MID(B5,1,2),MID(B5,4,2))426108/31/11=DATE(MID(B6,7,2),MID(B6,1,2),MID(B6,4,2))426108/31/11=DATE(MID(B7,7,2),MID(B7,1,2),MID(B7,4,2))4261
2nd view - system dates are getting converted into 1911
Inv DateFormulaFormula Result09/22/11428322/09/191108/31/11426131/08/191108/31/11426131/08/191108/31/11426131/08/191108/31/11426131/08/191108/31/11426131/08/1911
Similarly, I tried other methods or copying blanks etch but none seems to convert text dates into real (system dates).
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Feb 13, 2012
I am using excell 2007 and 2010
I need to find the average numbers on sheet 1 column D. Column D contains numbers as well as Blank cells. The info will be presented on sheet 2 in a monthly view. In other words i need to ssearch awithin a date range and determin the average of those numbers. This works on some months but return a DIV/0 erro most of the time.
=AVERAGEIFS('2N Stats'!$I:$I,'2N Stats'!$E:$E,">=2/1/2011",'2N Stats'!$E:$E,"
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Jan 26, 2013
We have arrival dates and departure dates for guests and would like to figure out the number of meals needed on a particular date.
Named ranges: NumGuests _ArrivalDate _DepartureDate _CheckInTime _CheckOutTime
Need number of breakfasts
Number of Lunches
Number of Dinners for a given day of the week.
So if a guest is here say Jan 25 arriving after 9am, staying 2 nights they will have Lunch and Dinner on the 25th, BLD on the 26th and BL on the 27th. Since by default most arrive after 9 (miss breakfast), we can eliminate the checkin time for the breakfast calc and make the first one for the next day.
There might be other guests staying through that time period. The ******* would like to know how many meals they will need to prepare for the week.
Windows XP, Excel 2010
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Aug 28, 2007
I 'm trying to do one macros where the user has to choose the column where he wants to work, to avoid the user start counting the number of the letter that corresponds in the alphabet, I would like to make it easer, because working with column numbers when programming is easier, but in terms of user is easier to work with letters
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Feb 23, 2012
Excel 2007. I have an Excel file that contains a data dump from an external database file with numerous analytical sheets that perform calculations. Some of these calculations utilize the SUMIFs function that was introduced in Excel 2007. This function does an outstanding job of summing a column on the data sheet based on multiple criteria.
However, someone high up in management in my organization would like to "drill down" into the data behind the
SUMIFs formulas to get a quick snapshot of the lines in the database that roll into the
SUMIFs formula. =SUMIFS(DataBase!E:E,Data!A:A,C7,DataBase!B:B,D7,DataBase!C:C,E7,DataBase!D:D,F7)
If I double click on a cell with the formula above, Excel takes me to the Database tab and selects Column E which is close, but not exactly what I need. What I really need is for Excel to only show the rows on the database sheet that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula and not the entire data dump from the database.
At present, we have to manually apply the autofilter on multiple columns to show the rows in column E that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula which is a tedious and time consuming task. Is there a way to force Excel to do this? Suggested custom database application or pivot tables, but we do not want to reinvent the wheel.
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a pivot table with multiple row fields and multiple column fields. One of the column fields is a Date and I need some VBA that will auto-sort the columns into ascending order by the Date column field.
E.g., if the first four column labels are "2-Jun-2010, 13-May-2009, 16-May-2013, 17-May-2012" then i want the sort to arrange them as "13-May-2009, 2-Jun-2010, 17-May-2012, 16-May-2013".
Note: This is the left to right order of the columns i'm talking about, not the top to bottom order of the rows, or the data in the rows but specifically the column labels.
I've tried googling a solution and I can find a variety of code that deals with sorting the data in the rows in all sorts of ways, but nothing on how to order the columns.
i'm using excel 07, and the source data for the pivot table has the Date field formatted as custom "dd-mmm-yyyy". This can be changed if necessary.
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Oct 5, 2011
I have a workbook that has a sheet called CustInvData, this sheet contains 4,421 rows of invoice transaction data for 178 customers starting on row 2 (headers on row 1). I need to split the transaction data for each customer out into a workbook template based on the customer name in column A. I need each workbook named by the customer name along with a month and year (example: Bellsouth-0911.xls), this should create 178 unique workbooks. And since we sometimes have to go back and rerun invoices for previous months, I'll need to control the month and year manually in the code.
The parsed data needs to be copied to a pre-formatted invoice template. This template has 2 sheets, Sheet1 is called 'Product Summary', this is a table that uses VLOOKUP functions to read the data in Sheet2 called 'Product Details', this is the sheet the parsed data needs to be copied to for each customer invoice. The 'Product Details' sheet has formatted rows 1 thru 11, row 11 being the header row for the data from CustInvData to be copied. So the parsed data needs to start at row 12.
Last, once the data has been copied into the 'Product Details' sheet, I need the data to be SubTotaled at each change in column J (Product) and use the 'Sum' function to add a Subtotal in column L (Retail Price) for each unique product category.
Example data below, I've simplified it (the actual data array spans from columns A to Y)
Customer NameProduct Retail Price
I'm a bit of a novice with macros, but I know Excel pretty well.
Using Excel 2007 running on Windows Vista
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).
When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)
So my questions are:
1. Is this due to the formatting?
2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?
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May 3, 2009
look at the attached file - it was a CSV file. i want to convert the column of dates to say Mar 14 2009 type date. but it only converts some of them.
note some are on the left and some on the right.
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Jun 17, 2007
I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date “jan07” and the period “10” months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07…jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.
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May 30, 2014
I have a Billing Data where i want to Calculate TAT between two dates in Excel 2007.. I received the Invoice from Vendors on specfic date but due to discrepances, i rejected the invoice, after few date i received a rectified Invoice from Vendor... so how can i calculate the TAT from 1st Receipt to Rejection..
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
(Receipt Date) (Rejected Date) (Re-Receipt Date) (Rejected Date) (Final Receipt Date) (Formula for Finding
Rejection TAT)
E.g : In Column F, TAT to be calculated from 1st Receipt Date to Rejection Date, but if i received the rectified bill & after inputing the Re Receipt Date in Column C, then the Cell in Column F will remain blank, but again if it is rejected due to some error, & after mention the 2nd Rejection Date in Column D, then the TAT to be calculated from 1st receipt to 2nd Rejection (Column D), but if i received the Final Rectifed Invoice & after mentioning the Receipt Date in Column E, then the Cell in Column F will remain blank.. but pls note, if the invoice is not rejected the, the Cell in Column F will remain blank..
I have tried IF Forumula but in vain.. i can only nest 1st receipt to 1st rejection i.e : =IF(AB6= "", "",(TODAY()-AB6))
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May 30, 2012
In functions it is easy to simply say =if(a1>b1, do X, don't do X)
But how do I do this in VBA? Excel 2007
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Oct 1, 2008
how I can make a calendar that pops up when the user mouse clicks or tabs/arrows over to a cell so they can choose a date instead of manually typing in the date?
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Aug 8, 2012
I have a stripped down data source for debugging purposes. I only have 4 rows of data for test purposes. The dates are formatted as dates.
When I create the pivot table the dates become my column values. When I select the first date in the pivot table the Group By Field menu option is grayed out. I tried setting a tabular format but didn't work.
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Nov 22, 2013
Can I use dates as argument in Boolean arithmetic? I have a list of name with their date of birth and I would like to tell who is between 18 and 25. It's easy enough with number but with dates? Excel 2007
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Jan 5, 2013
I want to create a drop-down menu to choose dates and if I choose certain date the data of numbers (23 sets of number (4 digits)) will comes out in the next column beside the drop down menu of dates, then if the 23 numbers already comes out it will highlight how many numbers are the same in the previous date to the current date. So, each time I choose different date the data for that specific date (23 numbers) will comes out.. I try to do it but I get error when I change to different date the data for that specific date doesn't comes out.
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Sep 12, 2006
selecting dates and data and makinga graph
and thought I could learn this one myself. I was wrong. Andy Pope came up with a nice little spreadsheet but I could not follow it (being a novice).
The problem is, I want the user to be able to input a start date and an end date and a graph to update automatically between these dates (for the x-axis) but also the y data adjust to suit.
The input cells are C23 and C30, and the 5 Y-axis data are the coloured columns.
I have attached a zip file with the excel spreadsheet inside.
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Jul 24, 2014
What I have done is entered code to auto generate the date in column O whenever data is entered or altered in column A. Here is that code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then _
Target.Offset(0, 14).Value = Now
End If
End Sub
What I am trying to do now, is create a column that will take the information from O and do a sort of COUNTIF function that will count how many items of data were entered on a certain date by the day. For a clearer example, I want it to tell me how many items were entered/altered on 7/23. But I also want it to continuously calculate it for each date after that. Preferably automatically, but if a macro is needed I can create an update button.
Once it can achieve that I would like to create a dynamic graph that will automatically (or via macro button) update to show the last 5 days. It should display the date and how many items were entered that day.
I am using Office 2007.
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Dec 7, 2012
We are using Excel and Outlook 2007 and 2010 in our office and this program needs to work with both versions of each, Excel and Outlook. I need to have a csv file exported from outlook to identify locations of meetings and when they occur. I can do this manually but it could be used at multiple times by different people
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May 25, 2012
I am trying to calculate the length of time of employment. I am looking for a formula to subtract the date of hire from the date of termination.
My current example is:
5/24/12 - 11/3/10 = 568
There is a problem with my formula as the answer of 568 is currently meaningless. How do I convert this?
Using Excel 2007
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Jul 1, 2008
I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.
To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in
D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet
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May 30, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.
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