VBA Headers And Array
Jan 11, 2010
I just joined this message board after having very little success in altering my VBA code. I have a data file and when I run the VBA code, it only works partly. Currently when I run the code, it will create new month headers, but only for a 12 month period and it is based off the current date on the computer. I need this to go to whatever specified date range I choose and I especially need it to go for more than 12 months. I am also having some issues because when my code runs, it is not running back far enough and there are gaps in the analysis that it does. For instance, after changing the time on my computer to 2009, project A and B's data stops in June 2009, even though the define phase is occuring before that. I have attached the code.
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May 29, 2014
I want to convert an array in excel back to normal cells. That is, I want to remove the header row / or undo the "format as table". how to do that?
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Jun 7, 2014
I have a userform with two listboxes in them, i have set the columns in the listbox to 9 and would like to populate the column headers in the listboxes with the column header of one of the sheets.
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Nov 29, 2012
I am having an issue with Headers across a workbook. I have a workbook that I have set all of the headers so they are consistant across all sheets however when I move a sheet from another workbook I am unble to apply the header to this new sheet. I have tried selecting all the tabs and the going into Page Layout- Page Setup-Headers and selecting OK to apply to all the sheets but this does not work. I am having to delete the headers and redo them each time.
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Jul 30, 2013
function where in if i pass header name and row number to the function it should search for the header name and return a boolean value back to the main function which returns 1 on finding a header and 0 if it dose not find a header.
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Jul 19, 2007
on a vb user form list, made from the control toolbox
I enable collumn headers but have trouble populating them
From what i could get from google, it seems the only way to populate them is by having the data on an excel sheet. Can you just do it through code?
I have another list which the data is on an excel sheet but I can't get my headers working.
I have been using
frmAct.listCodes.RowSource = ("A1:C39")
frmAct.listCodes.RowSourceType = ("Value")
It doesnt like "Value"
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Mar 2, 2009
In the attached file is it possible to use cell/ array formula in cells P3 to R6 to lookup names (Column O) within the data range (Columns A - M) and return the values shown in the yellow shaded area?
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a table that needs headers assigned to it. I have copied a link to view the example spreadsheets. The first sheet has the table and the second sheet has the headers. The code is designed to go to sheet 1 see what file name is being used and assign the header to the file name. Each file has two columns of data for Location 1 and Location 2, but have the same file name so it's assigns the first header, but ignores the second header. How to fix it so that it assigns it by the file name and also if it's Location 1 data or Location 2 data.
Sub FindHeaders()
Dim iRowH, iColH, iRowD, iColD As Integer
Dim strHeader, strData, strTitle As String
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Sep 15, 2014
I have a long growing statistical report(18 pages + more), and 14 of the pages will use report table headers. I went into the page set up and selected the row to repeat on each page. I do not want the table headers on any pages after 14. The rest of the report is formatted differently and does not use the row headers. but all of the information is related. Is there a way to only show the row headers up to page 14? I can't use headers and footers, of course. The report will be set in one place and the user will print it out once a week. It seems as if this cannot be done but I this is my last resort.
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Aug 14, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with a number of tabs and I want to add a logo to the header of each tab. My question is this: Do I have to add the logo to each header of each tab "one at a time" or is it possible to (somewhere) select and apply to all tabs?
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Aug 20, 2009
I would like to update a template I use monthly to create a financial projection report. One cell on the report indicates the reporting date. I need to report twelve months projection. The report header has twelve columns with formulas related to the reporting date in their headers.
As soon as the report date updated all columns update their names as well. Please see the attachment, EXAMPLE 1. I would like to convert this report table to the list, but as soon as do this my formulas dissapear from the list headers and live just names. Please, see the attachment EXAMPLE 2.
I fould tricky way to avoid this problem by adding additional row to the header and living names outside of the list, but I don't like it and it also affects the report view.
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a Workbook that has 12 worksheets in it, one for each month (January '14, February '14, ect.). Each sheet is identical with A1:Q1 being the same headers on each. I need a way to consolidate each sheet into one new summary worksheet. The issue I'm having is with the headers being copied multiple times on this new summary worksheet; appearing when a new month is listed. Row 1 of the summary sheet should be the header row and the following rows the data found on each monthly worksheet.
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Oct 18, 2012
I have numerical headers in each column that I am trying to sort in descending order (Most to Least) . I have about 9500 columns to sort. i am just looking to move the columns in a sort order not actually sort the data in the columns. Here is a sample below.
From this:
to this:
HTMLSheet2 Â ABCDEFGHIJKLMN115271364134913338576535355315074854764744632092773724127212116281361318133401016733
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a report that was built using Crystal Reports that I export into an Excel worksheet because, well, it is typically easier to pull in the additional data I need. I am writing a macro to do the formatting and such and wanted to find a better way to add column headers to the report but I can't seem to make it work.
I have other workbooks where I have to do some extensive formatting that I use application.transpose (array... to get vertical labels down a column, but I can't seem to find the verbiage to do the same thing across the top. I would put the header labels in the Crystal Report but the formatting always seems to be out of kilter when I do that so I am only importing the data from the report.
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a pivot that links to another tab, which has items categorised by Date ranges i.e. Date Group 1, Date Group 2, Date Group 3 and Date Group 4.
Sometimes none of the items will fall into a date group i.e. there is no date group 1's for that period, but my pivot simply removes the whoel date group 1 column when refreshed whereas I would like the pivot to always have the 4 headers and quote 0 if there is none in that category.
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May 1, 2008
I'm trying to find out how to hide just the tab headers on a multipage object. I see alot of posts on the forum that say how to hide the entire page, but I just want the tabs (headers) invisible.
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Nov 13, 2008
I have the regular headers in the first row, followed by rows containing my data. And at x number of rows, a new row containing headers appear again, followed by rows containing data. This goes on for the rest of report. What I need to do is remove the rest of the headers and lines because I only need to have one header in the first row.
Note that the header takes up two rows (one for the actual headers and one for the ====== lines. So removing the repeated headers is removing 2 rows.
For eg, part of the report looks like this:
PRODUCT PRODUCT NAME ==============================================12342EXAMPLE PRODUCT 122525EXAMPLE PRODUCT 2 35476EXAMPLE PRODUCT 3 53467EXAMPLE PRODUCT 4
PRODUCT PRODUCT NAME ==============================================135892EXAMPLE PRODUCT 5
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Dec 16, 2008
The raw data that I download breaks up the header into 5+ rows.
Ex: "Patient Med Rec No"
Would be all in column E but in different rows:
Row 1: Patient
Row 2: Med
Row 3: Rec
Row 4: No
Some have 5 rows of headers, some with 1 so its different for each header title.
Sometimes I have over 30 columns to fix.
Is there a way to insert a new ROW at the top and concatenate everything? Even if some rows have blanks and possibly more that 5 rows?
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Aug 17, 2010
I am about to re write my vba project as I can see that I need to make it more robust. One of the main issues I have is that the source XML file is not controlled by me. The quality and content is consistent but sometimes the order of the columns is different. At the moment that totally throws out my macro as it relies on certain columns for certain functions.
Trying to nut out the best way to import an XML file, keep only the specific columns I want - by content not location so then all follow on formula's will work and reference the correct data.
I have one theory that I can't get going. I thought if using defined names based on column headers this would allow me to keep and sort the columns I want. I can't find any examples to support this. I have been looking at the advanced filter but most examples reference exact cells which isn't flexible and leaves open to wrong data being pulled. Since I can't control the source doc what can I do?
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Jul 16, 2012
I have a a client who sends me an excel workbook quarterly. There are 90 worksheets and each has 20 language columns which are suppose to be the same on each worksheet.
My Problem is I want to merge them into one worksheet so i can add them to a database, but the client keeps changing the order of the languages!
So as an example I need to be able to identify the Polish, Russian and English columns on every worksheet and then combine each language to a new column on a new worksheet.
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May 26, 2009
Is there a way to print my columns headers in every page?
Everytime I have to print my spread sheet, I always have to keep page#1 in hands, because I cannot remember the headings.
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Jul 17, 2009
I have attached an extract from a Conveyor drum design document.
Cell E7 contains a relatively simple formula to extract data from the supplied table. I have tried time and again to make this work, but the best i can come up with is the formula shown, which returns an incorrect value.
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Nov 28, 2013
My and a work college needed to combine our separate excel worksheets into a single document.
Office 2013 didn't have a function to "import sheet from file" so we used open office to import my .xlsx worksheets.
After we finished importing we exported the final workbook as .xls (so I could open it).
After opening the workbook on my pc (excel 2013) i notice some of the sheets no longer have column headers, but the row headings still exists. (No ABCD, only 1234)
Also I am unable to use features such as "Freeze Pane"
I suspect this was caused by importing and exporting through open office?
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Dec 18, 2013
Is it possible to have table headers that are down the side instead of going across the top?
I have searched but have not found an answer so far.
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Jun 13, 2006
How do I set up the formula bar so it doesn't cover the column headers?
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Mar 16, 2014
I want to return the column headings (the months) where there is a 'No' value, per person. How to do this?
Here's the screenshot
Screen Shot 2014-03-17 at 11.45.34 am.png
And here's a dummy version:
Example Spreadsheet.xlsx
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Aug 11, 2013
I did not want to bother you again but I have a problem that I can not solve it because my knowledge in vba etc, are limited and could not become to find with Macro Recorder.Usually I solve the problems on my own by searching on Google and experimenting with ready Macros and Macro Recorder.
I have an excel file with a macro and I want before this macro launched, to run another macro that can check if the headers have the correct name and in its correct position. The headers is in first Row.
If are not in the correct position or if it doesn't exist or if not have the correct name, then the process of the next macro be stopped and of course be informed that there is a problem.But if Is everything okay, then proceed to the next macro and be informed that Is everything okay.
I have attached a Sample file with the headers i'm using.
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Sep 9, 2005
I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets, which can vary from project to
project, and they all have the same center sections of the headers. Is there
any way to automate the filling in of all these headers based on the first
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Nov 20, 2009
I have student demographic data, then I have to track how each student did on each question, but each question also corresponds to a reading standard and I need to pull two pieces of info from that. How they scored on the assessment (# of answers correct), and if they missed a certain standard twice or more (There are 4 instances of StandardA in the test and they had wrong answers on 2 or more of them). I have the solution to the first part. I entered the results of each question as a 1 for correct and 2 for incorrect then did a countif and only counted the 1s. I am stumped on getting an analysis of how each student did on the indicators. Since the indicators can occur more than once, generating a pviot table doesn't work in this instance, it'll count of 1s and 2s for StandardA, StandardA2, StandardA3, etc. and not the counts of 1s and 2 for all instances of StandardA.
What I want:
For student Bob - Number of times he answered incorrectly StandardA, StandardB, StandardC, StandardD, etc.............
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Nov 8, 2011
When I read a CSV file into a recordset, the headers are not all being read. I get gaps in the headers for whatever reason. Attached below is the Function to load the recordset from the file. I have hard coded Hdr to "No" in the connection string.
Function QueryByID(tableName As String, fieldToQuery As String, Target As Long, Hdr As String) As Recordset
Dim strFilePath, strFileName, strQuery As String
Dim oFSObj, oConn As Object
Dim oRs As Recordset
Dim f, lastRow As Integer
[Code] .......
The below is how I output the resultset:
Sub OutputResultSet(aTable As String)
Dim row, col, i, j As Integer
row = 1
col = 1
[Code] .....
I have triple checked the CSV file and the first row in each file has definitely got headers. Some headers are loaded and output fine, others are just blank.
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