VBA Macro To Hide Charts?

Jan 5, 2012

I have the following piece of code to hide all worksheets in my workbook but modify it to hide the multiple charts I still have open after running this:

Sub HideAllSheets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet


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How To Show / Hide Series In Scatter Charts

Feb 22, 2013

Any way to be able to toggle (checkbox) a particular series in a chart.

I found this old thread that shows a simple method: [URL]

BUT, I do not want the series to appear in the legend if it is not plotted.

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Macro To Export Charts As PNG

Aug 14, 2014

I am new to macros and I am trying to export 20 charts that are one worksheet. I found the code below online and it it does work for a majority of the charts. However, it randomly skips some of the charts and does not export the. I receive an Run Time error 76; Path not found. Each chart is named.

Sub Create_Png()
Dim objCht As ChartObject
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "C:Path Name"

For Each objCht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
objCht.Chart.Export strPath & objCht.Name & ".png", FilterName:="png"
End Su

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Converting Static Charts To Dynamic Charts

Jun 27, 2013

My DB is in table format . I use this table as source data for 2 barcharts and 1 pie chart.Following are my table headers

Costs|exp heads|Month1|Month2|...|Month n|Spark lines|Average

When i add a month coloumn,Sparklines and Average coloumn should get updated automaticaly.Now this is not happening even if the data is in table format.I also want the graphs to be automaticaly updated.

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VBA Macro To Create New Worksheet, Charts, Etc.

Oct 23, 2008

I need a macro to create the following worksheets and charts from an Excel data set:

Three (3) worksheets (already created manually in attached Excel file):

1. Chart Data.
(a) Column A in Chart Data is always numbered 1 - 600 (50 years x 12 mos/yr).
(b) Column I and column Y data sets (from Prod_Month) created in Chart Data. Each data set can be identified and collated with column F in Prod_Month (API) which is unique for each dataset.

2. Rate vs. Month - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Months (col. A in Chart Data).

3. Rate vs. Time - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Calender Time (col. B et. al. in Chart Data)

At a minimum, could someone help me create the Chart Data worksheet from the data in PROD_MONTH? Charting all the columns takes time from Chart Data but any data manipulation macro(s) help.

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Creating Many Excel Charts With A Macro?

Oct 21, 2011

I've got quite of few excel charts to make and have been looking for a way to automate the process. The chart types include line, pie, and bar. Basically, I have data for each state in the US that I am comparing with national level data. Thus each chart will have national level data and the data for each state. What I need is a macro that I can easily change the parameters for because different worksheets have slightly different layouts. I started by using the macro recorder to make a chart. Then I attempted to edit it so that it would run loops to make additional charts. Below is some sample data for the first worksheet I have and my attempted macro.

Sample Data:

State Characteristic Value07 Value08 Value09
Alaska A 11 23 45
Alaska B 13 22 98
Alaska C 99 91 21
Alabama A 23 14 11
Alabama B 44 62 76
Alabama C 75 47 21[code]....

This code doesn't run at all.

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How To Plot Multiple Charts Using Macro

Jul 6, 2012

I would like to generate a macro which can work on by importing an excel tabulated datas and plot it into several graphs in one click and added with a filter function would be best.

Here i link one of the sample of macro for this :


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Macro To AutoScale Charts By Chart Name?

Aug 28, 2012

I have a code for auto scaling charts, but I'm looking for a slight tweak to improve its performance. Here is the code:

Public Sub ChartScale()With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = Range("J152").MaximumScale = Range("J153")End WithEnd Sub
(where J152 and J153 are the cells being used to scale the chart)

What happens is that I create a macro button, and then have to select a specific chart, then press the button to scale it. I have 2 main questions I'm trying to have answered to improve this process:

1) Is there a way to make this process automatic (i.e. no button press required)? The chart would autoscale automatically upon the min and max number changing.

2) And more importantly, can I specify the macro to an individual chart instead of the active one? For example, I'd like 4 charts on one sheet to all have their own auto scaling being performed. So, in the above code, the chart uses cells J152 and J153 for the scaling. I'd like the others to use other cells for the scaling. Cells J152 and J153 would auto scale chart "Name 1", cells K152 and K153 would autoscale Chart "Name 2", and so forth for 4 charts.

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Excel Macro For Charts In PIE Chart?

Jan 28, 2013

i am creating a macro to animate the charts, but i need a code where, if i select a block in the chart it should take the point name automatically.

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Macro To Create Dynamic Charts

Dec 22, 2006

i want to create dynamic Excel Charts in one sheet ,The sheeet contain dynamic columns and rows and i want to create for each 4 columns a chart in a new sheet ,i started to try it in VBA and didnt founs the way to select 4 columns as a range, i succeseed to do it with msgboox that the user enter the range but i want to do it in a loop

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VBA Macro Code To Create Multiple Charts

May 9, 2009

I need to create 63 charts from data which I have in two columns. I want to create multiple charts using one macro. For the first chart I want it to use cells K2:K80 as the x values, and M2:M80 as the y values. For the next chart I want it to use cells K81:K159 as the x values and M81:159 as the y values. For the next chart I want it to use cells K160:K238 as the x values and M160:M238 as the y values. I want to continue this, creating a chart for every 78 cells of data, all the way until the 63rd chart which uses K4900:K4978 as the x values and M4900:M4978 as the y values. I have created the following macro by " recording." This macro generates the first chart that I want:

Sub Macro5()
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=Sheet1!$K$2:$K$80"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Sheet1!$M$2:$M$80"
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-3
End Sub

How can I alter this macro to create all 63 charts?. It seems like there is an easy way to do this, but I don't use macros very much (at all).

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Macro Runtime Error - Items (charts) Not Found

Oct 3, 2013

I've got an interactive chart on a sheet where users select a chart from a combo box control and a picture link to the chart is displayed. The actual charts are on a hidden sheet. I have to activate the charts first for it to work so I put a button the sheet and recorded a macro where I unhide the hidden sheet, select each chart as I scroll down the screen by clicking on it then hide the sheet again and return to the interactive chart.

My problem is that I'm getting an error when the macro tries to select the first chart which is called "Chart 6":

Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)':

The item with the specified name wasn't found

I recorded the macro so I'm not sure why the macro isn't working now.

Sub ResetCharts()
' ResetCharts Macro
' Reset all charts
Sheets("Budget v Actual Graphs").Select
Sheets("Graph BG").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 6").Activate
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=15
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 35").Activate

[Code] ............

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Macro-generated Values Not Updating Charts And Sums

Jul 5, 2006

The question is pretty much described in the post title. Here is the situation:
I have a workbook that has data plugged into it manually throughout many sheets, and at the end there are a few sheets with different graphs and charts that are generated by a macro. This macros works perfectly - all the data is accurate and the figures are perfect when compared with a manual count. The problem I have is that the cells where the macro puts the summed values are in a chart that is supposed to create a bar graph. Normally, if I change a value that a bar graph uses I see the bar graph change - but that does not happen with the cells that have values placed in them by the macro. I also have a section that sums the values in the chart to make sure it's running right, and these values do not update automatically as well. The cells have the formula =SUM(B3:B12) and so on, in them. Right now, every time that I run the macro I need to go into the cell with the formula, hit 'enter', and then it does the summation. Is there a way to correct this problem, or is this something that is part of excel?

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Pivot Charts Versus Charts

Sep 5, 2012

I am trying to put some charts into a report that is pivot table based. I have some code that will work if the pivot tables stay stagnic but the users may change the tables around so that could be an issue of new data. I have the following code where I changed the source to the pivot table name (general name because of numberous report possibilites). I have taken out the other charts because they are just a variation of the chart 1. I am crashing on the line with the * on it.

Sub UWTierChart()
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oChart As Chart
Set ws_data = ActiveSheet
'Chart 1


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Assigning Bar Charts Different Colors Based On RGB Numbers In Table With VBA Macro

Apr 30, 2014

I have some excel sheets that are formatted like the following:

company1 | 10 | 255 | 000 | 000
company2 | 20 | 000 | 255 | 000
company3 | 30 | 000 | 000 | 255
and so on...

My question is that I would like to have a macro that runs on this basic file and creates a bar graph with the data. Then it utilizes the RGB values in the columns to change the specific bar for that row. So setting the r, g, b as variables corresponding to the columns in the sheet. Also there isn't a preset number of rows in the files.


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Create Macro To Pull From List And Then Update Charts And Print

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying to create a Macro to pull from a list and then update the charts and print. I have a list that has over 100 clients. I believe I need to loop but I am not familiar with VBAs at all. Below is what I am trying to accomplish.

Sub Update()
' Update Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] ......

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Change Order Of Graphs When Using Macro To Export All Excel Charts To Powerpoint?

Apr 14, 2014

I've been using a VBA code to look through my spreadsheet and find any graphs in any tab and move it to powerpoint. I have about 70 tabs with 7 graphs each.

I have is that the order of the graphs in the slidepack isn't in the same as found on each excel tab.I also tried renaming them (chart1-chart7) but problem still remains.

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Pasting Charts Between 2 Instances Copies Macro Code Into Hidden Workbook

Apr 13, 2008

Consider two instances of Excel - one with a workbook containing a chart and some VBA code, the other containing a blank workbook. When I paste a chart from the first instance of Excel to the other, all the VBA code from the original workbook is also pasted into a new third hidden workbook in the second instance of Excel! If that weren't weird enough ON WINDOWS XP (but not Windows 2000) if the VBA code included WorkbookOpen or AutoOpen this code is executed in the second instance of Excel, which of course fails if it references sheets that only existed in the workbook open in the first instance of Excel! This is the first time I've seen the same version of Excel do different things on different versions of Windows! Example attached - What's going on!? Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;...note: this does not happen when pasting charts between workbooks open in the SAME instance of Excel

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Conflict Between Auto Save&close Macro And Show/hide Sheets Macro

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to make a save&close workbook macro.

I found several examples on google, but unfortunatly it conflicts with another macro I use for forceing users to enable macros (hide all sheets except one if macros are disabled).

The attached file is an example contaning the save&close code and the show/hide sheets depending on macros enabled.

If the file is opened with macros disabled then only one sheet will be visible.
If the file is opened with macros enabled other sheets are visible.

The problem if that this code uses a custom save, witch makes the save&close not save... (in module1 and in ThisWorkbook)

The pourpose of the save&close is to make sure some users don't forget the excel open and thus block access to it. So if a certain idele time passes excel has to save and close without any confirmation messages.

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Macro And IF Function Is True Then Macro 1 (hide) Is Used

May 20, 2006

I have 2 macros one hides a selection of rows and the other unhides them. What i want to be able to do is when an IF function is true then macro 1 (hide) is used. If the function is false then macro 2 (unhide) works. There is a code in VBA

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Macro To Hide Row

Jul 20, 2006

i am looking for correct code to hide a row based on the cell value. for example, if G8 = 0, hide row 8

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Hide The Column Macro

Sep 9, 2008

I'm not a VB programmer and have tried to write this macro but I can't seem to understand why it's not working.

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Macro To Hide All Toolbars

May 22, 2009

I am looking for a macro to hide all toolbars i am using this at the moment

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Hide Columns Via A Macro ...

Jun 11, 2009

I have created this macro (below) in a standalone spreadsheet and the expected results are that Columns A,B,C,D,G,H will be displayed after I run the macro.

But when I use the same macro in my production worksheet (columns and ranges adjusted accordingly) this macro creates the following results: Column A is displayed and all the rest are hidden (B,C,D,E,F,G,H). I am stumped as to why this occurs. Can you advice me as to how to get this macro to work and display A,B,C,D,G,H ?

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Macro To Hide CHR(10) Character

Feb 11, 2010

I have the code below, which works fine apart from I get a little square coming up every time I run the code, as this gives you a line the Chr(10) has to be there. When I tale the Chr(10) out the little square disappears but then I don't get a new line. I have set the formatting to "wrap text" but it is still showing up. I am not quite sure where to go from here, I have also done a ="test"&CHAR(10)&"test" and that worked fine with no little square.

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Macro To Hide A Range?

Jan 24, 2004

1. I can create basic macros .. but how do I write a macro to hide a range (of 10 rows) named "dmargin". That for my button no. 1.

2. How do I write a macro to unhide the named range "dmargin" for my button #2.

I tried using VB codes to achieve both conditions -- it works but it either continuously protects or unprotects my ws -- so I think it is better to use a low level codes (macro buttons).

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Macro To Hide Rows With 0

Nov 19, 2013

optimize the above Mcro to hide rows with "0".

Sub HideRowsw()

With Excel.Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
End With


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Macro To Hide/unhide A Row

Sep 23, 2007

I made this simple little macro to hide/unhide a row on a different sheet based on a check box. The row hides fine. The problem I have is unhide. I uncheck the box, but the row stays hidden. What am I missing to make this little gem come to life? This is for tracking popcorn sales for scouting and I'm trying to make it as easy to use as possible.

Sub Patrol1_Scout1()
If True Then
Sheets("Show_n_Deliver_Sold").Rows("7:7").EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If

If False Then
Sheets("Show_n_Deliver_Sold").Rows("7:7").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub

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Macro To Hide Zero Rows

Jul 22, 2006

I have a series of worksheets in a single workbook. The problem is there are many rows that contain zeros across. The problem is that there is text in that row in case a number does show up there. I need a macro that will hide all of the rows containing zeros or no values.

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Macro: Hide Worksheets

Nov 23, 2006

I have an Excel spreadsheet from which I run a macro to open another workbook. This other workbook has multiple worksheets. The problem I have is that I never know which worksheet was left active whenever it was last saved. How do I revise my macro to open this workbook and make a specific worksheet active and hide all other worksheets?

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