VBA Match Function With Variables / Number And Alternating Ranges

Jun 2, 2014

I am having a hard time getting my match functions to work with letters and numbers in the same range. I am also trying to figure out a way to have the ranges switch if there is an error. because the data is in multiple columns. It is hard to explain so I have attached a sample workbook.


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Index Match Function For Multiple Linked Variables

Nov 21, 2005

I have a worksheet that has 6 columns of numerical data that all column
datasets are referenced together for each row. So for example the data
in row 5 in all colums is related.

Column C through F have 4 numbers that refer to the data in the first 2
columns. These are also ordered by row.

I need to look in column A for 0.00, and column B for 3.14 Both of
these must be in the same row or I need the closest value. When these
values are found in columns A & B, return the values from the same row
in Columns C through F.

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Using Named Ranges In Match Function

Apr 21, 2013

I have a table (approx 10 rows x 10 columns) that I am trying to lookup. I have to first look across the top of the table (cols 2-10) to find a name, then look down for a value (exact match) within than array and then find the corresponding value (in that position) in the 1st column. I have used 'name manager' to name these arrays (in columns, rows 2-10).

I have setup the names of the arrays with a drop down list (as per some utube videos). When I try to evaluate the match function (with the array name as a cell reference) i get #value. When I directly type in the name of the array into the match function I get a correct answer.

Should I be using other functions such as indirect, choose, etc instead?

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Match A Number From Between 2 Ranges

Feb 4, 2009

I have a whole list of numbers (e.g. 7, 23, 567) and I would like to be able to tell which range they fall within and return the category.

1275Group A
276375Group B
376600Group C
601825Group D
8261,075Group E

Therefore 7 and 23 would be Group A, and 567 would be Group C. I can do as a long nested IF, but I'm sure there must be a better way.

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VBA Index Match Function With Criteria Ranges In Another Worksheet

Sep 26, 2011

I am trying to do index match function with criteria ranges in another worksheets. The code kept on giving me " #Value!"..

Here is the code:

Sub test1()

Dim myvalue As Variant
Dim wsname As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim r1 As range
Dim r2 As range
Dim r3 As range
Dim r4 As range

wsname = "CustomerIDbyParts"

[Code] .......

The resulting cell of F5 kept on returning #Value!.. I suspect that my syntax for looking up the ranges from another worksheet is wrong?

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INDIRECT Function Not Working Inside MATCH With Dynamic Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

I am getting a #REF error when using an INDIRECT function within a MATCH function to check against a dynamic named range. Basically, I am trying to get the row reference so that I can go back and extract other data from the row (in a table contained in another sheet) into the current worksheet.

I attach an example file for reference. The issue arises when a Dynamic Named Range is used. In the example file, if a value from a static range is chosen, the match with indirect function works, but it fails with the dynamic range.

Dynamic Ranges INDIRECT v2.xlsb

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Function Back Variables: Function Give Two Or More Output Variables

Jul 27, 2006

Can a Function give two or more output variables. e.g.

Sub a()
x = 5
result = Y(x)
End Sub

Function Y (x As Integer) As Integer
Dim B
B = ... * x
Y = ... * B

this will give back Y as a result. But if I want to get 2 or more output variables (let's say I need to get also B into sub) from one function, how should I do that?
I need this because function works with large matrix and I want to extract some values appeared in between.

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Mid Function :: Match Account Number With Description

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to use a Mid function to help me in my vba problem.

In my first table I have a list of account numbers. E.g. 'ZZ500543'

In my second table I have a list of account descriptions. E.g. 'Denis Morgan ZZ500543 leak from bath'

I need to match the account number in Table1 with the correct account description in Table2. I thought a Mid function would be the best option to pick out the account number in Table2? Is this right? How would I go about using it?

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Match Function For Cell Reference Row Number

Sep 5, 2007

I am trying to acccess a cell value from a seperate worksheet. The cell reference needs to be generated by a seperate formula. In this example

=DSInfo!C28 // provides the correct result i.e the contents of cell C28 on worsheet DSInfo =MATCH(A4,DSInfo!C1:C35,0) //provides the correct row number - in this case 28

However on trying to combine the two =DSInfo!C&MATCH(A4,DSInfo!C1:C35,0) // provides only a formula error. I'm guessing this is a simple syntax error on my part but after hours of trying various ways I'm still having no luck.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Groups Of Identical Number Cells In Alternating Grey And White?

Jun 27, 2014

I am looking for a way to highlight groups of identical number cells in alternating grey and white. My goal is to make it clear when there is a repeating set of numbers. Below is an example of what a completed state of this would look like that I created manually. The real form I will be using this code on will have long number which is why I am looking for this added clarification. I am using excel 2010.







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VBA Match Function With Multiple Criteria To Return Row Number

Jul 16, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to write a VBA Match function that can look for multiple criteria and return the row number of a successful match.

I have about 255,000 rows of data on the worksheet "Filtered". Column B contains my Item Number and Column D contains the supply source. I want to find the row where ItemNumber and SupplySource match my variables and then return the value from Column C.

I can do a match for one criteria, but where I'm having problems is getting it so the two matches are on the same row.

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Match Function To Return Column Number For Matching Date Errors?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to use some vba match function code to return the column number of the matching date. The date will be stored in a date variable.

Every time I run this code I normally get a match error even though the date is in the worksheet and the variable matches that date.

See below:

[Code] .....

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Select Non Contiguous Ranges Via Macro, Using Variables

Apr 29, 2008

trying to select multiple ranges of data at once using variables as my selection range criteria.

I.e., I want something similar to:


But would like to be able to perform the same selection using variables.

StartVar = 10, EndVar = 30

I'm sure it's just a matter of syntax, but I can't seem to get it right.

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Reference Cells & Ranges With Numeric Variables

Jun 13, 2008

I have the following macro, which works fine (extraneous code not shown)...

For I = Start_ROW To Last_ROW_Z
Range("A" & I & " : " & "O" & I).Copy

But I want to make the "O" column identifier dynamic. So I've defined the column with the dimension...

Last_COL_Tracking = Sheets(" Tracking").Range("IV" & Start_ROW).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1

But this returns a column number, not the letter, so I can't use it in my original formula.

I tried converting to R1C1 with the formula...

Range ("R[" & I & "]C[1]:R[" & I & "]C[" & Last_COL_Tracking & "]")

...but this errors out.

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Array Of Variables Want To Match Them

Feb 21, 2008

What would be the best approach/funcvtion to use in excel if I had an array of variables and wanted to match them?



I would like to lookup up a column and if either of these numbers are in that row to say "yes otherwise "No"

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VBA Macro To Create Multiple Data Validation Lists From Variables & Named Ranges

Nov 10, 2008

I cant seem to find the correct syntax for creating 14 validation lists using array members as the source of the named ranged. The validation lists are stored on a different worksheet, the Named Ranges are created fine, as are the ranges that are having the validation applied. The Syntax I am having a problem with is

Public Sub assignDVList(WSD As Worksheet, sListName As String)
Dim DVListName As String
DVListName = "DV" & sListName
Application.Goto Reference:=sListName
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & DVListName

It is the Formula1:="=" & DVListName that is creating the headache. The sub is called as the array moves through the columns, using the header row as the Name for the Named Range, and the data Validation worksheet uses the same naming except it has DV in front.

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MATCH -- Using Cell References/variables?

Dec 8, 2008

I'm having problems with the MATCH function. If I use =MATCH(A2,'c:myfile.xlsx'!MyRange,0), it works. A2 is the value that I want to look up. 'c:myfile.xlsx'!MyRange is the full path of a range in an another XLSX.

However, if I assign the file name to a cell and try: =MATCH(A2,A3,0). where A3 has the exact same path as the line that work, Excel returns #N/A. I also tried a match on a range in the same tab of the same spreadsheet, and it didn't work. Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do? The file location of the external XLSX is going to change, and I wish I could just update one cell rather than every single cell that contains a MATCH.

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VLookup To Pivot Table Using Match Function - Returns Error If Can't Find Match Value

Mar 11, 2014

I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:

=SUM(VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("FAID",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("BPCM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMD",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE))

F13 = Employee number
Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based.
The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"

This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.

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VLOOKUP / INDEX / MATCH Function: Match Data From 2 Independent Sets??

Oct 8, 2009

I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)

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Using Index / Match Function For Two Column Match Values

Aug 28, 2012

Basically where the columns say 2011 or 2012 AND 1, 2, 3. I want to be able to have it index the number below based on the GL number on the left and both the year and period on the top. I think that you can do with using the sumproduct function with the binary, but the computer is a little dated and it takes a while to run those calculations.



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IF Function With Three Variables

Feb 14, 2013

I'm having trouble with my logic again :/

Tp std


So I want the Tp in the 3rd column to show the result:

IF AREA is less than or equal to 20, Tp=Tp std / 2

IF AREA is between 20 and 40, Tp=(((AREA-20)/(40-20))*(Tp std/2))+(Tp std/2)

IF AREA is 40 or greater Tp = Tp std

But as one equation

I have just been struggling with the range part.

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Feb 14, 2007

I have and Indirect function that works.... I need to modify it to include a cell address reference, but this requires the use of a Vlookup function to find the address ....

I have this formula: but it does not work

I'm not sure how to include the VLOOKUP function in my argument to

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Inserting An INDEX,MATCH Function Into A HYPERLINK Function Instead Of Cell Reference

Mar 20, 2009

Another interesting dilemma to solve. Using this formula:

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VLookup Function That Searches For Two Variables?

Dec 9, 2013

I need to figure out a vlookup function that searches for two variables and return an answer. such as the example attached;

vlookup -- 12253 & 605.34 (if these are matching then) 131001

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Range Variables In Customized Function

Aug 30, 2006

I wrote my function as it is shown below:

Function MyFunction1(r, n, xrange, yrange)
If r <= n Then
For i = 1 To 5
MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i)
For i = 1 To 5
MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i) * yrange(i)
End If
End Function

This is just a very basic idea of what I need to do, so it might not make sense why I am doing it, but I am just trying to test that the function works. Anyhow, the thing is that it works with something like this when I input it in a cell in a worksheet: =MyFunction1(RAND(),0.5,{5,6,7,8,9},{10,20,40,50,100})

However, if I try to define the range or set {5,6,7,8,9} with other cells, it does not work. so for example if I try the following:............

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Nested If Formula/Function With Other Variables

May 14, 2008

I am creating a worksheet and I have a formlua where the value is text. I can make it work standing alone but not with other variables. =IF(E11=S1,0)+(IF(E12=S1,0)+(IF(E13=S1,0.0025))+IF(E14=S1,"Call for Prciing"))

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Match And Copy: Declare The Variables Correctly And Have The Operations Done In A Series Of Do/ Loops Or For/Nexts

Feb 2, 2007

I have a series of operations to carry out and, while I can do the code for each individual one, how to declare the variables correctly and have the operations done in a series of Do/ Loops or For/Nexts. Especially the declaring of named ranges as variables. Also a bit uncertain of the best way to find and coy the match. I have attached a simplified version of the workbook, with explanations on it.

Basically what I need to do is loop through a series of named ranges and then loop through the names in each, match each name with a name in a master list (with a flag as an image), add an e-mail hyperlink to that flagged name and copy both to a new cell.

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Counting Number Of Times INDEX / MATCH Finds More Than 1 Match?

May 23, 2014

We know how INDEX/MATCH works, and it's very nice. I attached a COUNTIF to it to count how many times the index finds itself on another table; if it doesn't find itself, then it goes blank. However, this time I need to count how many times it finds a certain string condition in the other table.


The columns that need to be filled are shaded in dark pink.

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Count The Match Of Two Ranges?

Apr 30, 2009

I have a set of data and I need to count the match of two ranges in a matrix, example:

ColumnA | Column B
Week | Component
1 | AAA
1 | AAA
1 | CCC
1 | DDD
1 | CCC
1 | CCC
1 | AAA
1 | AAA
2 | AAA
2 | BBB
2 | BBB
2 | AAA
2 | CCC

I want a matrix like this:

Week/Component| AAA | BBB | CCC | DDD
1: 4 | 0 | 3 | 1
2: 2 | 2 | 1 | 0

I have 12 components and 104 weeks which means that using DCOUNT doesn't feel like an option.

I would like something like:
FOR RANGE A1:B3000 COUNTIF 1 in column A AND AAA in Column B

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Nesting Index / Match Function Within Vlookup Function?

Dec 3, 2013

let me start by saying that I know an example workbook would be useful here, but the part I'm struggling with is the [managementroster.xlsm] file, and there is A. no way I can release it to the internets and B. its so huge/complicated I couldn't even begin to reproduce a portion of it, scrubbed of data, and hope to maintain its functionality in a meaningful manner.


This formula checks a staff number on this spreadsheet, and then goes and looks at the staff number on the roster. Once found, it returns that staff members roster, but changes any manager codes in the MRC list to Mgr, and changes all other roster codes to Free.

I now need this formula, before altering roster codes to Mgr or Free, to only return codes that are a match for another table (or after really. I don't particularly care, so long as only codes are shown that match data from another table). I think an index/match function would do the trick, but this forumula is already at the edge of my excel ability, nesting another function within it is completey beyond me. The relevant cells for the index/match function would be:

This first Match function targets the column. $E3 is the date required, $BA$1:$DN$1 is the range the dates are entered in
Match: Lookup value = $E3
Lookup array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$BA$1:$DN$1
match type = 0

This second Match function targets the row. $A$4 is the department name, $B$434:$B$452 is the range where all departments are entered

Match: Lookup value = $A$4
Lookup Array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$B$434:$B$452
match type = 0

Index: array = $BA$434:$DN$452

So I think my final function is

[Code] .....

But I have absolutely NO idea where it would fit within my first formula, or how to code it so that my original formula only reproduces results that are found in both sheets, or anything.

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