Range Variables In Customized Function

Aug 30, 2006

I wrote my function as it is shown below:

Function MyFunction1(r, n, xrange, yrange)
If r <= n Then
For i = 1 To 5
MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i)
For i = 1 To 5
MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i) * yrange(i)
End If
End Function

This is just a very basic idea of what I need to do, so it might not make sense why I am doing it, but I am just trying to test that the function works. Anyhow, the thing is that it works with something like this when I input it in a cell in a worksheet: =MyFunction1(RAND(),0.5,{5,6,7,8,9},{10,20,40,50,100})

However, if I try to define the range or set {5,6,7,8,9} with other cells, it does not work. so for example if I try the following:............

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Function Back Variables: Function Give Two Or More Output Variables

Jul 27, 2006

Can a Function give two or more output variables. e.g.

Sub a()
x = 5
result = Y(x)
End Sub

Function Y (x As Integer) As Integer
Dim B
B = ... * x
Y = ... * B

this will give back Y as a result. But if I want to get 2 or more output variables (let's say I need to get also B into sub) from one function, how should I do that?
I need this because function works with large matrix and I want to extract some values appeared in between.

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Defining A Range With Variables And Cells Function

Aug 25, 2009

I am trying to make the "A4:A" portion of this line of code generic so it can work in multiple different files. I have defined a variable FirstGridRow that will take care of the '4' but I need to find a way to splice it all together. Essentially I am stuck trying to tack on the ":A". The first piece shows where I am coming from and the second is where I am trying to go to.

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IF Function With Three Variables

Feb 14, 2013

I'm having trouble with my logic again :/

Tp std


So I want the Tp in the 3rd column to show the result:

IF AREA is less than or equal to 20, Tp=Tp std / 2

IF AREA is between 20 and 40, Tp=(((AREA-20)/(40-20))*(Tp std/2))+(Tp std/2)

IF AREA is 40 or greater Tp = Tp std

But as one equation

I have just been struggling with the range part.

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Feb 14, 2007

I have and Indirect function that works.... I need to modify it to include a cell address reference, but this requires the use of a Vlookup function to find the address ....

I have this formula: but it does not work

I'm not sure how to include the VLOOKUP function in my argument to

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VLookup Function That Searches For Two Variables?

Dec 9, 2013

I need to figure out a vlookup function that searches for two variables and return an answer. such as the example attached;

vlookup -- 12253 & 605.34 (if these are matching then) 131001

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Nested If Formula/Function With Other Variables

May 14, 2008

I am creating a worksheet and I have a formlua where the value is text. I can make it work standing alone but not with other variables. =IF(E11=S1,0)+(IF(E12=S1,0)+(IF(E13=S1,0.0025))+IF(E14=S1,"Call for Prciing"))

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Insert Relative Function That Uses Variables Into Cell

Mar 4, 2008

I am using VB to insert a function into a cell on an excell worksheet. The relative references work fine. For the absolute reference, I want to use a named range (LowTotal). If I simply put the name into the function, then I just get the name as text in the function. The second insert formula is were the named range is intended to go. Here is the code so far...

I need to know how to use the varriable name in the .formulaR1C1, so that VB knows it is a variable and not just text....

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VBA Match Function With Variables / Number And Alternating Ranges

Jun 2, 2014

I am having a hard time getting my match functions to work with letters and numbers in the same range. I am also trying to figure out a way to have the ranges switch if there is an error. because the data is in multiple columns. It is hard to explain so I have attached a sample workbook.


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Index Match Function For Multiple Linked Variables

Nov 21, 2005

I have a worksheet that has 6 columns of numerical data that all column
datasets are referenced together for each row. So for example the data
in row 5 in all colums is related.

Column C through F have 4 numbers that refer to the data in the first 2
columns. These are also ordered by row.

I need to look in column A for 0.00, and column B for 3.14 Both of
these must be in the same row or I need the closest value. When these
values are found in columns A & B, return the values from the same row
in Columns C through F.

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Extracting Variables From Quartic Function (4th Degree Polynomial)

Apr 10, 2012

I have quite a number of 4th degree polynomials and attempting to extract the variables from every equation. I used the formula below (from another thread);

=LOOKUP(99^99,--("0"&MID(A1,MIN(SEARCH({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1&"0 123456789")),ROW($1:$10000))))

but it only extracts the first variable.

4th degree polynomial function: f(x) = ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e

Example of one of the equations: Y = -42.4276 + 319.989 X - 809.094 X^2 + 942.247 X ^3 - 397.587 X^4

I'll like to have the final result like below (Based on the Example equation above)


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Add Nest Formula/Function To Cell With Variables Via Macro Code

May 22, 2008

I would like to use a varible Cell for the following forumula:

ActiveCell.Formula = "= ROUND(PIExpDat(""TimeEq('""&Cells(RowNdxG,4)&F$2,F$3,F$4,F$5,0,)/3600,1)"

I have underlined the variable. This is not working but is rather showing up as a string value Cells(RowNdxG, 4).

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Customized Cell Backgrounds

May 20, 2009

Is there a way to have customized cell backgrounds that are more complex that Excel's preset colors and patterns?. For instance, I have a merged cell (it has to stay merged) with a value that is located at the bottom-center of the merged cell. I want to have either a fading gradient (the top of the cell is white fading to a blue bottom towards the value), or just have the bottom portion of the merged cell colored. I have Excel 2003 so I don't know if any other version has this feature.

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Customized Protection Properties

Mar 26, 2007

I need to have all cells locked and protected, but I need to be able to select all cells in column A only. With 2003 I can chose to be able to select locked cells in the Protection Properties, but that allows at the same time to select all cells and I want a property to allow selection in column A only.

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Customized Format In Textbox

Nov 14, 2008

I have an txtBox in a userForm. I need the value of the userform in a customized format i.e. the user will be able to enter only 5 digit numbers and after the value has been entered the txtBox should dispaly the value with prefix "A".

For example:
1. If user enters values as 56, then txtBox should display as A00056.
2. If user enters values as 12346, then txtBox should display as A12346.

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Loop Through Some Of Worksheets Without Using Customized Names

Nov 20, 2012

I have a piece of code from a form command button. its supposed to colect data and put it to appropriate cells.

FoundColumn = 0

For Each c In Sheet19.Range("A5:A33").Cells
If c.Value = student1.Value Then
'check if date allready exists
For Each cc In Sheet19.Range("c4:nc4").Cells
If Calendar1.Value = cc.Value Then

[Code] .....

I need this for Sheet19 and to 10 more worksheets like Sheet20, Sheet21 etc. I can manually copy paste the code and change the Sheet19 to whatever but it just does not seem the right thing to do. I tried:

For i = 1 To 6
naming = "Sheet" & i
MsgBox naming.Cells(1, 2).Value
Next i

but that gives an object required error.

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Creating Customized Sequence In Excel

Apr 14, 2009

I have a table


As you can see, a,b and c is repeated times.

How do you make it so that it would look like




Is there a shortcut in doing this instead of copy pasting it?

I have a record just like this with about 572+ rows and 13 repeating items with that 13 items having their own column so copy pasting is really a tedious task. Kindly please help me solve this?

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Export Customized Ribbon Automatically?

Aug 23, 2013

I'm making a task sheet for my employees and would like them to see the option in the ribbon automatically that allows you to add a picture. I have made my custom ribbon with the "picture" command right under the Home tab. I want to email my workbook as an attachment to my employees and have that picture button right there in their ribbon when they open up the attachment. Is this possible?

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Load Form From Customized Submenu

Jan 21, 2010

I have created a custom submenu in Excel that uses the "SheetBeforeRightClick" event in the "ThisWorkbook" object to initialize. In the custom submenu, I want to use one of the choices to load a form that I have created. I am trying to do this directly when selecting the submenu entry, by using "MyForm.Show", but this doesn't work. As a workaround I use an intermediary subroutine, "Sub Load_MyForm" where I put the same command, and then it works! Anyone who knows how to load the form directly from the submenu click event without going through an intermediary subroutine?

The workaround (which works) in "ThisWorkbook":

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Customized Scrollbar / Slider To Select Value?

Feb 17, 2012

I have been using a scroll bar in my project to select a value from 0 - 3

Is it possible to have a customised slider (whether a form control or something created from scratch) whereby the numbers 0 1 2 3 are displayed in a grey, red, yellow and green box respectively adjacent to eachother and a slider can be moved over the top to select a value?

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Customized File Name - Auto Save

Apr 1, 2008

I have a workbook.

I would like to automate with code the process of extracting one worksheet from that workbook, and saving it as a separate workbook, with a file name equal to the text value of a cell (date formatted dd-mm-yy) from within that workbook. (ie d1="10/07/08" save file with one worksheet 10-07-08.xls)

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Best Practices For Structuring Customized Applications

Mar 5, 2008

so i'm building an application that'll allow users to manipulate records in Excel with just a GUI, using Userforms, Modules and Class Modules. it's all working but i'm feeling like i skipped a little on structuring it properly.

for example (from my Java work in college), you'd call just one object from the main method, which would create a GUI object, and create/manipulate instances of the different Classes when buttons are pushed. basically you one object whose main created other objects, who ran procedures, etc. what i'm hoping for is to make it as modular and easy to maintain as possible. would anyone have a good resource for optimising a medium-sized application? (the tips Excel/VBA Golden Rules. These Should NOT Be Optional were very good, by the way.)

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Use Variables In A Range?

Aug 23, 2009

I used a macro to get the following code, but would like to do this with VBA code where I use variables and numbers instead of the
macro's ("I568:J568") notation. Thus I would have something like (lRow, 9) : (lRow, 10) or whatever the correct notation is. Basically I'm trying to copy and paste formulas from one row to the next.

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Using Variables To Set Sum Range

Dec 30, 2013

I am trying to sum the range of column B (Being the found match in column A offset 1) to the relevant column set by the variable intcolumn (integer value of the column matching the criteria (in this case column 25)

rngMember.Offset(0, 13) = Application.Sum(rngTradeMember.Offset(0, 1) & ":" & rngTradeMember.Offset(0, intColumn))

The sum does not fail but returns an incorrect figure.

What I am hoping to see is a sum of the following

result sheet offset (0,13) = sum of (column B to the column Y)

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Developing A Customized Time Sheet And Summary?

Apr 11, 2013

1.On Man' work sheet I Have a Project No (actual one is a big one) and project code,i have made the project code because it cannot be entered on the time sheet as the original project no is very big and i have legends,then Empl nos and OT Rates

Now on the time sheet if i enter the Project Code A to C it should be counted as "P" present for work, rest as usual.

2.On Summary' work sheet Columns D to J should calculate it automatically based on employee no or name and Project No.

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Can Customized Ribbon Be Attached To A File So Email It To Another?

Apr 25, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet that requires the buttons on a customised tab/ribbon in order to use it.

If this is on my machine where I have customised the ribbon it works fine. However I need to email this spreadsheet to another person - but wanted them also to have my customised ribbon. Is there anyway to do this - or would I have to go and customise their ribbon on their machine?

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Excel 2007 :: Userform With Customized SUM Button

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to work with a user form with a customized SUM button.

What I want is that the user can select a range and then press SUM and it will sum (and store) the range and then the user can click another button to place the sum in any other cell.

Here is the code I have on the SUM button but it fails


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox (Application.Sum(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Selected))
End Sub

I'm using a userform1.show vbmodeless so the user can click off the form. I tested it being able to work cross workbooks and sheets and I could see where it was returning the activeworkbook/worksheet but I don't understand the range/selected part.

Excel 2007

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Concatenate Cell With Customized Number Of Zeros

Sep 20, 2013

I have a sheet where some data is entered in A1 to C1 and i use concatenate to string them together. The problem is in cell C1, where I used cell format to customize the number of zeros in front of the number.

A1: Photos
B1: 2013
C1: 00001

the concatenate result is Photos2013\1, instead of the desired result of Photos2013\0001.

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Sum Of A Range Based On Two Variables

Jun 18, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple checkbook application for a friend. I've gotten pretty much everything I want figured out except for two functions, which are basically the same thing. I'm trying to find the sum of all deposits and of all withdrawals based on two entered dates.

Basically, they enter the dates, and the formula finds the dates, then sums all the deposits/withdrawals between them. I attached the workbook with some sample data in case I wasn't really clear.

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Using Variables In Range References

Jun 5, 2009

I am doing some work in which I need a very flexible tool. I will be doing regression analysis on thousands of funds at a time. I need to define the range for each fund by a count function that counts the number of monthly returns that are posted. The code I have so far is below (I underlined where the references use variables):

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