VBA - Renaming Files In A Folder And Then Combining Them
Feb 21, 2014
I have a system that creates text files once a day in a set folder. I want to have a VBA script that will combine all text files in the folder (C:Daily Folder) into one text file (Full.txt) using a simple cut/paste addition, i.e., the lines from the second file are added after the lines from the first, the lines of the third after those, etc. The order does not matter.
I know there are other threads about combining text files and I'm sure I can figure that out if need be, but the problem is the system creates these files by adding .XXX to the name, with XXX being the file order number. So after 4 days, I have four files named K2500.001, K2500.002, K2500.003, and K2500.004. Windows reads these as being four different file types (.001, .002, .003, and .004). If you click on one of the files, Windows prompts you to associate it with an application. I've tried shell commands such as ren *.* *.txt , but the use of a "." in the file name seems to be a problem. Is there a way to change all "." to "-"? I've tried some PowerShell scripts there that haven't worked. I'd like a VBA solution because I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground when it comes to shell programming and so that it can be added to my VBA script for the Full.txt file.
Maybe the files don't need to be renamed at all--like I said, the end goal is the Full.txt file in C:Daily Folder that contains all the lines from the daily text files.
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May 14, 2007
I have several (around 35) CSV files that I download regulary. Is there a quick way to rename all the CSV files in a given folder based on adding "Update_" to each file name.
E.g Say two of the orginal files are called:
I'd like to run some kind of macro to rename them to:
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Sep 28, 2007
Every week I get a folder full of files and I have to rename them with a week ending date...Below is what I hacked together, but it's not working...
Sub Rename()
Dim OldName, NewName, npath As String
weekendingdate = InputBox("What is W/E Date??")
npath = "J:Test*.pdf"
While Smith ""
OldName = Smith: NewName = Smith & weekendingdate
Name OldName As NewName
End Sub
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Dec 8, 2013
I have an excel file which consists of old name and new name in two different columns. I have 500 photos in a folder. I want to rename the photos with the new names when there is a match with the old name(same as that of image name) in the excel.
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Sep 15, 2009
I have forty files in a folder that are generated by a system every day.
The files all have something in common, they all include "V9TEST" in them.
for example:
I would like to run a script that would rename these files in the folder, taking out the V9test part.
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a folder containing pictures.
I have an excel sheet containing data.
The pictures' filenames are #s which are located in Column A of the spreadsheet. I would like to be able to have excel take the picture name, lookup which Row it is and then add the information from Column B, C, D and E into the filename. It would need to do it for all the pictures located in the folder.
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Apr 18, 2014
I need to rename a large number of .pdf files. I have a list of the current file names in column A and the desired file names in column B.
Data in excel sheet1:
Current NameDesired Name
I keep them in the destination folder below:
I prefer to use an excel macro since I can't install any additional software on my work computer.
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Dec 1, 2007
to take a spreadsheet in excel and rename files with it. I will get all the columns together and
named properly by using the concatenate function. So when i go to rename i would have a
list of say 5,000 things to rename. In column A will be the full path. In column B will be the
new name i want it to replace the old one with extension and all. The reason i want to do this
is because that way i can work with the 5,000 files column A, B, C, D, get everything the
way i want it and then concatenate them. Then rename the files after copying and repasting
them so there is no formula. This would just be much easier than having to go to each
individual file and rename. also a lot easier to be able to compare and see what is going on
in spreadsheet i can sort compare. just a lot easier. i have messed around with excel some
but not macros much. what i would like to do is for a macro to look in A1 for path then
rename with B1. then A2 for path then rename with B2. loop through all rows until there is
nothing in A? that way there does not have to be a certain number of files. i do not know if
C: estSGB04SGB04-08 - Frank Sinatra - Wives And Lovers.zip
rename to B1
SGB04-08 - Sinatra, Frank - Wives And Lovers.zip
running excel 2000 windows xp
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Sep 23, 2010
Now iam Working in excel 2003, I got a Requirement that, After Downloading datas From SAP, It Directly Stored in Excel Sheet , Using tht Sheet1, I need to rename all the Filenames at a time, Is It possible, Any code is there to rename,
For Example,
From SAP to Excel Sheet Datas are Like this in Sheet1,
DmsNo Filename
50007685 SDFFG.jpg
50004678 HGJKID.jpg
50003421 VGFTHR.jpg
Then i have rename that filename, rename 'SDFFG.jpg' To '50007685.jpg', and it Should be directly rename to my Source File.
For Example:
Source File: C: estSDFFG.jpg
After renaming it Should be,
Source File: C: est50007685.jpg
any code is there to rename,
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Jun 18, 2008
Hope i can get some help here as my vba experience is extremely limited. I'm trying to run a macro from a spreadsheet that will go down a list of file names that i have entered in a worksheet where the macro resides and open those spreadsheets and rename the worksheets in each file according to a list of names that i have entered in the 10 columns next to the file name. It's easier to explain with the layout of my macro spreadsheet: ....
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Mar 15, 2013
I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.
At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.
At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).
I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).
The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".
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Feb 25, 2014
I have written a procedure that renames excel files within a folder based on certain words being in the title. It works for the files in the first lot of subfolders but I am trying to work out how to get it to rename all files in all subfolders regardless of the level.
I've seen similar things done using recursive subs but I have been trying to convert some of the sample codes I've found online to fit my situation and am not having much luck.
how to manipulate my code into something like a recursive procedure or anything else that will do what I want.
Here is my code.
[Code] .....
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Dec 19, 2012
I have about 85 files that I need to rename. These files contain data concerning delivery and quality data of each of our suppliers...1 file per supplier.
Current File Name: SupplierA 2012.xlsx
New File Name: Supplier A 2013.xlsx
Is there a way to do mass rename the files..
and that leads to my second question...each of these files contain vlookups to 2012 data...which is contained in the a file with 2012 in the file name. I need to replace source data file (i.e. 2012 Index) with the new file containing the 2013 data (i.e 2013 Index). Is there a way to replace that source data across 85 or so files using some time of mass find and repalce? All the cell references remain the same
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Jul 5, 2007
I want to allow users to place files (.jpg, .tif, .pdf, .pps etc) into a network folder and then have my program open each file and display it for 30 seconds then close the file and the application before opening the next file.
1. Set up a loop to get a directory listing of the folder and write the listing to a text file.
2. Open up the text file and get the next filename in it
3. Open the file in the associated application
4. Wait for 30 seconds (or some period of time) and then close the file
5. Repeat steps 2-4
DoIt = 1
While DoIt = 1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for output as #1
Print #1, Files In Folder
Close #1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for input as #2
while not eof(2)
Line input #2, MyFile
Display MyFile on screen
Wait for 30 seconds
Close MyFile and MyApplication that opened it
Close #2
I can get the directory listing just fine with no problems
I can open the files in the associated application just fine with no problems.
with closing the application after 30 seconds or some period of time.
I need some code that will allow me to easily send it a filename and it will know how to close the file and the application that opened it.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an Excel application (Excel 2003) which is stored in the default Program Files folder by the Installer; for example: c:program fileszxchello.xls. The problem I am running into is this file opens as Read Only in Vista and this is interfering with the running of the application. There is no problem opening the file normally in Windows XP.
I have been able to narrow down the cause of this to the User Account Control system in Vista - if I turn OFF User Account Control, the Excel file opens normally and my application functions normally. Is there another option to open the Excel file without turning OFF User Account Control because some users may find it unacceptable to turn OFF this security feature. Ofcourse, one option is to install the application in another location, outside the Program Folder, and the file would open normally, but the Packaging Wizard that I am using to package the application does not allow me to install the application in any other location and thus, the application installs in the Program Folder and I am running into this problem of the Exel file opening as Read Only. Is there a way out of this situation where I can open the file normally (not as Read Only)?
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Apr 8, 2014
I is it possible to convert all comma separated text files in a single folder in to excel files. But the requirement is to have 2 sheets in each new file. first to be the full file - with all columns, and in the second sheet to keep only colum A B D G H K L M O P R S T V W from the first sheet. The second sheet name must be the same as the first one but without the first "wlist_" in the name.
One more thing. The third column in the second is called "COUL". there are short letters for colors in french
can they be converted with the sort in English like it goes:
NO = B
BA = W
RG = R
SO = P
JA = Y
BE = L
GR = G
VI = V
OR = O
Here is a link to the both CSV and an example excel file with the end result. In this example i haven`t change the shorts for the colors. It takes me too much time with the find and replace function. And at the moment i`m really pushed from time.
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Aug 30, 2013
Specifically, I have customer sales data from my web site that contains order numbers and sales data. From Google analytics, I have transaction information that also contains the order number. The data element that is common to both is order number. I can't just paste columns from one file into the other because the records listed in rows may not match up.
I don't want to have to copy and paste data from one file to another for each record manually since I have thousands of records. Is there a way to merge the two files together automatically by having Excel "understand" that it should pair the two files together using the order number to create a row that contains data from both files?
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Jun 26, 2008
Is there a code that will search a pre-determined folder for all .xls files containing the word "Temp", and deleting those files?
In the root of drive M, I have several Excel files. Anytime one of the original tracking logs is opened, a temp file of that log is automatically created. I would like to automatically search the drive and delete all files containin the word "Temp".
I've attached a picture of the directory tree, in case that will help. The file will always be named "PO Response Tracking - Temp#######.xls", with ###### representing a series of either 5 or 6 numbers.
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Jul 17, 2013
I have five excel separate excel files containing values covering more than 500,000 rows each. I want to put then in a single excel workbook without tedious work of copy/paste to sheets of this workbook.
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Oct 10, 2003
I have multiple worksheets spread across multiple Excel files (1 worksheet per file).
All files are stored in the same folder, and all worksheets have the same column headers and structure. I need a block of code that will combine all of these worksheets into a single worksheet in a master Excel file. That is, the code needs to:
1. Open the first Excel file.
2. Copy the first worksheet's contents into the first worksheet of the master file, beginning at the next empty row it finds.
3. Close the Excel file, and move on to the next file.
4. Repeat.
So in the end, ten worksheets residing on ten different Excel files will be combined into a single worksheet in a single file. No breaks are needed between them, instead, the last row of a worksheet would be followed by the first row of the next one immediately below it. No aggregate functions involved, no sums, nothing like that (which is why I don't think I can use the Consolidate function in Excel).
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May 26, 2014
vba to copy files (pdf / cad) from various source to destination folders. Column A will list the source of the PDF files, Column B with the file name, Column C with the destination folder. Column D with value Y or N with Y denoting Yes to Copy and No for No. I have like 30000 rows of data.
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Mar 11, 2014
I would like to create a Macro which does the following task. I have a Workbook Master.xlsx with a worksheet "source". The path of Master.xlsx is C:Test
In the Directory C:Testprojects i have about 50 files which all contain the String "Forecast" in their filename. These Forecast Workbooks need an update in the Worksheet "actuals"
So, i need a Macro that copies WS "source" from WB "Master" to WS actual in all WB's Forecast.
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Jan 6, 2009
I've (almost) got a macro that modifies & saves a file. I don't want to post it yet because I need to clean it up and I've got a ton of REM'd out statements that I need to flush before I go public....
How can I modify it to open each file in the folder? I'm looking at several thousand files that need to be changed and put away in the correct folder.
(and I say almost because I had it and accidently ran it on my personal workbook and it deleted itself....
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Mar 24, 2009
Is there a way list load all the files names in a folder in to a listbox in a userform
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May 7, 2009
I have a folder C:My Documents that contains excel & Pdf files. Is it possible to list all the files by name contained in this folder in a excel spreadsheet i.e one filename one cell?
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Aug 4, 2009
I have created a Spreadsheet that does all of the calculations, analysis, graphs, etc. that i need; however every time I wish to use this spreadsheet I need to first open up a spreadsheet with data, copy it and then paste it into the original spreadsheet. While this is not horrible, it is quite tedious to do several thousand times.
Thus, I was wondering if it were possible to create a Macro that would open up all files in a specific folder, then select each one and paste the relevant data into my original spreadsheet. I know this possible for specific files; for example, I have created a Macro that will select files data.xls, dats1.xls, data2.xls, and paste these into the spreadsheet, but I was wondering if there was a way to generalize this so that it will simply open every file regardless of the name or how many files there are in the specific folder.
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Sep 21, 2009
I'm a novice with VB, so go easy on me. I'm trying to write a macro to copy the same couple of cells from hundreds of excel files and paste them into one summary file. What I've written so far is:
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Nov 27, 2009
I am trying to come up with a macro that is able to open a .htm file in Excel, perform a set of code, close the file, then repeat the process with the next .htm file in the folder. I found the following post which has helped me thus far, but there is something that is not allowing Excel to open the .htm files even though there is no problem opening them in Excel manually or with another macro I've made. Here is the link to the set of code I'm currently working with:
I've put some .xls and .csv files into the target folder and the program works perfectly which tells me Excel is having a problem with the .htm format for some reason. Here is the set of code I currently have which I have slightly modified for the new file format:
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Aug 6, 2012
In the code below I would like to add to move these files:
status report.xls
and if the file byband.csv exists, then move also otherwise ignore. I want to move to the folder Uploads which is also found under the variable MyPath
If it cannot be included in this code, then I have no problem with a new one.
Private Sub Exitbtn_Click()
Dim MyPath$, MyName$
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call chooseView.hideSheets
'Save the file to this path and type file name
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Oct 29, 2012
I have the following two folders located in my D Drive:
1. D:FilesData
2. D:FilesArchives
I have lots of files (.txt) in the first folder (D:FilesData) from which I need to move all the files whose first character is starting with _(underscore) to the second folder (D:FilesArchives).
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