VBA Code To Open Any Excel Extension (XLS / XLSX / XLSM)

Apr 22, 2014

I am using the following code to open a woorkbook:

Workbooks.Open Filename:= "C:UsersDesktopExcel.xlsx"

I am running into an issue were a file may be saved as .xls or .xlsm instead, but I still need to have the macro open it. Is there a way to adjust the above code, or other code for that matter, that will allow my macro to open any of these extensions?

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What Does Extension .xlsx Mean

Apr 19, 2009

I have just received an eMail from my accountant and here file name extension is .xlsx. I have never seen this before. Can someone tell me why the x on the end of the extension? . Also, when it opens, a Message Box is displayed: File Conversion in process.

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Master Workbook - Saving File With XLSX Extension

Jun 23, 2014

I have a master workbook that contains macros and has an xlsm extension.

One macro in the workbook copies one of the worksheets to a new workbook. I then want to save this new workbook as an xlsx file. I use the following code line:

.SaveAs Filename:=Extract_Save_Name & ".xlsx", FileFormat:= _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

However, when I run the code I get an error:

"This extension cannot be used with the selected file type."

The new workbook does not contain any macros and if I save the workbook "manually" as an xlsx it saves fine.

If I change the code above to have "xlsm" it works fine - but I don't want that extension.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Open XLSM File Based On Latest Date Found In Filename

Feb 11, 2013

I'm on excel 2010 and I have a small group excel files I open everyday. Most of the files are static in name and location. I've got a macro created to open those files, which works fine with workbooks.open and the file path.

There are two report files I want to incorporate into my macro of workbooks to open. The files are created weekly and the files names have the following format: "Report Name (YYYY-MM-DD).xlsm". I don't want to use the file's last modified date because older files may get edited after the more recent ones are created. The files are also not always created on the same day, so the solution needs to be flexible enough to not refer to a specific day of the week or anything.

Macro open an excel file based on the latest date found in filename.

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How To Save File With Correct File Extension (XLS Or XLSX)

Mar 12, 2014

How can I save worksheet from existing workbook as a new workbook with extension .xls or .xlsx depending on the version of Excel on which the original was opened and no matter the extension of original?

My code that I was trying to create all above does not work, because even if I am using Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013 it will still be saving only as .xls.

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Can't Open File (name) XLSX?

Oct 21, 2013

I am facing this error problem in my laptop. Error: Excel can't open the file (name).xlsx because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of file.

When every i am trying to open all the excel files are giving me this error. I try many software and change the extension. But no result. Same error message is coming. Really if its not fixed i will lose too much important data.

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Cannot Open XLSM File Properly

Feb 16, 2014

I made the excel file with the VBA source code, saved it, opened it many times, and all at sudden I cannot open it anymore. When I try to open the file I get the following screen:

actually, Excel asks me if I want to enable macros or not, but this window is different than usual window:

when opened file with macros works fine.

So, in my case I click the Enable Macros button of the first picture and my file seems to open in some hidden instance, because the file name isn't writen in the title of the Excel window.

When I close the Excel window it asks me if I want to save changes to my file, and that proves that it was opened in some hidden instance of the Excel.

I have to say that I was not playing with the security options of hiding any part of the file that I want to open, and which doesn't open properly.

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Open And Close File With No Extension

Feb 21, 2013

I opened a file, by file I mean a "file" with no extension that has commas separating it.

So I recorded a macro to open up the file and this works fine.

How do I close it? I tried

wk1 = ThisWorkbook.Name 'Main Worksheet

But the problem is that "wk1" is not set equal to the name, probably because the file is not an excel file, it has no extension.

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Open File With Highest Extension?

Jun 26, 2014

I need a VBA script which only opens the file with the highest extension.

The files are test.aa1, test.aa2 and test.aa3. This can go up to 5. In this case the filoe test.aa3 should be opened.

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Custom Add In: Add The File Name Extension And Relevant VBA Code

May 21, 2007

Has anyone got the add in code? I have my own custom menu bar on my excel. But every time i want to add a new link i must go into the code and manually add the file name extension and relevant VBA code. Is there a method of just entering the file extension in a cell range and excel will automatically update or pick up or link from this location?

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Excel 2010 :: XLSM Password Remover

Aug 6, 2014

I have an MS Excel 2010 xlms file which is password protected. Unfortunately, the person who has the password has left the company!

Which is the best tool to remove the password / recover the file?

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Excel 2010 :: Save As Cell Name In XLSM Format

Jan 28, 2013

I am looking for a vba to use a button to save a file using the cell as its name and save the file in xlsm format. I am using Excel 2010.

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Saving XLSM File From Excel 2010 To 2003?

Aug 1, 2013

I'm trying to save an Excel file to be opened on Excel 2003, but with some VBA formulas. What is the compatible format? 2003 doesn't open in .xlsm format.

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Excel 2013 :: Convert Xlsx Files Into CSV Keeping Foreign Characters?

Mar 26, 2014

I need to convert some xlsx files into CSV, but they contain the following foreign languages -


When saving these files as CSV many of the unique characters get changed to a ?

I have tried a few things like using Open Office and saving it as a text CSV and then adjusting the formatting to unicode 8 but it hasn't worked. i am using Excel 2013?

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Excel 2010 :: Error / Source Not Found With Certain XLSM Files

Nov 17, 2011

I am working with Excel 2010.

There are certain .xlsm files in our system (some have macros and others don't) which generate "Error: Source not Found" in the Edit Links dialog box when the Check Status button is pushed. However, the source location is correct, as you can click on Open Source and it will open the correct file.

For simplicity of explaining my issue, consider the following scenario. In my workbook "Corn Production Summary.xls_" I link to 2 source files: "Iowa.xlsm" and "Nebraska.xlsx" (Note: The extension of the summary file doesn't matter. This error happens regardless of what the summary is.)

When I open "Corn Production Summary" I am prompted to update values. I select Update and the file refreshes and recalculates appearing to have updated all values (i.e. no error messages). However, the values from Iowa.xlsm did NOT update and there was no error message indicating that the values didn't update.

To confirm this, I go to Data>Edit Links>Check Status in "Corn Production Summary" and I see that Iowa.xlsm has the "Error: Source not Found" error. I click on Open Source and once the file is open, my data in the summary file will update.

One work around was to do the following process (with the summary file closed):

1) Iowa.xlsm and Save As Iowa.xlsx (removing macros if needed)

2) Save As Iowa.xlsx as Iowa.xlsm (overwriting the file that is currently there and readding the macros)

3) Open the summary file and both Iowa and Nebraska work just fine now.

There are a lot of files like this, and because Excel doesn't prompt us that it isn't really getting the values from these certain .xlsm files we would have to search in "Edit Links" for each file to make sure that they really are updating.

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Excel 2007 :: Found Unreadable Content In Filename (XLSM)?

Feb 22, 2013

I have an excel 2007 file which contain a lot of macros. File size is 100MB. This file is not developed by myself, it's post in the webpage and let the members of the page to download on daily basis.. I've been downloading and using this file for over a year with no problem until this week.

Problem: During opening the file. There is a message box popped up, saying "Excel found unreadable content in filename.xlsm'. do you want to recover the contents of this workbook ? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes." When I click "yes", excel is trying to repair the file. Once it's done, I could see only the contents, however, all the macros are gone. When I copied this very same file and open in other notebooks, everything is working fine...

Assumption: Couple days ago, I was writing/testing macros in other workbooks and also opened this particular file. I might did something stupid which cause this problem...

During the same time, I used to have the same problem with another file. I solved it by copy and open with another PC then copy macros and paste it to the file on my notebook.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Save File As XLXS But Not XLSM

Sep 13, 2012

I am using the macro below to save a file. It works with the extension .xlsx but not xlsm. I get a message that I can't use this extension for this file type. I am missing something fundamental.

Using Excel 2010
Sub testsave()'
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
b = "Myyfile"
c = b & ".xlsm"
a = ThisWorkbook.Path
d = a & "" & c
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=d
End Sub

FYI - there are no macros in the file I am trying to save.

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Open HTML Docs In Excel Via VBA Code?

Jan 16, 2013

I have received several hundred "Excel" data file dumps from an unspecified corporate database ( SAP? ). They are nominally spreadsheets, that is they are tables of mixed data that Excel recognizes, as they are exported from the database as such.

I'd like to walk a directory containing these files, and only these files, open each in turn save them as proper Excel files and close them. The end goal is to import these tables into a Access database, but Access doesn't recognize them either. I also need to repair values in one field which is easier to accomplish in Excel.

Unfortunately, opening the file generates an error I've been unable to trap, due to the fact the excel thinks its an HTML file, which it is, and wants me to verify that I do want to open it. Similarly, I receive a message when I try to save the file that requires me to nominate an acceptable Excel file type, which I can do in code.

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Excel 2010 :: Right Click (save As) Saves Inoperative XLSM File

Mar 22, 2012

Excel 2010, Win 7. I have attached a .xlsm file to an email. The contained macros run perfectly, and one of them is "public" so it shows up in "Developer - Macros", and "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" lists.

If the recipient clicks and drags the attachment to a folder, or copy/pastes the attachment, it works fine. (Macros are enabled, etc.)

However, if the recipient right clicks on the email attachment, and selects "SAVE AS" from the item list, the file saves, has the right name and extension, looks ok (the icon has the exclamation point, etc), and it is the correct size, but it simply will not load. You can double click, do a file open, etc. but it will not load. It's a hidden workbook, but if you "open it" and Alt-F11 to show the VBA editor, it isn't there!

It's not stopping the project - we simply tell them to click/drag, etc. but I totally do NOT understand why that happens.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Open Save As Box In Specified Folder

Apr 24, 2014

I have windows 7 and excel 2010 and am using a macro that opens up a csv file(I think) of daily reports into Excel and then automatically delineates it and formats it how I want it. I will be using this to save a new file every day for the reports from the previous day and want to include at the end of that macro a way to prompt the user to "save as" so that each day they can run the macro and enter in the date and save that report for further use. I am wondering what VBA code I could use at the end of the macro code to prompt the Save As box and if I could already have the save us set up in the following folder... "W:Daily to Fortis Excel2014(the user will put in the date here)".

I've been looking around sites and trying to figure it out. I need the file format to be the same as when you save as "Excel Workbook". I was trying to use the Saveas (filename) function and could get it to save every time as a specific file name in that location but when I run it the next day it has the same name and saves over itself. So I need the user to be able to put in todays date as the filename to create a new one every day.

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Excel 2007 :: Change Extension To ZIP To View XML No Longer Works

Feb 11, 2012

In an effort to manipulate the xml documents within an xls, you used to be able to change the extension to .zip then open. This no longer works for me, just getting the 'cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.

I have tried it with a number of different files, but no joy.

It still works with a .doc so I guess it's not that Microsoft have stopped this capability?

Using Excel 2007

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Visual Basic Code - Open Local PDF At Specific Anchor From Excel?

Aug 8, 2012

I want to create a series of hyperlinks in excel to pdf's stored on a local drive/CD as a kind of database. This much I can do with a nifty bit of code I saw someone put up here as follows;

Sub Run_Local_PDF()
MyPath = "C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe"
myFile = "C:Documents and SettingsmynameDesktoppdffilename.pdf"
Shell MyPath & " " & myFile, vbNormalFocus
End Sub

Which works great and is sitting snug in a module. However, the document I am linking to has various anchors in it which exisit as sectionheaders. One of which is "Contents".

Is there a quick way I can alter my exisitng VB code to open at one of these anchors?

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Open All Excel Files In Directory - Code Doesn't Work For One Specific Path

Feb 8, 2014

I have my code here:

Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")

[Code] ....

GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function

My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.

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2002 Code V 97 Code: Add A Small Workbook Open Event Code Which Works For Me But Debugs For The Others

Jan 27, 2009

I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..

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Excel Save As Should Default File Save Type To XLSX Using VBA

Aug 21, 2012

What I am trying to do is that I have an excel file with macros and it is a read-only file. In order for the user to save, I want them to only be able to save as a .xlsx file as it disables all macros. If for whatever reason, the user wants to save the file as another .xlsm file, they should be allowed but before they save, a "are you sure you want to save as .xlsm?" message should pop up.

All the options in the save as box should still be available in case they want to save in that particular format. Just that the .xlsx should be the default.

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Create Fillable Pdf File From Existing Excel Xlsm File?

Feb 25, 2014

I have a macro enabled file with some functions. Now I want to create a fillable pdf file from this file.

I am able to create a pdf file from Excel 2007, but not able to make a fillable one

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Excel 2007 :: Force File To Be XLSM File Type

Oct 22, 2013

I have a macro-enabled template file in Excel 2007. I would like the user to be unable to save in any format other than macro-enabled. They should be free to choose a path and filename, but not the file type.

I presume this means some VBA code in the before save event, but I don't know what.

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How To Convert XLSX To CSV

Oct 9, 2009

how to convert .xlsx file into .csv?

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Save As PDF Instead Of XLSX

Jan 31, 2012

I got this code:

Sub CopyTotals()

Dim wsTotals As Worksheet
Dim SaveFolder As String, CurrentDate As String, D3Content As String

Set wsTotals = Worksheets("totals")

[Code] ........

what should i add/change in order to save the file as a PDF file instead of XLSX file?

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Convert To .xlsx Format

Dec 31, 2008

I have to download files from a database and save them in .xls format (the only format permitted to export from the database)

Given an open excel wb saved to my hard drive (or network drive) in non .xlsx format. (most likely .xls)

Switch the file to .xlsx format without loosing the open file. (re-open ok).

-Don't want two files
-Dnn't want to have the file name changed (except for the extension).
-Don't want to remain in compatibility mode.
-Don't want to wait a long time.
-Don't want to have possibility of file corruption.

I just want to take my non .xlsx file and then, turn into a .xlsx file. (if I save the file as .xlsx I am still in compatibility mode until I re-open the file. I also will have two files---very annoying).

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