Excel 2007 :: Found Unreadable Content In Filename (XLSM)?
Feb 22, 2013
I have an excel 2007 file which contain a lot of macros. File size is 100MB. This file is not developed by myself, it's post in the webpage and let the members of the page to download on daily basis.. I've been downloading and using this file for over a year with no problem until this week.
Problem: During opening the file. There is a message box popped up, saying "Excel found unreadable content in filename.xlsm'. do you want to recover the contents of this workbook ? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes." When I click "yes", excel is trying to repair the file. Once it's done, I could see only the contents, however, all the macros are gone. When I copied this very same file and open in other notebooks, everything is working fine...
Assumption: Couple days ago, I was writing/testing macros in other workbooks and also opened this particular file. I might did something stupid which cause this problem...
During the same time, I used to have the same problem with another file. I solved it by copy and open with another PC then copy macros and paste it to the file on my notebook.
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Sep 10, 2012
I have a problem with the Excel 2007 file which I use on Windows 7.
The file suddenly appear message:
Excel Found Unreadable Content in 'File Name'. Do you want to recove the contents of this workbook? if trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
if I click "YES" than this message will appear:
Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content........ and so on
And all the file is missing inside the sheet.
Any way out to recover this file?
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Feb 11, 2013
I'm on excel 2010 and I have a small group excel files I open everyday. Most of the files are static in name and location. I've got a macro created to open those files, which works fine with workbooks.open and the file path.
There are two report files I want to incorporate into my macro of workbooks to open. The files are created weekly and the files names have the following format: "Report Name (YYYY-MM-DD).xlsm". I don't want to use the file's last modified date because older files may get edited after the more recent ones are created. The files are also not always created on the same day, so the solution needs to be flexible enough to not refer to a specific day of the week or anything.
Macro open an excel file based on the latest date found in filename.
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Jan 14, 2008
I have received and error message:
Excel found unreadable content in "……………". Do you want to recover contents of this workbook?
This workbook has been used for quite some time now.
There are 3 of us who use this workbook nearly every day.
It opens fine on my pc but not on the other 2 (we all run 2007)
Now when they open the workbook it comes up with the following error.
If they open an older version its ok, however if I open it, do nothing to it, save it and then close it, the error appears.
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Jul 5, 2009
I am using office excel 2007 with all the latest updates installed on a windows vista machine. 3 months ago i made an xlsx file containing contact information. Few days ago, it was consist of 4 sheets. 1st sheet had about 18000 rows and 1 column while the other 3 sheets have about 100 rows and 1 column each. The last 2 days i get an error when i try to open the file i get the error Excel found unreadable content in "name.xlsx" Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you truth the source of this workbook, click Yes. If i click on Yes i get another error this file cannot be open by using microsoft excel and ask me to search online. If i click no, 4 times, as many as the sheets i get the file open. with the following message
Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part with XML error. The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag. Line 2, column 1249206.
and the 1st sheet with the most records is empty while the other 3 sheets are ok. I tried the built in repait method no go. I unistalled and reinstall office without installing the updates, nothing. I also tried some recover programes where only the recovery toolbox for excel worked but i am searching for a solution that i will not have to pay more money beside the office product to recover the damaged office excel.
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Jan 15, 2013
I am using VBA to create a word document (.docx). This word document contains plain text content controls as well as picture content controls. I then use VBA to automatically select a picture based on the code below
Set oCC = Word.ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("TabPic").Item(1)
On Error GoTo TabErrorHandler
oCC.Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture Filename:="X:XFERANDREW-TDCD " & LblVL &
After the document has been closed down I try to open it again and I am told "The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."
When I click details it says "Unspecified error" and "Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 0"
If I click ok it says "Word found unreadable content in "". Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you turst the source of this document, click Yes.
Clicking Yes opens the document with all the contents and it is now renamed to Document 1. If I click no it does not open.
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Nov 17, 2011
I am working with Excel 2010.
There are certain .xlsm files in our system (some have macros and others don't) which generate "Error: Source not Found" in the Edit Links dialog box when the Check Status button is pushed. However, the source location is correct, as you can click on Open Source and it will open the correct file.
For simplicity of explaining my issue, consider the following scenario. In my workbook "Corn Production Summary.xls_" I link to 2 source files: "Iowa.xlsm" and "Nebraska.xlsx" (Note: The extension of the summary file doesn't matter. This error happens regardless of what the summary is.)
When I open "Corn Production Summary" I am prompted to update values. I select Update and the file refreshes and recalculates appearing to have updated all values (i.e. no error messages). However, the values from Iowa.xlsm did NOT update and there was no error message indicating that the values didn't update.
To confirm this, I go to Data>Edit Links>Check Status in "Corn Production Summary" and I see that Iowa.xlsm has the "Error: Source not Found" error. I click on Open Source and once the file is open, my data in the summary file will update.
One work around was to do the following process (with the summary file closed):
1) Iowa.xlsm and Save As Iowa.xlsx (removing macros if needed)
2) Save As Iowa.xlsx as Iowa.xlsm (overwriting the file that is currently there and readding the macros)
3) Open the summary file and both Iowa and Nebraska work just fine now.
There are a lot of files like this, and because Excel doesn't prompt us that it isn't really getting the values from these certain .xlsm files we would have to search in "Edit Links" for each file to make sure that they really are updating.
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Oct 22, 2013
I have a macro-enabled template file in Excel 2007. I would like the user to be unable to save in any format other than macro-enabled. They should be free to choose a path and filename, but not the file type.
I presume this means some VBA code in the before save event, but I don't know what.
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Aug 29, 2012
I find, when performing a 'save as', xl puts in a default filename with a suffix (1), or (2), or (3) and so on, to the existing filename, after I have opened a file from MS Outlook. I had assumed it was because there was already an existing file in the default directory, and so it was creating another version, but no other files with the same name exist in the default directory being saved to, or on the remainder of my computer, so I don't understand why this occurs.
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.
Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete
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Oct 26, 2012
I am using excel excel 2007 in windows 7. I have a search button that works great, however, I want it to also highlight the cell green, when it finds what I am searching for. Here is the code below for the search button I have.
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
Dim searchthis As String, Found As Range
Me.Unprotect Password:="123"
searchthis = InputBox("Type Number.", "Property Search")
searchthis = searchthis & "*"
Set Found = Range("A:A,e:e").Find(What:=searchthis, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then Found.Select
Me.Protect Password:="123"
End Sub
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a file which included monetary amounts in many currencies, which appear in Excel 2007 as:
232.44 EUR
103,796.10 CZK
18,071.08 PHP
I need to use the value and currency code, but unfortunately the currency code is part of the cell format (so I can't use, say =right(3) to grab it.
The cell format is set to: #,##0.00 "EUR" , with each cell set according to the currency within.
Of course I will be going back to the source to see what I can do to get something more useful directly, but is there any way I can grab the currency code so I can use it ?
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Feb 19, 2010
Im currently using excel 2007 and have my workbook saved with the extention .xlsm. I have put a vlookup formula in a cell and have placed $ constant sign se the formula will look in the same column but different rows. However, when I copy and paste the formula down the rows, the formula captures the same data.
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Jan 20, 2014
The cell content is to be 0-7 characters in length.
Alpha characters only, i.e., no numeric.
First character must be uppercase.
Remaining characters may be lowercase or blank.
Is that possible to do in MS Excel 2007?
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a excel 2007 workbook that has 5 sheets "MASTER" , "RED" , "WHITE", "GOLD" & "BLUE". There are 7 columns in each sheet and the master has about 8,000 rows . In column D of each sheet there is a unique number (approx. 8 - 10 digits ) that I would like to at the press of a command button search through sheets "RED" "WHITE" "GOLD" & "BLUE" against the unique numbers in the "MASTER" sheet and if there any duplicates numbers delete the entire row but leave all the data in the master sheet.
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Sep 28, 2012
Is there an option to have row heights set automatically based on the content of the text in the row, and given a specific column width?
I can right click, and set each row height individually.
I can select serveral rows stacked one on top of the other, each with limited text, and change all of those rows at the same time.
But when I select all rows, and try to change row height, the row height option is not there.
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Oct 25, 2013
Using excel 2007. I am interested in writing a VBA code to delete rows based on the text starting content. I would like to delete rows with cells that do NOT start with an "S" or "SA"
I would only like to keep the last 3 lines.
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Feb 3, 2009
Is it possible to create a macro attached to a button that allows me to save the workbook based on content of 2 cells in the workbook?
I like to save the workbook based on content of cell A4 that contend a text string. After that saving another time with the contend of cell A4 plus cell A9 which contend the today() function. I am doing this because this workbook is constantly updated and a backup copy is done based on the date the file is save.
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Jul 17, 2014
Since upgrading to Windows 2007 (I was already using Excel 2007) I am having issues with the content in the cells on the worksheet not appearing the same on Print Preview and when I print. On the worksheet the cell show to be at the best fit both horizontally and vertically. When I look at the contents under print preview, the contents are squashed from the top and cut off from the left. This happens whether I have the format in Top or Central align and is even worse if I use Bottom align. It is also somewhat worse if I have thickened boarders.
I am using TrueType Fonts.
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Aug 6, 2014
I have an MS Excel 2010 xlms file which is password protected. Unfortunately, the person who has the password has left the company!
Which is the best tool to remove the password / recover the file?
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Jan 28, 2013
I am looking for a vba to use a button to save a file using the cell as its name and save the file in xlsm format. I am using Excel 2010.
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Aug 1, 2013
I'm trying to save an Excel file to be opened on Excel 2003, but with some VBA formulas. What is the compatible format? 2003 doesn't open in .xlsm format.
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Apr 22, 2014
I am using the following code to open a woorkbook:
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "C:UsersDesktopExcel.xlsx"
I am running into an issue were a file may be saved as .xls or .xlsm instead, but I still need to have the macro open it. Is there a way to adjust the above code, or other code for that matter, that will allow my macro to open any of these extensions?
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Sep 13, 2012
I am using the macro below to save a file. It works with the extension .xlsx but not xlsm. I get a message that I can't use this extension for this file type. I am missing something fundamental.
Using Excel 2010
Sub testsave()'
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
b = "Myyfile"
c = b & ".xlsm"
a = ThisWorkbook.Path
d = a & "" & c
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=d
End Sub
FYI - there are no macros in the file I am trying to save.
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Aug 1, 2008
I would like to create a macro to open a file in Excel 2007. My problem is that the filename changes often. After updates are made the filename is changed and the old file is moved to a backup folder. So, there is only one similar file in the folder
My filename is "RFQ Worksheet 7 29 2008.xlsx".
The path is "C:Documents and SettingsahaynijDesktop".
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Mar 22, 2012
Excel 2010, Win 7. I have attached a .xlsm file to an email. The contained macros run perfectly, and one of them is "public" so it shows up in "Developer - Macros", and "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" lists.
If the recipient clicks and drags the attachment to a folder, or copy/pastes the attachment, it works fine. (Macros are enabled, etc.)
However, if the recipient right clicks on the email attachment, and selects "SAVE AS" from the item list, the file saves, has the right name and extension, looks ok (the icon has the exclamation point, etc), and it is the correct size, but it simply will not load. You can double click, do a file open, etc. but it will not load. It's a hidden workbook, but if you "open it" and Alt-F11 to show the VBA editor, it isn't there!
It's not stopping the project - we simply tell them to click/drag, etc. but I totally do NOT understand why that happens.
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Nov 29, 2011
I need a macro or formula that can parse a column of data and if it finds a specific string of text ,then it changes another cell on that row to zero. It can have multiple text variables but all return the same value. For Example,
artisan - matte - flat black
artisan - matte brushed gold
small - canvas - flat black
is found in a longer string of text
then it should change another cell on the same row to have a value of 0. Also i should mention that i need it to loop as it will be parsing through potentially thousands of rows.
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Feb 25, 2014
I have a macro enabled file with some functions. Now I want to create a fillable pdf file from this file.
I am able to create a pdf file from Excel 2007, but not able to make a fillable one
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Dec 22, 2013
I'm creating a spreadsheet for anaesthesia monitoring. I have a table that calculates the time every 5 minutes (i.e. start time + 5 mins) for 3.5 hours and columns for heart rate, respiratory rate and drugs which is then plotted on a scatter graph. I've forced the major x-axis major unit to be 5 minutes.
Everything works fine for the first few values (1.JPG) then after 24 values it decides it wants to go crazy with the x-axis and display 24 hours (2.jpg) making everything unreadable. I would set the minimum manually but it obviously that will change depending on when the case starts. I can upload the file but it has some macros for other sections.
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Nov 3, 2011
Problem I am having:
I want to import a csv file to an Excel workbook. The csv file name does not change, but the workbook which it is pasted into changes name every day (it has a filename which ends in todays date, and is updated daily).
Using the macro recorder I can get the process to work for today, but when as soon as I update the recipient files name the next day, the macro fails.
Code below:
' Sheets("MORCOM").Select
'Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
[Code] .......
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