VBA To Close Userform Upon Selecting A Toggle Button And Then Running Another Macro

Feb 17, 2014

I have this VBA set for a workbook_open event:

Public Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

...which works, but I would prefer to have the form hide (or unload, exit, etc.) once the toggle button in that userform is first selected. I've tried a few things but none of them have worked. BTW, the userform has two toggle buttons, which run the following:

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A4").Value = "Promotion"
End Sub
Private Sub ToggleButton2_Click()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A4").Value = "New Hire"
End Sub

Also, once it closes, I'd like it to move on to the next macro depending on whether "Promotion" or "New Hire" is selected. Not sure if a workbook_change event is the best way to handle that.

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Place A Toggle Button Automatically On A UserForm?

Feb 12, 2009

Is is possible to automatically place a toggle button on a user form by entering data in a cell?

In otherwords, if I type a number in cell A1, can that number be automatically put on the toggle button and placed on active userform?

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Change Toggle Button Value On Userform Open

Dec 6, 2011

I would like to set the value of a toggle button when the userform is opened so that it coincides with the what columns are hidden on screen. Below is simple example which I have not tested or debugged. It was just what i was thinking.

VBA code

Sub Macro2()
'if col A is hidden
If Columns("A").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then
'make hidecalcs toggle button true (sunken)
Userform1.HideCalcs.Value = True


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Macro In A Toggle Button..

Jul 27, 2009

it's possible to use this macro code in a toggle to perform this action when it's true and when the toggle is click again it can undo it.

This macro does lookups and finds the max on sets of value when it is run and i was wondering if by clicking the button again it can undo what it placed in the cells.

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Close Userform Once Click A Button

Mar 16, 2012

I have a User form which had a button which redirects me to a certain sheet, e.g. If I wanted to go to stock sheet I would click cmdViewStock and it would open the stock worksheet meaning it works, but the userform still stays open. Is there a way in which once I click the cmdViewStock it opens the Stock worksheet but closes the userform automatically straight after?

Here is the current code I have for the button:

Private Sub cmdViewStock_Click()
End Sub

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Configuring Close Button (x) On Userform

Feb 6, 2007

most of the users always like to click the close (x) button on the top right of the userform ... and when that happens the application that was set hidden will remains hidden and other users in the network cannot access it ... eventhough i've placed an exit button inside the userform, users still prefer to click the x button.

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Error When Put Macro Into Toggle Button

Nov 4, 2011

ToggleButton? I have made this Macro work

Sub group()
Dim i As Integer

Sheets("Operating Income Trending (LOC)").Select
For i = 53 To 2 Step -1
If Cells(7, i) = "" Then
Sheets("Operating Income Trending (LOC)").Columns(i).EntireColumn.Hidden = True

End If
Next i
End Sub

And when i tried to put it into a togglebutton like below:

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
Select Case ToggleButton1.Caption
Case "Group"

Dim i As Integer

Sheets("Operating Income Trending (LOC)").Select

[Code] .........

Then instead of hiding all the blank columns, it hides almost all the columns, leaving some that are supposed to hide. i could not figure out why as it worked fine as individual macro.

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Macro Work Like Toggle Button?

Jan 8, 2012

I dont like the way the toggle button looks. So i wanted to create a button that when pressed would recognized if row 19 was hidden or not hidden..

Then if it was already hidden it would unhide the row 19

or if it was not hidden it would hide the row 19 when clicked

Is this possible via a macro?

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Running Macro On Close

Jun 19, 2008

I'm trying to run what is a pretty basic macro when a file is closed

Sub Auto_Close()

FileCopy "C:Documents and SettingsdaveDesktopWorking olderPlanner.xls", "S:LeavePlanner.xls"

End Sub

I've checked that the Auto_Close feature is what I need, but it just doesn't seem to be running

I've tried it from clicking the x, and also File>Close, but with the same lack of success

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Quit Fullscreen, Hide Sheets, Save, Close On Userform Button

Apr 15, 2008

I have a fairly elaborate close-down routine for my workbook.

1) Quit out of fullscreen (restore initial state of excel before saving)
2) Hide all sheets but one (enforces cant do anything unless macros enabled)
3) Automatically save without a prompt
4) Close the workbook

I've researched it well and implemented it to the point where it works, but only if the user clicks the excel application close button -- the "X" in the titlebar (hence not in fullscreen).

However, if I launch the process via a userform button click, then for some reason the
DisplayFullscreen = False, Sheets hiding, and save codes have no effect (fullscreen persists, sheets are not hidden, no file is saved) in the Workbook_BeforeClose() subroutine....

I repeat: all the above works fine if process was launched by "native" excel button, but does not have any effect if launched from a userform commandbutton. (?!?!) any ideas what's going on?

I'm including my code so you can get an idea how it's structured.... by it's pretty "by the forum" as far as I can tell...

Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
If(1) Then
'Method 1 - close directly from userform command button
With ThisWorkbook
'.RunAutoMacros (xlAutoClose)
End With
'Method 2 - set a timer to call a function to perform
' "ThisWorkbook.close" in a function outside of the userform
CustMenuCloseTimer = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
Application .OnTime CustMenuCloseTimer, "CustMenu_CloseAction"
End If

End Sub

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Enable Mouse's Right Button Menue & WS Editing While Userform Running

Dec 5, 2009

I have a User Form which i want to use in such a way that editing the worksheet directly is not disabled while the userform is running. I would also like to use the right button mouse menu(cut, cpy,paste) while i am using the user form. I am using two Monitors with my PC and i want to work with User Form on one monitor being able to edit worksheet without having to close my User Form.

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Disabling "x" To Close & Creating Macro Button To Close

Oct 11, 2006

I need to know the command to close a workbook. I have used the information found here: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/userform-close.htm to disable closing the workbook via the upper right "X", but I need a button that, when clicked, simply closes the workbook instead.

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Excel Instance Doesn't Close When Running Macro From Script

Jul 8, 2014

I have a VBS script that runs a macro in a workbook that is located in a SharePoint doc lib. The code looks like this:


I use code exactly like this to run other queries and it works great, but for some reason when I run this macro the instance of Excel doesn't end after the script is done running. I can see EXCEL.EXE sitting in the Task Manager and I have to end it manually.

Here is the code for the macro and related macros:

This macro just calls my other macros. Each terrslicersXX macro is a different sales territory for which there are slicers to filter out data.


An example of one of the sales territory slicers. Basically it just sets the slicer for the required sales territory so the SaveAsWebpage macro can save the information off as a webpage.


Saves the current data as a webpage.

[Code] ....

I have a feeling it has something to do with the last macro and how I publish the sheet as a webpage but I still can't get it to work.

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Running A Macro To Copy Multiple Cells From A Row By Selecting A Cell

Feb 21, 2009

I want to be able to select a cell, for example A10, this would then run a macro that would copy and paste several cells of information along that row and paste it on another worksheet. However, if i then choose a15, a3, a79 in turn (using the control key), it would run the macro using those rows in turn.

i'm looking forward to hearing if and particuliar how this could be achieved.

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Toggle Button Pressed - Change Color / Highlight Button?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a togglebutton for an excel sheet in use for scoring psychological tests. When pressed, the button higlights the cells where a raw score is inserted.

What I need is a code to higlight the togglebutton when pressed, eg. green (colorindex 4). The button is white. How to do this?

Below is the code, It has more lines than needed, but it works.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

ActiveSheet.Unprotect "manisk"
If ToggleButton1 Then

[Code] ........

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Force Users To Close Via Macro Button

Sep 12, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has a button named Exit Requisition Program on it to close the application with. When the button is used everything is wonderful. All of the data on the sheet is saved and the application closes. I have a problem with some users clicking the red X without saving changes and that creates a big problem.

What I need to do is any one of several things.
1. Remove the red X completely.
2. Deactivate the red X.
3. Have a message box pop up instructing the user to use the Exit Button when the red X is used. Any one of the three methods listed above would work for me.

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Toolbar Command Button As Toggle Button

Aug 13, 2008

I have read several articles saying using a command button as a toggle button can't be done but some articles have said it is possible using the state properties.

.State = msobuttondown
.State = msobuttonup

Is there any way to combine this with the onaction property so that when you press the button, it stays down and activates a macro then when you press it again it pops back up and activates another macro.

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Hide/Erase The "X" Close Button On UserForm

Oct 26, 2008

I would like to modify one of my UserForms so the close button [the "X" in the upper corner] will not be visible. [It does not matter if this must involve hiding the upper the title bar - or not - as long as the little "X" will vanish].

I would like to point out that I DO NOT want to disable the "X" fronm closing the form [that I know how to accomplish] I just want to get rid of it. I have been told to look for a good example in a file called: "NoCloseButton.zip", created by Stephen Bullen, at http://www.bmsltd.ie/Excel/Default.htm but had no success in finding the file.

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Running A Macro Using A Button In An Acces Form

Jul 5, 2006

Can you run a macro in an Excel sheet using a button in an acces form? And how do you do it ?

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Stop Userform Running Macro

May 14, 2007

I currently have a userform that runs a bunch of code for me. There are a lot of listboxes on the userform that have rowsources of various dynamic named ranges. I'm running into a problem when I have the used click the "Remove Item" button from the userform. Normally it is supposed to go back to the sourcerow and remove all of the cells that contain values that are selected in the listbox.

The code for removing the cells works just fine, however when it deletes a cell, for some reason the code executes a private sub that is in a different sheet. I can't figure out why and it's messing up my macro.

Here's the


Private Sub cmdAIRemove_Click()

For i = 0 To lbAISummary.ListCount - 1
If lbAISummary.Selected(i) = True Then
For Each cItem In Worksheets("Lists").Range("YourAI")
If lbAISummary.List(i) = cItem.Value Then
cItem.Delete (xlUp) '<- right after this line it jumps to NWSMonth_Change
i = i - 1
End If
Next cItem
End If
Next i
End sub...

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Allow Use Of 1 Toggle Button Only

Feb 23, 2008

I'm looking for a way to have mutually exclusive toggle buttons (i.e. only one can be selected at a time) embedded in a worksheet. It is possible with radio buttons but they won't serve my needs.

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How To Get Sound Toggle Button

Apr 7, 2014

Is there a way to get a sound toggle button on excel?

What I need is a button to turn the sound alerts on and off on my spreadsheet. Ideally I'd like a button that either changed an image to the speaker image when on and the speaker image with line through it when off. Is that possible?

If not, is it possible to have a button that just says: "Sound:ON" or "Sound:OFF"?

I guess it could be done with tick boxes, or drop down options.

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Toggle Button For Stopwatch

Mar 26, 2014

I have the code below for creating a stopwatch in excel. I was trying to see if there is a way to change this code to assign it to a toggle button so if you hit one part the stopwatch would start and then the other it would stop.

[Code] ....

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Toggle Button To Remain On/Off

Feb 11, 2009

I wanted to know how do I keep a toggle button in the on(ture) position after I close the userform? How do I keep the toggle button off(false) positoin after I close the userform? In order words, once I run my macro again, I want it to remain in memory that my toggle button was in the on(true) or off(false)?

For example,I have an application that I am developing which involves some what-if analysis for some projects. There is a command button located on my worksheet. After the command button is clicked, I have include some toggle buttons on a userform for all of the various projects. If I assume that sine projects will not be used, I click the associated toggle buttons. This puts them in the on(true) position. After I close the userform and reclick the command button, my toggle buttons are all back in the off(false) position.

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Toggle Button Caption Between On/Off

Jan 24, 2008

I need a macro for button1. The name of button one is "on" when clicked I want it to put an "X" in A1 and then change the button name to "off" When clicked again I want it to delete the "X" in A1 and change the name back to "on". When clicked again it repeats the same process.

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Change Toggle Button Text

Mar 27, 2014

Is there a way to change the text on a toggle button in the code below? Basically I would like for the toggle button to begin with the word "START" on it and then when clicked changed to the word "STOP". Of course then when the user clicks on "STOP" it changes back to "START".

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Freeze Panes Toggle Button

Sep 11, 2009

I have a sheet in which I am using freeze panes to keep the header section always visible. I would like to be able to add a toggle button with a macro to the sheet to allow the user to turn the existing freeze panes on/off at will, without the need to navigate the menu bar itself. So far I have not been able to find any info on if/how this may be possible. If anyone has any experience controlling freeze panes via macros, etc.

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Toggle Button Array Function

Nov 15, 2011

I have 15 toggle buttons that are each tied to a unique value. A toggle button identifies the value as either Active or Inactive. I then want to add a command button that will produce the product of all the Active toggle button values.

For very few togglebuttons I can use a code similar to the following (adjusting for the number of buttons)

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If ToggleButton1.Value = False Then
Sheets ("CTG Calc").Range("e50 = Sheets("CTG Calc").Range("E47") * Sheets("CTG Calc").Range("E48)
Sheets("CTG Calc").Range("E50) = Sheets("CTG Calc").Range("E47")
End If
End Sub

However, when I get more than just a couple togglebuttons it becomes very unwieldy to have multple If then statments for a True/False option for all 15 buttons. I know there is an easier way to do this with some kind of array function that will look at each toggle button separately anf if the togglebutton value is false will generate the product of all false togglebuttons and ignore the value of all true toggle buttons.

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Loop To Get Toggle Button Captions

Dec 23, 2011

I have a userform with 70 toggle buttons, the buttons are arranged in 7 columns and 10 rows, hence I named each button c1r1 to c7r10.

The button captions will change, so I want to take the captions from cell contents: worsheet 'Buttons' and the range A1:A70

I can do this long hand...
c1r1.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A1")
c1r2.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A2")
c1r10.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A10")
c2r1.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A11")
c2r2.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A12")
unitl I get to
c7r10.Caption = Sheets("Buttons").Range("A70")

I guess a loop would be better. Here's my code that does not work..

I was just going to insert word 'works' for now until I get the loop to work.

I'd also have to get a loop inside this loop, ie when the column number is 1, it needs to loop through the rows numbers, before it loops to column 2.

I guess I might be able to do that, but I fall at the first hurdle, I get Error 424, object required. I guess it does not like 'buttonaddress.caption'
Do I need to declare or dim 'buttonadress'?

buttoncoladdress = 1
buttonrowaddress = 1
Do Until buttoncoladdress = 7
buttonaddress = "c" & buttoncoladdress & "r" & buttonrowaddress
buttonaddress.Caption = "works"
buttoncoladdress = buttoncoladdress + 1

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Password Protect A Toggle Button

May 19, 2009

I've got a toggle button that is clicked to hide the score details (using a macro). I need this button to have some sort of password protection because only I should be able to see the score!

I've tried to use the '.protect .unprotect' function, but its not doing exactly what I want it to so Im not sure I even need it there!

Here is my code..

Option Explicit
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
With Range("78:88").EntireRow
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With
End Sub

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