VLOOKUP On Cells Which Contain Auto Shapes Or Drawing Objects?

Jun 11, 2014

how VLOOKUP can be used to look up cells with auto shapes or drawing objects with a number next to it. I keep getting the value in return but the auto shape/drawing object is omitted from the answer. I use Office 2013.

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VBA Drawing Objects

Jul 15, 2008

I want to use VBA to update a drawing object's color, such as a circle.

For example, pretend I am counting sheep and I need to know when I have reached the maximum count by the visual aide of a stoplight. The script in my head reads: If the max. count of the sheep is less than 5, then the stoplight is green. If the max. count of the sheep is equal to 5, then the stoplight is yellow. If the max. count of the sheep is greater than 5, then the stoplight is red.

Is there a way to do such a thing on excel and with VBA?

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Hide Drawing Objects

Mar 6, 2007

I'm looking to write two small macros that will either hide or show all lines, freeform lines, and autoshapes on a page. In my extreme competence, I determined a for/next loop would be appropriate... but other than that, I can't figure out where to start.

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Drawing Circles And Other Shapes?

Jun 16, 2013

I want to draw circles from 3 points and other geometrical shapes. The points will be given from clicks on the background picture.

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Prevent Some Drawing Objects Being Modified

Nov 25, 2006

How do i preventing drawing objects from being modified/ deleted/added on an excel worksheet? edit: but i want people to be able to interact with them i.e. people shud be able to enter text into textboxes.

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Drawing Shapes Behind Plots On Graph

Jan 17, 2010

I'm currently drawing rectangle shapes with transparency on top of a graph to highlight certain depth ranges in vba. Rectangles span entire graph width. Is it at all possible to draw the shapes behind the series plots?

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VBA To Draw Connector Linking Two Existing Drawing Objects

Aug 26, 2012

I am trying to automate drawing a flowchart based on a moel which the user can add or remove nodes and links from at will.

I can add shapes and position them but what I want to do is to insert connectors between existing shapes (I can draw two shapes and a connector at the same time but what I want to do is add a new node and then work out which existing nodes it links to and draw the lines)

Function AddConnectorBetweenShapes(ConnectorType As MsoConnectorType, _
oBeginShape As Shape, oEndShape As Shape) As Shape
'The ConnectorType can be one of three constants - msoConnectorCurve, msoConnectorElbow, or msoConnectorStraight.


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Excel 2007 :: Default Settings For Drawing Shapes?

Jun 14, 2013

how to change the default settings for shapes in Excel 2007? I select a line tool and it is a blue color and I would like to have its default as black

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Hide Unchosen Objects/Shapes When Another Is Chosen

Nov 30, 2008

I work for Local Governments where supervisors want me to create Project Update program.

I've created one with VBA but still, cannot get the unchose color circles in the same row to become blank.

Whenever they choose one of the 3 color circles, 2 becomes blank.
I hope this will explain well enough for you to understand

here's the code I've put in and with the attachment, you can see my explaination.

Sub TimeRed()
doit 3, "D"
End Sub
Sub TimeYellow()
doit 6, "E"
End Sub
Sub TimeGreen()
doit 4, "F"
End Sub
Sub BudRed()
doit 3, "H"
End Sub

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Creating Shapes (Rectangles And Shapes) From Input Cells?

Aug 30, 2013

Im trying to create shapes Rectangles and Squares with different colours within an excel sheet, where the length and height of the shapes is generated by input values.

Also is it possible to create 3D shapes, again where the size of the shap is generated by input cell values.

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Auto Shapes : Areas

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to calculate the area of a Freeform shape.

Is this already stored somewhere e.g a shape property?

If not is there a macro available to do this?

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Applying Conditional Formatting On Auto Shapes

Mar 7, 2006

I have many autoshapes in my excel file and I want to use the "VBA version of conditional formatting" one two of these autoshapes. I am saying VBA version because conditional formatting does not work on autoshapes (just found that out). The autoshapes on which I want the conditional formatting to work are "AutoShape 73" and "AutoShape 74" (from Autoshapes > Stars & Banners > Explosion1).

This is how I want the conditional formatting to work:

If the text in the autoshape is "A", fill the autoshape with RED color and bold + white arial 12 font

If the text in the autoshape is "B", fill the autoshape with BLUE color and white arial 12 font

If the text in the autoshape is "C", fill the autoshape with GREEN color and bold + black arial 12 font

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Auto Shapes Name, Text, Postition & Properties

Mar 14, 2008

Im assigning some codes to certain autoshapes. I have a few hundred autoshapes to assign this code to. Whats the best way to determine the name of the autoshape?

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Print Color Objects But Not Objects That Are Highlighted / Colored For Input And Grids?

Dec 27, 2013

So I'm creating a grid worksheet for engineering calculations and I have a couple questions about the best way to do it. I've been messing with excel for my calcs for about a decade now, and I every once in a while I try and improve them.

First: I will have several input areas that will either be colored text or shaded background (either works for me). I don't want these 'input required' objects to print as color, just black. But I want my logo at the sheet top to print as color. I've only found ways to not print any color. Can I print the logo as color and the 'input required' stuff as black?

Second: When I do calcs by hand, I write them out on 10x10 grid paper. Each 10x10 grid is one inch. In the past I've created this grid out of the cells, which works. I frequently need to change formulas around though, and each time I do this, I end up needing to mess with the grid cells also. Is there a way to create the grid and have it in the background so it doesn't need to be adjusted each time I change formulas? I wan't the grids to print, and also want to see them on the screen, as I sometimes draw simple objects along with the formulas.

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Drawing A Blank On How To Sum Cells With Like Data

Feb 5, 2010

I have a worksheet with 27,000+ rows. Item numbers are listed in column J and quantities in column E. The rest of the data on the sheet is not needed. An item number may be listed multiple times. I'm trying to create a new sheet that lists each item number once with the sum of all the quantities associated with that number. The data is sorted so all "like" item numbers are listed in consecutive rows.

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Table Of Contents - Drawing Info From Various Cells On Different Sheets

Jul 29, 2009

I have a "Generate Table of Contents" button that launches a macro. This macro builds the Table of Contents, creates (3) columns (Patient Name, Date of Pickup, and Frequency), finds all of the sheets in the work book (already renamed to a patient's name), sorts them alphabetically, and lists them under the Patient Name column.

This code works great - The next challenge:

On each sheet (which corresponds to a patient in the database), there is a cell that is filled in that states which day the patient picks up their medication. There is another cell that designates how often they come to pick it up.

I am at a loss as to how to direct the macro to: For each sheet, go to the specific cell, and then report it in the table of contents.

It somehow needs to bind the information together... meaning the patient name, date of pickup, and frequency must be displayed correctly each and every time on the same row.

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Worksheets Drawing Data From Target Cells Without Moving If Add Lines?

Feb 19, 2014

I have one excel file sheet in which we enter client data and another page in the same file that formats the data. Each new row is another client.

It is a simple formula in the data formatting sheet ='data sheet'A23 for example.

The problem is when we add client data above A23, say 2 rows, the format data page will follow the original cell and now say ='data sheet'A25.

How do I keep the cell as ='data sheet'A23 no matter what I do the original page?

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Compare Values From Cells To Shapes To Cells

Feb 18, 2010

In the attached excel file I have two macros that create hyperlinks:

1. BalloonToNumber - Creates hyperlinks from "Oval" shapes on sheet "Op60_1" to sheet1 (column D).

2. NumberToBalloon - Creates hyperlink scheme from sheet1 (column D) to sheet "Op60_1" "Oval" shapes.

In Q #1 my macro seems to skip some shapes on sheet "OP60_1" and I simply can not figure out why.

In Q #2 my macro creates hyperlinks to shapes that do not exist and hyperlinks to numbers that are not a "100%" match, IE: 182 and 82 would share the same hyperlink?

If you open the workbook and use the hyperlinks on sheet1 they will take you to sheet "Op60_1" and shape hyperlinks from sheet "Op60_1" take you to sheet1. On sheet "Op60_1" there are some red arrows indicating the shapes that get skipped when running the "BalloonToNumber" macro.
Shape color changes as the hyperlinks are selected from sheet1.....

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Keep Objects Assigned To Cells When Sorting

Jul 31, 2009

I am using Excel 2007.

I have a spreadsheet with about 30 items in 30 rows. I have a picture object which corresponds to the item # and other info in each row. When I sort the rows, the picture objects don't get sorted with the rows and end up no longer corresponding with the item # and other info.

I have right clicked and set the properties for each picture object to "move and size with cells". This does not prevent the problem.

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Select All Shapes In Selected Cells?

May 29, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that has many shapes throughout and are connected together in a specific order. It is basically a drawing of steps and transitions in sequential order. I want to be able to select a group of cells that contain all the shapes that I want to select, run the macro and it select all the shapes within the selected cells. With all the shapes selected that I want, I can move and manipulate them as desired. The other option is to select each shape individually holding shift to make the group selection. The code that I am working with is as follows:

Dim SH As Shape
Dim Rg As Range
Set Rg = Selection
For Each SH In Rg.Shapes
SH.Select Replace:=False
Next SH
End Sub

This is the idea that I want to do but I am having problems with the "for each shape in selection" portion.

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Hide/Unhide Shapes Along With Rows/cells

Aug 18, 2009

I have an workbook with many sheets. each sheet contains loads of checkboxes, dropdowns, option buttons, groupboxes ... and they are created using a macro when the workbook is opened. all this works fine. Now I've grouped different rows based on their level of importance. Here's the glitch. whenever I select a group level, the rows get hidden, but not the shapes & objects present on them. Instead, they just jump to the row above or below and overlap the other shapes.

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Inserted Objects In Cells Move When Filtering Or Sorting

Apr 23, 2013

Here is the original table:

This is with a filter on:

You can see there that some inserted object (in this case, PDF files shown as icons), are moved. I need to find a way to immobilize every inserted object within each cell boundaries. I want to freely sort or filter and avoid this kind of problem that gets worse with more rows, columns and inserted objects.

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Excel 2007 :: Add Shapes In Range Of Cells To ShapeRange

Feb 3, 2012

Using Excel 2007.

I have shapes in 3 different rnages of cells on a cell worksheet:
R1 = $D$5:$D & lngRows (row=32)
R2 = $G$5:$G & lngRows (row = 51)
R3 = $M$5:$M & lngRows (row = 50)

I need to set the properties of the shapes in each range differently The shapes in R1 are Left + 46 But the shapes in the other 2 ranges need to be just left My problem is in this bit


'Set properties for each shape in ShapeRange
For Each sh In ws.Shapes

I need to be able to set properties for each range separately instead of the entire sheet. Full code below (only Range $D at the moment - works)


Option Explicit
Sub AddShape3()
'Purpose: Add small rectangles to database table/fields for
' brainstorming and documenting relationships and queries


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Auto Size Cells On Visible Columns Not Auto-sizing Correctly?

May 27, 2014

I have the following code:

[Code] ....

When I run the macro, some columns are already hidden. The macro doesn't seem to autosize cells correctly. For instance, one cell in a row appears to have some contents hidden (or below the reading area of the cell). In other instances, the rows are auto-size to huge heights and widths.

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Vlookup From Another File Auto Update

May 25, 2009

I have a quote that has a value in a few cells =IF(B31="","",VLOOKUP(B31,'[Product Supply-1.xlsm]Sheet1'!$B$8:$N$11,13,0)). Though when i make changes in the product supply file i need it to automaticaly update the quote file. Look at thread http://www.excelforum.com/excel-gene...how-value.html to understand the problem. The quote file is there in thread.

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Auto Updating Range Reference In Vlookup Macro

Feb 20, 2008

I have the following macro which runs vlookups between two sheets in excel. Whenever i add columns to the range the vlookup column reference is not the correct cell. Is their any way I can adjust the macro so that the column number adjusts in the formula when a new column is added??

Sub template()
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE)="""", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE))"
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE)= """", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE))"

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VLOOKUP To Auto-populate A Description From An Entered Part Number

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to use VLOOKUP to auto-populate a description from an entered part number. After checking up on how to do this in several different places I applied this formula to the relevant cell but all that it returns is #N/A.

I am very confused as all seems to be correct, but I am new to this and I am sure I am missing something silly. :P

On entering a part number into cell C13 on sheet 'Stores Receipt' it should search and find that number in column A on sheet 'Product List', it should then return the adjacent description from column B on sheet 'Product List' and show this in cell C17 on sheet 'Stores Receipt'.... Sounds simple hey! :D

The formula used is:

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Cant See Drawing Toolbar

May 22, 2007

I've recently got a new computer and this problem is driving me nuts.
When I click view!toolbars!drawing, nothing happens. No drawing toolbar appears at the bottom of the screen where it used to be. There's a small "drawing toolbar" icon on the main toolbar, but whether this is depressed or not makes no difference either.

I understand this may be changed in the 2007 version, but I’m using Excel 2000

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Drawing Grid

Nov 26, 2007

I want to have 2 cells where I can enter 2 numbers (length & height) so that a grid can be plotted. For example, a big sheet of paper size is length 30" x height 8", if first number is 10" (length) is entered, it will plot 3 lines across 30" (cos 30" divided by 10" equals to 3) and if I enter 2" (height) on 8", it will then cut it into 4". Attached a file for better understanding.

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Corresponding Value Drawing According To Rule

Oct 29, 2013

In my attached sheet I've to find out final result in Column "F" (green shaded). My boss many times a year increases salary by certain percentage (say 30% or 40%) which is given in "E" column. After that I need to adjust it according to Pay Scale given in right side. For example one Executive's salary reaches 19880 after % increase. Now in pay scale we see in executive (row no. 13) it crosses 19800 so his final salary should be next upper value i.e 20600 (if it reached to 20700 after % increase, then his final salary could be 21400). That is final salary should be multiple of designation's increment plus minimum gross salary (Here 800X10=8000+11800=19800, since it exceed by 800, so salary should be 800X11=8800+11800=20600)

So we can either pull data from right side table or we can give formula in "F" column to get the required result.

salary adjustment.xlsx‎

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