Compare Values From Cells To Shapes To Cells

Feb 18, 2010

In the attached excel file I have two macros that create hyperlinks:

1. BalloonToNumber - Creates hyperlinks from "Oval" shapes on sheet "Op60_1" to sheet1 (column D).

2. NumberToBalloon - Creates hyperlink scheme from sheet1 (column D) to sheet "Op60_1" "Oval" shapes.

In Q #1 my macro seems to skip some shapes on sheet "OP60_1" and I simply can not figure out why.

In Q #2 my macro creates hyperlinks to shapes that do not exist and hyperlinks to numbers that are not a "100%" match, IE: 182 and 82 would share the same hyperlink?

If you open the workbook and use the hyperlinks on sheet1 they will take you to sheet "Op60_1" and shape hyperlinks from sheet "Op60_1" take you to sheet1. On sheet "Op60_1" there are some red arrows indicating the shapes that get skipped when running the "BalloonToNumber" macro.
Shape color changes as the hyperlinks are selected from sheet1.....

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Creating Shapes (Rectangles And Shapes) From Input Cells?

Aug 30, 2013

Im trying to create shapes Rectangles and Squares with different colours within an excel sheet, where the length and height of the shapes is generated by input values.

Also is it possible to create 3D shapes, again where the size of the shap is generated by input cell values.

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Compare Cells Values And Return Value?

Nov 27, 2012

I'll quote the example straight away.

Col A Col B
A,R,S A,R,S,T and so on.

There is no fixed pattern for the values, but they are separated by commas only. All i need is to compare col A and col B and return me the value in Col C like this,

Col C (col C is to know the removed value from comparison)
F (for line 1)

Col D (to find the letters that are added from comparison)
T (for line 2)

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VBA - Compare Values Of Named Cells?

Jul 29, 2014

have a look at the following code, the named ranges both hold one value.

Sub warning()
If Range("invAmt").Value Range("TotalInvoice").Value Then
End If
End Sub


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Compare Values In Two Cells - Highlight When There Is No Match

Jan 3, 2013

I have two cells with values that are strings.

I would like to know of a macro that can compare each two cells(start from E2 and compare with E3)to see if the values are NOT equal.

If they are equal, do nothing and if they are NOT, highlight the value.

compare E2&E3, E4,E5,E6,E7,.... if for example E2&E3, E4,E5,E6,E7,.... each hat same string, do nothing, but if they were not the same highlight it with red.

This code checks two cells and highlights one cell when there is duplicate, I like the opposite one, but don't know what to change!


Sub CompareCells() Dim r As Range, cell As Range Range
("E2", Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Name = ("MyRange") Range("MyRange").Select
' clear all colors from selection Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
' loop through cells and compare Set r = Selection Set r = Selection.Resize(r.Rows.Count + 1)
For Each cell In r If cell.Offset(1, 0).Value cell.Value Then
cell.Offset(1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next End Sub

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Double VLOOKUP: Compare TWO Values In TWO Cells

Sep 25, 2008

I'm curious if there's a way to use the Vlookup function to compare TWO values in TWO cells with two values in two OTHER cells (same row though) and return one value from another column. Something like

Vlookup(A2 & C2, Sheet2!A1:C400, 3, FALSE & FALSE)....? Does that make sense?

Say the values in A2 and C2 are in A24 and B24 respectively in Sheet2. Can it return C24 for me?

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Compare Two Values In Two Adjacent Cells Using Vlookup

Mar 4, 2010


if both jack+anderson in a same row adjacent cells
as per in my table it should return column 4 value (A)
can I use VLOOKUP?
is there another way ?

I want to search a block of two adjacent cells in a table and return its forth column value.

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Compare Values From Different Worksheets And Write In Adjacent Cells

Aug 17, 2013

I am new to programming in excel but am looking to make a VBA that allows me to see if a value entered exists in a second spread sheet. If it does then write a comment next to it. If not then write a different comment.

This is what my spread sheet currently looks like:

Sheet1 contains all the important information:






Sheet2 contains the items that contain a shipping condition. There are two shipping conditions Fragile and non-Fragile. The list is of Fragile items.




I am looking for a way to have it set up that when i enter an item number in sheet in 1 it searches in sheet 2 to see if it is fragile, if it is then returns, in sheet 1 column F next to that specific item 'Fragile'. If it doesn't find it in the list returns 'non-fragile'.

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Compare Cells And Use A Range Of Values To Calculate Totals

Apr 16, 2007

I want to compare cells and use a range of values to calculate totals (i.e. count if cell A1=boy and cell A2 equals either "fat" or "skinny")? Also, I tried using wildcard character "*" in the SUMPRODUCT formula, which didn't work (i.e. if cell A1="boy*" would return at TRUE if the cell contained "boy", "boys", "boy and girl", etc.). Is there a way to include wild card characters in a SUMPRODUCT formula like the ones described above?

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Check For Values In Range & Compare 2 Cells On Different Worksheets

Aug 22, 2008

In Worksheet 1, Cell B63 I would like to create a drop down menu, with two options for the user to select - 0.05 and 0.01. I would like each selection to then control the formula in the cells C63:L63, for example;

Where 0.05 selected it computes for cell C63:


then cell D63


and so on

Then if 0.01 selected it would compute for Cell C63


then cell D63


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Select All Shapes In Selected Cells?

May 29, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that has many shapes throughout and are connected together in a specific order. It is basically a drawing of steps and transitions in sequential order. I want to be able to select a group of cells that contain all the shapes that I want to select, run the macro and it select all the shapes within the selected cells. With all the shapes selected that I want, I can move and manipulate them as desired. The other option is to select each shape individually holding shift to make the group selection. The code that I am working with is as follows:

Dim SH As Shape
Dim Rg As Range
Set Rg = Selection
For Each SH In Rg.Shapes
SH.Select Replace:=False
Next SH
End Sub

This is the idea that I want to do but I am having problems with the "for each shape in selection" portion.

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Hide/Unhide Shapes Along With Rows/cells

Aug 18, 2009

I have an workbook with many sheets. each sheet contains loads of checkboxes, dropdowns, option buttons, groupboxes ... and they are created using a macro when the workbook is opened. all this works fine. Now I've grouped different rows based on their level of importance. Here's the glitch. whenever I select a group level, the rows get hidden, but not the shapes & objects present on them. Instead, they just jump to the row above or below and overlap the other shapes.

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VLOOKUP On Cells Which Contain Auto Shapes Or Drawing Objects?

Jun 11, 2014

how VLOOKUP can be used to look up cells with auto shapes or drawing objects with a number next to it. I keep getting the value in return but the auto shape/drawing object is omitted from the answer. I use Office 2013.

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Excel 2007 :: Add Shapes In Range Of Cells To ShapeRange

Feb 3, 2012

Using Excel 2007.

I have shapes in 3 different rnages of cells on a cell worksheet:
R1 = $D$5:$D & lngRows (row=32)
R2 = $G$5:$G & lngRows (row = 51)
R3 = $M$5:$M & lngRows (row = 50)

I need to set the properties of the shapes in each range differently The shapes in R1 are Left + 46 But the shapes in the other 2 ranges need to be just left My problem is in this bit


'Set properties for each shape in ShapeRange
For Each sh In ws.Shapes

I need to be able to set properties for each range separately instead of the entire sheet. Full code below (only Range $D at the moment - works)


Option Explicit
Sub AddShape3()
'Purpose: Add small rectangles to database table/fields for
' brainstorming and documenting relationships and queries


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Compare (divide) Cells If Date In Corresponding Cells Are Equal?

Aug 6, 2013

I have two sets of data to compare. One is real world data, the other is forecasted data. I have real daily data for every day over about 3 months. The predictions though, there may be 4-6 predictions for ever one real daily value.

What I'd like to do is have a function that looks at Column A's date (real daily value) and Column C's date (predicted data) and if Column C equals Column A, then divide corresponding data in Column B by value in Column D.

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VBA Code To Compare Cells To Multiple Cells

Aug 24, 2012

So I have a sheet with 600 or so rows of data on a sheet called "Agent_Summary". On another sheet in the same workbook I have a list 20 peoples names. I am trying to find a way to look at the 600 or so lines on the Agent_Summary in column A and see if the name in that cell matches any of the 20 names from the "Team" Sheet. If the name on Agent_Summary is not found on the "Team" sheet then it clears the contents of that cell and moves on. Then it comes back and Deletes the blank rows. I can make it look for any 1 of the 20 names and the code works fine. How do I turn it into something that will look for any of the 20 names?

Here is my code to look for 1 of the 20 names that works great.

Sub Clean_up_Agent_Summary()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim R As Long
Dim RE As Object
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Worksheets("Agent_Summary").Range("A5:A600")
Set RE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")


"Worksheets("Team").Range("A5")" is where my 1 name is and the rest are just below that. I am thinking some kind of an Array but I am stuck on getting that set up and working right.

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Join Cells & Compare To Single Cells

Jul 5, 2007

i've put this previously on here with no results. There is a formula already in there though does not work because what I want to achieve is to have Column A & Column C to Match Column E & Column F, to Return the Value YES or NO. I’ve Highlighted in ROW 947 one that should Say NO yet Says YES.

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Values In Each Cells(A) Represented Back At Cells(B) But No Repetition If Some Cells(A) Contains Same Value

Dec 9, 2008

I did my search, but cant find and knows what key search to look/type for...

If i have data A1 through A10, such as 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

How can i get column B1 through B3 as 1 2 3 ?

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Compare Cells & Value To Others Cells For Calculation

Mar 7, 2008

I am trying to code for the following conditions and will like to know how I can embed these conditions into one statement.

IF(AND(X>365, A>B), C*D
IF(AND(X>365, A<B), E*F

If neither of the conditions apply, then 0.

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Sort Rows To Show Values Of Cells In Sequence And Eliminate Empty Cells

Nov 11, 2013

I have data on 400 rows. Each row has a maximum of 10 cells with data, but many have empty cells with no data. I would like to sort each row to show values of cells in sequence and eliminate empty cells. I can use the sort row function but its a long process for 400 individual rows. Is there an easier way?

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Determine Values In Cells: Get The Lower Values Between To Cells And Have The Lower Valued Cell Highlighted

Oct 27, 2009

I M trying to get the lower values between to cells and have the lower valued cell highlighted,,,i have over 43 thousand lines of data to go throughand i was wondering if there was a quicker way to do this,,,for example cellA1 is $4.25 and cellA2 is $5.25 i want cell A1 to be highlighted,,is there a way?

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Forcing Cells To ALWAYS Find MIN And MAXIMUM Values From A Specific Range Of Cells

Feb 1, 2010

I'm working on a project for my company. We make plastic tanks and for quality control we want to start recording the thickness of the tanks in different areas/zones of each tank.

Attached to this message is an Excel sheet that I've been working on. From "Sheet 1", it records inputted thicknesses into WorkSheet "1098". On the top of "1098", it shows all of the recordings, and just below that are the "10 Most Recent Entries".

Right below the "10 Most Recent Entries", there are formulas to calculate the Min and Max Values. Whenever a new entry is recorded, the selected cells for the Min and Max formulas change. Is there a way to force the cells to always stay the same?

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Count Number Of Blank Cells In Range Starting And Ending Will Cells That Match String Values

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.

I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?

The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.

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Count Unique Cells Based On Ajacent Cells Having Values

Jan 6, 2008

I have the following data in 1 of the tabs.


I want a unique count of sequences in a different for that class only if that particular row in 'A' or 'B' is populated. The result set should be as follows:

Can this be achieved through a formula?

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Sum Range Of Cells Depending On Changeable Values In Other Cells

Aug 2, 2012

Assuming I have a data set like this :

column a column b
916 12,5
916 23,4
923 34,5
923 23,9
932 98,6
934 67,7

How can I get a sum of all cells in column b when values in column a are equal?

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How To Auto-Sort Cells Base On Values In Other Cells

Nov 26, 2012

What is the formula for results in C?

A | B | C
Jane |3|Frank
Lisa |5|Jane
John |4|Lisa
Abby |6|Abby

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Add Values Of Cells From Different Columns To New Column Only If Cells Are Not Blank

Feb 28, 2014

I have an excel file and what i want is to sum two different columns to a third one, however there are some important notes:

1. Column A has dates

2. Column B has numbers f.e. 25, 30, 35 etc. , which have to be added to dates of column 1 , so a new date will be created in the new column

3. Colums A and B are not next to each other.

4. Some cells of column A and column B are blank , actually columns are sth like this

5/2/2014 25
blank blank
8/5/2014 35
10/9/2014 30
blank blank

When a date value occurs in a cell of column A , then always a number will occur in column B

When a cell is blank is column A , then the respective cell of column B will also be blank

What i want is to add values of column A and B to create column C automatically ( each column has 1000 cells ) , however in case of blank cells , i want a blank cell in column C, not something like #####

Apart from this , i want in the future , when i expand column A and B , when values are entered there, i want column C to be created automatically.

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Shading Cells If Values Exist In Same Cells On Another Sheet

May 6, 2008

We have a simple holidays workbook, with seperate sheet tabs for each member of staff in the department to note down there holidays in a calendar.

The 1st row (from B1 and onwards) contains the day numbers of the month, ie. 1 - 31
The 1st column (A2 downwards) shows the 12 months of the year.
The holidays are then marked in the relevant cell matching the dates required. The codes we use are F (full day), A (morning), and P (afternoon). A countif adds up all the occurences of the various codes and totals the ammount of used/remaining days.
Hopefully that drew a picture.

The problem is, each sheet only shows the holidays marked down for that person. There is no way of checking for a "clash" (ie. 1 member of staff off on the same day as another) without flicking to the other sheets and checking yourself.

how can I get a cell shading to automatically show up on the sheets, if there is a holiday noted down (ie a value, A, P or F) in one of the other sheets?

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How To Compare Two Cells

Aug 7, 2013

I have two cells which contain text, and I'd like to use IF function to compare between them. Something like: =(IF(A1=B1),"TRUE",FALSE"). But it seems like the function cannot do it with text..

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AND OR IF: Compare 2 Cells

Oct 5, 2009

I would like to compare 2 cells, Sheet1!B2 and Sheet1!B3
If sheet1!b2 is between the values of "D101" AND "D105", OR EQUAL TO "D201", OR EQUAL TO "D203", OR EQUAL TO "E110", OR EQUAL TO "E111", OR between the values of "H107" AND "H110" OR between the values of "H107" AND "H110" OR between the values of "H203" AND H205
if sheet!b3 is EQUAL TO "E" )

then output a 1, if not, output a zero

The formula, which I deleted, excel reports back as being too long

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