VLookup On Table With Multiple Worksheet References

Jul 17, 2013

I have a question dealing with a variable column and cell reference I'm using. To make it simple here's what I have done. On the FRUIT tab I have the following table in location BU132 - BV161

Name Column
Apples A
Pears B

I'm using the following formula to get the location of a cell on both the FRUIT and VEGGIE tab that has the value.


{where CH61-CH100 contains fruits or vegetables and where CN61 is a table that has the column reference which goes from 1 to 40)

This formula works great as long as the item is on the FRUIT tab. I can just drag the formula down the entire column and get my values for all the FRUITS listed in CH61-CH100. But, it doesn't work for any items in CH which are on the VEGGIE Tab. What syntax do I need to use in the cell next to Corn and Peas above to get this to work right?

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Vlookup References A Table In Another Workbook

Jul 7, 2007

In trying to construct a Vlookup formula that references a table in another workbook, I find that when I double click on the tab in the source workbook to insert the name, and then complete the formula with the column reference and a False statement, I keep getting an “Invalid” statement in the fx wizard when I try to solve this problem. By entering the name range by typing, I get a “#NAME?” error when I go to the wizard to see what I’ve done wrong.

This issue was addressed in the link that I searched for in the old help files and submit in this question. It seems that the issue was never resolved in that posting and I can’t figure out how to resolve this matter.

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VLOOKUP With Multiple References

Dec 6, 2008

I am trying to accomplish a task that uses the VLOOKUP function to retrieve data from another worksheet. The problem I am having is that it will only return one row of data.

In the formula below, there are multiple rows that contain the $C$4 reference.
I would love to figure out how to return all the rows that contain that
C$4$ reference.

=VLOOKUP($C$4,'Hot Zone Customers'!$C$2:T561,14,0)

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VLookup Table To Another Table That Has Multiple Values

Jun 24, 2014

Vlookup a table, to another table that has multiple values.



Look up table - need to return second coloum but not the first value, all the values?

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Looking Up Value In Table (multiple; Unique Id; Columns For No Vlookup)

Mar 30, 2009

What formula should I use so that it will find the match with a 6-column table (with every other column containing the 'reference' items, so I can't use vlookup)

So that it will return the value next to the match

(instead of returning gibberish, will return a number instead)


Okay had that table setup that way because I needed separate tables ("linked" comboboxes")

So I just altered it so that the vlookup range changes dependent on the value of combobox 1.

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Summing Multiple Table Values Using VLookup

May 20, 2013

I'm trying to get a more manageable formula for totaling multiple values in one box using Vlookup. For clarification this is what I mean:

On spreadsheet A, I have this table:

The value in B2 is the name of the item I am making and the items below are the components required to manufacture said item. In order to build them, I need so many (Column E) and I have indexed my remaining values simply by doing =E3-H3. To build each component requires minerals which are listed on a seperate sheet (Sheet B) as such:


The only Value in the above table I am truly interested in is "Current" (E Column).

Back on SheetA, I have a second table which adds all of the component minerals up for a grand total of the minerals required to make the item in B2 as such:

Now, this is my issue: The code for N3 is incredibly unwieldy:

=IF($F$3>0, $F$3*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$15:$E$21,5,FALSE))+IF($F$4>0, $F$4*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$25:$E$31,5,FALSE))+IF($F$5>0, $F$5*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$45:$E$51,5,FALSE))+IF($F$6>0, $F$6*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$55:$E$61,5,FALSE))+IF($F$7>0, $F$7*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$65:$E$71,5,FALSE))+IF($F$8>0, $F$8*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$115:$E$121,5,FALSE))+ IF($F$9>0, $F$9*VLOOKUP($L3,
'Component Materials'!$A$135:$E$141,5,FALSE))

I set this up to look at a specific value and if it was >0, it would multiply that value times whatever value it found on SheetB ("Component Materials"). The size of this formula makes this difficult to migrate to further items, so I would like to reduce the complexity of the formula.

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VLookup Multiple Values In Table - Not Working

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to use a =vlookup(and( type formula. Excel accepted my syntax, but the formula is not working. Here are the details:


The values from cell E2 and O2 are both present on a row in the SOURCE DATA spreadsheet, and column 6 is the last column in my table (both values appear before column 6, but not next to each other).

The formula returns #N/A. Under those circumstances, shouldn't it return the value of column 6 on the row where those two values are present together?

Do the columns containing the values have to be next to each other in the table for this to work? Does the data type matter (one is a number, the other a street address)? The value to be returned is a number.

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Vlookup References Between Worksheets

Dec 12, 2006

I have 3 Sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3)

Sheet 1

Sheet 2
AccountID, Fname

Sheet 3
FundID, FName

I want to match the value from Sheet3!FundID to Sheet1!classID and Add Corrospinding Sheet3!Fname value to Sheet2(Fname). I tried using VLOOKUP, MATCH & INDEX but somehow not getting the correct formula.

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Returning Data From Separate Worksheet By Matching Multiple Criteria - Vlookup / If Combo?

Jun 8, 2014

I am attempting to place a formula in cell b3 in the attached spreadsheet on the "sheet to pull data into" tab 1 (cell is highlighted yellow) to retrieve value in the yellow highlighted cell in the "Sheet that contains data" which is on a seperate worksheet within the same workbook.

The cells highlighted red in the "sheet to pull into" tab (cells: a1, a3, b1, and b3) are the criteria that needs to be matched to those cells on "sheet that contains data" tab in order to ensure the value returned is correct.Sample of problem.xlsx <----see the attached sample spreadsheet.

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Renaming Files And Changing Vlookup References

Dec 19, 2012

I have about 85 files that I need to rename. These files contain data concerning delivery and quality data of each of our suppliers...1 file per supplier.

Current File Name: SupplierA 2012.xlsx
New File Name: Supplier A 2013.xlsx

Is there a way to do mass rename the files..

and that leads to my second question...each of these files contain vlookups to 2012 data...which is contained in the a file with 2012 in the file name. I need to replace source data file (i.e. 2012 Index) with the new file containing the 2013 data (i.e 2013 Index). Is there a way to replace that source data across 85 or so files using some time of mass find and repalce? All the cell references remain the same

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Moving Worksheets With VLookup Between Documents Without Changing References

Aug 23, 2012

I'm working on an excel report that handles reporting for a large number of people. Another person at work is doing the VBZ coding, and I'm doing the formulas that aggregates the data. which has led to an interesting problem whenever I use a vlookup. I copied the sheets with the formulas from the test document I had been working on to an updated version. And all the vlookups automatically adjusted themselves to reference the document they had been created in. I had also moved over the tabs they were supposed to reference, but they keep looking at the old document. I spent an hour removing the references last night, but I don't want to do it again when I get the final product.

How to get excel to copy a formula EXACTLY as written, and not att in the name of the original document?

It should say

and instead it says
=VLOOKUP($A438,'[reporting formulas.xlsx]totals'!$A$1:$AH$63,32,FALSE)

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Table References Based On Cell Values?

Aug 13, 2012

I'm trying to put together a dashboard that is referencing a table. Now the dash board I would like to have it so I can change a value and the details will update based off of my selection. This is all drived off of named ranges and have that working. The part I don't have working is dynamically changing what part of the table is being referenced to.

i.e. Say i have modeling quality I have a formula that looks like this

=SMALL(IF(Table1[[#All],[Modeling Quality]]=$D$12,ROW(Table1[[#All],[Modeling Quality]])),ROW($M1))

Which works perfectly. However if I change modeling quality to say modeling experience which has different criteria i need the formula to look like this

=SMALL(IF(Table1[[#All],[Modeling Experience]]=$D$12,ROW(Table1[[#All],[Modeling Experience]])),ROW($M1))

Is there a way I can drive the table reference from a cell selection? I've tried referencing them by manually typing in the cell address to no avail.

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Using References In Pivot Table Calculated Fields Formula

May 23, 2007

Worksheet A contains two columns, that maps individual operations to their unitary cost:
COLUMN 1 = a list of operations
COLUMN 2 = the cost associated with each operation.

I can do a vlookup on this worksheet to retrieve the cost of each individual operation.

On another worksheet, I have a pivot table with a field that produces the sum of operations performed by type of operation, eg.

operation 1 was performed 5 times
operation 2 was performed 7 times
operation 3 was performed 4 times

I want to add a calculated field in the pivottable, that would output the total cost per operation. The formula for the calculated field in thepivot table would be
= operation * vlookup("name of operation","range for lookup table",2,0)

... unfortunately, "references, names and arrays are not supported in pivottable formulas".

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Pivot Table Fields, Based On Column References

Sep 26, 2007

I have a pivot table which draws data automatically from a database

What I would like it for the customer field of the pivot table to only equal the customers which are present in another worksheet (Column A:A)

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A Formula That References A Table Based On Contents Of Another Cell

May 20, 2008

Here is what I am trying to achieve:

I have a workbook with two tabs, on the first one there is one column and the top of the column(A1) is a dropdown containing the options 'Boy' or 'Girl'.
One the second worksheet I have two named tables (Boy and Girl) - these tables each contain a single column array with 5 names in each (so we have a table of 5 boys names and a table of 5 girls names)

What I want to happen is when a user selects an option from the dropdown in A1 the cell below(A2) is populated randomly with a name from the corresponding list.

I have achieved this initially using the following formula:
=IF(A1="Boy", INDEX(Boy,RandInt(1,10)), INDEX(Girl,RandInt(1,10)))

This works fine, but I will need to expand this for several dropdown options, so my new workbook will have a dropdown of car makes, and each make will have a list of the models associatied with the car make (e.g. Ford: Fiesta, Escort, Mondeo...)
But I do not want to have a ridiculously long nested IF statement for every car Make, so what I want to do is something along the lines of the following:

=INDEX([CONTENTS OF A1],RandInt(1,10))

So I use the text selected from the dropdown in A1 as the TableName in my formula - however, I cannot retrieve that to use in the formula without it coming back as a text with the "" included and my formula errors!

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Avoiding Invalid Worksheet References?

Feb 25, 2014

I am combining the information from multiple files--one per state, for several states--into a single large table so it's more easily reviewed. Each file has multiple worksheets, named for categories. The category/worksheet names are standardized, but not all worksheets are found in every file.

There is some overlap of items from state to state, so my macro copies key fields from each worksheet and pastes them into the new table and adds a column on the left with the name of the category/worksheet each item came from. It then removes any duplicates to create a list of unique items. Across to the right, the table has two columns for each state, one to show if the item exists there, and the other the date it was added.

In the final step I am using lookup formulas to populate the states columns, using the category/worksheet name from the left-hand column to identify which worksheet to pull from. When a worksheet doesn't exist in a source file, however, this creates an invalid reference.

Is there any way to use VBA to identify which worksheets are in a file so I can use the results in an IF/THEN statement to bypass any lines that would create the invalid references?

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Sorting Worksheets With References To Second Worksheet

Apr 21, 2009

I have a workbook with two worksheets.

Worksheet one is "Company ID" info, in it are the columns:"Company Name", "street add", "city", "state".

Worksheet two is "Company Contact Person" in it are the columns: a reference to worksheet one column one "Company Name", and column two is 'Contact Person name'.

I want to be able to sort worksheet one at will, By city, or state, or any of the various columns. When sorting worksheet one I want the relationships in worksheet to to remain intact.

"Company Name" - "Company Contact Person".

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Lock External Worksheet References

Aug 3, 2006

I have an excel workbook we use for quoting jobs. All our pricing references are in another workbook on our network. I have reference in the 'quoting' workbook that refer to the 'pricing' workbook.

The trouble is, when some users open the 'quoting' workbook, and have another Excel file open, some references to the 'pricing' workbook change to the other file they have open.

I suppose there is some sort of replicable condition that is happening, but I can't figure out what is going on or why.

So my question is: Can I ' lock' an in-cell reference to an external workbook so that it NEVER changes?

I tried hand entering the reference (network location+workbookname+sheetname) into a cell and then referencing that cell, but I couldn't get that to work.

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External Worksheet References Conditional Sum

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to use a conditional sum formula where the data resides in and external workbook. This is fine until I close the external workbook and the formula no longer shows the external reference. Is there a way of getting excel to use conditional sums in this way (or what is the best way of achieving this?)

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Recording Macro Using Cell References In Worksheet

Jan 18, 2007

I am working on this project that involves opening several Excel spreadsheets and copying the data into a new workbook. The problem is that the names of the various worksheets I want to copy change every day - it always reflects the date. I open 7 workbooks, go to the sheet named (for example)01.17.07, copy a static range and then paste it to a new workbook.

Is it possible to record a macro and use a cell reference in the destination workbook (the one I want to copy to) to tell it which worksheet to copy? So, for example, I would type 01.17.07 in cell A1 of the new workbook and the macro would look for the sheet named 01.17.07 when running? Then tomorrow, I could type 01.18.07 and it would know to look for a different sheet?

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Avoid Losing Worksheet References In Formula?

Jan 14, 2013

Is there a way to prevent formulae from losing their references when the references get replaced.

I have formula which refer to a worksheet that is dynamic, meaning that the worksheet holding the data (CONTROL_1) differs from one query to the next is imported from another source. The datasource contents and format are identical.

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VLOOKUP With INDIRECT (become Dynamic As The Table Array Part Of The Vlookup Will Change)

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Vlookup which I want to modify so that it can become dynamic as the table array part of the vlookup will change.

So the basic vlookup is as follows:
but the data I am looking for wont always be in the range M60:P73.

So I tried to make it dynamic by doing the following:
The idea being that U1 and V1 would be numbers that can change so in this case U1 would equal 60 and V1 would equal 73

This vlookup is giving me #N/A and no matter how I modify it I cannot get it to work.

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Excel 2007 :: Formula In Worksheet Contains One Or More Invalid References

Feb 7, 2012

Everytime I save my workbook, I get a dialog box that says:

"A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references. Verify that your formulas contain a vlid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference."

First off, it say's "this" worksheet no matter what worksheet is active.

Usually the culprit is a screwed up name that has a #REF in it somewhere. Not this time. All of the formulas appear to be working fine.

Is there an audit feature that will find the errors for me? (Excel 2007)

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Copied Worksheet With Macros Still References Original Workbook

Oct 25, 2007

I have a workbook within which i have a worksheet that contains a lots of macro code (coded by me). As the workbook gets used by various people, i need to copy the worksheet and the macros across to the updated workbook, which doesnt contain the macro worksheet at all.

I have tried to copy it across by clicking on its tab and using the move or copy facility. This copies the sheet across as required. But for some reason, the macros all reference the old workbook. A small bit here for example for some reason opens up the old workbook and then performs the code in the old worksheet:

Sub SelectAll()
For i = 12 To 20
Set curcell = Worksheets("Form Generator").Cells(i, 3)
If curcell = False Then
Cells(i, 3).Value = True
End If
Next i
End Sub

As curcell is equal to worksheets...() i would have expected it to use the local worksheet, ie the one that the macro is attached to. So why is excel proactively hunting out the old workbook and sheet? is the method i used to copy across the sheet with the macros incorrect? If so, how should i go about it?

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Do Not Display Multiple References Of Same Value?

Jan 25, 2013

displaying the value of a reference once before filling down. I want it to display only once and not display anymore until a different value is included in the fill down. The rinse and repeat.

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Data Table Is Pasted In For VLookUp - Not Have To Redo Table Name Each Time

Jun 2, 2013

I created a lookup table that works quite well. It even has if statements in the LookUp Formula. However, I have to update the table it pulls the information from each day. I wind up recreating the range each time because the table always has more rows each time. Is there a way I could just paste the table in each day and not have to change the range? The columns never change.

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Multiple IF Formula With Cell References?

Mar 12, 2012

can Excel do a double if formula by looking at cells and not fixed type info.

EG: I have a % achieved and $ bonus to pay: however the % achieved & the $ bonus to pay information in the cell will change each month

So... I want the formula to say
=IF (look for cell A1 (which has %achieved) and if found use A2 ($bonus) to give me an answer... otherwise false

The second dillema I have is that A1 has 3 ranges from 100-150, 150-200 & 200-300 to calculate with a set % in A2

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Conditional Formatting With Multiple References

Jul 18, 2014

I am working in a receiving room at a condo complex and am trying to facilitate how we handle and distribute the packages.

What I have in the first sheet of my would-be file is the unit numbers in a 28X12 array (12 units on 28 floors). I would like to make the array conditionally formatted to be highlighted in red to show that there is a package in for the unit in question. On the next sheet, I am putting information such as carrier, unit number and tracking number for each of the packages we receive. I want the unit number on the first sheet to immediately be red when the unit number is typed in the second sheet. When doing conditional formatting, it is easy to do this, by making the condition that the unit in the array will be highlighted when the unit is seen in the unit column in the second sheet.

My question is this: is it possible to somehow duplicate the references for the entire column that contains the unit numbers. I want a whole column to be the reference for conditional formatting of an array, so that I would be easily able to see who has a package in the receiving room, and who does not.

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Lookup Up Entire Table Not Just Column In Table Like Vlookup Does

Jun 5, 2014

I'm trying to see if you can look up multi columns for a number and when it finds it return back to one column and return that data?

I am trying to sort out territories for a state I work on; the territories are divided up by zip codes.


territory 1 12345 54321 11222
territory 2 22222 33333
territory 3 44444 55555

and what I want is to say put a formula in cell B3 on Sheet 1 pointing to cell C3 that has zip code 33333. I want it to then take that and look in Sheet 2 and search A1:D3 and when it finds 33333, return "territory 2" back to cell B3 on Sheet 1.

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Multiple Text Box References From A User Form

Jun 12, 2008

I recently created a userform. I want the data to be placed into the leftheader, centerheader, and rightheader of the document after the user fills in the required fields. I have made the userform, and I can make the code for it to place one item on my userform in the left, center, or right headers. However, when I try to place more than one item in any of the headers excel deletes the first item and overwrites it with the item that is listed last in the VBA code for that respective header. I am new to VBA (this is actually my first program) so I do not know how to make the first value stay there and simply have the next value placed on the line below it.

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