I have been trying to achieve the following with formulas but have not been successful. I am making a simple schedule, and I am trying to validate the cells so that you can not schedule someone for multiple tasks during the same time range. In the example that I attached, Harry is diswashing from 1:00 - 4:00 but is also scheduled to paint from 2:00 - 5:00 (this should not be allowed). How can I achieve this with code?
I am trying to extract times from a work schedule to automatically generate a 'time in' / 'time out' chart. Been trying to use the lookup formula amongst others with little success.
See example template attached...Example Sheet.xlsx
I have a macro that creates a new sheet, the name of which is based off of an input box. Does someone have some generic code to ensure that the user inputs a valid name? Here's what I have, it only checks to see if the name is a duplicate:
'Prompt user for the name of the output sheet newsheetname = inputbox("Name Your Output Sheet:", "Notice!", "Margin Output")
'Check whether or not the name is taken TestName: For a = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(a).Name = newsheetname Then newsheetname = inputbox("Name Taken. Please Rename Your Output Sheet:", "Notice!", "Margin Output") GoTo TestName End If Next a
It's the last road-block left to making this function work. The Problem is in the If...Then statement. If A is true the formula works, but is it is not, then it returns a value. The Expression
IBGLink = (E & CustomDate & EndOfLink) works on its own, so there is an issue with If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(A) Then Does anyone know an alternative way of validating a variable or a trick of sort that can be used here. A to E and CustoDate and CustDatePN are declared as global variables.
Function IBGLink(IBG_URL As String, FrstDate As Date, ScndDate As Date, Optional EndOfLink As String) A = Mid(IBG_URL, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/200", IBG_URL), 8) B = Left(IBG_URL, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/200", IBG_URL)) C = Right(IBG_URL, Len(IBG_URL) - (Len(A) + Len(B))) D = Left(C, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(".200", C)) E = Left(IBG_URL, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(".200", IBG_URL)) CustomDate = Format(FrstDate, "yyyymmdd") CustDatePN = Format(ScndDate, "yyyymmdd") If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(A) Then IBGLink = (E & CustomDate & EndOfLink) Else: IBGLink = (B & CustomDate & D & CustDatePN & EndOfLink) End If ................
i am trying to make a user form with two msg boxes (To and From Date). In excel spreadsheet It was rather easy to bring a popup msg if they were invalid under some stated rules. see below a rationale of the rules where A3=From Date and B3 To Date and the desired outcome of is:
[Code] .......
So i wonder if it is possible to make a VBA code to validate these two dates? and bring a warning msg after keypress or after pressing submitcmd or any other available if available.
I'm attempting to require a numerical entry in a cell using data validation. The function =AND(ISNUMBER(cell),NOT(ISBLANK(cell))) does not perform as intended. Unchecking "Ignore Blank" has no effect. The ISNUMBER function evaluates to TRUE on a blank cell. When used outside of data validation, NOT(ISBLANK(cell)) evaluates to FALSE on a blank cell, making me think the AND(...) function should be sufficient.
I have a truth table, let's say it is an ordinary 2^3
ID 1234567 8 condition AYYYYNNNN condition BYYNNYYNN condition CYNYNYNYN
Currently I am pasting the results of a DB query into the left half of my sheet and I analyse this data using Excel functions in the right half. Among these functions are cells that evaluate the conditions above, e.g.: cond A is evaluated as true or false in column H cond B is evaluated as true or false in column K cond C is evaluated as true or false in column M
What I would like is a function to place at the end of the row (col T) which will display the ID of the relevant column in the truth table that the three values together correspond to, e.g.: A=T, B=T, C=F gives result 2 A=F, B=F, C=T gives result 7
I'd like to create a data validation with 1 dropdown list in the second worksheet in B4, relating to 3 cell ranges on the first worksheet (COS, Expenses & Capital). If 3 can't work, I've created 1 called 'dropdown' which incorporates all 3.
which formula I need to write into the validation, or what else I need to do in order to find a solution to this.
I have two userforms. When the user chooses the choice "Other" in the userform frmTradeSickOther, another userform called frmOther will be called. At this point, the user will enter some required comments in a textbox (called txtOther) and click the "Add Comment" button. If the user does not enter anything, a prompt will inform the user to type something in the textbox.
My problems: Once the user clicks okay to the prompt, frmOther is called back. When it's called back, I want the cursor to blink in the textbox. Eventhough I have SetFocus on the textbox, it does not work. I don't know why.How do I prevent the user from just hitting enter (i.e., accepting blank lines as comments) and bypassing the commenting part. The code below accounts for hitting enter once (i.e., one blank line), but not multiple times. How do I do this?
Here is what I have when the user clicks on the "Other" choice in frmTradeSickOther:
Code: Private Sub optOther_Click() Unload Me frmOther.Show frmOther.txtOther.SetFocus 'This gets the cursor to blink in textOther when frmOther is called. End Sub
Here is what I have when the user clicks the "Add Comment" button on frmOther:
Code: Private Sub btnAddComment_Click() On Error Resume Next txtOther.Value = Trim(txtOther.Value) 'This is to make sure spaces aren't accepted as a comment. If Me.txtOther = vbNullString Then Me.Hide MsgBox "Please enter the necessary information.", vbInformation, "Required Field" Me.Show Me.txtOther.SetFocus 'Here is where I set focus on txtOther. Exit Sub End If
'Everything below is to add comments automatically to each cell when a value is changed.
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Delete Comment").Enabled = True If Not ActiveCell.Comment Is Nothing Then Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Edit Comment").Enabled = True Range(curCell).ClearComments
I want to inform my users via a message box if they have not entered the previous month's information. The months are populated via a User form using a combo box selection. The months start from April through to March and are entered into the worksheet range ("aa3").
Data is entered monthly by the team. I don't know how to begin with this. I've managed to inform them when they've already entered that months information, but I don't know where to begin with this.
while trying to limit the user's input to a userform textbox to no avail. For example one textbox on the form should only be numbers and I therefore want to restrict the user to typing in a two digit code like 02 or 72 (not for calculations). Another textbox I only want to allow the user to input 6 characters in the format letter, four numbers and a letter. If the user inputs the wrong stuff a message box pops up and the focus is reset
I'm building a form comprising some text boxes and drop down lists. I'd like for data (once input into the form by the user) to input, upon click of a submit button, into an excel spreadsheet, row by row.
Here's where i'm struggling: I need the form to validate data before submitting. Namley, the form must not allow null values to be submitted and will show a message box telling the user what is needed.
Below is what i've got so far. I've tried playing around with this but am struggling to implement the above functionality:
I have been using excel form last 1 year. I do have good knowledge for macro but for validating emailID entry I am not getting success.,So if any body can give me a sample code for validating email ID entry or a macro for checking and highlight those email ID which r wrongly formated..
I'm currently developing a calendar that has a list in it with lets say 4 options. What I want the calendar to do is calculate at a specific 'cell' the number of entries that are selected during the month.
The idea is to have a drop down on each 'day' and a counter that calculates the number of times one specific options has been selected. Once the option has been selected the 'day' will change to the corresponding color.
I have generated a matrix in excel through iteration (I'm trying to calculate a dinamic covariance matrix between 50 values) which looks like this:.......
A 50x50 matrix. What I have generated in each cell is not the formula, but the text of the formula. Somehow Excel has a valid formula in a specific cell, but "doesn't know yet" that within the cell there is no longer a text. So, to make every formula run, I have to go cell by cell pressing F2, then enter, 2.500 times. Notice that in each formula I don't have something like this:
+"+COVAR(Rends!C4:AB4;Rends!C4:AB4)" or '+COVAR(Rends!C4:AB4;Rends!C4:AB4)
but the valid formula: +COVAR(Rends!C4:AB4;Rends!C4:AB4)
I am trying to find out how many projects might be active as of a certain date.
I have a tab in excel that contains project data. For each project there is a "Start Date" and there might be an "End Date"
My question is, how do I count all the rows where the start date is Less than a given date and the end date is after a given date? The wrinkle is... if the end date is empty then obviously it should be counted as well (assuming the start date is still before the given date).
In my workbook I have about 20 sheets (less in the attached sample), and on most sheets I’d like to query data for each day and find an average value based on the time and then copy that result into another sheet. I’m not sure if I’ll need 2 macro’s for this or if one can be used.
Here’s a quick description:
Assuming that I am currently in the sheet I want to run the macro, then I will either input “1:45” or “0:45” into a popup box, or I could always simply input the 1:45 or 0:45 in the code itself. I’m flexible
If I input 1:45, then I’d like the macro to find the first 1:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation. Once 1:45 is located, then the macro moves up to find 22:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation.....
I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the difference in times between specific times while working with a 24 hr clock. Please see details below:
E3 provides the start time of 4:00 H3 provides an end time of 15:30
If an employee works betwen the hours of 0:00 (midnight) to 5:59, this is considered DIFF hours and is therefore the number I am seaking. So for the data noted above, the total DIFF hours worked is 2 hours.
I make our employee schedule at work, and so in Excel I have eight sheets for one workbook. (Employee schedule, then each day of the week) On each day is a table separating the shifts. Morning, Split and Night.
I was wondering if there was a way for Excel to look at the schedule sheet, and then automatically place each employee and their shift on the following day sheets. (example: Joe has 2-10 on Monday, 10-6 on Thursday and Friday) So the Excel puts Joe underneath Split 2-10 for Monday, and Morning 10-6 on Thursday and Friday.
I am trying to schedule a macro to run at 11:45 pm every time. I use system scheduler to open the excel file and when I use this command to run the macro nothing happens. The workbook opens fine but the macro does not run. I only wants to run the macro once day even if I open the workbook during the day I do not want it to run.
We have huge restrictions on hours, and to avoid inputting, then revising the schedule into my companies scheduling module, then having to change it again when the boss looks it over, it's just confusing.
Anyway, I'll get to the point, I want to add the hours up in a row of cells for the week sunday through saturday. Like so:
1100-2100 | 1100-2100 | OFF | 1100-2100 etc... I want it to add these cells hours up and have the total end up in the 8th cell.
Is this possible? I am a new excel user, or at least, setting up my own sheet.