Vlookup Compare Unexact Cells
Apr 23, 2009
HOW DO I GET A VLOOKUP TO COMPARE TO FIRST 6 CHARACTERS OF SHEET1 TO FIRST 6 IN SHEET 2? In columm B sheet1 i would like the result of column c sheet to, e.g. 9
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Jan 8, 2010
comparing cell data 1 from data 2 but what I need to extract are only the numbers and using a vlookup.
Data from 1 Data from 2 DN000254162 GSODN000254162 IN0513231 GSOIN0513231 CI/0003216535/BAH CI/3216535/BAH
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Sep 25, 2008
I'm curious if there's a way to use the Vlookup function to compare TWO values in TWO cells with two values in two OTHER cells (same row though) and return one value from another column. Something like
Vlookup(A2 & C2, Sheet2!A1:C400, 3, FALSE & FALSE)....? Does that make sense?
Say the values in A2 and C2 are in A24 and B24 respectively in Sheet2. Can it return C24 for me?
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Mar 4, 2010
if both jack+anderson in a same row adjacent cells
as per in my table it should return column 4 value (A)
can I use VLOOKUP?
is there another way ?
I want to search a block of two adjacent cells in a table and return its forth column value.
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Jun 23, 2013
I'm trying to compare two quantities on two different sheets. I've used VLOOKUP in the past on other sheets. This time round I cannot understand how to us it on this query when the data is contained and mixed in one cell.
Here goes explaining..
Sheet1, shows we have stock of Mini Speakers in blue, the 'Main SKU', 'Size' and 'Current Stock'
'Current Stock' is the cell we are trying to compare
Sheet2 shows the 'SKU', 'Name' and 'Option1'. Option1 contains the values I'm trying to compare... sku":"X-MiniB-S","value":"S","quantity":"1"
Basically, I need to check that 'Current Stock' matches the value in 'Options1' and return a value if they do not match.
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Oct 26, 2009
I need a Vlookup to look at two columns when searching. here is an example:
Sheet 1 is my report grid to hand out to the employees, A1 has a drop-down list with my employees names and A2 one for the month, when you click an employee name the vlookup formula fills in the information from sheet 2 (data sheet).
Sheet 2 has data like: Col 1= Month, col 2=employee L-name, col 3= production etc...
currently the vlookup formula messes up because the employee name is in there multiple times because of the months column, i have to delete all months except the one i need. formula is: =vlookup(A1,'sheet2'!,B:C,2,false)
this formula will pull the data in sheet two column 3 (production) for the employee that matches.
how can i make it compare first to col 1 (month) and then col 2 (employee).
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Oct 26, 2012
I'm having difficulties using vlookup to compare two columns of TEXT data. My goal is find out how many of items in the "Eligible Serial Numbers" list have been ordered for destruction. The items listed for destruction are listed in the "Serial Numbers (destroyed).
Whenever I put in a VLOOKUP, I get a serial number that doesn't make sense to me. For example, if I want to find out if "362351581" from the Eligible List appears on the destroyed list. What do you suggest?
Destroyed? (i.e. Vlookup formula in this column)
Eligible Serial Numbers
Serial Numbers (destroyed)
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Mar 18, 2013
I have a somewhat convoluted problem. I am trying to develop a QA tool that compares data from a user-created spreadsheet against data from an automated spreadsheet. From my (admittedly small) understanding of Excel, this would be easy to do using VLOOKUP, however there will not be any unique IDs between two columns.
To better visualize this, imagine on Sheet A the following:
Placement Name
Ad Tag
Clickthrough URL
Essentially what I am trying to do compare data from a manually filled in sheet against data that would output the above, and make sure that everything matches up correctly. .
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Jul 24, 2014
I'm trying to compare two very large files to find some that are in one AND also in the other. I'm using =VLOOKUP(C2,Parts2!C:D,1,FALSE) and my results are #N/A for all of them. I have formatted both columns as 'General' because there can be letters and numbers in the serial number, I have also tried formatting as text to no avail. I have confirmed no preceding or trailing spaces or other special characters.
I am however, able to locate values in both documents using Ctrl F. I'm totally puzzled because I've always been able to figure out what's causing my Vlookup issues when I have them but this time I'm not able to.
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Sep 1, 2013
I am trying to compare two lists and extract from one to add back to the source. However neither are alphabetically.
List 1
List 2
So i would the vlookup to add automatically back to list 1 tshirt, jumper and shoes.
List 1 would now look like this
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Oct 22, 2012
I need to compare a string from say A1 to a range of cells in another workbook and if found return the value of a cell on the same row.
Something like - look up string value in A1 in other workbook.sheet1.A1:A65535 if matched return the value of matched row column b.
IF Otherworkbook.sheet1.A20 = A1 return the value of B20
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Aug 6, 2013
I have two sets of data to compare. One is real world data, the other is forecasted data. I have real daily data for every day over about 3 months. The predictions though, there may be 4-6 predictions for ever one real daily value.
What I'd like to do is have a function that looks at Column A's date (real daily value) and Column C's date (predicted data) and if Column C equals Column A, then divide corresponding data in Column B by value in Column D.
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Feb 18, 2010
In the attached excel file I have two macros that create hyperlinks:
1. BalloonToNumber - Creates hyperlinks from "Oval" shapes on sheet "Op60_1" to sheet1 (column D).
2. NumberToBalloon - Creates hyperlink scheme from sheet1 (column D) to sheet "Op60_1" "Oval" shapes.
In Q #1 my macro seems to skip some shapes on sheet "OP60_1" and I simply can not figure out why.
In Q #2 my macro creates hyperlinks to shapes that do not exist and hyperlinks to numbers that are not a "100%" match, IE: 182 and 82 would share the same hyperlink?
If you open the workbook and use the hyperlinks on sheet1 they will take you to sheet "Op60_1" and shape hyperlinks from sheet "Op60_1" take you to sheet1. On sheet "Op60_1" there are some red arrows indicating the shapes that get skipped when running the "BalloonToNumber" macro.
Shape color changes as the hyperlinks are selected from sheet1.....
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Aug 24, 2012
So I have a sheet with 600 or so rows of data on a sheet called "Agent_Summary". On another sheet in the same workbook I have a list 20 peoples names. I am trying to find a way to look at the 600 or so lines on the Agent_Summary in column A and see if the name in that cell matches any of the 20 names from the "Team" Sheet. If the name on Agent_Summary is not found on the "Team" sheet then it clears the contents of that cell and moves on. Then it comes back and Deletes the blank rows. I can make it look for any 1 of the 20 names and the code works fine. How do I turn it into something that will look for any of the 20 names?
Here is my code to look for 1 of the 20 names that works great.
Sub Clean_up_Agent_Summary()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim R As Long
Dim RE As Object
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Worksheets("Agent_Summary").Range("A5:A600")
Set RE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
"Worksheets("Team").Range("A5")" is where my 1 name is and the rest are just below that. I am thinking some kind of an Array but I am stuck on getting that set up and working right.
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Jul 5, 2007
i've put this previously on here with no results. There is a formula already in there though does not work because what I want to achieve is to have Column A & Column C to Match Column E & Column F, to Return the Value YES or NO. I’ve Highlighted in ROW 947 one that should Say NO yet Says YES.
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Oct 5, 2009
I have tried nested ifs and vlookup to compare two sets of data and change the first set of data if it is than the first. But leave it alone if it either is the same or does not exist in the new set of data. It sometimes seems to work but i find it is not consistant. It looks simple but i think i am missing something.
if column A has identifiers and column B has results then it should work if the identifiers in column C are found in column A and it looks to see if column B and D are the same, then change B if different but leave it if either it is the same or not there.
D 33
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Aug 7, 2013
I have two cells which contain text, and I'd like to use IF function to compare between them. Something like: =(IF(A1=B1),"TRUE",FALSE"). But it seems like the function cannot do it with text..
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Oct 5, 2009
I would like to compare 2 cells, Sheet1!B2 and Sheet1!B3
If sheet1!b2 is between the values of "D101" AND "D105", OR EQUAL TO "D201", OR EQUAL TO "D203", OR EQUAL TO "E110", OR EQUAL TO "E111", OR between the values of "H107" AND "H110" OR between the values of "H107" AND "H110" OR between the values of "H203" AND H205
if sheet!b3 is EQUAL TO "E" )
then output a 1, if not, output a zero
The formula, which I deleted, excel reports back as being too long
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Apr 7, 2012
I want to compare the value of D8 to the value of the last cell in Column D with data. I have the following code but am stuck! (This is code that I was writing from scratch and may not actually work)
Dim myRng As Range
Dim C As Range
Dim lr As Long
On Error Resume Next
[Code] .........
I am stuck on the "Else" statement...If they don't match then change the color of cell D8 if they do match I want to do nothing.
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Mar 18, 2008
I want to do is create a function that will allow me to compare various cells. For instance, we have people scoring applications and I want to see if raters' ratings are within 10 points of each other. If raters differ by 10 points I want to print conf call on my spreadsheet (so I can schedule a conference call for raters to discuss the 10 point difference). If raters are within 10 points then I want to print "compute mean" (so I will generate a mean for each applicant).
I can get Excell to compare one rater against another (=IF(C3-C4>10,"conf call","calculate mean"), but I do not know how to make it compare all raters. For example, I have four raters and I want to be able to compare rater 1 to rater 2 and rater 1 to rater 3 and rater 1 to rater 4 and then rater 2 to rater 3 and rater 2 to rater 4; and lastly rater 3 to rater 4. Then if any rater dyad is different by 10 points I want to print our "conf call", but if there are no differences (by 10 points) then I want to print our "compute mean".
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Dec 8, 2006
I converted a very large PDF to Excel. I want to run a logical formula that will compare a mailing address and property address. My formula goes like this: =if(a1=b1,"yes","no"). However, when I run my formula I am getting False for every line even though I can plainly see the answer should be yes. My guess is that it has something to do with the formatting of the text inside the cells that I'm comparing but they seem to be formatted the same. The strange thing is that if I manually type the information and run the formula, it comes out fine. I have more than 37,000 lines of text so I cannot manually retype the whole thing.
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Mar 7, 2008
I am trying to code for the following conditions and will like to know how I can embed these conditions into one statement.
IF(AND(X>365, A>B), C*D
IF(AND(X>365, A<B), E*F
If neither of the conditions apply, then 0.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have date on Sheet 1 and Sheet 2
what I want to do is take column A from Sheet 1 and compare to Sheet 2 column A if it's one Sheet 2 then on Sheet 1 column C and D post the results...
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
so then Sheet 1 would look like this
ADDYY 64 ADDYY4644454654
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Jun 9, 2014
I'm trying to match and make judgement for my excel file and return as "OK" or "NG"
Eg.: New Picture.png
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Sep 7, 2009
I am doing research and I have a list of over 100 small dna sequences that I would like to see if there are any similarities between them. I have put them in individual cells but I dont know how or what function to use.
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Oct 1, 2009
I've got a very big spreadsheet with over 40,000 lines.
The text is sorted alphabetically, and on its side I'd like to have a column displaying how different it is from the cell above.
A1 - Mediterranean Sea. -----
A2 - Mediterranean Ses. ----- 5.55%
A3 - Atlantic Ocean. ----- 100%
Basically, 'Atlantic Ocean' is 100% different from the cell above, but A2 has only one letter different (out of 18, including the space and the dot) compared with A1, so it's only 5.55% different.
This would help me find which cells that are supposed to have the same content, have errors and thus are slightly different.
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Dec 13, 2012
I have multiple colums that I want to compare (A=F), (B=G)........
I want to see the difference of the two as shown in Blue column (example file is attached.)
Skærmbillede 2012-12-13 kl. 18.37.15.jpg
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Jul 25, 2008
I am trying to write some code that will compare three cells on a row and if they match then it will delete the row.
Column U-has Y, N entered
Column V-has Y, N entered
Column O-has 1, 2, entered (some cells may have the fill color set to red)
I need the macro to look at Column U and Column V and for example if the cell U2 has a N, and V2 has a Y then the macro would look at O2 and it there is a 1 with the fill color set to red the macro will delete that row.
The spreadsheet will vary on how many rows it contains. It can contain up to 5,000 rows and the macro would need to go through all the rows.
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Dec 15, 2009
I need to create a micro that can compare the value of the cells and if it is the same, it will merge. currently my code is ......
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Oct 25, 2005
Is there a way to compare two cells to see how many
numbers are same?
For example, A2 contains 16, 17, 19; B2 contains 16, 17; and I want to put
in C2 the result 2.
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