Workbook Protection Code: When Macros Are Not Enabled

Oct 23, 2006

I prtected several sheets with the xlVeryHidden command I got from you. But when the user does not allow Macros to be executed, also these protections are not executed. Does there exist any solution to this problem? Something like "when macros are not allowed do NOT open file"?

Sub workbook_open()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False
Sheets("Daten").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Koeffizient").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Investitionen").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Konsum").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Zinssatz_permanent").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Preise").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Nettotransfers").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Beschäftigung").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Löhne").Visible = xlVeryHidden
Sheets("Nettoexporte").Visible = xlVeryHidden
End Sub

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Macros Enabled Spreadsheet With Protection

Feb 4, 2014

I would like to be able to password protect each sheet in a workbook and still be able to use the macros/form control (button). Below is the code that I'm using and the code that I've attempted to add to it to protect it.

Current Code:

[Code] ....

Code added for protection but not working:

[Code] ....

I've added this code to both the beginning and the end of my code; however, I'm getting a "400" error when I try to use the form control (button) when the sheet is protected. Is there something that I'm doing incorrectly?

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Hide Toolbars When Workbook Protection Is Enabled

Jun 26, 2006

I would like to hide the standard and formatting toolbars in excel when i enable workbook protection, however I have no idea how to get excel to realise when workbook protection has been enabled, and how to hide the toolbars in VBA also. Also i would like to know how to do the reverse (how to show tooldbars when workbook protection has been disabled)

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Workbook To Open Only If Macros Are Enabled

Mar 29, 2009

I have created an Excel Workbook and this Workbook has a VBA code that enforces an expiry date of the workbook (TimeBomb from So, if the expiry date has passed, the workbook will not open. But since it is VBA related, the expiry date will work only if one has enabled macros. If macros are disabled, the workbook will open regardless of the date.

So, is there a way for Excel to check if macros are enabled? and is there a way for Excel not to open the workbook, if the macros are disabled?

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Force Macros Enabled On Workbook Open?

Oct 28, 2013

I'm posting a workbook on our network that I want to enable users to go in and update. I have the workbook designed, with entry fields for the data they need to enter, and they then push "Submit" to submit the new data to a hidden tracking log within the workbook.

Many of the users will be complete Excel newbies, and although I haven't posted the workbook yet, I am trying to anticipate possible issues. The first that comes to mind is that the user opening the workbook may not have macros enabled in their version of Excel, and they will get a message, and can't perform the udpate. Is there a way to add a Workbook Open event that automatically enable macros in the workbook when they open it, even if it is for this workbook only?

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Workbook Hangs When Opened With Macros Enabled

Jan 30, 2008

I have been working on an excel spreadsheet and have come acrss this problem once before too. When I try to open this file it hangs and does not respond. the file size is not too big (490KB). When I disable macros i can open the same file but when the macro are enabled, it hangs. have been trying to look for a solution but just dont know what to do.

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Workbook Protection In Macros

Oct 27, 2006

In addition to the code below that hides data if macros not enabled, prevents copy and cut (I know its still possible) I would like to as well as protect the sheets (which works fine) also protect the workbook to prevent moves etc. Unfortunately while the protection may be easily applied, the veryhidden bit to ensure macros are selected then conks out. Does anyone out there know of a way where say the workbook protection may remain and at the same time allow the veryhidden etc bits do their stuff as normal as if the workbook protection was off?

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave _
(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Cancel = True Or bIsClosing = False Then Run "HideAll"
If SaveAsUI = True Then Cancel = True

End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Dim oCtrl As Office.CommandBarControl
'Disable all Cut menus
For Each oCtrl In Application. CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=21)
oCtrl.Enabled = False
'oCtrl.Enabled = True
Next oCtrl...................

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Prevent Workbook Protection In VB Code

Dec 1, 2011

I have a workbook that contains macros. When the workbook is protected, the macro returns an error so I have unprotected the workbook but, if someone protects the workbook and saves it, it returns an error when closing and even if they choose cancel, it still screws up the macro and prevents it from working upon reopen.

Is there a way to prevent someone from protecting the workbook in vb code?

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Determining If Macros Are Enabled

Jul 8, 2006

How can I determine if the user selected "disable" at the initial macro prompt screen.

Basically, I would like a formula/function that can say whether Macros are switched on or off by the user.

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Excel 2007 :: Macros Enabled But Will Not Run?

Oct 27, 2010

I have an excel file saved as macro-enabled that is perfectly functional and can be opened on my computer (via Security Warning - Enable Macros). The file is saved on another computer, through which I am accessing by a network.

This other computer is unable to run the macros, and when we open the file in excel there is no security warning that pops up (like there is on my computer). I have gone to the Excel Options and entered the trust center settings, and finally the Macro Settings. It is set at Disable all macros with notification. (same for both computers... but on one of the computers there is no security warning that pops up)

We tried enabling all macros (temporarily) and tried re-opening the file and running a macro. We got an error message saying that macros were not enabled.

We also made the file a trusted location and saw no changes.

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How To Use Data Validation If Macros Are Not Enabled

Sep 8, 2012

I want to use data validation so that if macros are not enabled, data validation in a particular cell will not allow any entry. Maybe a helper cell that is TRUE if macros have been enabled? How is this done?

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Warning Page If Macros Aren't Enabled

Jun 10, 2008

I'm making a little calculator thing for some of my colleagues, and I've created a warning sheet at the front in case their macro security is set to high or they disable macros.

The thing is, when the workbook is opened with macros enabled, and when it's closed, this warning sheet flashes briefly. Is there any way to avoid this?

My code is:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("Form").Visible = True
Worksheets("Enable macros").Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("Enable Macros").Visible = True
Worksheets("Form").Visible = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Hide Picture By Default, Display If Macros Enabled

Apr 7, 2008

Basically, I want cell A1 to display the message "Macros must be enabled for this document to display properly", then have that text replaced with a picture (jpeg logo) if macros are enabled. I know I need to put the code in the Workbook_Open sub, but I keep getting the "error 1004, cannot modify visible property of picture object" when I try to tinker with "visible = true".

*EDIT* - The picture must be embedded in the spreadsheet somehow, and hidden from view when macros are disabled. (Having the picture crammed into a single cell at IV65536 is fine.)


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Excel 2007 :: Macros Enabled But Record Macro Grayed Out

Apr 14, 2008

I have excel 2007 and I want to record a macro. I have enabled all macros via the Trust Center settings and have even saved the current workbook (created from scratch in 2007) to a macro-enabled version.

But when I click on the 'developer' toolbar, 'record macro' is grayed out.

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Make Workbook Code/Macros Unique To Workbook

Sep 12, 2006

How is code or functions kept unique to a workbook? for instance i create a few toolbars that are relevant to "work book 1", however when i open another workbook "2" the toolbars do not function properly or are removed by the opening/closing of the work book, similarly other macros seem to struggle with more than one workbbok open at a time.

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If Macro Is Disabled: Place A Message On The Sheet Saying This Will Only Work With Macros Enabled

Aug 17, 2006

When you enable macros the sheets 2, 3, 4 ect are visible but if you disable macros, you only see sheet 1 and and you can place a message on the sheet saying this will only work with macros enabled.

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Copy Workbook Containing Code Without Macros

Sep 10, 2006

In a workbook with several worksheets i would like (as part of a backup function) make a copy of one of the worksheets.

The code of the complete project is distributed over a module (module1) and several Microsoft excel objects ("thisWorkbook", but also in a number of the worksheets (e.g. in "sheet3 (Risk Management Plan)").

The backup copy of the worksheet (in this example also containing e.g. the Microsoft excel object "sheet6 (Backup of Risk Management Plan)" should be free of any macro code. this to avoid unintended problems by inexperienced users, but also to keep the file size limited.

Probably it would be possible to copy the worksheet without of copying also the code. Or it would be possible to strip the code only from this particular worksheet without influencing any other code, forms, ... . Or, perhaps, there would even a totally different approach.

I use Windows XP pro Sp2, and Excel 2000 Sp3.

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Macros And Protection ..

May 22, 2006

I have a scoresheet with 60 contestants. Each contestant takes up 7 rows,
the first six of which are hidden to start with and I have put macros in the
adjoining column so that when they are clicked, the full 7 rows open up and
the table of scores can be entered, When entry is complete for that
contestant, a further macro when clicked will close up the 6 rows, leaving
just the main line (line 14) with the No, Name, “OPEN” macro and other Totals
in adjoining columns.

The sheet works fine, but as many people will use this programme, I need to
protect the sheets against mistaken entries etc., and as soon as I protect
it, the macros wont work and throw up a “unable to set the property of a
hidden range class, run time error 1004. I don’t want to leave the sheet
unprotected, can anyone advise me where I am going wrong.

I am also trying to find a way to validate “time taken” entries so that they
can only be input as minutes and seconds in the format of 09.56, within a
range of 00.01 – 10.00. Not having any success with this as it keeps
converting the data into something like a date.

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Macros And Protection

Jul 3, 2008

I have a excel Workbook, 6 sheets and many calculations with formulas and macros.

Is there a way to protect this workbook to be able to insert data only in the correct cells, I tried but the macros does not work, they are essentially copy and paste.

there will be 3 sheets with reports to be printed too.

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Exporting Macros To Another Workbook From The 'sheet' Code Module

May 30, 2007

I've used the following code to export macros from one workbook to another but I was wondering how you export macros from the ' Sheet' code module to the 'Sheet' code module of another workbook.

Sub Import_Macro()

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule

strRet = .Lines(1, .CountOfLines)

End With

Set wkb = Workbooks("Test Workbook.xls")
wkb.VBProject.VBComponents. Import ("G:SCSSCSALLReportsVB MacrosGeneral.bas")
wkb.VBProject.VBComponents.Import ("G:SCSSCSALLReportsVB MacrosMJ Selections.bas")

With wkb.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule

.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines '//Delete Codes already wrriten
.InsertLines 1, strRet '// Write Code

End With

End Sub

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Save Workbook As Macro Enabled Workbook By VBA

Jan 23, 2012

the following scenario.

I am using the following code to save a workbook as a macro enable workbook on the selected path as today's date. But it is being saved as a macro free workbook.

Below is the code in module:

Sub save_file()
Dim tDate As String
Dim FileSaveName As String
Dim fPath As String
tDate = VBA.Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date)), "dd-mm-yyyy")
'FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=tDate, filefilter:="Excel Files(*.xlsm),*.xlsm", Title:="Please save the file")


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Macro Enabled Workbook IOS App?

Dec 5, 2013

Is it possible to have a macro-enabled workbook to work on ios software(iphone or ipad app)? Currently I cant find any spreadsheet app that will let you have a macro enabled workbook. The code from the posts below would be great if they worked on my phone or ipad.

Scan barcode to excel with date & time stamp in & out.

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Protecting Macro-Enabled Workbook

Apr 29, 2012

is it possible to protect a macro-enabled workbook with password.

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Adding Worksheet Protection But Allowing Form Controls - Macros

Jun 5, 2014

I have a worksheet with lots of things going on... the end user needs access to the Name field, DOB field, all the scroll and form control option buttons in the 9-question sheet, and the macro-enabled reset button at the bottom. Formulas are sprinkled throughout the worksheet, in columns T through AC... option button links go to AA and AB.

I would like to protect the entire sheet so none of the fields, except where indicated above, could be selected or edited... but when I protect the sheet, I get errors when trying to use you form controls, and the formulas do not respond. And finally, when protected, I get a debug error on the reset macro.

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Save Sheet As Macro Enabled Workbook Using Codes

Jan 28, 2014

Working with a macro enabled workbook that has many sheets what would be a good code that would save Sheet1 into a new MACRO enabled workbook so that the 'Buttons' (which are linked to macros) on this specific sheet will be the only macros that will be copied to the new workbook as opposed to the rest of the macros that are found in different sheets?

Here is what I g=have:

[Code] ......

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File Format Equals Marco-Enabled Workbook

Feb 5, 2009

I want to save the Excel file as "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook." Currently, File Format:=xlNormal within the VBA code and the results saves the Excel file as .xls. How do I write the File Format to save the Excel file as "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook."

Below is an example:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Left$(ActiveWorkbook.Name, (Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4)), FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False

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Create Username And Password To Login Into A Macro Enabled Workbook

Jan 3, 2011

I need a macro ie when a user opens a macro enabled workbook,he should be asked for a username and password to access workbook. Administrator should have right to create users with reset password rights

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Protect Micro Enabled Workbook Being Copied On External Memory

May 14, 2012

I have this micro enabled workbook and I want to protect it from being copied on other sources.

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Locking Workbook :: Tools >protection > Protect Workbook

Jan 21, 2008

I have a workbook with 8 sheets. I have hidden two of the sheets and want to lock the rest from people editing, and stop them from unhiding the hidden sheets

I go to tools>protection > protect workbook

After typing in the password this doesnt protect the workbook as i am still able to edit the cells.

how to lock the all sheets and stop them from being edited?

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Re-Enable VBA Code Protection

Jan 24, 2008

I'm trying to make a VBA project backward-compatible from Excel 2003 to Excel 2000. My problem stems from Excel 2000's inability to save a file if the VBA project protection is enabled and the password has not been entered. I am trying to code around the problem by turning off screen updating, using .SendKeys to enter the password, saving the file, and then re-enabling protection of the project. The only way that I have been able to re-enable protection in practice is to close the file and re-open it, but I haven't been able to accomplish this using VB script.

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