I need to generate 8 (random) numbers which should range between 0 to 80 and the sum of those generated 8 numbers should be 80.? How can I achieve this.
This would generate a random number into RPlayerNum variable, based on the list in sheet RPlay, missing off row 1 as the header.
However we have noticed a massive flaw in this code.... It works as long as the excel file is open, each time run it gives a different random number. However if you close the excel file and open it, then run it, it ALWAYS gives the same number first run, every time.
I am trying to add some numbers only if they are integers/numbers. My condition goes like this:
IF((rangeA)=Numbers,SUM(rangeA),"One or more values not available")
I came up with this formula, but it gives me an error.
=IF(ISNUMBER(P5;Z5;BL5;BN5;BP5;AS5;AV5;EU5;FI5;GH5;GK5;GN5;GX5;HE5;HR5);SUM(P5;Z5;BL5;BN5;BP5;AS5;AV5;EU5;FI5;GH5;GK5;GN5;GX5;HE5;HR5);"One ore more values not available")
It says I have given many arguments for ISNUMBER function.
what I have is a spread sheet of over 3000 numbers.
Now this is what the number looks like:
what I need is basically a formula or something to take out the zeros (They are not really zeros on the spreadsheet, its just an example to make it easier to display). And leave the six digits in the middle. Is this possible?
I have a list of numbers that I have to concatenate with another number depending on if it falls within the parameters and I don't know how to do a lookup on that. I currently am using a complex if/or/and statement which is too dificult to debug and extremely complex like this: if(OR(AND(a>=1,a<=10),AND(a>=20,a<=30)),concatenate(a,"123"),if(OR(AND(a>10,a<20),(a>30,a<40))),conc atenate(a,"456"),"a is not in the parameter")
is there a way to do a lookup for this?
Something else to throw into the mix, there are some ranges that shouldn't be there and return nothing so from 40-55, there shouldn't be a result.
also, there are some that are just one number (56 gets 789 but then at 57 it goes back to abc)
I have a column with all different numbers. I need to add 3 to each number. Ex. 12.46 needs to change to 15.46. This can be done in the same column or a different column. Doesn't matter. I just need to add 3 to each number in the column. Right now I'm typing them in :o
Then I have other data which provides a Group ID and a product number, which number is likely to between the Low# and High# in the data list.
What I want is a formula to check whether the product number is between the Low# and the High#, AND that the Group matches.
Example: the data being supplied is Soap 28332. So, I want a formula to check through the data list, and if 28332 is between the Low# and the High# AND if the group SOAP matches, then give back the correct ID number.
Thus for the data Soap 28332, I would want the answer to be 1003, which is the ID # for soap in the given range.
A data listing of Food 73776 should give back the ID 2005, etc, etc. This list of data needing the correct ID# is thousands of lines long.
Thus I need a formula to check that the given number is within the low and high #, and that the group designation matches. If so, then give back the correct ID#.
I have a question that has been bugging me for a long time and an answer to it can be a big timesaver for alot of excel users specially accountants that do account reconciliations..
lets assume that I have 3000 numbers(amounts) listed on an Excel spreadsheet vertically, and i know for a fact that the sum of most of these 3000 transactions equal a certian amount..lets say $1,200,320.23, lets also assume that all these amounts on the list are unique..
now..I want to isolate these numbers(amounts) that add up to that $1,200,320.23 by way of highlighting them or any other method. once that is done, I would be left with the amounts that are causing the descrepency in that account. I wonder if there is any function, utility or even VBA code in excel or even another software that can help solve that problem..I hope my explaination was suffecient, let me know if you need further clarification.
I am trying to do a VLOOKUP on a worksheet with a list of our Part numbers. The Part numbers begin with zero and go into the alphabet with anywhere from 3 digits upto 18.
When I sort the sheet Excel sorts the numeric by the number of digits in the number AND totally ignores the first zero. I can not format as numbers since again Excel drops the first zero. Therefore, when I do the VLOOKUP it will not look through the entire numeric list for the higher digit numbers. Is there anyway to resolve my VLOOKUP issue with indexing or?
I need to find the minimum of 4 numbers placed in 4 columns and delete the one which is minimum among them. I know to find minimum I can use min function but i don't know after finding how can i delete that automatically. Also problem is if two or more numbers are identical and minimum value it has to delete any one of them.
I currently have account numbers formatted 1.234.5678 and need to convert them all to 1234.5678. how this can be done without manually keying 22,000 account numbers?
I'm trying to count the number of numbers within a given range.
Example Row Y has cells that contain a series of numbers 1,5,9,12,23. No cell in the range should have the same individual number more than once. At the end of row Y I want to know how many numbers, not the total of the numbers are within that range.
Y 1 1,3,5 2 21,32,44 3 12,19,31 .. 40 2,4,18 41 total number of numbers in range Y1:Y40 - 12
I am trying to work out how to count the number of cuts that might be made in a length of pipe, dependent on the length of the source material and the cut lengths required. This is so I know how much to charge for the activity.
So for example, the source material is 3600mm in length, I need 3 lengths of say 1100mm which gives me waste of 300mm (that doesn't matter) but I need to be able to calculate the number of cuts made (in this case 3) for any variation of the cut lengths. The 3600 only varies from time to time but the cut lengths change all the time.
I need to judge whether a number falls between a range of 2 numbers.
Ex: A1=332.024 B1=349.956 C1=335.23 So D1 must give 1 (since between the range) else 0. If C1=332.02 D1=0 If C1=349.9566 D1=0 If C1=332.024 D1=1 If C1=349.956 D1=1
I have numbers in a table from A1 to X1. From that table I have selected some numbers in example 1: (44,3,11,20,44,3), in which the number 44 and 3 is repeated twice. What I want to do is to conserve one set of repeated numbers and to change one of the sets picking next number of repeated into the following number. Giving a result as follows (45,4,11,20,44,3) and if possible to put it in ascending order.
The same method applies in Example 2: but instead of 2 it conserves 3 repeated numbers and changes the other 3 into next following number.
to create with the default excel functions the following calculator. I need to calculate the maximum number of positive numbers which happen in a row and the maximum number of consecutive negative numbers. For example in the following list of numbers there are a maximum of 7 consecutive positive and a maximum of 6 consecutive negative numbers:
I have a cell content to interogate in vba, the format of the cell is that it has a set of numbers. There are 3 posible scenarios. 1 There is no number at all 2 There is just one number 3 There could be theoraticaly as many as 24 numbers separated by a space eg 2 4 12 .
I would like to count the number of these numbers and and express it as a variable. The numbers will always be unique by that I mean there will not be 2 same numbers in the one cell. I tried looking for the solution but I had no success.
For the example above TheFinalTotal = 3
Also Im trying to strip a date in a format 02/12/2006 into just 02122006. I know that this is possible but I just bomed out trying to find this as well.
So no data in first 10 rows of Col B. (Or Col C, of course.) Then for the value that appears in B11, how many times (out of 10, in this example for sake of ease) was that value greater than the entries in the first ten entries in Col A:
95 (cell B11) was greater than A10, A9, A8 and A7 (91, 92, 93 and 94). So 4 times out of 10, B11 was greater; 40% is the answer the formula would yield.
16 was never greater than any entries in A2 thru A11, so 0%.
And 123 was greater than all the entries in A3 thru A12, so 100%. Etc, copied down the sheet...
We are changing management systems here and in order to do so we need to provide the names and addresses of over 400 different people. Our current management system stores people's addresses as a whole for example; 32, Example Street, Town, County, Postcode.
I cant extract just the numbers because I only need the house number and not the postcode.
After searching several forums I thought I had solved it with this.
Cell A1 is the extracted address from current management system reading 32, Example Street, Town, County, IU13 8TY
Cell B1 is =LEFT(A1, SEARCH(" ",O15,1))
Cell C1 is =SUM(MID(0&B1,LARGE(ISNUMBER(--MID(B1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),1))*ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1))))+1,1)*10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B1)))/10)
That only gives me the number "3" though and I need 32.
Basically A1:A400 will be addresses as above and in cell B1:B400 I need just there house number at the start.