Apply Custom Validation Rule To A Drop-down Field
Oct 6, 2009
Is there a way to apply a custom validation rule to a drop down field in Excel (which itself is already using a validation rule)? Here is what I wish to do: I have a range of cells that can only pick up values from a list. I want to further apply a custom validation rule to these cells - display an error message when one chooses an element from the list that has already been used by another cell in the range.
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Oct 2, 2009
For our attendance register, the master data table holds a list of all club members (one member per row).
The master data table consists of formula columns, data columns, and two data columns with drop-down list validation.
I'm using this
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Jan 12, 2009
Is there any way to create a cross-validation rule between 2 cells?
For example,
Cell A5 will have one of the following values (AA, BB, or AB) ....
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Feb 9, 2012
How to get rid of duplicate values in validation dropdown menu. I am using a range for the list that has a lot of repetitive values. I want to have only unique ones in the list.
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Jul 4, 2013
In the following extract, I would like to have today's date placed into Col K when an entry is made into Col J.
Entry into Col J is from a validation list of 3 options. What I desire is that when one of these options is selected ("Complete"), then I would like today's date to be written into Col K.
Currently Col K has a validation list which comprises dates from 1st of each month from July to June.
I need a fixed date as text preferably, so was thinking the VBA function "Date" on a Change Workbook Sub.
The information is currently part of a Table in Excel 2007 that has about 500 records.
Month Completed
In Progress
Data Validation in Spreadsheet
Input 1
Input 2
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Mar 27, 2013
I have a problem that I'm sure requires the most elementary fix. I have exhausted google on this. All I need is a drop down list for each value field. See picture attached.
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Jun 2, 2014
I'm trying to apply two filters to a Pivot Table field via VBA, but the syntax is beating me.
If I want to add both a xlTopCount and a xlValueIsGreaterThan, how do I do it? I need this because I want my Top n values to not include 0 values.
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May 26, 2014
I have a drop down list that shows phrases for different math functions, like "divide by 2," "divide by 4," divide by 8," etc. When one of these items is selected, I want it to perform that specific calculation on a range of nearby cells.
However, I also want the user to be able to see the original value of the cells if they select "show original value" from the drop down list.
I have attached a workbook as an example. I think macro would probably work best.
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Feb 2, 2009
I'm building some work life balance spreadsheets for employees to show satisfaction levels / hours etc...
For the satisfaction piece - users will enter a value between 0 and 5 with 5 = happy as larry and 0 = ready to quit. Next to this field is a comments box. This comments box only needs to be populated (from a data validation list) if the staff are unhappy.
I need the file to prevent users entering a value less than 3.99 without selecting a comment from the validation list. Users will go into the file and update for their own lines so the check can be written into the save function maybe???
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May 25, 2009
Spreadsheet A
Stock Name: This field changes with a drop down box i have created
Depending on which stockl you select it goes to Spreadsheet B to select data from column 2 based on date. In spreadhset B all the stocks are listed, so not only am i trying to lookup data but also return value in co,umn B for that particular stock i selected. So the idea is i can change the stock in teh drop down and then it will return the values i want.
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Jan 22, 2014
I have a pivot table that analyzes test results. Assume three fields: Test, Result and Failure. If a test resulted in a failure then there is 1 in this field; otherwise there is a 0. There are several test results for each test. I want to calulate the percentage of failures for each test. I have selected Test for Row Labels. I cannot figure out how to calulate the percentage. Basically, the formula equates to =SUM(Failures)/COUNTA(Test). In other words, for each test add the failures and divide by the total number of results for that test.
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Oct 20, 2009
I am trying to apply data validation to a column of cells using named ranges. However, each row has a unique associated named range. For example:
I can easily apply data validation to these three rows separately using named ranges.
Ie three separate named ranges:
However, I need a way to quickly apply data validation to column B using different named ranges for each row because there are about 2,000 rows. Is there a way to reference text in the cells of column A that contains the name of the named range? Or maybe a bit of VB code that could do it quickly?
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Jul 13, 2013
I have a table. I want to apply conditional formatting to the entire table so that wherever a cell contains a dropdown list (validation list) the cell is formatted with a different colour.
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Mar 20, 2014
A coworker is setting up an MS Project...project, and adding a custom field that would convert the Start date field into our Fiscal Quarter Fiscal Week schema, to display as FQFW, e.g. Q1W1. I've written the formula in excel, but I've never even touched Project until this week. Apparently it doesn't take formulas quite the same way as Excel does. I tried using the ''Switch" function in Project, and it worked, but it only accepts 14 arguments, and there are obviously 52 weeks we're dealing with. Would there be a way to do this using VBA? (I know next to nothing here as well.)
Formula where A1 is the Start Date:
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Apr 30, 2014
I often use the same file/pivot table for both month and weekly reporting. In my source data my field headers show 1,2,3,4..etc. This way I can use for month or weekly. But I often change the "Custom" name on the Field Value Settings to something more descriptive like "Jan" or "Week1"
The problem is that each time I update the the "Custom" name the Pivot Table auto refreshes and it takes forever to re-label all the columns.
Is there a way to suppress this refresh when updating the Custom Field Name?
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Sep 1, 2007
I want to add a control under Chart on the menu bar. This line of code errors with "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"
With Application. CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls("Chart")
Change "Chart" to "File" or "Edit" or "Tools" and it's fine.
The Chart item only appears when a chart is selected, but it errors even when a chart on the worksheet is selected.
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Apr 17, 2007
I need to count entries in a validation field
I tried using =COUNT(3,E3,M3,U3,AC3) but this does not work.
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May 11, 2009
I am trying to apply custom data validation for two cells. The first is data validation in cell B6. The only valid entries should be in mulitples of 100 (e.g. 100, 200, 300, .... etc). The second cell is B12. The only valid enteries should be any number above 100 and not = 100, 200, 300, .... etc). I tried using following formula in data validation for cell B6 but no luck. Couldn't figure out what to use for cell B12 =mod(B6,100)
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Jul 5, 2007
I am trying to validate a textbox (txtCode) on my userform to accept the following type of entry: AB/123/07. The centre set of numbers will change & could also be four or five digits long. I have searched & found several threads but none that solve my problem.
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Jan 8, 2009
I have to input data into "ANYDATA" field. Since I need this input to be 100% accurate, I would like my operator to input it TWICE. E.g. 1st input - Obama 2nd input- Obama. Only if BOTH the entries match will the data move into ANYDATA field, else the field becomes blank once again, and the operator has to re-key twice again. In example above, if he had input 2nd time as Obame, then he will have to repeat the process. Can anyone pls help me create suitable formula/ field settings...Thx! Preferably, I would NOT like to create two dummy fields "ANYDATA1" and "ANYDATA2" with corresponding entry in "ANYDATA" if both match.
p.s. Need this to be done using MS-Excel only.
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Oct 17, 2013
I am trying to create a validation list, with its source data being filtered from another sheet of the same workbook. I also need to validate the drop list against some conditions in the source table.
Here is an example of the data am trying to create`(I want to create the droplist for the column Contract):
"Contract Definition" Sheet or Table:
Company Contract Service Report End date: Status
--------- --------- -------------- --------- ------
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 1 31/12/2014 Active
CompanyA ContractA2 Service 2 31/12/2014 Active
CompanyB ContractB1 Service 1 31/12/2014 Inactive
"Service Reports" Sheet or Table:
Company Contract Service Report
--------- --------- ----------------
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 1
CompanyA ContractA1 Service 2
CompanyA ContractA2 Service 3
In the Service Reports Sheet, i want to create a list for each Contract, based on the specified Company and on the Status field, as defined in the Contract definition table.
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Jan 17, 2014
I am trying to use Excel to create some XML output that is formatted specifically for an application that I have. The application expects to receive time data for two columns in hh:mm format, i.e. no seconds. The standard Excel data validation and also the XML time data type all expect hh:mm:ss.
In order to get around this, I have used string as the data type and I want to use data validation to check the user input conforms to hh:mm. I can't see how to write the formula directly, nor how to apply the validation formula to an entire column (as opposed to named cells or ranges), and although I could write a function using regex, I still couldn't use this because all the examples I can find relate to checking a specific named cell.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have a worksheet that uses the INDIRECT function as part of cell validation to generate a custom 'name' range, this name then references a bunch of sheets that contain the actual range where the values for the validation list are stored. For example: ValidationExample.xlsx
Name = Color
Values = Blue, Red, Green
Name = Shape
Values = Square, Circle, Triangle
So what this allows me to do is in the first cell, I can define two options such as Color and Shape. Once one of these is selected, the next cell will have a formula for the validation as "=INDIRECT(A1)" then I will define two named ranges called 'Color' and 'Shape'. This will then show me the list of items in the cell based on previous selection. An example of this is attached to this posting above.
When the formula is written into the validation, an error message is generated saying that the formula will generate an error. Even with this message, the method works effectively to provide a blank list if nothing in the first cell is selected, or a list dependent on the selection of the first cell.
In this case, what I want to do is generate a macro that will populate the validation for a cell when new records are added. This won't always copy down from previous cells because the way I add records is through use of a macro and I generally find using the format painter in vba to be a fairly sloppy way of getting formats from other cells. So I go through a series of validation additions to each cell in the worksheet to get this validation created (I have no written this into the workbook attached).
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim sht As worksheet
[Code] .....
As I read in previous posts, Formula1 cannot contain an actual formula, only names and lists of items. Since each of the cells will have a changing reference, thus the INDIRECT function would need to change to reflect this, The 'Secondary' name consists of the following:
Which of course does not work due to the error when using INDIRECT in the first place (though the Address() function appropriately finds the cell with the validation in it's appropriate address). I can think of other ways to do this, such as having validation lists change in with VBA on a SelectionChange or Change event, but that's a lot of code that is subject to change when the named ranges have changes to them (which is fairly frequent). Is there any way to get the .Validation.Add method to ignore errors in the name supplied to it.
For reference, my code is this:
Private Sub cmdRefreshValidation_Click()
'Re-enters validation parameters to all cells to allow selections
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
[Code] .....
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May 18, 2009
I require a custom formula for in cell data validation of an 5 digit alphanumeric entry. The valid format is ANNNN (1 x alpha & 4 x numeric). Case of the aplha is not an issue.
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Nov 12, 2013
I want to add some Data Validation for a cell and want it to validate that the entered data is in the format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)
I guess I need to use a custom validation formula, however cant figure it out
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Jun 30, 2008
I have a data validation in a cell that works like this : if a control cell has the value "F" it validates the input with some dates in a custom list, if not it does nothing.
The formula looks like this :
It works fine but I also want it to display the drop down list when cell F2 = F, now all i can do is type a value and it checks if it's ok.
Can I do this without using vba ? I will send this to other persons and I don't want the macro warning to pop up when they open it.
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Oct 6, 2008
I want to do couple of things here.
1. put an empty field in a drop down box. If possible the empty field should be at the top from the drop down menu.
2. Update names in drop down box when I add names to the list
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Oct 28, 2008
How to make a drop-down list appear when a cell is double-clicked as opposed to just clicking on the box to the right of the cell that appears when you click in the cell? I want to be able to use the ability to drag-copy the cell contents from the little square in the bottom-right of the cell, but cannot do this when there is a validation drop-down list!!
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Dec 1, 2008
is it possible to have two criteria possible for one cell?
in cell b16 i have a supplier name
cell e29 is dependant on whats in b16 and calls up from a named range dependant on what b16 is
what i wonder is lets say cell b16 has asda in it
in cell 29 would bring up all the list for the named range asda by this code
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Feb 8, 2010
If I have a cell that uses a list for drop downs (ie "Make" can be any of several different Fire Alarm Panel Types) and a second cell that I want to use to represent "Model Number" is there an IF the model is A from the Make list, THEN the next cells drop down list represents the model numbers under that Make?
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