Button With Multi Choice
Dec 10, 2008
is ther away of usin 1 button to open any 1 to 46 worksheets
i know i can make a button to open a sheet with the command
but this means i would have to have 46 buttons on the fron page and thats to many
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Feb 4, 2009
I have a spreadsheet which have data auto inported. (thanks to previous help on here). I have now come up against the next problem.
I wish to make the mark up variable depending on 5 options (workings I13;I17)
the choice is selected in column b after the data has been inported
then down on Rows 75 - 79 i have the totals of my choices.
Unfortunatly i do not know how to do a variable sum
I have attached a copy of the workbook.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have 1 button that opens 1 workbook within a sheet. How can I give a person that clicks 1 button a choice between 3 macros? So I have 3 macros in a sheet that open different workbooks. The problem is I don't have room to make 3 buttons... so I was thinking if there is a way to press 1 button and get 3 options, that would be cool! Also, I don't think someone would identify the document by the name of the macro because I have a foul way of naming my mac's. Click one button and see a message like "Would you like to open Button1 Button2 Button3" something like this!
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a frame (Frame1) on a userform added using Microsoft Forms 2.0 Frame. I have added option buttons to the frame named OptionButton1 thru OptionButton4. I am trying to add code where certain cells are copied and pasted depending on which optbutton is selected. I tried the following code but because the option button is a frame object it doesn't seem to trigger the event.
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
'copy level 1
If Me.OptionButton1 = True Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End If
End Sub
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Jan 21, 2010
On the attached example i have a button on sheet1 which opens a form. On this form i have four pages of a multi-page control and below it i have a spin button. What i want is for when the spin button is pressed to the right then the multi-page moves up to the next page and vice-versa for the left spin button. How do i write this code?
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Jul 6, 2013
I have a user form with multipage.
With the use of the option buttons,the page needs to made visible or invisible.
Example: on Page one, i have placed radio buttons as page2,Page3&page4.
By default only page 1 should be visible and when we select radio button page2, page2 should become visible or else it should be invisible,when we select radio button page3, page3 should become visible or else should remain invisible.
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Feb 6, 2008
I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.
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Dec 7, 2013
I want to make a lesson table which distribute the names to lesson choice priority.
You can see detail and explanation at attached file. LessonChoice.xlsx‎
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May 8, 2013
I have a worksheet that has 8 activex listboxes. Each listbox is tied to the sames list of values (identified as a named range). The named range is a list of countries. Each country should only be selected once, therefore, I would like the selected country(ies) to not show up as a choice when the user makes a selection from another listbox. If this is too hard, maybe we can get a msgbx to appear anytime the users tries to select a country that has already been selected.
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a listbox with 8 columns. Multiselect is enabled, and it must stay this way. As part of my program, after the user presses a command button, I need to use the row indexes of the selected rows in order to copy the selected information into an array which is then placed in a different listbox, and then delete the items from the original list. Pseudocode of what I want to do:
[Code] .....
But my understanding is that .ListIndex does not work this way with multiselect listboxes. I've tried searching for a solution for a while, but I cannot find one.
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Jul 16, 2013
Let's say I have one column of;
What is the most efficient way to change this into '3-columns & multi-rows' like this?:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The actual list is a lot longer and numbers are not in order.
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Aug 21, 2013
I have multiple rows within a cell separated by Alt+Enter, and would like to combine them as follows:
Desired Result
First Name
First Name
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Feb 15, 2009
I have attached a file with VBA code. I want to be able to select more than one person in a drop down list (column C) and have those choices show up in that cell. The range you select from is called name, Column H.
I've looked at is a number of ways but my VBA code does not seem to work.
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Mar 25, 2008
I have a percentage based calculation I'm using to estimate monthly expenditures and such.
Say I have a Total Sales Dollars in cell A1
Now I have my total expenditure dollars in cell B1
In cell C1 I have the percentage of what my total expenditures are vs my Sales dollars (B1/A1)
What I would like to be able to do is either be able to enter in the Expenditure Dollars (B1) or the Expenditure % (C1) and have it calculate the other field.
For instance if I enter a value in B1 it will give me C1, or
I can enter a value in C1 and give it a value in B1.
Is it possible to just use these two cells with formulas or maybe a CF??
Not sure if it's late in the day, but my mind is drawing a blank on this.
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Mar 19, 2008
I have to check boxes which when one is selected performs a function. I want when either one is selected the other is automatically deselected. How can i do this
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Nov 25, 2007
is there a way to make a macro that runs on startup
and prompts with a yes/no question, if the user
wants to multiply all new data values time 1.0825,
and after having selected if they do or dont want
to allow that, would it be possible to have the
prompt minimize itself but still be present in
case they decide to toggle that on/off?
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Feb 10, 2009
I am using an Excel Form, and trying to make the user choose a color for a new tab they are creating. I am currently forcing an input box to pop up when the user adds a new worksheet. The user inputs a name and a new box will pop up asking the user to select a color.
I can get the color box to come up using
Application.Dialogs.Item(xlDialogColorPalette).Show ' -- 56 colors
But I can not get the tab color to change to the color chosen..retrieve the information from the ColorPalette box?
I also know that this code:
Worksheets(a).Tab.ColorIndex = 56
Will change the selected "a" tab color to color "56" but I dont know how to retrieve a color from the color palette and insert it where the "56" is...
retrieving color from palette?
Also, is there any othere version of a color palette, that I could show the user? and what would the vba code be for that?
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Jul 24, 2008
I have 2 option buttons and 3 userforms. The passage between those userforms are made with "next/back" command buttons.
Options buttons are € and $ and they are in the first userform.
If the user make a choice between € and $ in the userform1, the following macro plays
If Me.Dollar Then
Sheets("Data").Range("B2").Formula = "$"
Sheets("Data").Range("B2").Formula = "€"
End If
The other 2 userforms contains texts that depends on the choice made in the first userform/option buttons (€ or $)
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Text1.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
Text2.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
Text3.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
End Sub
so in theory userform initialize should change the text and get what s written in Data Sheet.B2 cell automatically and INSTANTLY. But it only gets the initial choice and when I go back/forward between userforms and even change the € to $ or vice versa the inital choice remains in the next userforms.
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Nov 20, 2006
I'm trying to set up an Input Box that allows the user to have a set of options to select from. The only things I have found deal with a MsgBox with set options of Yes, No, or Cancel. I would like to allow the user to have multiple buttons, check boxes, or radio buttons to select from. (any of those will work). For example: "Select the Customer Service Representative you worked with: "
-Amy -Jill -Joseph -Christopher
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Nov 24, 2006
I have a survey with 2 checkboxes for each question. Users need to tick only 1 checkbox for each question. The checkboxes have been created from Forms toolbar. However the feature of checkbox is such that the user can tick more than 1 checkbox.
Is there a way that for each question only 1 checkbox is ticked? I attached a sample for your reference.
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Jan 8, 2008
I check the FAQ and couldn't understand the advice. How do you create a list to select a number of items to use in a spreadsheet. I wnat to us this list mutiple times in the same spreadsheet.
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Jul 11, 2013
I have two different modules in my automation - to be specific one module to convert file from LH to RH and another module to do the reverse - convert RH to LH.
I have put up a radio button choice for the user and based on which radio button is selected would like to run that particular module.
Below is my code. It always throws an error "expected variable or function not module"
Option Explicit
Public Sub MAIN()
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FRONT").OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Call LH_to_RH
I am following the correct procedure to call modules. A few minutes of search said the modules have to be public sub routines
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Jun 6, 2014
Columns represent each student's test (There are 31 test numbers) The test consisted of 50 multiple choice questions, each listed in each row. The green column shows the correct answer for each question.
I need to tally the score for each test in the orange row.
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Jan 13, 2007
I have to introduce often the same entry (i.e. a firm or commerce name).
To avoid having to make all te time the same entries and to avoid entring the same firm with different spellings I imagine making a choice from a list, list that would be able to "learn" new entries.
Example: When I type the "D" of "Dupont de Nemours", Excel would propose all entries beginning with a "D", and if I introduce a name that doesn't still exist in the list, I should be made attentive to that fact and proposed to add that name to the list.
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May 11, 2009
pop up form within userform to confirm choice. I have a button within a userform that clears the form:
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Feb 16, 2012
In cell I2 I have a data validation list. If the selection is "2" then I want to copy and paste a value from another cell to another sheet.
I did a recorded macro but the code does not recognize the selection from the data validation celll, I2.
Is there some code I can add to get the macro to recognize what the user selected?
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Aug 15, 2008
What I want to do is lets say in the drop down menu I have options Food, sports, Movies. now if I select Sports then it should give me a sub caterory options like baseball, hockey, football and not the options for food & movies as well - so as to make the choices lesser and more user friendly. How do I create that - is it too tough - I am a novice in excel. Can you upload an example sheet with tips on how you did it. I have uploaded an example.
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Apr 12, 2006
I have a form users can use to input information into a spreadsheet, but also use to recall data (so they can search for a record, recall it, amend one or two fields and then re-save it)
I would like a listbox to display what is already in the cell in the worksheet to start with. Only when they then click in the listbox would they then get a list of predefined options.
So they recall the data onto the from and the listbox says "squatters", because it is an old value that shouldn't be used anymore. Once they click to choose another option, however, they only get a choice of either "vacant", "occupied" or "WIP" (for example).
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Jul 25, 2006
I'm looking to set up a combo box with different year options and add functionality so the data that can be seen on the sheet at a given time is driven by the combo box year value. (functionality somewhat like a webpage, where once you choose a certain value from a drop down box, you see data corresponding to the value)
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Nov 8, 2006
I have the following code. I need the textbox values to pass to the cells when the option button (OB) is "moved away from"; that is, when I fill in the boxes while uner OB1, then select OB2, I want the values I put in to pass to the cells. Right now, the values passing to the cells listed under OB 1 are the values that are brought in under the enter event for OB2.
Private Sub OptionButton1_enter()
Me.TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value
Me.TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value
Me.TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).Value
Me.TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value
Me.TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value
Me.TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 14).Value
Me.TextBox7.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 15).Value
Me.TextBox8.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16).Value
End Sub
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