Make A Choice In An Extensible List

Jan 13, 2007

I have to introduce often the same entry (i.e. a firm or commerce name).
To avoid having to make all te time the same entries and to avoid entring the same firm with different spellings I imagine making a choice from a list, list that would be able to "learn" new entries.

Example: When I type the "D" of "Dupont de Nemours", Excel would propose all entries beginning with a "D", and if I introduce a name that doesn't still exist in the list, I should be made attentive to that fact and proposed to add that name to the list.

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Lookup Data For Drop Down List Choice & Show Blank If No Choice

Feb 6, 2008

I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.

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Make A Choice Between € And $ In The Userform

Jul 24, 2008

I have 2 option buttons and 3 userforms. The passage between those userforms are made with "next/back" command buttons.

Options buttons are € and $ and they are in the first userform.

If the user make a choice between € and $ in the userform1, the following macro plays

If Me.Dollar Then
Sheets("Data").Range("B2").Formula = "$"
Sheets("Data").Range("B2").Formula = "€"
End If

The other 2 userforms contains texts that depends on the choice made in the first userform/option buttons (€ or $)

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Text1.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
Text2.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
Text3.Caption = Worksheets("Data").Range("B2").Value
End Sub

so in theory userform initialize should change the text and get what s written in Data Sheet.B2 cell automatically and INSTANTLY. But it only gets the initial choice and when I go back/forward between userforms and even change the € to $ or vice versa the inital choice remains in the next userforms.

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Force Choice From List: Data Validation List

Oct 18, 2006

is there a way to force so that a cell value can be only of what a validation droplist offers, hence users can not enter their own values and have to use the droplist for cell content selection.

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List Based On Choice From Another List

Jul 9, 2007

If there is away, to restrict the Time Out ( Cell B2), according to Time In (Cell A2), I mean if Time In is empty, then there should be no Data in list of Time Out, and if the Time In is 8:30, then the Time Out should have greater than or equal data in its list...

See the attachment

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Allow User Choice From List

Nov 20, 2006

I'm trying to set up an Input Box that allows the user to have a set of options to select from. The only things I have found deal with a MsgBox with set options of Yes, No, or Cancel. I would like to allow the user to have multiple buttons, check boxes, or radio buttons to select from. (any of those will work). For example: "Select the Customer Service Representative you worked with: "
-Amy -Jill -Joseph -Christopher

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Multiple Choice List

Jan 8, 2008

I check the FAQ and couldn't understand the advice. How do you create a list to select a number of items to use in a spreadsheet. I wnat to us this list mutiple times in the same spreadsheet.

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Drop-Down List To Be Based On Choice Of Another

Apr 23, 2008

I have a drop-down box(K6) When a style is selected I need to have data show up in other drop-down boxes (H3,L3,P3) These selections would only pertain to the selection in K6. They would change when a different style is selected. There are multiple choices in the secondary drop-downs. [IMG][/IMG]

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Drop Down List Based On Choice From Another

May 1, 2008

What I need to do is create a Drop Down box. When a user makes their selection it gives another drop down box from what they selected. Each choice in the 1st drop down will give a different drop down box in the next field from what they selected in the 1st. I am having troubles getting this to work.

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Range Populated By Choice In Validation List

Mar 12, 2009

I have a Range on one sheet formatted like this and sorted by Sup then Rep:

Rep Sup
John Sally
Mark Sally
Joseph Sally
George Betty
James Betty


I have a Validation Drop Down list where a Supervisor is chosen. There's a specific range that I would like to automatically fill in with the reps assigned to the Sup. This is driving me crazy! I already know how to obtain that list as another Validation Drop Down, but not quite sure how to make those values appear in a range instead of a Validation List.

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Validation List Choice To Copy Row From Another Sheet

Dec 17, 2008

I need to get data copied from sheet1 to sheet2
depending on selection in a validation list.

The data is on the same row and all the same range.
So it would look something like this.
Fruit Orange Apple Pear
Veg Potato Carrot Onion
Animal Bear Cow Dog

I have the data in A in a dynamic range and validation list.
I need all the data copied from the specific rows ie
choose Animal from the validation list in Sheet2!A1 and
the entire row Bear Cow Dog get copied to Sheet2!B1, Sheet2!C1, Sheet2!D1.

The second problem I think is a lot more complex.
So the same scenario above but this time its a multi select on Sheet3.
I need to be able to select two (or more depending on Fruit and Animals to display in A1, A2 and then their valid options to appear in B, C and D

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Return Value Based On Validation List Choice

Nov 14, 2006

I have created a cascading data validation list, and I would like to have an adjacent cell auto populate according to the dropdown selection.

Data Eg:

Oranges 1100
Apples 1101
Pears 1102
Grapes 1103

If the user selects "Pears" from the dropdown list, I would like the adjacent cell to populate with the numerical code for "pears", in this case 1102. I am designing a new expense report form at the office, and I am at a standstill with this problem.

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Run A Macro When A Drop Down List Choice Is Changed

Jul 23, 2007

I am using INDIRECT to create a second dynamic drop down list (L1) that is based on the cell contents of a first drop down list (I1). I want to create a macro that will blank the 2nd drop down list ONLY when the choice in the first list is CHANGED. I have the following, but it blanks the second list as soon as the first list is clicked on, rather than when a change is made:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

If Not Intersect(Range("I1"), Target) Is Nothing Then Range("L1").ClearContents

End Sub

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Lookup In Table Based On List Choice

Aug 22, 2007

I have a way of getting a cell value from having a data validation linked to a row of cells containing lookup formulas.. which in turn are looing at a table.

I have attached a small example.

The problem is the spreadsheet is a large one and i was hoping I could shrink the size of this by removing the vlookup formulas by having some kind of index/match/lookup formula inserted directly in the data validation.

I got this to work using nested IF formulas but its not very practicable!

The attached example has data validation in column A that selects the task type. Choosing this then changes the values in the vlookup area.. which then becomes the validation list for cell in column B.

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Run Macro Based On Validation List Choice

Sep 3, 2007

I'm looking for a method, vba macro or Excel code, to preform the following task:
In the C column the user chooses one of several options from a menu, let's call these options 1 - 10 (this part is already done). Depending on the choise, different things are supposed to happen:

For 1-9, the formulas for cell A - Q on the current row should be copied to the next row (but with +1 in row number in formulas of course).

For 10, 3 blank rows should be created (well they already are blank..), on the forth row down, A3 - Q3 should be copied exactly. On the fifth row, the same formulas thing that was created for choise 1-9 should be created.

Since the real xls-file is too big already and it contains some sensitive information, I can't attach it here, but I made a small and similar xls-file, that better explain what I want to do.

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Distribute Names To Lesson Choice Table By Choice Priority

Dec 7, 2013

I want to make a lesson table which distribute the names to lesson choice priority.

You can see detail and explanation at attached file. LessonChoice.xlsx‎

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Charting Data Based On Dropdown List Choice?

May 28, 2011

Charting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

I am trying to build a report where I can chart data base on a dropdown selection.I did build the dropdown lists, however I don't have any expertise on execel functions in order to make it work.I am attaching my draft report.

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Perform Action Based On Choice From Validation List

Sep 22, 2009

In all the cells in column F I have a validation list with several predefined choices, but at the bottom of this list I want an "Other..." option, which when chosen, enables the user to enter a new string in that cell if none of the predefined did not match.

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Filling In Multiple Cells After A Choice From A Drop Down List

Feb 17, 2009

If I choose 1 thing from a list I want it to then fill in many cells with info.

For example: I have a color list to choose from, once I make my choice cells near it fill in with 1.5lbs yellow, 2lbs blue, 4lbs red,.....or what ever I have established as the "recipe" for my color choice. When I choose a different color from my list these cells each fill in with different values.

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Fire Chart VBA Code On Validation List Choice

May 8, 2009

very complex spreadsheet for weight & balance calculations. It's to the point where everything works perfectly in Excel 2007, but it must be used primarily with Excel 2003. Discovered that a crashing problem had to do with condtional formatting, that's all been cleared and will soon be fixed, but there's one that I just can't quite figure out.

I'm using the worksheet change event to trigger the update of charts... In this case, it's looking at a particular cell that has data validation on a dropdown as the trigger. Works perfectly in 2007, and if I put a msgbox prompt in to be launched by a change of that cell, it launches. I can put the chart update code in a separate sub and launch it manually every time, but I cannot call it from the worksheet change.

I've included attachments showing what I believe are the relevant bits of code -

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Validation Choice From Pull Down List Triggering A Warning Box

Sep 19, 2006

Is there a way to trigger a warning box (ie - must be divisible by 50) when a specific entry is selected from a pull down validation list? The triggering factor is a correct answer to the validation so I do not think the error alert will work in this instance.

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Extracting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

Oct 4, 2006

I'm trying to do is build a form that will allow me to select from a list of options, that links back to a catologue of data so that when i click on the generate button it will pull the data associated to the item selected from the list into a text box in excel. I have attached the form that I have created.

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Insert Row Based On Data Validation List Choice

Aug 10, 2008

I'm working on a simple worksheet, it is a tracking sheet for programs taught. What I'm trying to find is a code to insert a row based on a Data Validation List.

Exampl of data:

Column A is for " Name" then futher down Column K is "Program Taught" and Column L is " Date Taught".

Column K is where the Data Validation List is located with a in cell drop down.

What I would like to do is when a user selects a program from Column K a row is inserted with all of the formulas and formats from the previous row, and upon insert would like it to copy Column A into the new row.

This would be so I can keep a historical of programs and dates taught.

And to really spice things up I want to lock Columns K & L of the previous row after the new row is inserted.

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Removing Selection / Choice From Listbox Once Choice Has Selected

May 8, 2013

I have a worksheet that has 8 activex listboxes. Each listbox is tied to the sames list of values (identified as a named range). The named range is a list of countries. Each country should only be selected once, therefore, I would like the selected country(ies) to not show up as a choice when the user makes a selection from another listbox. If this is too hard, maybe we can get a msgbx to appear anytime the users tries to select a country that has already been selected.

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Update Certain Rows Based On The Choice Selected From A Dropdown List

Jan 11, 2010

Is it possible to update certain rows only based on the choice selected from a dropdown list

I shall explain this scenario

I have attached a small excel sheet called TESTTHEM which i'm testing
and learning excel simultaneously. On the attached sheet

If i select a value in B4 as BusinessLogic, it should then lookup for relevent rows in MISC worksheet and copy C5:L5 from MISC worksheet and replace
the columns G4:P4

Is it possible to do this in excel?

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Make Unique List From List Without Duplicates But Hold Cell And Pull Corresponding Dates

Apr 18, 2013

I have my dummy data, and I have (what I think) is how I want the data to be shown. My friend uses Google Sheets, but I prefer Excel. I am trying to convert the code because I am a stickler for excel. Typically I can convert codes some easily, but this is way beyond me.

For Column A: I want to create a list on sheet 'Setup!' based on ids!D2:D="yes". If that list has duplicate entries, I would like only the first entry to show up, but for the next entries I would like the cell to be blank. (this is important for the next step) For Column C: I want to have the corresponding dates go with the name entry. For Column D: I want to have the notes go with the corresponding date entry. (I believe I can manipulate Column C's code to do Column D myself).

I am also going to upload a data sheet, and an expected results sheet.

unique list.xlsx

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Create List Of All Files In Folder And Make List Hyperlinks To File?

May 17, 2013

i have many excel workbooks in a folder i want a macro that will get the names of all the files and make the file names so extracted as a hyperlink to open the files.

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Created Validation Drop-down List - Can I Make The Row Now Change To The Colour That Relates To The Selection From The List

Jan 13, 2009

I am trying to create a fairly simple spreadsheet with about 8 columns and about 400 rows. One of the columns features a drop-down list with about 8 or 9 different options. Dependant on which option is selected, i would like the entire row to change colour with that option.

For example:
FAILED - whole row changes red
SUCCESSFUL - row has no fill
Tested - row changes to orange


Is this possible within Excel 2003?

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Take My Area Code List, And Make A State List.

Jul 28, 2009

Basically I have a giant list (50,000+) of area codes (like 312, 216, 517, etc...) and I would like to make a new column right next to that, which takes those area codes and transcribes them into states so it would be (IL, OH, MI, etc...)

I have a table on the 2nd page of my excel workbook which has every single area code listed in column A, and in column B it has all the state symbols. I got it from here: .....

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Formula Needed To Make List Of Same Numbers From A List

Mar 21, 2014



So the data I put in Is Cells A to D the reast are calculated for me. so for example E2 is looking down column D to see if the number matches the number in A2, If any of them do it will put the name in the corresponding cell in E2 (Or you ca use a different cell if you prefer) so in this case D3=A2 so B3 is the answer also in the cell next to it I need whatever number is the cell next to the answer so in this case C3

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