Conditional Formula And Calculate Automatically
Mar 1, 2009
I am creating a sales per day/week worksheet for my reps to keep track of their sales. I have created the sheet that they only have to enter in what they have sold and it automatically calculates what they have sold per hour in the day, and what that makes their weekly total.
The problem is sometimes they will work 5 days, sometimes 4, sometimes 6 or 7.
im trying to fix the weekly average formula to divide by 7.5 for 1 day worked, 15 for 2, 22.5 for 3, etc all through 7...
this is the formula I have now, obviously it doesnt work
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Feb 20, 2009
Is there a way in which I can get excel not to run any formulas until I run some sort of command or click a button in order to tell it to?
For example, I have two sheets, one sheet has raw data entered manually into each cell, the other sheet has a large amount of formulas to calculate totals from this raw data. But every time a number is entered into a cell in the raw data sheet Excel says 'Calculating Cells', I want to be able to enter all my raw data, then go to my totals sheet and execute all my formulas.
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Jun 27, 2006
Here's the table for one game
Date-----Buy(Unit)-----Sell(Unit)-----Net Unit-----Price($)-----Net
xx/xx----2----------------##--------------2--------------125---------- ##
xx/xx----##---------------1---------------1--------------150---------- ##
xx/xx----##---------------1---------------0--------------165---------- +65
xx/xx----##---------------4--------------(4)-------------170--------- ##
xx/xx----2----------------##-------------(2)-------------165---------- ##
xx/xx----##---------------1--------------(3)-------------180---------- ##
xx/xx----3----------------##--------------0--------------180---------- (10)
Number in bracket means negative.
## means empty cell.
How can I type a formula, so that every time there's no stock left (ie zero net
unit), it will calculate the net profit once.
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Jun 27, 2008
I need a formula to calculate a total based on two conditions.
See spreadsheet attached.
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Jan 28, 2009
I'm trying to make a formula to calculate the difference in a date between two dates. For exaple, in my business we have a due day for something. So the due date could be Feb 10, we need to know if it was done on time, late, or early. So I've gotten it to display late by doing this: =IF(B2>A2, "Late", (A2-B2)) But then I can't figure out how to incorporate this: =IF(B2=A2, "On Time") or =IF(B2<A2, "Early").
I would like to displaly this all in one cell. So if the due date is Feb 10 and it's turned in Feb 8 it's early, turned in Feb 10 it says on time, turned in Feb 11 it's late. I also tried this but it didn't work: =OR(IF(B2>A2,"Late")*IF(B2=A2,"On Time")*IF(B2<A2,"Early"))
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Jun 14, 2007
code needed to be able to automatically calculate the percentage needed from one year to the next. I simply need it to automatically create a third column each time the copy old data button is pressed, and I need the column to have the percent increase ((current year - past year)/current year). Hopefully you can understand what I am aiming for. I have the current code below, and I will attach a compressed and stripped version of my workbook.
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Nov 1, 2008
Hi to all. I am trying to calculate a list of person's age automatically using functions. Is that possible? I am using Microsoft Excel 2007. I try searcing the web and they say DATEDIF.... But i just can't find the function in Excel 2007!
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Mar 14, 2008
I made to automatically calculating by date which is time formating want to count the stem hours, but it prompted error?
Sub UpdateColG()
Dim IRow As Long
For IRow = 3 To Range("F").End(xlUp).Row
Range("G" & IRow).Value = Range("F" & IRow).Value - Range("F" & IRow - 1).Value
End Sub
the logical is Range (F2-F1) returns to (G2)
sample : (F2)10:30-(F1)09:45 =(G2)00:45.
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Jul 25, 2007
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically calculate a date in the future.
The future date calculated needs to take the time NOW (as the user completes a field) and determines if this is before MIDNIGHT on the following SUNDAY. If so it calculates the date as a Tuesday 2 weeks on. For example... I request a date now on 1st Jan which is a Thursday. This is before midnight Sunday and so the date calculated would be Tuesday 20th January.
If the time NOW is after MIDNIGHT Sunday and before the next TUESDAY.. ie 0001hrs on the Monday and 2359hrs on the Monday then the date returned should be Tuesday 3 weeks on.. e.g 27th.
It would also need a function that would allow the total number of referrals on a Tuesday to 20 at which point it would overspill and provide a date on the Friday of the same week.. so in the first example it would be Friday 23rd
Is this something that can be achieved with formulas and a set of dates for it to calculate from or do I need to find someone who can do it in VBA for me.
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Oct 24, 2006
There is a column in my spreadsheet which needs to reflect a " percent done".
I used to enter just a numerical value in (eg. 20) to reflect 20% done. My boss wanted it to show as an actual percentage (eg. 20%). I changed the format to Percent, Zero decimal places. Then you had to enter .20 to get the 20% to show.
Now my boss doesn't like that - and wants to be able to enter "20" to get the 20% to show. I put the following code in my SelectionChange event...
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'other logic
If Target.Column = Asc(PercentDoneColumn) - 64 Then
If Target.Value <> "" Then
Target.Value = Target.Value / 100
End If
End If
'end other logic
End Sub
My problem is that this works well when putting a new percentage in, but not for when you click on a cell that already has a percentage in it. For example, if you have .2 (displaying "20%" in the cell), and click on that cell, it divides that number by 100, and gives you 0.2%, displaying as "0%". I want to enter a number between 0 and 100, have it displayed and stored as a percent. At this point, I'd settle for the displayed, but would prefer to have it stored as a percent, too.
I also want it to not reset my value unless I'm putting a new value in!
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Aug 10, 2009
I have a simple script that puts the save time in the last row of column C when the spreadsheet is saved. Another script puts a username in Column A and column B contains the time opened. I would like to add to the save script to make column D od the active row have a calculation similar to:
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Mar 29, 2006
I am updating a sports competition ladder. There are two aspects to compiling the table I would like to automate but have been unable to find out how via the excel documentation.
The aspects are.
1. When a team loses by a margin of seven points or less below the total points scored by the winning team then the team is awarded a single "1" bonus point that contributes to their overall competition points tally.
2. When a team scores four tries or more they are likewise awarded a bonus point.
I require formulas that will automatically calculate the bonus points into a cell.
Situation One
cell 1 = Points For (eg. 17)
Cell 2 = Points Against (eg. 24).
In this instance the team did not win. They scored 17 points and the winning team scored 24 points. Therefore the team lost but lost by seven points and is therefore entitled to one (1) bonus point.
SOLUTION NEEDED - I need a formula that will calculate whether cell 2 is seven or less than cell 1, and if so automatically place a total of "1" in cell 3.
Situation 2
Cell 1 = Tries Scored (eg. 5)
In this instance the team has scored five tries. They have scored more than four tries or more and is therefore entitled to one (1) bonus point.
SOLUTION NEEDED - I need a formula that will scan the number in cell 1. If this number is 4 or more, then a total of "1" should be automatically placed in Cell 2.
I have looked into the excel help but to no avail and the search terms are so broad it was a nightmare trying to search the forums.
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Jan 25, 2010
I am working on a depreciation schedule in which I want the monthly depreciation of an asset to automatically calculate and, if the asset is fully depreciation, caclulate a zero or the balance to be depreciation (if less than the monthly depreciation). Please see below example. As you can see my asset is fully depreciated at the end of February but because there remains a $0.01, the formula is calculating another month in March and then reversing it in April (less the $0.01). Here's the formula I'm using. What am I doing wrong?
Column H is March, Column C is my monthly depreciation, and column E is my beginning book value:
PriceMonthly DepreciationAccumulated Depreciation 12/31/20091/1/2010 Beginning Book ValueJan-10Feb-10Mar-10Apr-10May-10
LCD PROJECTOR 797.12 13.29 (770.54) 26.58 (13.29) (13.29) (13.29) 13.28 -
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Jan 23, 2008
I have a Worksheet_Change event like the one below. When Checkbox1 is ticked the it subtracts and when it's not, it adds:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim intValue As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("W12:X24")) Is Nothing Then
intValue = CInt(Target.Value)
If CheckBox1.Value Then intValue = intValue * -1
Select Case Target
' Apples
Case Is = Range("W12")
Range("I10").Value = CInt(Range("I10").Value) + intValue
Case Is = Range("X12")........................
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Dec 22, 2013
I have Excel 2013.
Find attached a sample fileDummy for area between.
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Apr 25, 2009
I have some rather complex formulas that when a value is placed in one of any three cells it solves for the other two, taking values from other places on a worksheet (including the cell itself).
Scenario: Cell F10, G10, and H10 all have formulas in them. If a value is placed in F10 it solves for G10 and H10. If a value is place in G10 it solves for F10 and H10. If a value is placed in H10, it solves for F10 and G10.
I really do not think the actual formulas matters at this time...
Has anyone done this before, using VBA code to place the formulas in cells F10 G10 and H10? Look for a working example of this if possible.
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Jun 6, 2007
I manipulated some code found here on ozgrid which works perfectly using the SelectionChange event but I need it to reapply the formatting whenever the cell values are recalculated based on the values manually entered in cells AH20,AI20,AJ20. Simply using the Calculate event delivers an error, so there is something beyond my very basic knowledge that needs to be done. I have an example worksheet on my server here.
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Aug 25, 2007
The following is assumed.
I have a base salary of $5k/monthMy PROFIT on hardware sales must equal or exceed my monthly salary in order for me to earn a commission on hardware sales. If it does, my commission is then Profit beyond monthly salary X 25%I also earn commission on software sales. Total Commission is the sum of Software commission plus commission on hardware sales.
Example: HW Profit is $6k. Software commission is $3k.
$6k - $5k = $1k.
$1k * 25% = $250.
$250 + $3k = $3250
However, there are times (unfortunately) when my total hardware profit does not equal or exceed my monthly salary. When that happens, I am now in a negative status regarding hardware commission. The negative status is simply salary minus hardware profit.
Total commission is then that negative number plus software commission.
Example: HW Profit is $3k. Software commission is $3k.
$5k - $3k = $-2k.
-$2k + $3k = $1k
I need a formula in one cell to account for both possibilities.
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Mar 27, 2013
I am using Excel 2011 for Mac.
I am creating a workbook with multiple worksheets, one overview sheet and then one sheet for each month of the year.
In the monthly sheets I have a Category column for which I have created a drop-down menu of expense categories. Then I have an Expense Amount column where I enter the amount spent.
The Category column will not necessarily remain sorted by category because I will be entering the expenses as they come up throughout the month so the categories will be all mixed up, unless I manually sort them.
What I want to do is somehow automatically calculate a running subtotal by Category (that will update with each new entry) and simultaneously automatically transfer the running subtotal for each Category to a specific cell on the overview sheet.
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Jan 30, 2009
I am trying to use the worksheet calculate event to automatically change the color of a cell only when that particular cell changes. In E2 of the worksheet is a formula use to determine rating based on the result of 2 other cells. The rating is classified as follows
I would like to generate a different set of color to the cell and fonts for each of the rating. For example,
"Cyan" to the cell E1 and E2 with Black font if the result is "Low"
"Plum" to the cell E1 and E2 with "Black font if the result is "Moderate"
"Blue" to the cell E1 and E2 with "White" font if the result is "High" and
"Red" to the cell E1 and E2 with "White" font if the result is "Maximum"
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Dec 11, 2006
I have found this code while searching. I would like to know how to call the vba code only when clicking the button. On much bigger projects Excel has to re-calculate all cells everytime i change a cell value.
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Apr 15, 2014
Having trouble changing this formula from its current Median to a Quartile or Percentile. The median formula looks like this:
(MEDIAN(IF(DATA!$B$15:$DZ$15=1000,DATA!$B26:$DZ26))) and works perfect.
However I can't figure out how to manipulate it into a percentile keeping the condition of
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May 5, 2014
i wish to do some conditional formatting. my target for the first 6 months from date activated is 50,000 after 6 months is 100,000. and for those below target, i will need it to be highlighted in red. thus i have 2 sets of conditions.(calculate the no. of months and the revenue).
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Sep 10, 2013
I have figure A1 column which total amount accounting at cells A31. I need figure 360 as a benchmark calculation perfectly been done. In this calculation 360 well off inside cells A18 although actual number is 363. If we use Conditional Formatting when had enough total in cells the achieve 360, cells colour will be transformed to red. What formula which need I used to change no matter cells on A1 to A30 if sufficient study 360 automatically cells changing colour to red
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Jan 19, 2010
I m trying to do is this. For every person in company there is a table 30 days (cells) long, and 3 shifts (cells) wide. Every shift leader fills in the data in the "calendar" so every day, for every person, he will fill in number of hours.
I have to make excel process the whole calendar 30 x 3 = 90 cells, into final results for our payroll department. So the end product of the excel table should be Person name, total work days, total sick leave days, holiday days, and so on.
specific problem i have is how to calculate number of State Holiday days. You can see my best attempt in the attached file.
if there is only one number / mark entered each day (in only one of the 3 shifts) thansumproduct works ok.
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Oct 7, 2009
i need a formula for which calculate all cell (calculating years months and days formula). FIND ATTACHED .xls file i need a answer in cell highlited in yellow color.
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Oct 22, 2013
I'm looking for a formula or criteria within a formula to prevent a cell from recalculating or just causing it to revert to a value if another cell becomes populated. Something like =IF(NOT(ISBLANK(xx)),STOPCALC(xx),...
I'm trying to determine some weighted week to week projections and I want to be able to determine the accuracy of the projections without them being influenced by the actuals once they show up (the projections use historical actuals and related data which are all in the same range where the futures will come in). Also hoping for a shortcut to do what I described without having to manually go in and stop the (thousands of) cells from recalculating since the actuals for a given periodicity arrive staggered and not at one specific time.
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Jul 31, 2006
I’m working on quite huge spreadsheets. The same formula will be used on more than 30 sheets.
So far if I have to change the formula in one cell I have to go to each sheet and change it manually (which is quite boring and time consuming).
I’m wondering if it’s possible to reference all the formulas on the sheet to one sheet (which some kind of a master sheet with all the formulas).
I can copy the formula with the “Past Special” function but the function is not updating if I change the formula on the main sheet.
So is it possible to link it and that it’ll be updated automatically when I’m changing the formula on the main sheet?
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May 6, 2013
Formula to calculate GST? I have a Non-capital and a Capital column, then a Claimable GST column.
I currently have '=SUM(E5/11)' in the Claimable GST column (G5).
If E5 is a zero value I need the sum of F5/11 in G5.
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Feb 22, 2014
I need to calculate a TAT formula for the below case
P1 -- 1 Hour
P2 -- 2 Hour
P3 -- 4 Hour
P4 -- 8 Hour
Shift Start time : 6:30pm
Shift End Time : 3:30am
Suppose a request comes at 9:30pm and it is Priority 1 (P1) then it should be completed at 9:30pm + 1 hour = 10:30pm. I have given the below formula to execute this
The problem here is if the request is P4 then its 8 hr TAT and the formula will calculate the time as 5:30am. Since the shift time end at 3:30am itself the actual TAT should be the next day 8:30pm.
formula to calculate the TAT which includes the start time and end time and also excludes the weekends and holidays.
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