Convert The Distance Jumped By A Person To A Specific Rank
Jun 25, 2006
I am making an excel file that should convert the distance jumped by a person to a specific rank. For example if the distance was greater or equal to 34, he would get a 10. and 34> distance >= 32, he would get a 9 and so on...
I need a formula that will should nest more than 7 functions, in this case it wont work right? So what I did was name 2 separate fuctions for example
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Apr 15, 2014
Is there a way to search responses from a specific Person? I think it was before the Mr Excel format change. Domenic was the responder.
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Dec 15, 2006
I am fairly new to macros and I am currently working on a project where I would like to create a 2 buttons which will filter by date and by owner. The spread sheet I have is fairly large and is added to weekly.
I have two objectives that I am trying to reach:
First I need to filter for all past due task items from the Thursday of the week I am working in back and for a specific person (owner) by the finish date
Second I need to filter for upcoming tasks one week out for a specific person (owner). The objective of this is so that on any given day a user can find any upcoming tasks that are due one week out.
If this is not an option. My thought was to create an input box where the user can input the date and the information on the spread sheet will pull all past due items or upcoming tasks. These two items need to pull seperatly not together.
I know I can create a macro by autofiltering by columns however I am trying to avoid having to go in and change the date each week.
Start date is column E
Finish date is column F
Owner is column L
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Feb 6, 2013
I have very busy workbook that has hovered around a megabyte in size. I added a simple userform and a couple more graph series (I now have 35 ), and the file jumped to over 6MB in size.
I checked every woorksheet, cannot find anything to account for ANY growth, let alone a factof 5 or 6.
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Dec 3, 2008
I am having trouble using the tab key to navigate to the next cell.
Whenever I push tab I get jumped to the edge of the page instead of the next cell. This excel program is on a new computer I got at work and I have never had this problem before.
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Jan 14, 2009
See attached sample sheet for more detail. I used code for show date and user id in cell “H” and “I”, but my problem is when ever I write some thing between cells “A” to “G” and enter the pointer automatically jumped to cell “H”, I want when I enter the pointer should be stay next cell.
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May 8, 2009
I'm racking my brains as to how I can structure a formula to conditionally rank a value in an array against only those values in the array whose corresponding criteria cell includes a specific letter.
So for example I have a list of 12 values, say 126; 239; 0; 171; 162; 157; 130; 199; 122; 153; 0; 15.
Each of those values corresponds to a heading, say: CDE; DFE; FGE; DFE; ERD; DEA; BDF; DFB; CDE; CEF; CAB; FAB. As you will note some of the headings may or may not be the same and may or may not include the same letters in different orders.
How can I write a formula that ranks in ascending order a given value drawn from the above list (which will be in another cell but which in this case is, let's say, the first value: 126) only against those values whose heading includes a specific character, for example the character C (the character in question will vary and be defined in a specific cell).
As an added complication I need the ranking calculation to exclude any zero values. So in the above example what the formula needs to do is rank the value 126 against a sub-set of the whole array comprising only the values 126; 122; 153; 0.
The answer I need is 2 because, discounting the zero value, 126 is the second highest value.
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May 26, 2009
I want to be able to rank players only if they meet or exceed a specific number of rounds. I have been able to get close but I would like to have the ranking start at "1" instead of "0" (see sheet).
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Jan 7, 2009
If A1 is 81209, how can I use functions in B1 to convert it into DEC/09/2008?
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May 6, 2009
I work in the flooring industry and the format we use for cuts of carpet/vinyl is 40-3 (for 40.25 feet), etc. So we are trying to create an excel spreadsheet that will add up these cuts. Right now it's kind of a mess because we have decimals in a column we will be hiding and are converting that to our industry format.
The formula I am having trouble with is as follows:
The problem is that whenever the totals end in zero, the formula won't convert 40.00 to 40-0. It gives me an error every time. If the total is 40.25 it will convert it to 40-3 just fine.
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Mar 5, 2012
Is there a way i can convert the time to a specific number? for Eg. If incell A1 i have the time in following format 01:15:08 (MM:SS:MS)
i want the result in A2 to show 7508
01 minute = 60 seconds
Plus 15sec = 60 + 15 = 75
and 08 miliseconds would give 7508 ??
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Oct 19, 2009
I'm trying to convert a date in the following format: 19970121 to 1/21/1997 and am having trouble getting rid of the leading zero in the final version. I also need it to pick up the 2 digits in months that have them from 9 (Sept) through 12 (Dec), though, for use in a VLOOKUP function. Can this be done at all?
Here is the code I've been using so far that doesn't entirely work for what I need it to do:
where B2 refers to the column the original date form (19970121) is in. I'm still stuck with the leading zero in this code.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have created an online survey, and people choose ten words (skills) out of 24 possible. Please see screenshot. I would like a formula that does this in layman's terms: "If I see the word "Cooperation" in the source cell, then I'll put "03b" into the target cell; but if I see "Managing" in the source cell instead, I'll put "21a" in the target cell, etc."
I've tried a few IF / Then statements, with no success. Screenshot shows the source cell upper right, and the ten target cells below left with two rows of sample results. I'm guessing the same formula can be in each of the 10 target cells.
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Jun 20, 2014
I want to use a formula, in another cell, to convert ‎"Friday, ‎30 ‎May ‎2014, â€â€Ž3:47:16 PM" to a value. I am using Excel 2003.
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Dec 30, 2013
I'm trying to Rank a list and than re-rank the list while excluding certain (or by Criteria) items
Vendor Co
Cost Fee
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Jan 9, 2011
I looking for a macro that will go through multiple sheets & change specific cells to values if the column header is = to value set in specific cell.
for example
I would like the macro to look at row 3 in each tab (page 1, page 2, page 3) and if the value you is equal to X (parameter input on different sheet) then change the formula to a value in row 6 & row 12 of that column.
I'm attaching an simple example that i looking for this on. The green cells are the one i would like to change to a value.
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a sheet that tracks when people are paid. Each time a person is paid, another entry goes into the sheet with his/her name, pay amount, and date they were paid. So, a given person could have up to 50 lines devoted to them, each with a different date associated with it (the list is sorted by name).
What I need to do is figure out the most recent pay date for each person in the sheet. I would prefer to avoid vba, but experimenting with native excel functions has gotten me nowhere...
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Dec 8, 2013
I have created a sheet that shows distance between coordinates. Also working on something to put them in order of the closest point. I used a fixed point to find the nearest coordinate, but since i'm using a fixed point it doesnt go the order I want it to. I have attached the excel file I am working on.
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Feb 26, 2009
I have two columns, zipA and zipB. There are over 7000 rows and I need to calculate the distance between zipA and zipB for each row (so the result should be over 7000 rows of distances (in miles)). I posted this in the programming board because I figured it would require some. I don't have any add-ons.
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Mar 14, 2009
Need a direction for this type of calculation.
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Feb 24, 2007
At my last job we purchased a zip code addin from spheresoft that could give you a distance between two distance ie: =ZipCodeDistance(zip1, zip2)
This worked well but I am now at a new job and wondering if there is any data out there that could help me build my own sheet. I just need California
I have both zip codes now just need the distance, I could sit down, drink a ton of coffee and enter zip codes all night into Mapquest but am hoping for a better way.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a worksheet with some names in a column with a persons first name then the second name and I would like to place the names in a different column I can have this to work ok with the following formula
=MID(A1&" "&A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,LEN(A1))
This works ok but I have people with three names like Peter May Jones
When I have changed the name I would like to have (Jones, Peter May) but I get (May Peter Jones)
Also the colon I have after the first name gets put at the end of the name not after the last name.
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Jul 25, 2014
I'm looking for a formula to calculate the age of some one. I used a formula but it gave me a #value! Error
20/05/1936 (E4)
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May 31, 2007
I have some data as below and I want to return the name of the person with the highest value.
Col A Col B Col C Col D
John Peter Paul Luke
3 4 7 8
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Dec 19, 2007
I have a list of order numbers and sales persons associated with those order numbers..
I was trying to come up with an idea of how to enter a Sales Persons Name in a field and have a random order number based on their name populate so that I can audit that particular order.
Can this be done in excel with a vlookup formula or something to that affect?
And if so, how?
Order # Sales Person
256796 Judy
248986 Brian
897655 Fred
245466 Judy
364599 Tomas
Since Judy has more than 1, I would like to just radomly pick one of those... Now, just a little side information, my actual sheet has approximately 3000 orders with 52 sales reps...
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Feb 2, 2009
I am trying to write a series of macros to automate the creation and population of a summary tab for transmission of patient results to our Laboratory computer system and have hit a bit of a brick wall. One of our analysers creates an Excel workbook for each analytical run with each patient sample analysed on the run assigned to a separate worksheet. These worksheets contain the patient ID (lab number) in cell C1 with results for the different analytes in cells F7 to F56. We need to be able to present this data with each patient having a row to themselves (i.e. Patient ID for patient 1 being in cell A2, test result 1 in cell B2, test result 2 in cell C2 etc, then patient 2 taking row 3 etc). Row one is populated with the field Sample name in cell A1 and the cross-referenced test IDs running across the rest of the row. As analytical runs can contain varying numbers of samples we need the Summary tab to be able to cope with a indeterminate number of worksheets.
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Dec 27, 2007
I am creating a personal expense tracking sheet for the upcoming year. I have each day of the year going down as my rows. My column headers are various expenses I expect to have, such as a phone bill and internet bill. I want a way to pick which expenses (columns) are visible. I expect this to aid in the inputting of expenses and the reviewing of expense types. I know of course, I could just click all the columns I don't want and hide them, but I'm looking for a quicker way if possible.
So, if I want to record the phone bill, or just look at the phone bill expenses alone, I could use a drop down which listed all my column headers and check which one(s) I wanted to view. I thought of like the way a pivot table option looks to pick what you want to view /shrug.
Maybe a drop down is not the way to accomplish this, and maybe my spreadsheet should be laid out differently.
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Mar 27, 2014
I need a formula, from which I need to drag (if needed) and to fill with numbers, by following principles:
- when the left cell contain the zero, it needs to find on the same column if there exists another zero, or another one and count them, let's say if find three zeros untill find number one, return 3.
- when find a number 1, after another 1, has to return a zero.
- the formula need to initialise from the top of the column, only finds the first number 1.
I have a relevant example down bellow. I used to count them visually and sometimes errors sneak into my spreadsheets.
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Jan 27, 2009
I am looking to calculate the distance around an arc, given A-B = 70 and the depth is 70cm.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a distance grid with place names down column A and along Row 1 with distances in the middle. I then have a place name in cell A1 on sheet2 and a distance in cell B1 on sheet2. Ideally I want cell C1 on sheet2 to lookup the place in cell A1 on Row1 of the grid on sheet1 and then find the distance in B2 in that column before displaying the correspoding value from Column A on sheet2. I've tried various Match and Index functions with no success.
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