Create Data Validation Using Height?

Apr 19, 2012

I am trying to create a data validation using Height as the subject.

I have column A with Height, the user inputs the heights, based on the input, i want column B to present with values as below

If Height < 24
Options: Good, Bad, Ok
If Height between 24 and 50
Options: Good, Bad, Average
If Height > 50
Options: Good, Bad, Excellent

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Data Validation Used To Create Separate Data Validation List

Feb 15, 2014

I have 2 columns First Name & Surname. What I want to do is create a data validation list on the surname which results in the 2nd data validation list only showing the first names which link to one of the surnames.

i.e. If I selected Smith in the 1st validation list then I would only like to see 'Paul' as an option in the 2nd list

First Name




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Data Validation - How To Create Dropdown List That Excludes Duplicate Data

Sep 26, 2013

I'd like to create a drop down list in data validation from a column of data that contains numerous duplicates.

For example, let's say column A contained hundreds of transactions with either North, South, East and West, how could I create a drop down list in another cell that only had four selection options?

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Create A Dropdown Box (data Validation)...

Apr 9, 2009

We've got a dropdown box (data validation - list) which is picking up data from a specific column. The data in the column is in the following format:

1 Sales
2 Contracts
18 Opening Stock
27 Purchase

When we select an entry from the dropdown box the cell obviously displays both the number and the text description to the right. What we need it to do is just display the number after selecting an item from the list. The text is descriptive and to make it easier for users. Is there a way of configuring the dropdown box (or another way) so that say if a user selects "1 Sales" from the dropdown it just displays "1" in the cell.

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Data Validation To Create Dropdown List

Sep 12, 2012

I am in the process of creating a database, and have used 'Data Validation' to create drop down lists in order to obtain information quickly from the database.

I have encountered an issue where if I have a list the resembles the one shown below, the drop down list will show spaces.

This is particularly an issue for myself and my database because there is over 1,000 items in the list, and there are countless empty cells within the list. I have tried sorting the list, BUT because the database is quite large, sorting it will disrupt other functions of the database.

Ideally, I would like the drop down list to show only entries within the list that are not empty so the drop down list is entirely relevant, and more user friendly.

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Create Custom Data Validation (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)

Nov 12, 2013

I want to add some Data Validation for a cell and want it to validate that the entered data is in the format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)

I guess I need to use a custom validation formula, however cant figure it out

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Create Data Validation List From Previous Selection?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a large set of data that I need to use for data validation in drop down lists. The data is arranged in 4 columns and entries within each column may repeat numerous times. The four columns are as this..

Category Subcategory 1 Subcategory2 Subcategory3

The first data validation will come from the first column. Once this is chosen the second drop down should populate with the subcategory that correspond to that category stored in column 2. once that is chosen the thrid data validation should populate with the corresponding subcategory from column three etc.. This is a small sample of the data in the columns.

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Create Range List Code For Data Validation

Sep 29, 2007

I am using following code to apply data validation list. However this code gives error Intermittently. The error message is 'Application defined or Object defined error'. Also this code looks little cumber some. Will really apprciate if any one can put some ligh on why is this error appearing sometimes. Do I need to change something in the code or add few extra lines. I feel following points will be necessary when you check my code

1. The data of validation list is stored under the column heading 'Reported_By_List'
2. Validation is applied on the range under the column heading 'Reported Through'
3. Start and last Cell Address Of the cells of the column in which data of validation list is
stored are extracted into the variables 'StartCellAddress1' & 'LastCellAddress1 '
4. Start and last Cell Address Of the cells of the column on which data validation will be
applied are stored are extracted into the variables 'StartCellAddress2' &

Sub Validation1()

Dim wsName As String
Dim RValue As String
Dim WorkBookName As String
Dim StartRow As Integer
Dim StartColumn As Integer
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim CellAddress As String
Dim ColumnAddress As String
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
WorkBookName = ThisWorkbook.Name
wsName = ActiveSheet.Name...........

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Finding The Column With The MAX Height In Comparson Wth Othr Columns Of UNEVEN Height

Feb 24, 2009

Finding the Column with the MAX Height in comparison with other Columns of UNEVEN Height

I need two things :

1. I have several columns starting from Column B till Column F, each column having values starting from the third ROW.


Lets say Column B contains two values in B3 and B4, Col C three values in C3 C4 and C5, Col D four values D3,D4,D5 and D6, Col E two values in E3 and E4, Column F five values F3,F4,F5,F6 and F7.

So, the answer is F3:F7.

2.I am using 10^{4,3,2,1,0} in a particular portion of a formula, Now the number of elements in the array or in the Curly Braces depends on the number of Columns filled from Column B as explained in the Point 1.

Now, since I have five columns under consideration I have this order as mentioned here {4,3,2,1,0} , I would like to know whether I could make this dynamic, as in if there were only four columns then this would be {3,2,1,0} and if more this array could self-fill and expand..

If that's possible, then how do we use it in the formula, Is it by the virtue of the INDIRECT function?

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Create Data Validation Field That Doesn't Allow Blanks Or Duplicates

Jun 4, 2014

I have a table for gym members and each member is assigned a unique member number.


I wish to create a data validation field that wont allow you to leave the cells blank or use the same code twice.

this was my attempt that failed: =AND(ISERROR(MATCH(A:A, A2, 0)) <>FALSE, A2<>""

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Using Data Validation To Create List Dependent On Multiple Rows?

Jul 28, 2014

I have three individual lists and I am using a formula like this for each of them =OFFSET(Table1,MATCH(F15,Table1,0)-1,1,COUNTIF(Table1,F15),1)

for my final cell I need to create another data validation list which is depenant on the values selected in the previous three lists.. how I would alter the formula to allow me to do that? I tried using and after the match to match all three tables but it never worked

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How To Create Macro In Order To Protect Data Validation Rules

May 15, 2014

create macro in order to protect Data Validation rules.

e.g. If user copy and paste cells from others source which is not in the same validation criteria or not contain any validation rules, the existing validation will gone.

so, is there any macro which will be able to automatically run to prevent the data validation?

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VBA Macro To Create Multiple Data Validation Lists From Variables & Named Ranges

Nov 10, 2008

I cant seem to find the correct syntax for creating 14 validation lists using array members as the source of the named ranged. The validation lists are stored on a different worksheet, the Named Ranges are created fine, as are the ranges that are having the validation applied. The Syntax I am having a problem with is

Public Sub assignDVList(WSD As Worksheet, sListName As String)
Dim DVListName As String
DVListName = "DV" & sListName
Application.Goto Reference:=sListName
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & DVListName

It is the Formula1:="=" & DVListName that is creating the headache. The sub is called as the array moves through the columns, using the header row as the Name for the Named Range, and the data Validation worksheet uses the same naming except it has DV in front.

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Nested Data Validation: Figure A To Enforce Dual Data Validation On A Single Cell?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.

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Data Link Changes Column Height?

Jul 10, 2014

I have an MS Access Data link (parametrized query) set up in Column A. (Specifically A5:B85). However, every time I change the value in cell G2 (the source of my A5 result), the width of column A always changes. Is there a way for me to get column A to "freeze" to a width size of my selection?

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Macro To Copy And Paste Data With Row Height

Feb 14, 2014

I have set of data in sheet1 i want to copy and paste in sheet2 with same row height.

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Manipulate Chart Data Labels Height, Width....

May 2, 2008

I m working with bar charts and as I've heard these labels can be a bit of a pain. I've got the labels in roughly the right position 90% of the time however that other 10% has me in rolling fits.

My issues
1. A label within the chart area is wrapped on two lines, how could I restrict Excel from wrappign the label
2. A Labels position covers some of the data reported and thus makes the graph messy

how could I find the position of the end of the bar and also the length of the datalabel so I could reposition it. Note I am using 2003 and that I am trying to use


for finding the position although this is only really where im getting to. finding the wrapping position and also being able to manipulate the length of the label is proving tricky.

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How To Create Filtered Validation List

Oct 17, 2013

I would like to know how to create a validation based on a list, but with filtered. I have an employee sheet and another sheet to select the names but only according to a specific job.

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Data Validation: Can I Use Data Validation In A Cell That Has Formulas In It?

Apr 3, 2009

I have attached a sheet that I am working on. I want cell G1 to be less than or equal to 165. That cell contains a formula. If the formula takes the number to over 165 the validation is allowing it.

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Using INDIRECT Function To Create Custom Validation

Jun 28, 2013

I have a worksheet that uses the INDIRECT function as part of cell validation to generate a custom 'name' range, this name then references a bunch of sheets that contain the actual range where the values for the validation list are stored. For example: ValidationExample.xlsx

Name = Color
Values = Blue, Red, Green

Name = Shape
Values = Square, Circle, Triangle

So what this allows me to do is in the first cell, I can define two options such as Color and Shape. Once one of these is selected, the next cell will have a formula for the validation as "=INDIRECT(A1)" then I will define two named ranges called 'Color' and 'Shape'. This will then show me the list of items in the cell based on previous selection. An example of this is attached to this posting above.

When the formula is written into the validation, an error message is generated saying that the formula will generate an error. Even with this message, the method works effectively to provide a blank list if nothing in the first cell is selected, or a list dependent on the selection of the first cell.

In this case, what I want to do is generate a macro that will populate the validation for a cell when new records are added. This won't always copy down from previous cells because the way I add records is through use of a macro and I generally find using the format painter in vba to be a fairly sloppy way of getting formats from other cells. So I go through a series of validation additions to each cell in the worksheet to get this validation created (I have no written this into the workbook attached).

Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim sht As worksheet

[Code] .....

As I read in previous posts, Formula1 cannot contain an actual formula, only names and lists of items. Since each of the cells will have a changing reference, thus the INDIRECT function would need to change to reflect this, The 'Secondary' name consists of the following:


Which of course does not work due to the error when using INDIRECT in the first place (though the Address() function appropriately finds the cell with the validation in it's appropriate address). I can think of other ways to do this, such as having validation lists change in with VBA on a SelectionChange or Change event, but that's a lot of code that is subject to change when the named ranges have changes to them (which is fairly frequent). Is there any way to get the .Validation.Add method to ignore errors in the name supplied to it.

For reference, my code is this:

Private Sub cmdRefreshValidation_Click()
'Re-enters validation parameters to all cells to allow selections
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet

[Code] .....

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How To Create New Workbooks Based On Validation List

Feb 22, 2012

Every two weeks: During Payroll, we have a list of managers and specific employees under that manager.

The managers name is in Column A and they repeat.

Normally we filter that manager, copy and paste the data into a new Workbook, save it, and send the info out to that manager. We do not want other managers to see the information provided to the specific manager.

This is a long tedious process as there are close to 30 managers.

1. Is there a way to run a macro (presumably based on a validation list) to filter, copy the worksheet into a new workbook for each of the 30+ managers?

2. Is there a way to save each with a specific name like "Payroll Feb11 - Manager Name.xlsx"

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Create Unlimited Unique Validation List

Jun 16, 2009

Any way in ms excel to create unlimited unique validation list. i am working on a small data where one colums data(Validation list) changes on the selection of previous column data filed. i am using indirect function with defined name range. but ms-excel is not accepting new names now and still i have 75 datagrops left to define and validate.

is there any formula or vba code to fix this problem.

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Data Validation :: Selected From 4 Validation Lists

Sep 26, 2007

I would like to know if it's possible to populate a data validation list based on what is selected from 4 validation lists?

for example:
On sheet1:
If 'Group1' is selected from data validation list1 then data validation list5 will show a list of all items from Group1. If 'Group2' is selected from data validation list2, then data validation list5 will display all the items in 'Group2'...

(I do not want to use a combo box for this)

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Template Using Validation Tool To Create Dropdown Lists

Sep 17, 2012

I have been working on a template using validation tool so as to create drop down lists. Now I have to select data from a combination of two fields.

Example: I need info from Dataset A and Dataset B to create a new drop down list from Dataset C.

I tried with If AND formula =IF(AND(B4="Test";B6="de10");"ok";"no") where due to the selected values I got Ok as a return answer. However I need to have a dropdown list of relevant values selected and I am having some issues.

When I name my group (Dataset C) as DE10 so that it can be linked to DE10 value (dataset B) so that I can do a validation then I get an error as DE10 is an excel field name; therefore I thought of the IF AND solution as I was thinking of doing so that I can name Dataset C as XYZ (instead of DE10) on the data sheet however I am having some trouble in getting the drop down list to work.

Basically I need a drop down list from dataset C when certain info is picked from Dataset A and Dataset B.

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Create Autofilter Using Validation Based On Table In Another Worksheet?

Feb 25, 2013

Can I validate data based on a list in another workbook? is what I mean to say.

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Data Validation - Add Some More If / Else But Validation Don't Allows It?

Jun 30, 2014

I had some of values in Column A, B & C for ex: column A has brand name, column B has model name and Column C has sub_model name here i have a limited values i need to make it as drop down list but i had a problem with the below formula.


i need to add some more ifelse but the validation don't allows it.

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Row Height

Apr 25, 2007

I am using excel 2003. I have copied and pasted text from microsoft word onto excel.

The text is already split up into rows and columns in word. When i past it into excel and select all thousand or so rows and then double click the row to engage the automatic row height it doesnt work. It cuts off the last line or last two lines of the text in most but not all of the cells. What can I do other than one by one change the row height?

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How To Use INDEX Formula In Conjunction With Data Validation To Output Data

Jan 9, 2014

Essentially, I would like a user to be able to select a PUB from the Data Validation drop down in row 2 of the PUB RATES sheet so that the corresponding information in the DATA sheet autofills.

Currently, this works only for the first column under each PUB when selected and this fills across all 4 columns (rather than the respective information for each column filling).

Also, the Data Validation dropdown includes blanks which I would like to exclude.

I have used a Range Name for the Data Validation of each PUB so that these can be drawn from a separate sheet as I don't want all the DATA content on the same sheet as the PUB RATES content.

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Load Rows Data On Selection Of Data Validation List

May 28, 2014

I want to load the actual data exist in the rows by selection value from the data validation list.

E.g I have two worksheet in one excel file. One has a data activities of persons with their name like two columns i have in which one exist the name of person and second exist the activities which they perform.

On the second sheet, i made a data validation list of all the person names

Now my requirement is, when i select a person name from the list, load all the data from the 1st sheet to second sheet. Is this possible without VB code, because I want to share it on the Google sheet with my boss, where VB sheet is not supposed to work.

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