Create Data Validation Field That Doesn't Allow Blanks Or Duplicates
Jun 4, 2014
I have a table for gym members and each member is assigned a unique member number.
I wish to create a data validation field that wont allow you to leave the cells blank or use the same code twice.
this was my attempt that failed: =AND(ISERROR(MATCH(A:A, A2, 0)) <>FALSE, A2<>""
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Sep 22, 2007
I'm trying to do a Data Validation list where there is a range from A1:A10 named List, but there are only values in A1:A5.
For the drop down menu, I've done the Data Validation and List, and made it =List. The problem with that is, I only want the drop down to give the options if there is a value (A1:A5 not all of A1:A10). I thought that the Ignore blanks feature would do that, but it does absolutely nothing.
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Mar 6, 2009
I have created data validation list which has 3 flags (Yes, No and Blank). Normally the user will select either Yes or No from column C but i want each time there is no value in either row A or B; i want the code to automatically to select Blank. So basically every time row A or B are blank i want the corresponding row C to be selected "Blank". See attached for more details.
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Mar 13, 2009
I have a data validation list, but i dont want the user to be able to make the cell blank. I have 5 items in the list and i wont to make sure they choose one. But the data validation allows them to enter blank.
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Dec 30, 2013
I have a data entry worksheet where a user may use the space bar to delete a wrong entry instead of the delete key. How can I allow this without triggering an error message for a cell which is valid for blanks or a positive number including 2 decimals? The checkbox for "Ignore Blanks" does NOT ignore this is the cell is blanked with the space bar.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have just opened a sheet in work and this phenomenon has occured. Basically the data validation: list appears to be referencing a sheet that doesn't exist! My initial thought is that the original sheet name had been changed, but on trial the list seems to change reference. I've checked that the sheets aren't hidden
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Feb 21, 2014
I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.
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Dec 31, 2008
I have a bit of code that calls a formatting sub depending on which cell is modified. It is triggered by the Worksheet_Change event, determines which cell is modified, and either calls the formatting sub or doesn't based on the location of the modified cell.
Some of the columns in the sheet have data validation with drop downs. If I select a value from the drop down, it doesn't trigger the Worksheet_Change. If I type a value into the same cell, it does.
This was apparently an issue in Excel '97, but supposedly fixed in '03?
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Mar 31, 2013
I have a file of company name exactly duplicated. Within each duplicate set of rows each row can have a different account code (number).
I need to normalise all rows to one account code (any one will do - I can actually do this bit using some commercial software so this bit can be skipped as part of this thread) but also keep every variation/different account code in an 'audit trail' field for each row.
The attached sample file shows the input and desired output i would like.
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Dec 12, 2013
On the Control Panel sheet of the attached book, I need to load only the non blank cells from BQ3:BQ9 into a data validation drop down.
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Nov 1, 2006
In column A I have a list of text. There are blank lines in between the cell that actually contain text. What I am trying to accomplish is create a validation list that will give me only the cells with text in them and ignore the blanks. For example in column A1:A7 I have the following text:
My validation list will return those names but will also give me the blanks in between the names.
Is there any way to ignore the blanks?
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May 13, 2012
I would like to be able to make the same thing and select items for my drop down list, that are not blak and follow a specific condition. But I don't know how to include the condition in the array formula.
The condition I need is follow:
I want to have a dropdown list with Items that are not blank, and First N > Last N.
It would be preferred to have formulas.
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Jul 4, 2013
In the following extract, I would like to have today's date placed into Col K when an entry is made into Col J.
Entry into Col J is from a validation list of 3 options. What I desire is that when one of these options is selected ("Complete"), then I would like today's date to be written into Col K.
Currently Col K has a validation list which comprises dates from 1st of each month from July to June.
I need a fixed date as text preferably, so was thinking the VBA function "Date" on a Change Workbook Sub.
The information is currently part of a Table in Excel 2007 that has about 500 records.
Month Completed
In Progress
Data Validation in Spreadsheet
Input 1
Input 2
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Jan 8, 2009
I have to input data into "ANYDATA" field. Since I need this input to be 100% accurate, I would like my operator to input it TWICE. E.g. 1st input - Obama 2nd input- Obama. Only if BOTH the entries match will the data move into ANYDATA field, else the field becomes blank once again, and the operator has to re-key twice again. In example above, if he had input 2nd time as Obame, then he will have to repeat the process. Can anyone pls help me create suitable formula/ field settings...Thx! Preferably, I would NOT like to create two dummy fields "ANYDATA1" and "ANYDATA2" with corresponding entry in "ANYDATA" if both match.
p.s. Need this to be done using MS-Excel only.
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Aug 19, 2013
Using Excel 2010, I set up a simple workbook with a spreadsheet on one page and the ranges for data validation on another. I successfully linked the fields in the "Category" and "Tender" columns with the data on the second sheet, making nice drop down menus. Everything works fine on my computer. However, when we open the workbook on a different station, the drop down menus disappear. If you highlight any of the "Category" or "Tender" fields, the little drop down prompt is missing; they behave like regular, un-formatted fields. It appears that the data validation became un-linked.
We tried opening versions with certain fields locked (Mainly the Total, Breakdown, and Summary areas, but the fields with data validation were still editable), and also completely unlocked documents. Every time, the drop down lists were lost when opened on different stations.
I've attached the completely unlocked version : 00_FLEX TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT_v3.xlsx
Forget to check a box or something? This seems way harder for me to figure out that it should be!
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Feb 15, 2014
I have 2 columns First Name & Surname. What I want to do is create a data validation list on the surname which results in the 2nd data validation list only showing the first names which link to one of the surnames.
i.e. If I selected Smith in the 1st validation list then I would only like to see 'Paul' as an option in the 2nd list
First Name
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Jan 7, 2014
I have alist in which a location is mentioned multiple time..
I need a data validation in which a location should come only once...
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a very basic formula, and I'd like it to ignore a blank cell. The sheet has cells A1, B1, and C1. I want the formula to subtract A1 from B1, and display the difference in C1. B1-A1=C1
Currently, if A1 has a value (it always has a value in that column) and B1 does not, C1 shows the negative value of A1. Ex: A1= 100, B1= blank. [blank cell] - 100 = -100
I want C1 to show nothing unless there's a value in B1.
How do I construct the formula so that it doesn't do the calculation for blanks?
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Jul 2, 2014
Basically I have a form where the list can expand and contract so there will always be varying row lengths.
What I would like to see is a drop down list that shows a) the actual populated field and b) a description of the field when the drop down list is present.
I believe this can be done with a combo box however that would be a lot of work.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have giant excel spreadsheet that I am trying to clean up. I want to make one of the columns (with around 3000 rows and may of them are the same) into a drop down list. However, when I try doing so from the data validation tab, I get duplicates, triplicates, etc. of the same item.
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a range (offset based) which may increase by rows or columns whenever necessary.
In that I have data table like this:
In the above table I want to enter in another column or row, a number which is not available in the given table (i.e. no duplication is allowed). (This table may grow both column & row wise). If, duplication is there the message box should say that the value already exist. And, if possible, the existing value can be colored with any color, so that we can easily find out where it is.
1) how to name a offset table and
2) how to avoid duplicate value when entered? Is data validation is one solution?
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May 8, 2014
I have a list generator that creates a set of data in a multi-column & row dataset. I would like a formula to create a list of the alpha data points only which excludes blanks and any errors.
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Mar 30, 2014
I have titles in column A and multiple codes per title in column B.
I want all the codes for a single title copied onto another sheet.
I can't use =B1 as the sheet gets updated every week and the amount of codes per title changes.
I was thinking using lookup but the majority of column A is blank and I don't know how to make it look in the row above if blank, or if that is even possible.
Another option would be to look for the title in column A then copy column B until the text "Group Total" which always appears at the end of a titles codes.
Attached File : Practise sheets.xlsx
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Nov 27, 2009
The field list does not appear when I create a pivot table in Excel 2007. It works properly if I start Excel in safe mode. I have toggled the field list button in the PivotTable Tools show/hide ribbon and I tried repairing Office 2007 from the control panel.
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Apr 8, 2012
copy the excel sheet data from one sheet to another sheet?
-> I have one excel sheet (name: Test.xls, sheet name: SHEET1)
Sn Code Type next calib
5BPR CORR7-Apr-12
4BPR CORR7-Apr-12
73BPR CORR7-Apr-12
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12
17BRG CORR9-Apr-12
311DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORI R9-Apr-12
Want to create a new work sheet and copy the today's date(next calib - filed name) records to new sheet.
Example: Today's Date is 8-Apr-12
So, I want to copy following record to new work sheet (when I click the button / run the macro).
Sn Code Type next calib
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12
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May 23, 2012
Is there anyway to make this work without having to enter a specific range. For example I want to count the duplicates in column U, but don't want it to count blank cells.
Here is my formula right now, and it works, but it counts all of the blank cells in the row as duplicates. How can I stop that?
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Sep 26, 2013
I'd like to create a drop down list in data validation from a column of data that contains numerous duplicates.
For example, let's say column A contained hundreds of transactions with either North, South, East and West, how could I create a drop down list in another cell that only had four selection options?
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Apr 9, 2009
We've got a dropdown box (data validation - list) which is picking up data from a specific column. The data in the column is in the following format:
1 Sales
2 Contracts
18 Opening Stock
27 Purchase
When we select an entry from the dropdown box the cell obviously displays both the number and the text description to the right. What we need it to do is just display the number after selecting an item from the list. The text is descriptive and to make it easier for users. Is there a way of configuring the dropdown box (or another way) so that say if a user selects "1 Sales" from the dropdown it just displays "1" in the cell.
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Apr 19, 2012
I am trying to create a data validation using Height as the subject.
I have column A with Height, the user inputs the heights, based on the input, i want column B to present with values as below
If Height < 24
Options: Good, Bad, Ok
If Height between 24 and 50
Options: Good, Bad, Average
If Height > 50
Options: Good, Bad, Excellent
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Jan 12, 2009
I named a range State, it contains a list of all the US state abbreviations. I do a data validation that refers to this range as a List. If I type in something that's not in the named range I get the error message I created for the Validation.
But - I don't get a drop down button. I tried to do the same validation on another cell and get the same thing. Other drop downs for validation appear.
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