Delete Entire Row If Specified Word Exist
Dec 12, 2009In range A1:A300 I have a lotof words. What I want is to delete entire row if the cell value is Open date
View 3 RepliesIn range A1:A300 I have a lotof words. What I want is to delete entire row if the cell value is Open date
View 3 RepliesLooking to write a macro to delete an entire row if the word GROWTH is found in any cell under Column C.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have the following code, but it takes longer than expected to run. Is there anyway to speed this up? I am not sure if autofilter is a option. I just want to search through range A16:Z16 and if the word "FALSE" exists delete the entire column. The word "TRUE" is the only other word that would exist in range A16:Z16
I need my macros to search for the word "Cancel" or "Cancelled" in columns "T" and "U". Once found, I need the macros to make that entire row an opaque shading.
There will be other wording in these cells that contain "Cancel" or "Cancelled". Is it possible for the macros to search in the sentence and find the words "Cancel" or "Cancelled"
I started on the code below but am stuck.
I have a worksheet that has three columns, TYPE, VALUE, PERIOD.
Within TYPE column it will always be either A or B
Within VALUE column a number common to both A & B for that "period".
Within PERIOD column a month-year.
A shown here:
Is there anyway in which I can open a spreadsheet and then delete any macros which exist in that file with VBA?
For Example
Workbooks.Open "\sysdevwebwCorpAcctSuiteReportsNetProfit.xls"
''Delete Any Existing Macros Code''
In the attached sheet, i would want to delete the text "ABC" because it is not contained anywhere in column A.
Couldnt find a macro on here for this...
I noticed there any plenty of examples of delete row if variable EXIST. But im after deleting rows if an array of string items DONT exist. EG. vList = Array("AWilson54", "ADavey99", "MPaterson44").
its for a varying size document and the column to search through is (AN). Does anyone already have something for this? as i mentioned before there are plenty of search hits on if a value exists but not the opposite.
I have 1 big sentance in cell A1 which contain one unique word starting with IE0025 or IE0027. I wanted to extract that word from entire sentance and this data is till 1000 rows. Not necessary that it will be in a constant position because always it get change to some other position within sentance.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat I want to do is select all rows that contain the word conveyor in it. So far I have managed to select all the cells, I have also managed to select the entire row but one row at a time, I have even been able to turn all the cells a different color but I just want to highlight them for other formatting, copying, and several other things that need to be done. I have other documents this could be very useful in too so i want to make it a generic multi-line highlight rather than adding the formatting into the formula.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI currently have the following code that works great and deletes the row from my spreadsheet when the word "vacant" appears in column F.
Sub test()
Dim r As Range
With ActiveSheet[code]....
The problem is, "Vacant" also sometimes appears in column G. So, as this code is now it is finding the word "Vacant" in either column F or column G and then deleting the row.
How can I write the code so that it only deletes the row where "Vacant" appears in column F but ignores it when it is in column G?
I have data in following order and wanted to split particular word from that.
for example : -
In Cell A1 i have address like N/A 12A, carbon court OSBORNE PARK WA 6017. I wanted to Split city name OSBORNE PARK & Post Code 6017 from that entire address in seperate cloumn. Like in cell A2 i want city name & in Cell A3 want Post code.
I need a formula to check sheet 1 column N and to copy the entire row if the cell in column has the word NO.
The row has to be extract in sheet 3.
The following sub will look in the file ("FY09 SOF"), in column "A", search for the strings that begin with "2109", "3009", or ends in "-1", and copy the entire row. It will then paste these in the file ("FY09 PR Log Blank").
I also need it to look in column "C" in the ("FY09 SOF") file and pull the entire row if it finds the word "Payroll".
For some reason it will pull everything needed except the "Payroll" rows. What am I doing wrong?
Sub get_data()
Dim wb As Workbook, wbDest As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lngCalc As Long
Dim FoundCells As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Set wb = Workbooks("FY09 SOF")
Set wbDest = Workbooks("FY09 PR Log Blank")
Set wsDest = wbDest.Worksheets("Paste all here, then sort")
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False..........................
I want to do, is search column A for claim numbers that match. When I do have a matching claim number, I want to concatenate the original cells ownership field with the said matching cells ownership field (or move into a column in the same row, I can always concatenate later). Once that is complete, I want to delete the row I took the information out of.
I want to join this data in ArcGIS, but as of right now, it's not a 1-to-1 relationship, so only a relate works. That doesn't help me as I want to display claims by ownership, and this can vary per claim. Company A may have 100% on one claim, and then split another claim 50% with Company B.
This causes a double entry on the claim field in this current spreadsheet I have, which requires me to clean it up by making multiple columns of ownership vs. an additional row for shared ownership.
My problem:
Column A Column B
1235555 Company A (50%)
1235555 Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%)
1235557 Company B (33%)
1235557 Company C (33%)
What I would like to see
Column A Column B Column C Column D
1235555 Company A (50%) Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%) Company B (33%) Company C (33%)
My worksheet has two sheets which has daily continued data. I want to copy two entire columns E and F from Sheet 1 and then in Sheet 2 I want to find a particular word "80 Percent" and then insert two new Entire columns before that word. And after that I want to paste that copied columns of sheet1 in those newly created columns of sheet 2. Is it really possible because the cell reference of the word "80 Percent" in Sheet 2 will change daily. How to create the macro codes for this.
Find attached file : IRCS1.xlsx
how to format a row based on text that is in a certain column. For instance, if a cell in column B has text in it I need to format the entire rest of the row with a certain background color and text color. I've been searching around here for a while and I think I'm really close, but I just can't seem to nail it down. Here's the code that I've worked on so far.
Sub Reformat()
Dim SrchRng3
Dim c3 As Range
Set SrchRng3 = ActiveSheet.Range("B1", ActiveSheet.Range("B65536").End(xlUp))
Set c3 = SrchRng3.Find("Europe - *", LookIn:=xlValues)
This is Excel 2010 on Windows 7
Trying to figure out a VB Script but don't know where to start.
I have a sheet for each month. lets take September 2013
A Column with 200 Servers (A1:A200) on the Intranet listed as server-1/, Server-2/ Server-3 ... Server-200/
Each Server lists a location of a file for each day (31 columns per row)
I am trying to check for the existence of the files on each server (The Cells contain the URL and File Name in Range B2:AF201) starting with server-1 check the URL in B2 if it exists, go to C2, Continue with that row until the file check is False (The Page will show a 404 error) if not found delete cell url and continue. do this for all 200 rows
I am trying to do, is paste a word in front of text that is already residing in cell throughout an entire column, and then automate this process by creating a macro that will do the same thing for me throughout an entire column. To best explain this, it woudl be like if you have a column 100 rows/cells long, and every cell already contains data. I need to insert something in front of what lies within each cell.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow would i search the entier worksheet im in, looking at column b only, and delete the entire row if i find the word Date in it.
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhen i delete the entirerow, it shifts the rows up (which is what I want) but it skips that row when it does.
so if I have 2 blank cells together it will delete the 1st and leave the 2nd blank.
Sub ()
Dim myrange As Range
Set myrange = ("a:a")
For Each c In myrange
If c.Value = "" Or c.Value <= 5 Then
End If
End Sub
I'm working on Outlook 2003 and Word 2000 which are not compatible. I have an
Excel Sheet which are my contacts from Outlook and I want to re-work it to
have only a certain category left.
I need a macro that does
- search a certain column
- deletes the row if it does NOT find a certain condition
Ideal would be a little pop up window to enter which category I want left.
I written one code to delete Entirerow if value match. It's working fine .the code delete all match except one match.!
Option Compare Text
Sub delete_duplicate()
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Select
Range(ActiveCell, Range("A1")).Select
For Each cell In Selection
If cell.Value = "Already updated" Then
End If
End Sub
I'm having some problem with a part of my code that deletes entire columns. With ActiveCell as my reference, I want to delete 'Abs_Diff' Columns to the left hand side of the ActiveCell column, including the ActiveCell column. 'Abs_Diff' is a variable of integer type.
SO if ActiveCell column is "P" and 'Abs_Diff'=2, then delete Columns "O:P"
if ActiveCell column is "P" and 'Abs_Diff'=4, then delete Columns "M:P"
My code is selecting columns incorrectly, maybe due to merged cells in cols A,B,C or something..not sure.
Here is my code:
Set StartPoint = ActiveCell
For X = 1 To Abs_Diff
Set StartPoint = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
Next X
If column B contains the word FALSE, I need to delete that entire row, then I need to repeat this action on 11 sheets out of 14 on one workbook, in one action.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use the code below to delete the entire row that has the Text "Pc." in it. How can I make this delete the row with "Pc." plus the next row?
Sub PL()
Dim i As Long
For i = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If InStr(Cells(i, "A").Text, "Pc.") Then
Cells(i, "A").EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End Sub
i have over around 1500 pfolios in Col A, i need macro that will delete entire row which has the highlighted pfolios. Now i tried advanced filter which would work but the date in Col A6 will change every month, so dont want to go down that road, is there alternative option other than advanced filter ..
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to Lookup multiple values (can't be done manually) in one report (Report 2) from another (Report 1).
If the value from Report 1 isn't present in Report 2, I want the entire row the value is found in (From Report 1) deleted.
I want to know if there is a way to delete an entire row from an array? I have a 2 dimensional array and I want to loop through the elements in the first column and delete an entire row based on some conditions. Since the number of rows are too many usual looping takes a long time so I want to use an array.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've a worksheet containing a list of items some of which need deleting. These are identified from a particular range where users input "y" to notifiy the record can be removed. The code below works just fine if all I do is Clear the cells containing "y". However using: Range(rCell.Address).EntireRow.Delete
the macro stops after deleting the first item. It suddenly believes there aren't any further items to delete and Ends. There are no error messages returned. Entire macros is below.
Sub unreg_report()
Dim rRange As Range, rCell As Range
Set rRange = Range("unreg_list").SpecialCells _
(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
For Each rCell In rRange
If rCell = "y" Then
End If
Next rCell
End Sub