Find If Duplicate Values Exist In A Column, Concatenate Cells And Then Delete

Dec 17, 2009

I want to do, is search column A for claim numbers that match. When I do have a matching claim number, I want to concatenate the original cells ownership field with the said matching cells ownership field (or move into a column in the same row, I can always concatenate later). Once that is complete, I want to delete the row I took the information out of.

I want to join this data in ArcGIS, but as of right now, it's not a 1-to-1 relationship, so only a relate works. That doesn't help me as I want to display claims by ownership, and this can vary per claim. Company A may have 100% on one claim, and then split another claim 50% with Company B.

This causes a double entry on the claim field in this current spreadsheet I have, which requires me to clean it up by making multiple columns of ownership vs. an additional row for shared ownership.

My problem:

Column A Column B
1235555 Company A (50%)
1235555 Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%)
1235557 Company B (33%)
1235557 Company C (33%)

What I would like to see

Column A Column B Column C Column D
1235555 Company A (50%) Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%) Company B (33%) Company C (33%)

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Excel 2010 :: Formula To Determine If Duplicate Values Exist In Single Column (excluding Empty Cells)

Jun 29, 2012

1 workbook, 2 worksheets (or tabs). On tab 1, I want a formula/alert that tells the user if any duplicate values exist in Column A of tab 2

Tab 2, Column A, has Unique ID's (6 digit numeric values)

The user manually inputs the ID's on new rows in Column A

Row 1 is reserved and in use for something else
Row 2 is my header, so cell A2 says "ID"
Row 3-623 currently contain unique ID's

When the user inputs a new ID into cell A624, then they return to Tab 1, I want my formula/alert on Tab 1 to tell the user that they have duplicates in Column A of tab 2. I know the Conditional Formatting, but if the user copies in 100 new values, they won't necessarily see the highlighted cells. My tab 1 is my "checks and balances" and the last place the user is suppposed to look to ensure that they haven't created any duplicate ID's. If the user sees a warning message that says duplicates exist, then I'll tell them that they need to look at column A (for cells that have been conditionally highlighted).

One issue that I'm running into with the conditional highlighting is that I want cells A3:A1048576 to already have the conditional formatting - this way when the user inserts a value into Cell A624, then A625, etc they conditional formatting is already there. Right now with data in cells A3:A623, cells A624:A1048576 are all highlighted with the Red/Bold Red Font (which is okay I guess), but ideally it would be nice to not count 2+ empty cells as duplicates and I'll have to have my formula on Tab 1 not include the blank cells.

I DO NOT want to use the Remove Duplicates feature of Excel 2010. If I remove them I could be removing data in columns B, C, D, etc that belong to the Unique ID. I just need the user to be told in Tab 1 that they DO have duplicates and I'll train the user how to research this and fix it.

The reason I want to look for duplicates in the entire Column A is because the list of Unique ID's will grow over time.

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Look For Duplicate Values In Entire Column (D) And Then Concatenate Text

May 9, 2013

What can I add to this existing formula to look for duplicate values in the entire column (D) and then concatenate the text of column (K) in each of those rows together?

Essentially I want to string all text in column K together, for each duplicate row of column D with the results in column L.


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Find Range And Delete Duplicate Value In Specified Column With VB Macro

Apr 21, 2009

See attached doc "Find and Delete.xlsx". Inside, the value in F12 is a very important cell. Using the text value from F12, I first want to use visual basic code to find the range in column B because it will vary. This means the 'text words' column might have 50 words or it might have 2000. I have racked my brain trying to find a universal way to find a variable range.

Then I would like to search for the exact text value within this range in column
B. For example, in F12 is the text word 'windows xp registry cleaner' and you can see that this value is in B9. There will only be one exact match in column B.

I then would like the vb script to delete and remove this found value, then move left one space in column A to also delete the ID number associated with the text word. Then shift both rows up to fill the empty gap. I have tried numerous different codes but to be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I've tinkered with find and replace, vlookup, match, find, search, and many more.

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Delete Duplicate Values In A Column

Jul 25, 2007

I have a column of data where duplicate records appear, can I get a macro to review the column and delete the duplicate record, I need the line item number to still show although the serial number has been deleted, please see example below-

line_number Serial_number
14FM12A1QWINC-1Jdelete serial number in column B, keep line number 1 in column A
24FM12A1QWINC-2Edelete serial number in column B, keep line number 2 in column A
34FM12A1QWINC-3Adelete serial number in column B, keep line number 3 in column A
44FM12A1QWINC-4Adelete serial number in column B, keep line number 4 in column A

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Determining If Duplicate Values Exist Across A Row (then Do That Over 2000 Rows)

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to determine if the value in cell Y2 also exists anywhere in cells AE2:QE2.

My initial stab at it is

[Code] .....

This results in a #VALUE! error (I am pretty sure that's because excel doesn't like the AE2:QE2 part).

I would do a formula-driven conditional format for this, but I have 2000+ rows that need to be acted on, so that's not feasible.

Is there any way to have excel check if the Y2 value exists in AE2...QE2, cell by cell?

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Cell/column Values?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a excel file which contains dublicate rows. The duplicate rows can be identified based on few cell/column values. I need a macro to delete the duplicate rows when the below condition is satisfied: let us consider row 5 and row 6:

If column 7,12,13,16,17,18,19,23,24,27,28,29,30 in row 5 = row 6 then row 6 has to be deleted. This condition has to be followed for all other rows in the excel used range. Have attached the sample workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Values Of Cells

Jun 17, 2014

I'm new to VBA and macros, using Excel 2010, and am trying to figure out how to delete all duplicate rows in a sheet where 2 or less of their values in column A is "1". I'd like have a script that is flexible enough to change to 3 or less if need be. I also have a header row that needs to be offset in the process.

0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete


0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete

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Delete Row Of Duplicate Column Cells By Comparing 2 Columns Across 2 Worksheets

Mar 14, 2008

I am looking for a macro to look in Sheet 1 column A and compare the values to Sheet 2 column O. When it finds a duplicate I want it to delete the entire row in sheet 1. I dont want to have to manually sort anything if that's possible.

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Find Duplicate Cells In Column And Change Value Of Another Cell

May 20, 2013

I have 3 columns containing id, item, colour. I want to check for duplicate id's in the id column and where duplicates are found merge the colours into one cell, as follows:


would become


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Finding Duplicates :: Find Duplicate Cells In A Column

Apr 16, 2007

I have many rows of data. How can I find duplicate cells in a column?

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Delete Row If Value(array) Doesnt Exist In Column

Jun 23, 2009

I noticed there any plenty of examples of delete row if variable EXIST. But im after deleting rows if an array of string items DONT exist. EG. vList = Array("AWilson54", "ADavey99", "MPaterson44").

its for a varying size document and the column to search through is (AN). Does anyone already have something for this? as i mentioned before there are plenty of search hits on if a value exists but not the opposite.

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Macros To Delete Entire Duplicate Row For Duplicate Values?

Aug 19, 2014

I have a worksheet that has 3 duplicate values in a particular column, I need a macros that will highlight two of the duplicates row and then another macro to delete the entire row. The duplicate element are in column R. find attached worksheet.

Copy of OCL 2010 (3).xlsx‎

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Concatenate Cells For Duplicate Rows

Aug 3, 2008

I was trying to create this certain tool using excel which queries data from database. I was successful in obtaining the data I need and paste it to my spreadsheet, however, there are some requirements I cannot create a solution with. Below is a description of my Excel file (which is also attached):

- There are 9 columns on my spreadsheet
- Number of records per data refresh are indefinite, for information in database are constantly being updated
- Several cells on the first column have exactly the same information

The requirements I cannot do are:

- For all cells on first column that have similar values, their corresponding data on column 5 should be concatenated
- Delete rows that have same data for column 1 except the first record found, place concatenated data on column 5 of first record


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Find All Cell Values In Column And Delete Row

Jan 25, 2008

My code is always failing on the findnext method. I'm thinking that the findnext method fails because it loses it's cell reference when the row gets deleted.

Sub findwbs()
Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String

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How To Extract Value Into One Column The Duplicate Values From Multiple Cells

May 31, 2014

What i'm trying to do is i would like to compile in 1 column all duplicate values from multiple cells.

ex. A1 to 10 is numbered 1 to 10 respectively, B1 to B10 is numbered 6 to 15 respectively. which means in A1:B10 the duplicate values are 6,7,8,9,10. i could like these number to show automatically in C1 to C5.

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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this

Col A

Col D

I have some code but I still need to do a considerable amount of tweaking to it. Currently my code is only deleting the duplicate values in Col A. I am having difficulty summing the values in Col D as well as deleting the entire row.

Here is my code thus far....

Public Sub FindDuplicates()
For RwCnt = 1 To (Worksheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
SrchValue = Worksheets(1).Cells(RwCnt, 1).Value
If Len(Trim(SrchValue)) > 0 Then
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)


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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A

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Find Cells That Exist In All Sheets?

Dec 11, 2012

I have 5 sheets, each sheet has 1 column of data (column A). I want to find the values that exist in all sheets. I will gather all values in 6th sheet, and I want to write "YES" in column B next to value that exists in all 5 sheets. How can I do this? For example:

[Code] ......

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Find The Column Name Purple & Delete The Whole Column If There Are No Blank Cells

Mar 18, 2009

I'd like a macro that does 3 things..

1. Find the last row (cell) of data in the "Customer Number" column. This search should be by the name "Customer Number" rather than by column letter because the column that "Customer Number" will be in can change.

2. Find the column named "Purple" (also by name for same reason)

3. If the "Purple" column has no blank cells in those same number of rows as the "Customer Number" column, delete the whole "Purple" column.

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Delete Duplicate Cells Or Rows With A Duplicate Cell

Nov 1, 2007

I feel as though I have spent enough time searching the previous posts to ask this question.

I have a 4 column sheet, column B has many cells with identical data. I want to delete all the rows that that have duplicate data in column B.

COLUMN A= Car Makers
COLUMN B= Models of cars
COLUMN C= color
COLUMN D= owner

I want to end up with rows that each contain unique info in COLUMN B.

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Sum Unique Values That Exist In Another Column

Oct 31, 2006

I need to find the unique column values and sum the next column values. i,e

1 100
2 200
1 100
3 500
4 600
2 200
Total 1400

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Return Values From Multiple Column If Exist

Sep 20, 2013

I have a challenge which I am trying to solve without VBA and I am uncertain how to approach

If I have the following spreadsheet consisting of three columns:

FieldA, FieldB, FieldC

The result I would like to achieve is

FieldA, FieldB, FieldC

So, it means I would like to return the rows where Columns B and C have a value. Is this possible with strictly formulas?

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Excel 2010 :: Use Range Of Cells With URLs To Files And Check It They Exist - If False Delete To End?

Oct 24, 2013

This is Excel 2010 on Windows 7

Trying to figure out a VB Script but don't know where to start.

I have a sheet for each month. lets take September 2013

A Column with 200 Servers (A1:A200) on the Intranet listed as server-1/, Server-2/ Server-3 ... Server-200/
Each Server lists a location of a file for each day (31 columns per row)

I am trying to check for the existence of the files on each server (The Cells contain the URL and File Name in Range B2:AF201) starting with server-1 check the URL in B2 if it exists, go to C2, Continue with that row until the file check is False (The Page will show a 404 error) if not found delete cell url and continue. do this for all 200 rows

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Shading Cells If Values Exist In Same Cells On Another Sheet

May 6, 2008

We have a simple holidays workbook, with seperate sheet tabs for each member of staff in the department to note down there holidays in a calendar.

The 1st row (from B1 and onwards) contains the day numbers of the month, ie. 1 - 31
The 1st column (A2 downwards) shows the 12 months of the year.
The holidays are then marked in the relevant cell matching the dates required. The codes we use are F (full day), A (morning), and P (afternoon). A countif adds up all the occurences of the various codes and totals the ammount of used/remaining days.
Hopefully that drew a picture.

The problem is, each sheet only shows the holidays marked down for that person. There is no way of checking for a "clash" (ie. 1 member of staff off on the same day as another) without flicking to the other sheets and checking yourself.

how can I get a cell shading to automatically show up on the sheets, if there is a holiday noted down (ie a value, A, P or F) in one of the other sheets?

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How To Find Duplicate Data And Delete Row

Mar 29, 2012

I found a lot of information on this but not what I need. I have 8 columns A - H. Column D has some duplicate numbers. I would like to find the duplicate numbers in column D (they are all one right after the other) and delete the entire row leaving only the first. I do not need to sum or anything, just delete the row with a duplicate number. If there are 2 or 3, I just end up with one.

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Find Duplicate Data And Delete Row

May 25, 2006

compare and find exact matches b/w the data in columns J and K in the attached csv file. I would simply like all rows with exact matches to be hidden. I can simply change any code to reflect something like


later if necessary.

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Concatenate Cells And Delete Duplicates

Apr 1, 2009

I have an excel 2007 spreadsheet that lists
items on multiple rows for the same customer.

Each sheet will list anywhere from 25 to 100 individual customers.

I need to identify the duplicates, concatenate
the "Items" to a single cell on the first row, and
delete the duplicate rows. eg:

Cust #| Item
1 | A
1 | B
1 | C
2 | B
2 | E
3 | A
3 | C
3 | E

The result should look like:

Cust# | New Item
1 | A, B, C
2 | B, E
3 | A, C, E

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Find Multiple Text Values & Concatenate To Each Row

Mar 31, 2009

I am trying to find 3 values (X,Y,Z) in row A and concatenate those three values in column A for the entire range below, say A2:A100.

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Concatenate Cells And Delete Rows With A Twist

Jun 5, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with three columns (check #, invoice #, vendor #). If a check pays multiple invoices, there is a separate row for each instance of invoice #. (ie if a check pays 10 invoices, there are 10 rows all with the same value for check # and vendor #, but different invoice #s). I need to concatenate the multiple rows to just one row per check #, with all the invoice #s in separate columns on the same row and delete the duplicate check # rows.

However, I can only use 10 columns, so if there are more than 8 invoices matching the same check #, the 10th column will need to contain invoices 9-n concatenated and separated by a space. I have over 5000 rows in the spreadsheet.

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