Delete Any Macros Which Exist In File With Vba
Oct 15, 2004
Is there anyway in which I can open a spreadsheet and then delete any macros which exist in that file with VBA?
For Example
Workbooks.Open "\sysdevwebwCorpAcctSuiteReportsNetProfit.xls"
''Delete Any Existing Macros Code''
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Jan 14, 2009
I have a worksheet that has three columns, TYPE, VALUE, PERIOD.
Within TYPE column it will always be either A or B
Within VALUE column a number common to both A & B for that "period".
Within PERIOD column a month-year.
A shown here:
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Dec 12, 2009
In range A1:A300 I have a lotof words. What I want is to delete entire row if the cell value is Open date
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Jun 10, 2008
In the attached sheet, i would want to delete the text "ABC" because it is not contained anywhere in column A.
Couldnt find a macro on here for this...
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Oct 28, 2008
How can I use VBA in Excel to determine if a file with a known name exists in a known directory?
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Jun 23, 2009
I noticed there any plenty of examples of delete row if variable EXIST. But im after deleting rows if an array of string items DONT exist. EG. vList = Array("AWilson54", "ADavey99", "MPaterson44").
its for a varying size document and the column to search through is (AN). Does anyone already have something for this? as i mentioned before there are plenty of search hits on if a value exists but not the opposite.
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Feb 7, 2014
In a module I have the following code. When I call sub Test1 I get a runtime error 1004, although the workbook 'database1' does exists in the same path.
Option Explicit
Public Const DBname1 = "database1.xls"
Public myPath As String
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Nov 7, 2008
It checks to see if DataImport2, 3 and 4 exist and then executes code.
Currently DataImport4 does not exist so it should not execute anycode but for some reason the code is still trying to execute it and select Sheets("DataImport4").Select
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Jan 3, 2009
I am using below mentioned Code for checking if certain file exist on Path.
Its working on my home PC (XP SP2 Excel 2003).
BUT its not working on my office PC (XP SP2 Excel 2003).
Can somebody tell me why its not working in my office PC ( or if its missing something, then from where can i download it.)
Sub CheckFiles()
Const strFolder = "C:Documents and SettingskreshnrDesktopTest"
Dim fso, msg, i
Dim rngData As Range
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set rngData = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
With rngData
Do While .Offset(i, 0).Value ""
If (fso.FileExists(strFolder & .Offset(i, 0).Value & ". ")) Then
.Offset(i, 2).Value = "Yes"
.Offset(i, 2).Value = "No"
End If
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
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Jul 23, 2005
What is the commands or script for deleting a macro automatically using
another workbook macro.
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Dec 17, 2009
I want to do, is search column A for claim numbers that match. When I do have a matching claim number, I want to concatenate the original cells ownership field with the said matching cells ownership field (or move into a column in the same row, I can always concatenate later). Once that is complete, I want to delete the row I took the information out of.
I want to join this data in ArcGIS, but as of right now, it's not a 1-to-1 relationship, so only a relate works. That doesn't help me as I want to display claims by ownership, and this can vary per claim. Company A may have 100% on one claim, and then split another claim 50% with Company B.
This causes a double entry on the claim field in this current spreadsheet I have, which requires me to clean it up by making multiple columns of ownership vs. an additional row for shared ownership.
My problem:
Column A Column B
1235555 Company A (50%)
1235555 Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%)
1235557 Company B (33%)
1235557 Company C (33%)
What I would like to see
Column A Column B Column C Column D
1235555 Company A (50%) Company B (50%)
1235556 Company A (100%)
1235557 Company A (33%) Company B (33%) Company C (33%)
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Feb 11, 2014
My problem is that I want to loop through a directory that contains csv files. The directory is dynamic so everytime could be a different number of files inside. I want the loop to go through each file and check if that file exists. If it doesn't to print a message that this specific files doesn't exist. Until now I got the following code:
[Code] .........
I guess I should somehow place the counter j inside the Dir path in order to check if everytime time the file[j] exists?
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Jan 31, 2014
I have two workbooks open, the first is a summary, the second has new data that needs transferring into the summary. Before transferring the data I need to check that 10 specific sheets exist in the file with the new data.
I have found some code that checks for one sheet name, but really need to check for 10 specific names, if any are missing then I need a message to appear, listing the missing ones and stopping the macro from proceeding,
Dim mySheetName As String, mySheetNameTest As String
mySheetName = "Data"
On Error Resume Next
mySheetNameTest = Worksheets(mySheetName).Name
If Err.Number = 0 Then
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Dec 14, 2006
I get the following error:
"Run-time error '1004': "cmc4906.xls" File cannot be found.
Check the spelling of the file name and verify that the file
location is correct."
I am not trying to open a xls file. The path is clear and there are no file names with extensions in the path name (C:Weekly). I'm unclear of why the code thinks its looking for file cmc4906.xls and a xls file at that.
Sub Import()
Dim inputfile As Variant
Dim path As Variant
path = ("C:Weeklys")
inputfile = Dir("C:Weeklys")
Do While inputfile <> ""
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=inputfile, Origin:=437, StartRow _
:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=True, Comma:=False, _
Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 2), Array(2, 1), Array( _
3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 2), Array(6, 2), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array(10 _.............
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Oct 24, 2013
This is Excel 2010 on Windows 7
Trying to figure out a VB Script but don't know where to start.
I have a sheet for each month. lets take September 2013
A Column with 200 Servers (A1:A200) on the Intranet listed as server-1/, Server-2/ Server-3 ... Server-200/
Each Server lists a location of a file for each day (31 columns per row)
I am trying to check for the existence of the files on each server (The Cells contain the URL and File Name in Range B2:AF201) starting with server-1 check the URL in B2 if it exists, go to C2, Continue with that row until the file check is False (The Page will show a 404 error) if not found delete cell url and continue. do this for all 200 rows
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Jan 4, 2011
I want to delete all macros from my workbook (so it will work well in Mac 2008). I went to Alt-F11 and deleted all Macros there and check every sheet and found no references. I did all that and when I try to open it in Excel for Mac it says there are still Macros.
How can I ensure my workbook has no macros?
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Nov 3, 2011
It's simple enough to delete all macros. I have a form that starts as a landing area for a bunch of data then it gets renamed. I want to delete both of my command buttons from the sheet and remove all of my macros. How am I going to pull this off, how can i save it to the sheet the first time?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
'cut command buttons
[Code] .........
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Jan 23, 2007
I managed to save workbook as values only by the help of this forum
Now is it possible to disable the commond buttons, when the workbook is saved as values only or can we delete the macro's.
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Jul 7, 2014
I've got a macro embedded in a sheet (not in a module)..."Private Sub worksheet_activate()".
I have a macro that copies this specific sheet to a new workbook in order for other users to play with.
Problem is, when they select the new copied sheet in the new workbook, it tries to execute the "worksheet_activate" macro.
I've done searches on trying to delete macros but to no avail....
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May 21, 2014
So I'm trying my hand at creating VBA buttons and functions that do the following.
Button 1 :
to add a column with every click. The button will create one extra column. So by design there will be at least 1 column. Example if the button is clicked twice it will create 3 columns. I just need a buffer col. (contains no data)
Button 2 :
to delete empty columns leaving only one empty buffer column. That is this button will purge empty columns except the buffer column. OR if ALL the columns are filled, Button2 will create the buffer column.
Eg. I click Button 1 three times. It creates four columns. I only fill two columns. When Button 2 is clicked it will delete all the empty colums except the buffer column. OR I fill in all four columns, there is no buffer column, when I click Button2 it will insert the buffer col.
Button 3 :
to add a row with every click. The button will create one extra row. So by design there will be at least 1 row. Example if the button is clicked twice it will create 3 rows. I just need a buffer row. (contains no data)
Button 4 :
to delete empty row leaving only one empty buffer row. That is this button will purge empty row except the buffer row. OR if ALL the columns are filled, Button4 will create the buffer column.
Eg. I click Button 3 three times. It creates four rows. I only fill two rows. When Button 4 is clicked it will delete all the empty rows except the buffer rows. OR I fill in all four rows, there is no buffer rows, when I click Button4 it will insert the buffer row.
In the sample file there are six columns filled with data. The 7th col is empty(the buffer column). The column after that calculates the average of data in filled columns. There are eight rows with data and the ninth row is the empty buffer row.
The "add" buttons must be able copy the format/formula of the column/rows BEFORE the buffer colums/rows and insert it before the buffer column/row.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a sheet with macros that allows users to fill in data from columns F10 to O10 from row 10 to 54.
Column P will then make some computations based on the inputs from col F to O.
Row 55 will also make some computation based on inputs from row 10 to 54.
How to I modify the code below to allow users to either add/delete columns and rows such that it does not fowl up the computations?
The computation does not have to be at column P or at row 55, they can be dynamic and change depending on how many rows and columns the users delete/add.
A little background on what the code does. From Column F to O, the code UNLOCKS the columns only if user inputs date in Cell 3 of that particular column.
Example. Column F is locked from F10 to infinity at the start. Only when user inputs date into F3 does the cells F10:F54 is unlocked for user to input data.
This goes on until column O. I want users to be able to add more columns, or delete ones they don't need.
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May 15, 2009
I want to delete names, formulas, macros of another workbook. For example, A.xls is my codes workbook. From this file, I want to delete the names, formulas, macros (but to keep the values & formatting in tact) of another workbook (there must be a prompt for which .xls file, the names etc. to be deleted). All files are in a same folder.
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Jan 5, 2010
When I copy/paste an Excel 2003 file containing macros into an email and send and open into another computer, the macros are gone. How can I ensure the macros go with the file?
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Aug 7, 2007
I have a couple of spreadsheets that I have to mail out monthly to the same recipients and I have figured out how to do that in the macro. However, an Outlook alert pops up warning me that an outside program is attempting to send a message and I have to approve the sending of it. I have tried using the Application.DisplayAlerts = False statement, but that apparently only suppresses the displaying of warnings and alerts in Excel, not the entire Office suite. Is there any way I can make this message go away and just send the e-mails w/o intervention?
Second, I have another spreadsheet which imports data from our UNIX system that I run twice a week. It analyzes, massages and reformats the data, then saves it to a text file, which then gets sent to the same recipients every time. Is there a way to send the text file as an attachment automatically through a VBA macro in Excel? If so, how? So far, I have been able to find help on how to send the entire workbook or a sheet within the workbook, but not a file other than the workbook.
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Apr 9, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where I want to require certain fields to be completed then I want to have that file auto emailed. I have learned that I do need to have the file saved before sending otherwise the data will not appear in the email, so with this I want to have the file temporarily saved emailed then the temp file deleted.
Here is the code I have so far but it errors on the blue text, I did change the TempFileName from = "Copy of " & wb1.Name & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss") to = [C16] & "_" & [B6] & "_" & [D6]
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Range("B6").Value = "" Or _
Range("d6").Value = "" Or _
Range("f6").Value = "" Or _
Range("E9").Value = "" Or _
[Code] ......
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May 7, 2012
Each week I run a report that produces over 2,000 rows. I have to manually go through and delete things, by the time I am done, there may only be 320 rows left. I would apply a recorded macro, but the report is not consistent each week. There may be more or fewer rows depending on the week.
I would like to be able to run a macro that looks in column B for a specific value and if it contains that specific value, I would like the cells to the right of it to have their contents cleared.
Next, in column C, I have...
Employee2's Name
Employee2's Number
I would like to be able to delete the rows, starting from Employee 2 to just before the second SUB TOTAL.
So, all I would have left in column C is
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm try to put together a set of macros that perform certain operations within a file. However I've got a bit stuck on the following, and I can't see where I've gone wrong:
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Jan 8, 2007
I still cant figure out how to write macros. If someone could help me out with this I would appreciate it.
Currently I have a worksheet that is 20mb.
This file contains what takes up most of the space. I repeat this line many times throughout the worksheet.
Once again it is a zero eliminating code.
If someone could reduce the number of formulas for me, I think I could figure out how to adapt it to repeat throughout the sheet.
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Jun 17, 2009
I would like to email an Excel file without the macros so the end recipients will only see the data and not be confused or excited about the prompt to enable/disable macros.
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Sep 30, 2008
I have a couple of basic macros that edit formatting in a sheet that I want to send out to various people. The problem is, when I change the file name of the worksheet - the marcos stop working as they refer to the actual original file name.
Could someone please advise if (I am sure it must be somehow) it is possible to emmend the Macros in some way so that they continue to work regardlesss of what the end user decides to name the worksheet.
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