Hang Of Advanced Filters With Multiple Criteria
Sep 17, 2008
I can't seem to get the hang of advanced filters with multiple criteria. BTW, I have no problem solving for a single criteria. I've found many instructions on how to do it, but zero specific syntax examples, and I'm obviously doing it wrong. For example: ....
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Jul 18, 2014
I have created a spreadsheet that will show me where people are working on what day, etc. however i want to be able to filter by week to create a list of say 2 particuar shifts - in this case "syl ld" and syl n so that the spreadheet would show the people who are working these shifts and I could print out. I have tried Multiple Filters and Advanced search but cannot achieve what I require
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Jun 7, 2006
I have a problem with the attached spreadsheet. I have certain letters (A,B,C etc.) that are shipped to various regions. I would like to have a count on top to count the total number of orders, but one that also counts the total number of unique orders. However, this unique count has to be dynamic and must be able to adjust accordingly to the filters (by default, if no other filters are applied, should be 15). For example, if I apply the "Ship To" filter to Canada, the total number should be 19, but the unique count should be 12. If I change the "Ship To" filter to US, the total number should be 9, and the unique count should be 7. I've tried to use the advanced filters but if I apply the unique entries filter, it is only a one time calculation. Also, the advanced filter gets rid of my other filters.
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Apr 27, 2009
using VBA I have a control sheet which summerises variouse counts & totals of data held on a detail sheet. Bu using filters and counting the visable rows.
Statistics on 50 columns of data held in several thousand (rows) mixed around eight business regionsheld in first column.
I could determin the number of affected rows by using Tick boxes on the control sheet and applying filters to the detail records
A) checkbox indicates if I need filtering on the type of data in my detail sheet and apply the filter
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=XX, Criteria1:="Y"
B) Because I could not have more than two criteria on an autofilter column I resorted to using Advanced Filter on the column with the Business UNIT's,
I Create a range write the criteria of the records to be filtered into the range, then apply an advanced filter using that range.
Both of these work well indevidually, but I am getting inconsistant results when I mix them
using the autofilter route I can select multiple tick boxes and the output is correct, and using the advanced filter I can select any combination of business units and the output is correct, however I cant get them to work together
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Jul 10, 2009
I am having some problems trying to filter a list to display exactly what I want to see. The list has one column of part numbers, a second with due dates, and then another with quantity.
I want to use an advanced filter on the part numbers to only look at unique entries. Then I want to filter that list using a custom filter on the due dates to only view those due within a certain period. So ultimately I want to view only unique entries due during a given period.
I am able to apply one filter, but when I go to apply the second, the second filter removes the first. For example once I have filtered out duplicates, when I try to filter based on date all of the duplicates return.
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May 29, 2007
I need to use the Advanced Filter tool to allow the user to filter (in-place) the Guests worksheet while providing the following summary stats: total revenue, ave. revenue, max/min revenue and total number of tours ie the user should be able to enter any criteria below the database to to show only those records (and summary stats) that satisfy the criteria.
To automate the operation of the advanced filter tool, I need three macros. "SelectRoom" and "SelectGuest" macros should prompt the user to enter a value through an input box to filter the data according to a client's name or language tour. The third macro, called "ShowAllGuests" should clear the criteria row and dispay all clients in the database.
The first two macros should include an error message to prompt the user to rerun a macro if no clients satisfied the criteria while the "ShowAllGuests" macro should include a message box statement at the end to display a short message giving credit to the macro author. These macros also require a button each (three in total) in the Guests worksheet!
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Mar 5, 2014
Can I use vba advancedfilter to work with more than one criteria?
I presently have one range designated. At the top cell has the field, or column, header name being "Student", then followed by a list of 6 people, located in Sheets("Extract").Range("A1:A7"), which is then extracted from Sheets("Complete").Range("tblPrimary[#ALL]") to Sheets("Extract").Range("AA1") as in:
[Code] ......
I want to also be able to filter out a specific month, whose field/column name just happens to be "Month", but I suspect I will need to change it to "InfoMonth" or the like to avoid the probable key word of "Month"...
The months are numerical in those fields - 1 through 12.
Can I add to the present filtering line or do I need to then create an additional filter?
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a list of farmers in A1:A1000 with the types of livestock they keep in col B, delimited with commas and spaces e.g:
Col A Col B
Name Animals
Smith Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Horses
Jones Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, Geese, Alpaccas
Price Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, Rabbits
Williams Cows, Chickens, Horses, Alpaccas, Pigs
I need to be able to filter this list using up to 3 criteria, e.g. Filter all farmers with Cows, AND Sheep, AND Pigs. Applying this to the data above would show Smith and Price.
The user would need to enter the criteria somewhere, preferably in 3 cells, let's say D1, D2, & D3. I reckon I need to use Advanced Filter, but not sure how to do it with all the animal types to be filtered being in one column.
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Jul 4, 2014
I'm creating a database that contains a columns of hyperlinks and background color.
I've created code on Excel 2010 with advanced filters to copy selected rows to another worksheet. The extract works fine and those cells with hyperlinks and various color codes from the original database "appear" to have been extracted correctly.
However, a closer look shows the hyperlinks on the target worksheet are just blue underlined texts...with the links no longer working. Is there a way for me to correct this?
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Jun 28, 2014
I'm working with many rows of data (500,000+) and many columns. To simplify my question, I'm going to provide a simple example using made up numbers and only the columns I'm concerned with.
BillT Doc.ItemQty
I am trying to remove the docs that have two Bill types that cancel each other out, where the qtys match and highlight the rows where the qtys don't match. The macro needs to have the positive and negative bill types programatically entered, where for example F1 and F2 are positive and S1 and RE are negative. Keep in mind the data may not necessarily be in order as it is above.
So for example with data above, the rows for doc 777 would be removed completely because the item numbers are the same, the qty is the same, and the bill types oppose each other. Doc 123 and Item 10 lines should be highlighted since their bill types are opposed bu their qtys don't match.
I hope this makes sense. I tired to achieve this using multiple loops and arrays, but ran out of memory when working with the entire set of data. I'm assuming their must be a better way to do this, I'm hoping some of the intelligent individuals here will be able to point in the right direction.
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Aug 6, 2006
I made 2 sheets: the first one contains the database and in the second one i want to analyze it. Now i am looking for a special sum- function. I want to sum total revenue for a particular company (criteria 1), in a filtered country (criteria 2), month (criteria 3) and class (criteria 4). I'd like to first execute the three filters (country, month and class) and then be able to total revenue of that particular company. Note that after the filters still several companies are visible in the database. Does anyone know how to calcalate this in cell B9:B12 (Analyze sheet) of my attached file.
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Aug 21, 2012
I'm trying to make a pivot table that can compare sales based on the whatever month/year/salesman combination I give.
Ideally, I'll be comparing the sales data for 3 seperate months. Can I make a pivot table where I can make different filters apply to specific columns?
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Aug 8, 2007
On Sheet1, I have 3 columns A,B and C, only the column headings stay, the data change regularly.
On sheet 2, I have an advanced filtered data table,
cell E1=30, E2 =40, E3=50
I have AND/OR Criteria
I want to say:
filter all NY orders if date in C(sheet1) is more 30 days (E1) from date in A(sheet1)
filter all CA orders if date in C(sheet1) is more 40 days (E2) from date in A(sheet1)
filter all TX orders if date in C(sheet1) is more 30 days (E3) from date in A(sheet1)
All the data pulled and lay out the way I want it, except the date comparison is WRONG,
I want it to filter IF
DateC > (DateA + 30days)
The PROBLEM I have is, DateC moves from cell C2 to C3, to C4...
But DateA2 stay the same as A2
For example, in row 5, it compares DateC5 to DateA2+30
(when I want DateC5 compares to DateA5+30)
for A2 above, I try with and without absolute value $A$2 but it still doesn't work
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm trying to use an advanced filter to filter a large data set using several parameters. I had this worked out before but there have been some parameters added that have thrown my filter off balance and I'm struggling getting it back.
Here's the criteria I need to filter
Column 1:
Column 2:
Column 3:
BU 1
BU 2
BU 3
BU 4
Column 4:
BA 1
BA 2
BA 3
BA 4
BA 5
BA 6
BA 7
Since I have an uneven list of criteria, I'm struggling to figure out the layout with the 'AND' condition. I know I can copy the 85 and 3 figures to each line but when I have 4 figures in column 3 and 7 figures in column 4, how can I create the 'AND' condition for all these criteria?
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Jan 11, 2013
as u can see on picture I have some data and i want it to filter with "debet" and "credit",while debet can be zero or number x when in the same time credit can be zero or the same number x so when entering number x meaning e.g. 500 i get to rows
debet = 0 and credit = 500
debet = 500 and credit = 0
while running advanced filter i was getting nothing because i couldn't write what i needed
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Jun 12, 2008
When doing advanced filter in VBA, is there a way to set the criteriarange, without having actual cells on a worksheet with the criteria in?
I've tried criteriarange:=Array("Currency", ws.Name), but it didn't like it.
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Nov 19, 2007
I'd like to ask if there is anyway to use an advanced criteria with a NOT EQUAL operator.
I have a list that contains about 50 different data values that I want to filter but I want to restrict the list to not contain four different data items. Clearly, autofilter did not work as I can only specify two conditions in the custom filter. I want to use advanced filter instead but this only tests for equality.
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Jun 16, 2014
I think to run one report. First sheet put options and copy to data page as criteria, and run advanced filter, it only shows heading.
[Code] ......
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Feb 27, 2008
I have a worksheet with 6000 rows (W1), and another with 2500 rows (W2).
I need to check whether the values of W2 are found in the second column of W1. As in if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) ---> resulting in something like:
If the value is found in the cell B2 of column B on W1, then return its reference which you find in A2, otherwise leave a blank.
I need to check all 2500 values in all 6000 rows.
I know for sure that I will have limited hits (max of 200) so I would like to create a list on W2 (the values) where I check if they are found in W1 and return only the 'hits'. I would like to filter out the blanks.
YOu can filter the blanks, I know, but you need to have a 'full' version (I thought) with all the blanks and the hits and then and only then you can filter.
But is there a way how I can use the advanced filter, with a criteria range using a function. Something like: criteria range --> if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) is not equal to "".
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Jan 7, 2010
I cannot work out the syntax to run an advanced filter for all Non-Blank Columns! I have attached an example sheet, and you can see my syntax in cell D4. I am looking to bring through a list of all line that are both Status= "NOT QUOTED YET" and Project Name= NOT Blank. Unfortunatley, the Status Row will be set as NOT QUOTED YET when there is no project name enetered, hence the problem.
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Aug 12, 2006
I m Playing around with AdvancedFilters. Using the code below I can filter for data in the CriteriaRange, but I want to filter for data not in the CriteriaRange. I can't seem to find out to do this. I'm wanting to execute this sub from a button on a userform.
Sub Filter1()
Range("Data").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("CRng"), Unique:=False
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2007
attached is a spreadsheet effectively replicating a criteria box I’m using to do an advanced filter on a large amount of data (5000+ lines). The criteria can be anywhere from 1 to 7 different lines. What I’m trying to achieve is code that will look at the specified criteria box, determine how many rows of criteria actually exist, and then use that code to perform the advanced filter function on the data.
Below is the code I’ve put together so far. The problem is that this code can only determine that there are 7 total rows of criteria to use, and not the exact number of rows of criteria. For instance, say I only wanted to use 2 rows of criteria, I’m hoping the macro would only use those 2 rows instead of picking up all 7 rows.
See criteria box on spreadsheet for example. In this particular example, I’m wanting the macro to only use B49:I51 as criteria. The ideal solution would be for the macro to look at the criteria box and determine the last row used that is not filled with “1”s. Does anybody have any thoughts on ways to tweak my code to get it to achieve this?
Sub RunDynamicSelection_Click()
Dim wsSheetDS As Worksheet
Dim wsSheetRS
Set wsSheetDS = Worksheets("DataSheet")
Set wsSheetRS = Worksheets("ReportSelection")
With wsSheetDS
.AutoFilterMode = False
With wsSheetDS. Range(("A4:N4"), wsSheetDS.UsedRange.Rows(Worksheets("DataSheet") _
.UsedRange.Rows.Count)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _....................
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Feb 8, 2012
At work, I have a workbook with multiple tabs that contain lists. Each tab has a corresponding Pivot Table.
There is a business requirement that a user can specify a name, which filters the data. For the sake of simplicity use this for an example
Column Headers: First_Name ; Last_Name; Age
Row 1: Johnny; Bravo; 29
Row 2: Shane; Falco; 34
Row 3; Bobby; Shane; 15
The user specifies "Shane" as the filter in another pre-determined Cell (D1). Using advanced criteria, I need to find all rows that have Shane in either First_Name or Last_Name. The only way I know how to do that is inserting two rows and adding criteria:
First_Name ; Last_Name; Age
=D1; ;
Johnny; Bravo; 29
Shane; Falco; 34
Bobby; Shane; 15
With Criteria Range = "A1:B3"
This is problematic because my Pivot tables now include 5 rows of data.
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Nov 2, 2008
I am trying to use an advanced filter to extract records that meet the criteria in the blue input cells. I can't get the criteria correct to allow me to meet the 3 conditions. There are duplicate names in the list so I will need to use unique records only option....
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Jan 19, 2007
Are there any events associated with filters?
If I have two sheets of data, where column A is NAME and column B is GRADE. Sheet1 is MATH and Sheet2 is ENGLISH. The same students are taking both classes.
Is there a way to make it so that when I filter by GRADE in tab 1, tab 2 is ALSO filtered by the same selection?
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Sep 25, 2009
I am trying to get a simple auto filter on 3 tables in the same spreadsheet.
I have seen this in other documents but have never been able to figure out how to do it.
Cells that need the auto filter are
C8 (Range C9 to C24)
C29 (Range C30 to C45)
C50 (Range C51 to C66)
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a advanced filter that works pretty much close to how I want it to. However I would like it to either cancel the new filter or copy everything if it finds 0 matches.
If the copied location is blank it breaks my sheet. So I need to find a way for it to never be blank, either by canceling it, copying everything, or finding some other way I haven't thought of.
Also for some reason my Advanced Filter does NOT Ignore blank "OR" cells. If I place a word in the top cell, then leave the bottom blank, it searches for the top cell or anything and I end up with everything. Its quite frustrating.
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Sep 11, 2006
Im using an advanced filter that uses the following criteria
Days Late Note(s) Note(s)
>90 <>*agreement* <>*QTR*
This shows all data over 90 that do not incl the words agreement or QTR in a column marked Note(s).
My problem is that I do not want to show records that are Null in the Note(s) column.
<> Does not work (possibly because it is text and not Numbers)
as this does work if used on records that contain numbers.
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007 and my objective is to setup a trading log that tracks my performance with charts that dynamically update to applied custom date range filters. The link below shows screenshots of what I'm trying to emulate with Excel 2007.
I have all my trading data laid out in a tabular format simlar to what is shown in the top screenshot. My tabular layout differs in that it includes 4 additional columns. My chronological data layout I'm using seems to be troublesome for conventional Excel charting methods.
When I apply custom filters for open dates and close dates, my Excel charts do not dynamically react. What I have determined is that I need to bypass the conventional charting methods used in Excel and focus instead on using Charts that rely on a VBA script or a formula. My objective is to have multiple charts (like the ones shown in the screenshots link above) all using the same data nested in my tabular trading log.
Can anyone out there help me out with setting up Charts that are more robust? I would appreciate example VBA scripts and / or links that will show me how to setup charts that dynamically react to custom Excel Filters, and can group together matching data sets in a column and show such data sets as a single slice in a pie chart. Currently, I'm getting multiple pie slices for the same data set. I need a formula or a VBA script that will clump together all of the data that belongs in the same group and show it as a single slice in a pie chart.
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Mar 7, 2014
my attached spreadsheet as I cant seem to get my head around VLookup. What I would like is to fill in the contractor's job titles and type of shift which will then make their rate of pay appear.
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