Highlighting Range Of Cells In VBA
Jun 9, 2006
What is the line of code in VBA that allows me to highlight a range of cells (in a column) to the end of the range? e.g. Selection is A2, highlight to end of range in column A. I know this is simple, but I'm new to VBA. Unsuccessful searching the posts.
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Jan 19, 2008
I have a worksheet 200+ rows with 7 columns (euro lottery numbers) I had great help last night to highlight any matching numbers. I'm getting lazy now, can anyone help with a formula to highlight a cell in an adjacent column when 2 or more numbers in the corresponding cells match the winning numbers, I know all I have to do is look down the columns and check but if a simple formula could be inserted it would save me perhaps missing something.
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Jul 20, 2009
On the attached sheet I am trying to indicate that enough data has been entered by highlighting the entire column. Any 3 cells in Rows 7-13 and 18-36 will be filled in with any of the values from cells O6-O11 (hidden). When the total = 6 i would like to highlight the entire column to indicate it has been completed.
The aim is two fold: to ensure that the correct number of points is allocated in each race, and secondly to indicate which column is the next to be filled in (as human error sometimes misses the column and adds the points to either the previous or next columns). You could call it idiot proofing the sheet. At present i have the cells in Row 37 conditional formatted to show this, but would much prefer the entire column to highlight.
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Feb 15, 2013
I found this spreadsheet on here and I have been trying to customize it to what I need. I am trying to have scores from skins match highlighted. I want only the minimum score to be highlighted but if there is another duplicate minimum score I don't want it to highlight anything. I also need to find a way to count the skins won by each player and have it off to the side.
For those not familiar with golf a Skin is a game where you try to get the lowest amount of strokes on a specific hole. Ex- 4 people play the hole one. P1 scores 4, P2 gets a 3, P3 and P4 get 6. The skin would go to P2 who has the lowest score on that hole.
Highlight lowest number in each column not highlighting if there are duplicates starting at L6 down to L11 and for each column till AC. And the same for the group just to the right on attached file.
On row 13 and 14 it tells me who won a skin. I want to tally up the total skins won by each player. so if Joe's names shows up twice on R14 I want it to tell me somewhere in the sheet Joe = 2
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a couple of spreadsheets that has several columns each containing several hundred thousand rows of codes. To quickly analyze this data, I am trying to come up with a conditional formatting formula to highlight the respective cells when specific values occur next to each other. A particular code will show up in many cells, but the code that is the respective adjacent cell is always different. I need to know when row A contains, for example, '9928559' and row B contains '36415RT'.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a file in which I have data from A9:I50.
In the column C i have the type mentioned either MTC or SELF.
If the value in column C is SELF then I want to highlight the corresponding rows from A:I.
[Code] ......
This code is colouring the entire row.
I want it to be highlighted from A to I.
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Mar 26, 2007
I need to highlight a cell when its value exceeds parameters based on the production line it comes from. If the line is K11, then i need this cell to highlight when its value is either < 0 or greater than 221. If the line is K21, than it needs to highlight when its value is <0 or greater than 474.
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Oct 28, 2013
How can I find prime numbers in a range and highlight it if a number in a cell is a prime.
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Feb 2, 2013
I am using this Formula =Sum(Offset(A1,,,D1)) where I put for example number 4 in D1 and I get the sum starting cell A1 till Cell A4
I want the range to be highlighted as well, but I don't know how to do it.
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Aug 15, 2008
I have a column that needs to be text format, but it needs to include only digits (0-9), no letters, no special characters. Also all cells need to have 7 digits.
I am trying to do a couple of things:
1 : Hightlight the cells that contain Strings with Non-Digits characters
2 : Highlight the cells with less than 7 characters (I have the code, it is below)
I have tried many ways to get #1 but I am stuck.
Help please.
This highlights the cells with less than 7 characters:
Sub StringLength3() ' IT WORKS!
Dim strTest As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Cell As Range
'Select Range
Worksheets("tres").Range("A2", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)).Name = "RangeA"
For Each Rangea In Selection
i = Len(Rangea)
If i 7 Then
Rangea.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 7
End If
Next Rangea
End Sub
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Apr 11, 2008
im looking for a formula that will find matching dates in column a and then i want to see if column b has a matching time in it
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Feb 11, 2009
this seems like such a simple thing to do but I just cannot suus it out. Basically I want to Highlight a cell depending on another cells value:
ie. I have a value in Cell A1 and a value in Cell B1, in Cell C1 I have an IF statement that dsplays the word 'NO' if the values in A1 & B1 are not equal. In Cell D1 I have the word Fault. I would like to highlight Cell D1 if the Cell C1 displays the word 'NO'
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Jun 8, 2007
Is there a way to automaticaly highlight multiple cells if there is data in two other cells else were? What kind of programming will I have to use. I.E. highlight cells D1:E15 only if there is data in cells A:2 & B2
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Jun 12, 2014
I have a large document control register and it is updated daily and posted to a cloud for many people to access. It is very time consuming to constantly jump in and out and highlight and unhighlight as many things as there are and keeping track of which items that need to be unhighlighted. The thing I'm trying to figure out is if there is a formula for this...If i change any cell in a row I want the row to highlight itself entirely, but after 24 hours I want the highlight to expire. Is there a formula or function I can use to make this happen?
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May 16, 2009
I have Column A with 380 cells filled in with numbers (A1-A380) i.e. numbers like..456758, 567848 etc etc
Column B has a subset of those numbers, maybe 80-90 or so (B1-B90).
What I want to do is either highlight the numbers in Column A that also appear in Column B in yellow, OR delete them from Column A altogether
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Aug 19, 2009
Is it possible to highlight a1:h1 if cell a2 contains dark?
i used this code in cell i1-->=MATCH("dark",a2,0)
and i dont know what's next, my friend in the office told me to use conditional formatting.
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Jan 28, 2008
The Special GoTo function doesn't have a listing for highlighting (going to) only protected or (preferribly) unprotected cells. Is there an easy way to do this?
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Jul 17, 2008
I'm use with this macro to Highlight duplicate cells BUT the macro highlight only from the second duplicate
I need to highlight ALL duplicate cells in column A:A .
FUNCTION like " =COUNTIF($A$1:$A$11,A1)>1 " it's not good for me in this case, i need it with a fast macro
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Nov 6, 2009
I need to highlight cells for all of the products and rates I need to get pricing for. I have a macro that goes out to my data and pulls in each different rate and program (columns BM:BN). That macro also sets the first note rate in the range to the lowest of the group, so this will always be different.
I now manually highlight each cell that I need to get pricing, but would like to create a macro that looks up those codes and rates in column BM:BN and highlights the cells for me. I need it to highlight in all 7 boxes. I've attached a sample worksheet of what it looks like after I highlight the cells.
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Feb 27, 2013
I am writing a data validation macro which checks various conditions and highlights cells if they are incorrect.
i.e. If cell in column D = "specific text", then cell in column AH of the same row must = "specific number". If it is not that number, colour the cell red. If another cell in column D = "another specifci text", then cell in column AH of the same row must = "specific number". If it is not that number, colour the cell red.
What I've found is that I can get one condition of this nature to work, but if I run two or more in the one macro, that they supercede eachother (and thus the final one is the only one that works).
See below sample code.
Dim val As Integer
val = UsedRange.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To val Step 1
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Sep 25, 2013
Any method for colour highlighting a row (specific number of cells) as and when any cell of that row is selected, and return to normal when deselected.
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May 1, 2008
Any code or formula to highlight the intersected cells between a column and a row for any selected cell ?
Ex: if i select E25 the cells of column E1:E25 as well as the cells of Row A25:E25 to be highlighted in a certain color , and so on for any selected cell..
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Jul 14, 2009
in this sheet i have 3 groups of data. group 3 is the sum of group 2 - group 1.
how can i make the cells highlight that relate to the cell sum in group 3.
i.e when i click cell b38 cell b21 and b4 should highlight.
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Aug 8, 2006
Essentially I have inherited a spreadsheet which is crammed full of complex array formulas.
No problem in itself as I understand array formulas pretty well (or so I think!). My problem is that when i want to ammend some of these, i cannot easily see what range I need to highlight in order to edit them i.e. I obviously cant do a single cell as its part of an array. I hope I have made myself clear?
So my question is this.
When the cursor is sat in a cell that is part of an array formula, how can I easily find out ( ideally by the array formula range being highlighted in (say) red ) what cells are included in the array formula?
Would conditional formating do the job?
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Aug 19, 2006
Have a spreadsheet shows 4000 warehouse locations (location of products). Each cell is a location in the warehouse (ba050, ca809, etc, actual warehouse locations, not grid ref); some products have more than one location, the locations are always next to each other. I import a text file into the workbook which tells me which product has more than one location (2, 10, 50, etc), that’s all I’m interested in ( multiple locations).
What I’ve done so far is to use vlookup to look at locations in file and allocated the number (the number of locations that product has) next (next column) to the cell that correspond to that location. What I need is a macro or formula that will look at the number and than highlight that many cells up or down the column, according to the number in the cell to the right (5 in cell, highlight 5 cells, 50 highlights 50). The warehouse runs up one aisle and then down the next and so on. So I need to be able to highlight cells up one column and then down the next and then up, then down and so on.
Multiple locations change on a daily bases, so need a quick way of updating 4000 locations.
New to excel don’t know if this is possible or not. Learning as I go.
Need some assistance.
Sample below.
Only interested if a number is returned, “******” can be ignored as will hide all columns expect ones with locations. So:
BA020 returned value of 4, so would like to highlight (any colour) BA020, BA029, BA040, BA049.
BB780 returned value of 2, so would like to highlight BB780, BB789.
BA090 2 BA100 **** BB749 **** BB739 ****
BA079 **** BA089 **** BB760 **** BB750 ****
BA070 **** BA080 **** BB769 **** BB759 ****
BA059 **** BA069 **** BB780 2 BB770 ****
BA050 **** BA060 4 BB789 **** BB779 ****
BA039 **** BA049 **** BB800 **** BB790 ****
BA030 4 BA040 **** BB809 **** BB799 ****
BA019 **** BA029 **** BB820 **** BB810 ****
BA010 **** BA020 4 BB829 **** BB819 ****
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May 17, 2014
I have a large compilation of data on an excel work sheet (I am using 2013). All cells relate to each other by means of dates, names, and other numeric values such as stock numbers, id numbers etc... In one column some stock numbers are repeated. I would like to know if there is a way to set up the program on this worksheet to highlight all repeating stock numbers, not only in the column but across the cells as well, in lieu of doing so manually.
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Aug 20, 2014
If C2 = 21/06/14
I need F2 to highlight when 60 days have passed from the date entered in C2.
Would this work if placed in F2 =C2+60<TODAY()
No access to excel at the minute to try it
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Feb 20, 2013
I am trying to calculate a percentage complete based on what a cells color is, the function must count the cells of a certain color (signifying in this case that something is complete for a particular "area") and distinguish that from cells in the same data range that aren't colored and calculate the percentage that are complete.
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Jun 7, 2013
I'm having issues with conditional formatting. I used the INDIRECT formula to highlight specific rows.
For example, column A has the days of the week. I wanted the whole row highlighted if it was a Saturday. I used:
What I want to do now is to highlight specific cells (Columns F and G) if column A has Friday in it. I do not want the whole row highlighted if it contains Friday.
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Jun 8, 2009
each month i have to clens a sheet that shows customer name and then the figures per month.
this is pulled from a system that allows for a new entry each time a variation on customer name is used, I.E
Joe Blogs LTD
Joe Blogs Limited
Joe Blogs ltd.
would all come through as new entries. then i have to manually consolidate the figures from each month. the spreadsheet has over 5000 rows, and maybe only 15% are duplicated. what i want is to be able to select the column (that will be sorted a-z) and highlight cells that have a match for the first 4 or 5 charicters.
once i have identified duplicates i then have to merge the data into one row.
is there an easy way to do this? it is monthly, comparing 2008 and 2009, so by december there will be 24 columns + the company name that need to be clensed.
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