Highlighting Range From A:I Based On Condition

Mar 14, 2014

I have a file in which I have data from A9:I50.

In the column C i have the type mentioned either MTC or SELF.

If the value in column C is SELF then I want to highlight the corresponding rows from A:I.

[Code] ......

This code is colouring the entire row.

I want it to be highlighted from A to I.

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VBA For Adding Borders To A Range Based On Condition?

Jul 12, 2009

I have a spread sheet I use to track tools. One tool may be checked out / returned several times a week. When I do custom sorting I end up with the Tools listed neatly by date and number. EX: ...

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Copy Range Of Cells Based On Condition To Another Worksheet

Apr 17, 2008

"copy cell range based on conditions" and it didnt really get an answer. There was one that copied the info the next blank cell on that line, but im not smart enough yet to figure out how to copy it over. ( getting there though with lots of staring at code).

2 sheets. I have already created auto modules to fill in data and code,and sorted the columns so they are in line.

Sheet 1. Info : has 9 columns. So if column = 9 and the value = new.
Then i want to copy the range on the columns (A:G) and then paste it on the other sheet ( Card info) as long as Column A is empty ( as in next available blank cell) ( something like a DO while worksheet("Card info").column(A) <> ""

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Highlighting Lowest Score Without Duplicates Highlighting And Counting Player Skins?

Feb 15, 2013

I found this spreadsheet on here and I have been trying to customize it to what I need. I am trying to have scores from skins match highlighted. I want only the minimum score to be highlighted but if there is another duplicate minimum score I don't want it to highlight anything. I also need to find a way to count the skins won by each player and have it off to the side.

For those not familiar with golf a Skin is a game where you try to get the lowest amount of strokes on a specific hole. Ex- 4 people play the hole one. P1 scores 4, P2 gets a 3, P3 and P4 get 6. The skin would go to P2 who has the lowest score on that hole.

Highlight lowest number in each column not highlighting if there are duplicates starting at L6 down to L11 and for each column till AC. And the same for the group just to the right on attached file.

On row 13 and 14 it tells me who won a skin. I want to tally up the total skins won by each player. so if Joe's names shows up twice on R14 I want it to tell me somewhere in the sheet Joe = 2

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Highlighting Row Based On The Date?

Dec 4, 2013

how I can highlight the rows starting from a specific row based on a date? Like in the attached example I would like to have a formula that highlights the rows (35) all the way down based on the date (B1). I was trying the conditional formatting, but it did not work for me.

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Highlighting A Row Based On Cell Value

May 6, 2009

Column A is all random dates . When the date happens on the 1st I need to highlight that row. I'm pretty sure conditional formatting is the way I need to go but have had no luck. The date format is dd/mm/yy.

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Highlighting Range Of Cells In VBA

Jun 9, 2006

What is the line of code in VBA that allows me to highlight a range of cells (in a column) to the end of the range? e.g. Selection is A2, highlight to end of range in column A. I know this is simple, but I'm new to VBA. Unsuccessful searching the posts.

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Highlighting A Cell, Based On Value / Blank.

Dec 29, 2008

I have a macro, and it mainly works, except the second part where it checks if the value is less than 7, and returns it to a white background.

The cell has a formula in it that returns "" based on another series of cells. I have considered changing that to a zero and formating, but for reasons that don't need explanation, i have chosen not to.

here is the macro. I need the second part to be activated if less than 7, as well as if the cell returns ""

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Highlighting Cells Based On Several Conditions Using VB?

Feb 27, 2013

I am writing a data validation macro which checks various conditions and highlights cells if they are incorrect.

i.e. If cell in column D = "specific text", then cell in column AH of the same row must = "specific number". If it is not that number, colour the cell red. If another cell in column D = "another specifci text", then cell in column AH of the same row must = "specific number". If it is not that number, colour the cell red.

What I've found is that I can get one condition of this nature to work, but if I run two or more in the one macro, that they supercede eachother (and thus the final one is the only one that works).

See below sample code.

Dim val As Integer
val = UsedRange.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To val Step 1


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Highlighting If A Range Of Cells Meet A Value

Jan 19, 2008

I have a worksheet 200+ rows with 7 columns (euro lottery numbers) I had great help last night to highlight any matching numbers. I'm getting lazy now, can anyone help with a formula to highlight a cell in an adjacent column when 2 or more numbers in the corresponding cells match the winning numbers, I know all I have to do is look down the columns and check but if a simple formula could be inserted it would save me perhaps missing something.

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How To Count Condition Based On Having Another Condition

Apr 12, 2014

So I have one sheet that needs to pull data through to another sheet (which is a stats summary)

I have a drop down list containing 4 options all of which have to be counted separately on the stats summary sheet. However I only need them counted when a value is input in another cell in that row.

For example: I select option 1 from down down menu, but I only want this to be counted on the stats page when I enter a date in the "date" cell.

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Finding Prime Numbers In A Range And Highlighting It

Oct 28, 2013

How can I find prime numbers in a range and highlight it if a number in a cell is a prime.

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Conditional Formatting / Offset - Highlighting Range?

Feb 2, 2013

I am using this Formula =Sum(Offset(A1,,,D1)) where I put for example number 4 in D1 and I get the sum starting cell A1 till Cell A4

I want the range to be highlighted as well, but I don't know how to do it.

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Highlighting/Deleting Special Charahters In A Range

Aug 15, 2008

I have a column that needs to be text format, but it needs to include only digits (0-9), no letters, no special characters. Also all cells need to have 7 digits.

I am trying to do a couple of things:
1 : Hightlight the cells that contain Strings with Non-Digits characters
2 : Highlight the cells with less than 7 characters (I have the code, it is below)

I have tried many ways to get #1 but I am stuck.

Help please.

This highlights the cells with less than 7 characters:

Sub StringLength3() ' IT WORKS!

Dim strTest As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Cell As Range

'Select Range
Worksheets("tres").Range("A2", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)).Name = "RangeA"

For Each Rangea In Selection
i = Len(Rangea)
If i 7 Then
Rangea.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 7
End If

Next Rangea

End Sub

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Auto Highlighting Rows Based On Data On Another Sheet?

Jan 13, 2014

I have two sheets

1. On one I have sheet named leave with five columns

2. Second sheet has calender

Sample file is attached for reference sample.xlsx

What I want is that as i enter leave dates on sheet "Leave" corresponding rows on calender sheet should highlight and important thing is if i change the name row highlight should change automatically. This i could achieve with following function

[Code] .....

The problem here is that it does it once but for second time it does not show...

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Excel 2010 :: Highlighting Data Based On Conditional Formatting

Apr 1, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010 on my Mac. I would like to set up the data as follows:




[Code] ........

Now what I would like to do is have the data in each column highlighted a certain color based on specific ranges. For example in Column B I want anything from 92% - 100% highlighted blue. I would like 83% - 91.9% highlighted purple, and anything under 83% highlighted red. Do I need to have a conditional format entered in each cell? Can I set up a conditional format for the whole column? Once I can figure the formatting in my example the remaining columns will be a breeze since they will be set up in the same manner just different number ranges, same colors will apply.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlighting Rows In VBA Based On Multiple Criteria And Sum Function

Apr 25, 2014

I am trying to write a macro in VBA excel 2010 that compares 2 sheets.

The macro should be something along the lines of if column 7 on sheet 1 = column 1 on sheet 2


on that same row if column 6 on sheet 1 = column 3 on sheet 2

highlight green

** also on sheet1 there can be the same batch ID so if it is the same batch ID it needs to calculate the sum and look at that amount...

min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI


[Code] .......

Results >

min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI


[Code] ..........

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Highlighting A Range Of Cells Dependant On Data In Any Of Those Cells

Jul 20, 2009

On the attached sheet I am trying to indicate that enough data has been entered by highlighting the entire column. Any 3 cells in Rows 7-13 and 18-36 will be filled in with any of the values from cells O6-O11 (hidden). When the total = 6 i would like to highlight the entire column to indicate it has been completed.

The aim is two fold: to ensure that the correct number of points is allocated in each race, and secondly to indicate which column is the next to be filled in (as human error sometimes misses the column and adds the points to either the previous or next columns). You could call it idiot proofing the sheet. At present i have the cells in Row 37 conditional formatted to show this, but would much prefer the entire column to highlight.

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Sum Based On Condition

Dec 15, 2009

I want to total column C, but only where column B contains certain data, like add column C where column b contains abd so that i get the answer 7, Hope ive explained it right.

abd 1
abd 2
bmr 3
abd 4
crc 2
crc 3
bmr 2

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Highlighting Cells Based On Cells Values In VBA

Mar 26, 2007

I need to highlight a cell when its value exceeds parameters based on the production line it comes from. If the line is K11, then i need this cell to highlight when its value is either < 0 or greater than 221. If the line is K21, than it needs to highlight when its value is <0 or greater than 474.

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Set A Formula Based On Condition

Mar 22, 2009

I have a column called Average and it have numbers from 0 to 100. I want to set a string on another column based on the value of Average. The condition is

< 50 is negative
= 50 is neutral
> 50 is positive

For example
Column A Column B
45 Negative
50 Neutral
80 Positive

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Inserting Row Based On Condition

May 4, 2009

I want to insert a line wherever I encounter a number. I have a range of cells in column "A" with invoices listed and at the end of each customer I have the total. At the total line (the number) I want to insert a line. Right now I can't figure out how get the cell value to recognize a number from a non-number data type (bolded area)

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Insert Row Based On Condition

Aug 12, 2009

I would like to write a code, that can check the name of cell A1 with A2.

If A1=A2, then insert a blank row between these two rows.

I have started with a loop, but somehow it does not work.

Sub AddRows ()

Dim Row As Long
For Row = 1 To 3800

If Cells(Row, 1).Value = Cells(Row + 1, 1) Then
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

End If

Next Row

End Sub

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Delete A Row Based On Condition

Dec 14, 2009

I want to delete a row in excel based on a condition.

The condition is as follows:

I have few rows in the excel where the columns 7,12,13,23 are same and column 24 in one row has some number and in some other row the column 24 is blank with orange color filled(the colorindex for orange is 44).

In this case I want the row with orange color filled in column 24 to be deleted.

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Vlookup Based On 2 Condition

Jan 28, 2009

i looking for function, which will give me a results if its the person good , bad and other (Y). It will look based on column A, but if will be more equal names in this column, it looks in the column surname (B) and return value from column (Y) in this row. But it can be more equal column B.

Here is an example:
Results what i want are in Z1,Z2,Z3

1 sue doe good
2 joe bond very good
3 mark no bad

SOURCE table
1 john doe good
2 joe black bad
3 sue doe good
4 mark black not bad
5 joe bond very good
6 mark no bad
7 kat doe bad

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Sum Row Based On Condition Refering To A Different Row

Dec 9, 2009

I have a problem with bringing up the data I need to cells in one row.

In row 1 I have dates:
23-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov etc.

In row 2 Quantities:
2000 1500 250 750 etc.

In row 3 I have dates again (I need to start working towards these qty's): 20-Nov 22-Nov 25-Nov 25/Nov. I would like in column A of 4 row to sum all the qty's (row 2) if the date in row 3 is the same or smaller than in row 1 column A. But in column B and forward I want cells to sum qty's if the date in row 3 is the same as the one in row 1. I have tried : =sumproduct((A3:D3<=A1),(A2:D2)) for cell A4

and: =sumproduct((A3:D3=B1),(A2:D2)) for cell B4 and consequently for others. It comes back as zero value even if I see matching dates/qty's. Does anyone know what shall I change in my formula to make it right?

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How To Change One Condition Based On Another

Feb 2, 2007

I have a "if" statement that goes something like this:

=if(and(Function1),do this, if(and(Function2), do that, 0)

where Function 1 and Function 2 consist of three conditions each.

Now Function 2 has reference to a particular cell (U23), whose value is dependent on other cell references.

If U23 has some real value, I want the above statement to be executed.

However, if U23 displays a "#N/A", I want only Function1 to be executed. i.e. = if(and(Function1),do this,0)

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Subtotaling Based On A Condition

Sep 27, 2009

I autofilter a list which contains, among other fields, program numbers in column A, account numbers in column B and dollar amounts in column E. I want to display the filtered/subtotal of column E if I select a certain program. Each program has account numbers ranging from 1000 to 8999.

I used =SUM(IF()) formulas to separately display totals with account numbers below 8000, and >7999 with no problem. But when I got to create formulas to display the subtotal, I encountered difficulty.

I used the following CSE formulas to subtotal sum of column E based on the values in column B, the first formula return 0 (zero), which is incorrect. The second formula appears to ignore the IF statement, and returns the total sum instead of the filtered total.

1. {=IF($B$4:$B$112>7999,SUBTOTAL(9,E$4:E$112),0)}


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Maximum Based On Condition

Dec 28, 2006

function that can find the maximum value in a range, where the range is defined by the rows containing a specific string, i.e:

In column A:
Alm Rød
Alm Grøn
Alm Blå
Special Rød
Special Grøn
Special Sort

In Column B I have values for each of the above string names.

Now I would like to find the maximum value for the range with names starting with "Alm".

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Delete Row Based On Condition

Jan 19, 2007

i have an issue i need to delete entire row if a condition is met, i need syntax if possible to delete if a cell word "begins with" a certain letter ...in this case...letter A

column is "O"
must search threw entire row

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