Highlighting Rows Where A Value Is Not A Whole Number
Sep 18, 2009
See attched spreadsheet. I would like excel to highlight the rows where a value (model) = *.* (ie: not a whole number). I think the attached spreadsheet explains it better.
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May 24, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with one column. For example, it contains
I want to highlight the A's and don't highlight the B's and then highlight the C's and then don't highlight the D's and so on. I want to highlight or not highlight the entire row.
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Jun 7, 2013
My sheet cotains a variable number of duplicates (2 up to 12 duplicates) that can each have different amounts.
Ex: 9879 = 7
9879 = 0
I would like to be able to highlight all the duplicates for that show only 0 as their value (all the duplicates must have a total value of 0). I've tried nested if functions and conditional formating but to no avail.
I've attached a small file that shows the end result.
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Jun 7, 2013
My sheet contains a variable number of duplicates (2 up to 14 duplicates) that can each have different amounts.
Ex: 9879 = 7
9879 = 0
I would like to be able to highlight all the duplicates for that show only 0 as their value (all the duplicates must have a total value of 0). I've tried nested if functions and conditional formating but to no avail.
I've attached a small file that shows the end result. Attachment 241407
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Sep 25, 2013
Any method for colour highlighting a row (specific number of cells) as and when any cell of that row is selected, and return to normal when deselected.
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Dec 15, 2008
Range from AK1:AK8 to AT1:AT8. These are eight rows, total eighty entries. Can a formula or conditional formitting determine if there are duplicates values in eighty entries . The need is not column-based rather row based.
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Nov 28, 2009
I am using a 2007 excel spreadsheet and on parts of it I can't just highlight one horizontal row of cells, it wants to highlight three down. I suppose that I have asked it to do this but I can't for the life of me undo it.
I have tried unmerging cells, cutting and pasting somewhere else, but nothing works.
Can anyone help me please as it's driving me to distraction?
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a program that compiles a whole bunch of annual data.
The data is in columns A:J
I would like to have a program that loops through column A's entries and if the entries are odd then have the cells in Columns A through J of that row be highlighted with colour index RGB (193, 205, 205).
This is what I have below, but it is not working.
[Code] .....
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Feb 15, 2013
I found this spreadsheet on here and I have been trying to customize it to what I need. I am trying to have scores from skins match highlighted. I want only the minimum score to be highlighted but if there is another duplicate minimum score I don't want it to highlight anything. I also need to find a way to count the skins won by each player and have it off to the side.
For those not familiar with golf a Skin is a game where you try to get the lowest amount of strokes on a specific hole. Ex- 4 people play the hole one. P1 scores 4, P2 gets a 3, P3 and P4 get 6. The skin would go to P2 who has the lowest score on that hole.
Highlight lowest number in each column not highlighting if there are duplicates starting at L6 down to L11 and for each column till AC. And the same for the group just to the right on attached file.
On row 13 and 14 it tells me who won a skin. I want to tally up the total skins won by each player. so if Joe's names shows up twice on R14 I want it to tell me somewhere in the sheet Joe = 2
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Jun 8, 2009
each month i have to clens a sheet that shows customer name and then the figures per month.
this is pulled from a system that allows for a new entry each time a variation on customer name is used, I.E
Joe Blogs LTD
Joe Blogs Limited
Joe Blogs ltd.
would all come through as new entries. then i have to manually consolidate the figures from each month. the spreadsheet has over 5000 rows, and maybe only 15% are duplicated. what i want is to be able to select the column (that will be sorted a-z) and highlight cells that have a match for the first 4 or 5 charicters.
once i have identified duplicates i then have to merge the data into one row.
is there an easy way to do this? it is monthly, comparing 2008 and 2009, so by december there will be 24 columns + the company name that need to be clensed.
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Sep 1, 2009
I am trying to do is I have column C and column G. For each row, I want to highlight or change the font color of the greater number. I can do it with conditional formatting, but I am only able to do it for 1 row at a time and it will take forever considering there are over 800 rows.
Is there an easy way to compare the two columns and highlight or change the font color of the higher number in that row?
For example:
4 5
8 1
6 2
9 11
So it would highlight the 5 in the first row, the 8 in the second row, the 6 in the third row, and 11 in the fourth row.
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Dec 24, 2013
Have been doing some sums on excel. I've managed to calculate the number of months between 2 dates using this formula.....
=DATEDIF(C3,D3,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(C3,D3,"ym")&" months "
I then come up with a list of months calculated.
What I now want to know is, how many are equal to or more than 9 months? And if this is the case then can the cells be highlighted in a different colour?
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Oct 10, 2011
I have created a spreadsheet to find cyclical patterns and my next task was to sort these patterns from highest value to lowest.
Next I need to start from the first row of the sorted spreadsheet and find the first row working down that repeats. Once I find his row I have to stop the search and highlight both the original and repeated rows. If the first row has no repeat it has to move to the second row and do the same operation until it finds a row that does repeat and so on.
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Jan 13, 2014
I have two sheets
1. On one I have sheet named leave with five columns
2. Second sheet has calender
Sample file is attached for reference sample.xlsx
What I want is that as i enter leave dates on sheet "Leave" corresponding rows on calender sheet should highlight and important thing is if i change the name row highlight should change automatically. This i could achieve with following function
[Code] .....
The problem here is that it does it once but for second time it does not show...
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to write a macro in VBA excel 2010 that compares 2 sheets.
The macro should be something along the lines of if column 7 on sheet 1 = column 1 on sheet 2
on that same row if column 6 on sheet 1 = column 3 on sheet 2
highlight green
** also on sheet1 there can be the same batch ID so if it is the same batch ID it needs to calculate the sum and look at that amount...
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] .......
Results >
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] ..........
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Mar 1, 2014
I work on a daily basis with spreadsheets in excel. The number of columns is the same, but every single spreadsheet has a different number of rows. I recorded this macro in a table with 1196 rows and I would like to use this macro also in other tables with a different number of rows.
Sub City2()
' City2 Macro
Cells.Replace What:="POMPANO", Replacement:="Pompano Beach",
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Jun 16, 2014
calculate the number of full rows in one data base located on one sheet X to determine how many rows the macro needs to extend on sheet B (sheet B is made only of formulas for data interpretation in sheet A.
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Feb 17, 2010
The best way to explain my problem is to look at the table below:
How it looks now: ApplePrice 1
Price 2
Price 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1
Store 2FruitVery DeliciousHow I want it to look:ApplePrice 1FruitDeliciousApplePrice 2FruitDeliciousApplePrice 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1FruitVery DeliciousPearStore 2FruitVery Delicious
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Mar 10, 2014
I would like to create a vba script when ran an input.box comes up and asks you to "enter number you want to start numbering from" and when the number is entered in the input box. e.g "7654", excel starts numbering each cell in column A from 7654 until there is an empty cell in column B.
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Oct 9, 2009
I would like to count the no. of rows that has "Evolution" in column 8. Just a msg box to display would help.
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Oct 12, 2008
I have a column "A" with a cell for each week's income (A-1 thru A-52).
Is there a way to program these 52 cells so that the cells reflecting the "maximum" and the "minimum" amounts of weekly income, would be automatically highlighted in some way? Of course the "minimum" would have to be able to not use the cells representing the weeks that have not occurred yet. These cells will also need to be able to change automatically as weekly income amounts change.
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Aug 19, 2002
I am interested in finding out how I can highlight the row I am currently working in? When I move rows, I want the highlighting to move to the appropriate row.
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Jan 31, 2008
I've a large spreadsheet packed full of values, and % variences etc etc
My boss has tasked me to try and highlight each week the major changes from the week before.
The whole spreadsheet is full of vlookups based on a cell - Z3 in this case. Cell Z3 is a week number, and when i change that, everything is updated based on a load of other sheets.
Is there a quick and easy cheatuing way using some code that i can analyse all the changes from what the values were before, to what they are now, and highlight the major movers?
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Jun 7, 2008
I have created a data base of all the spare parts we have at work.
In the last column I have entered a hyperlinks that take you to a layout of the store and shows you where the part is located i.e. – 1C would take you to shelf ‘1’ level ‘C’ on the drawing in another tab in the same Excel workbook.
I would be pleased if anyone could help me by suggesting away that I can make the destination cell highlighted or more prominent once you have clicked on the link.
Also can I make the Find window automatically appear when the workbook is first opened?
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Dec 3, 2008
I have a worksheet, the data flows from different columns, like a,b,c and the result is in d column. The entries are spread from 1 to 45 rows. The format of data is five digit number. As I have formatted the cells as "custom" like "00000", the Zero is shown on left side, but when the column is copied/pasted in another column in certain entries zero disappears. Is there any way to get the 4 digit entries, highlighted, so Zero can be added on left side manually directly to the concerned entries, instead of checking each and every entry.
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May 17, 2009
This problem has been driving me insane, as I thought it wasn't possible to do in excel however this morning I accidentally pressed a shortcut key on my keyboard and what I wanted, happened.. pity I can't remember how I did it.
How do I highlight an entire row, but remains highlighted when i enter info in the cells until i move down to the next cell? Eg. I click on row"1" so that all cells are highlighted, then while entering info in B:1 - the entire row is still highlighted? This will be very useful in my line of work.
I know there was some information on conditioning formatting, but surely there is a way to do it via keyboard shortcut since i accidentally did it just before.
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Jul 30, 2014
I have the following code:
Which is conducting a wildcard search of roughly 15,000 rows of data. It is a wildcard search comprised of street names. So, if a user types "Wood" in ComboBox1, it may return Woodmont, Northwood, or any other combination. Is there a way, when the search results are populated, to highlight only the "wood" (in this case) part of the response?
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Aug 4, 2014
I can not figure out why only the color index 5 and 8 are working in the example- (1). To tun it say "no" to the initial prompt that comes up and select 1 from the dropdown in A2. Before some additional functionality was added it was called TestBook and that highlighted appropriately.
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May 8, 2008
I have attached a sample sheet which is for invigilation of exams. In columns D, E & F are the initials of people invigilating at different times. What I want to able to do is to print personised sheets for each person where there initals are in bold and the box has a black border around it. This is very labour intensive if I do it manually as have to highlight one person, print, unhighlight and rehighlight the next person and so on. What I was wondering is could I use a macro to automate this process. So it has a list of all the initals and it searches through and highlights the person and prints it and then moves onto the next.
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May 2, 2014
I have this module code in VB:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Conditional formatting rule applied to range.
This highlight's the row yellow when a cell in that row is clicked, however it only highlights the row when you refresh the page by scrolling off the cell and back again. It just feels a bit flaky.
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