Macro To Auto Select Image To Occupy ActiveX Box?

Sep 2, 2012

Is there a way to store two pictures in a hidden sheet (Sheet1) and have an Image ActiveX box in all visible sheets, and use a macro to auto select an image to occupy that ActiveX box?

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Dynamically Updating Image (ActiveX Image Control)

Oct 26, 2011

My workbook simply has multiple columns of data which will be summarized visually in a tag cloud (I have the tag cloud part taken care of already creating either a jpg or png, I simply have to change the extension within a batch file to change between picture formats)

I need to have the tag cloud image display and update depending on which column the user would like to summarize (for now I have simplified the issue by only having one of the data columns in my workbook, and will worry about the user selection of the data column to be summarized later).

My Main Question:

Focusing on the image display and updating now, whether it be an ActiveX Image Control or any other way. I've been playing around manually before I try and code it and I can not get either a jpg or png file to attach to the ActiveX control (both of which cause an Invalid Picture Message).

The file name can stay the same if need be and for now I think/assume that'd be easiest (I have my Tag cloud generator just replacing the previously existing image file of the same name).

Would ActiveX control be the way to go for this dynamically changing image?

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Determine Original Dimensions Of ActiveX Image Control

May 12, 2014

I have a worksheet that contains a number of ActiveX image controls, which have been scaled to a uniform height to serve as thumbnails.

I have also created a class, where each instance is initialized with one of these image controls, and events (specifically the on click event) are captured. When the user clicks the picture, it opens a userform containg the same picture. However, I'd like that picture to be at its original size, not the scaled-down size.

how can I determine the original dimensions of a picture used in an image control? I can tell that the original resolution is there (by changing the PictureSizeMode to clip), but I can't find any properties that show me how big that image actually is, only ones that return or set the size of the object itself.

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Auto Format Image

Jun 9, 2008

I've got a simple macro for asking a user to locate a file of choice and inserting it into specific cell.

Is there a way I can code it so that regardless of the image it 'fits to fill' the cell? The images may vary

The size of the cell will be fixed, but I don;t know who to ascertain that information or tell VBA what it is?

Sub InsertLogo()
Range("A1:E5").Select 'merged cell'
'Object.AutoSize = True
End Sub

I tried using the 'Object.AutoSize = True, but kept getting stumped on a run time error.

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Select Image After Inserting Shapes / Picture

Jul 19, 2014

I use the code below to insert an image and have it save with the file. I would like for the newly placed image/shape to be selected.

[Code] .....

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Formulas To Occupy All Rows. Good Or Bad?

Jul 2, 2008

Cell A1 can have only 0 or 1. Cell B1 can have any numeric value. Cell C1 takes the value of B1 if A1 is 1, otherwise it is 0. So, C1's formula can be either "=A1*B1" or "=If(A1=0,0,B1)". Lets say this formula is continued down to the 65000th row. My question is which formula is faster? The first one or the second one?

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Can A Formula Only Occupy Certain Cells Based On Criteria

Dec 8, 2009

Im currently using a formula in my report to track training completed by employees. The formula looks for the employee number in the report and the course name and marks Y to say if completed or N to say if not completed.

The level of the employees dictates what courses they need to complete i.e if its a store manager they need to complete all courses where as a bronze employee only needs to complete the first three courses.

At the moment i drag the formula up to the course they need to complete. I would like it if i could add something to the existing formula that looks at their level and then automatically only populates the formula up to the courses they are required to do.

Its very hard to explain so i have added an example:

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Create Document With 3 And 4 Columns That Occupy Same Sized Area?

Apr 30, 2014

One of my coworkers is trying to create a document that has 3 columns in one part of the spreadsheet, but further down on the page, he needs to have 4 columns but wants them to use the same amount of space as the three columns. I have looked around and don't see how that is possible.

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Assign Activex Buttons To Macro

Feb 24, 2013

I have several Activex buttons in sheet "Options" and I would like to automatically assign each button to the same macro "Run_Options", in order to execute the macro "Run_Options" when I do click over any button.

How can I do that with a excel macro?

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Macro To Change ActiveX Label Caption?

Mar 2, 2014

I needed to put a Checkbox on a Worksheet. The standard Checkbox options in Excel FormControl and ActiveX Control were too small. I found a work-around using the following macro attached to an ActiveX Label that was formatted as Wingdings font. The macro basically changes the character from a empty box Wingdings Chr(168) to a checked box Wingdings Chr(254) when the user clicks on the label.

Private Sub Label1_Click()
If Label1.Caption = Chr(254) Then
Label1.Caption = Chr(168)


But I get this error on an ErrorHandler that I have included in the macro. "An error has occurred. Error number =438. Error Description=Object doesn't support this property or method."

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Macro (attached To ActiveX List Box) Running On Open?

Mar 26, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with multiple brands on it, and I've added an ActiveX listbox that allows you to select which brands you want to view (Brand A, Brand B, or "all brands"). It works great, however it appears that my macros are running on workbook open.

None of my macros (and there are several) have the "Workbook_Open" code in them, so I'm not sure what's going on?

It really doesn't do any harm, except that someone opening the workbook has to watch excel flash and blink and go through all of these steps/calculations evertime you open it.

I thought Excel might be treating the "workbook open" as me making a selection on one of my listboxes (even if it was already selected) and thus running that macro, but the same thing happens even if I save the workook to display a sheet that doesn't have a listbox.

ETA: From what I've read, activeX controls are always autoloaded when a workbook containing them opens. That's unfortunate. Am I out of luck here for a speedy workbook open?

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Can ActiveX Control Button Macro Be Placed In Regular Module

Feb 20, 2014

Can Active-X control button macro be placed in a regular module, or does it always have to reside in the sheet module?
Or is the only way to accomplish this is to have the macro in the regular module being called from the button macro in the sheet module?

I somehow seem to remember a way to move/assign an Active-X ControlButton macro to a regular module, but maybe I'm wrong?

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Jump To Today Date - Formula / Macro / ActiveX Or Hyperlink

Jan 21, 2014

I have a large spreadsheet with a long date range from A:3 to A:900

what would be the best way to jump to today's date? I have seen formulas, Macro's, Active X controls, Hyperlinks?

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Linking Image To Cell Value And Display Selected Image In New Sheet?

Mar 18, 2014

I need to link an image to a cell value and display the selected image in a new sheet of the same excel. I am attaching samplefile for easy reference. The requirement is, from the workout sheet when I select from drop down list, then the corresponding cell value appears in Parameter sheet in C9 cell.

There are four images copied in Parameter excel. The given image has to be selected and linked to the C9 cell value. Based on the selection that particular image should be shown on Sample Picture sheet. Here based on the selection only the image should reflect here.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Insert Path Of Image Rather Than Actual Image Itself

Nov 4, 2013

I need to find an easy way to locate an image on my server and upon selection rather than inserting the actual image I need to insert the image path. e.g. "s:imageshighresgreen1234.jpg"

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Auto Select Next Cell In A Row

May 14, 2014

Ok, how to select next cell to right (2) after input (1). not down as default.



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Auto Select Cell Value

Nov 17, 2008

I have 3 columns, A1, A2 and A3

I would like A3 to show me the value of A1 unless there is a value in A2 then it would show the value of A2 instead.

I would also like to change the text color to reflect which cell the value comes from.

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Auto Select First Row To Last Row With Data

May 6, 2014

I have a range c10:c300, i want to select the range where i have data.

E.g. I have data in c10:c50, then select the range c10:c50

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Auto Select Cells

Jan 19, 2010

I Have a sheet with many ranges, when i push the commandbutton I need it to insert the selected cell in textbox 1 witch works but it needs to insert the full range into textbox 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I have attached an example.

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How To Auto Select Next Name In A List

Jan 3, 2012

Let's say you have a list of names:

4 McDonald, Ronald
5 McCheese, Mayor
6 Burglar, Ham
7 King, Fakehead
8 Hut, Pizza

and you had "McCheese, Mayor" typed in AK23.

NOW, because you have that name in AK23, you want the next cell (AK31) to automatically select "Burglar, Ham". How?

So forth, and so on, for 2 more names....

When you get to the bottom of the list, and "Hut, Pizza" has been placed, how would you get it to start back at the top?

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Auto Select Next Cell

Feb 22, 2007

I have a macro that unhides the next row when I enter someting into the row above. I need help with my code to get it to automatically select the cell in column C of the newly unhidden row. I will need this to happen each time a new row is unhidden (up to 50 times).

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A24")

If rng.Value "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Rows("25:75").EntireRow.Hidden = True
Rows("25:" & rng.Value + 24).Hidden = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

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How To Automatically Identify Image Name And Place In Cell Next To Image

Jan 22, 2014

I am looking for a way to take the picture name associated with an image ie: (picture 571) and place that picture name in the cell next to the image.

I can see the picture name - it registers in the top left box that usually indicates the cell the cursor is on... and I could manually type that name next to each image.

However my spreadsheet has several thousand rows- each with several columns of information and an image..

I am looking for a way "formula?" to automatically read the image in cell J4 and populate cell K4 with the image name... and so on.

The reason for my request... is I am importing products into a web based shopping cart... to do so I have to export the products to a csv and import that csv into the shopping cart. The process of exporting to a csv- strips away all the images and leaves just data.

I found that I can save the document as an html and that process creates a folder with all the images- saved as (picture 571.jpg) if the resulting csv had the image name... the shopping cart would then look for that image name in my image file and it would populate into the shopping cart appropriately.

This seemed on it's face like a really simple thing to do, I have plenty experience with excel & I thought I'd be able to make cell k4= j4 and tada it would glean the image name & I could simply copy that formula all the way down the sheet & it would be done... but I just cant find the magic button that freely gives up the image name...

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Auto Select New Data By Month

Aug 9, 2006

I am trying to write a code that runs on a worksheet/workbook activation that will copy data from one sheet to another based on which month it currently is. I can easily do this with a Command Button. Here is an example of what I'm looking to copy from sheet to sheet.

Sub Jan_Button()
' UnProtect
' Deactivate Screenupdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Rolling Month From Pool to PVT Calc
With Sheets("Pool")
.Visible = True
. Range("V2:W11").Copy
.Visible = False
End With

I will be pasting to the same location each month but I will be copying from another range of cells as my targets change every month. This is where my autoupdate idea is coming in. I hoped that for example this month is August so it would automatically paste over Augusts Data and when September came around it would automatically update to the new data set.

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Embed Image In Cell :: HTTPS URL To An Image

Aug 8, 2006

I have a dataset that includes the path and optionally an HTTPS URL to an image. Is it possible to embed this image in a cell?

Short of that what might be some other options?

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Is There A Way When Type Image Name In Textbox It Load Out That Image

Oct 9, 2007

is there a way to load an image out when u type the image name in the textfield.
Example when I type in my name it load my image out beside the name.

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Grabbing Name Of Displayed Image In Image Control

Jan 22, 2012

I have a number of image controls on a user form, each being loaded with an image from file.

Image1 being loaded with a picture of a bus image2 being loaded with a picture of a school

And so on

Now what I am trying to do is when that image is clicked the name of that image is passed to a textbox

So the action would be

1 image of bus loaded into image control1 , the name of that image being bus.jpg
2 image is clicked
3 the name bus.jpg appears in a text box

Here is what I have so far


Private Sub Image1_Click()
DataInput.TextBoxItem.Value = bus.jpg

DataInput.TextBoxItem.Value= Image1.Name - this does not work

End Sub

Which works but as you can see this is static, as I have supplied the value , were as I would like the clicking action to pick up the name of the jpeg being displayed

So expanding upon this if say image1 is loaded with say a picture of a car instead of a bus

LValue4 = "E:Car.jpg"

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(LValue4)

Now when it is clicked the name of the image being displayed in image control1 would be Car.jpg

And it is this value I wish to transfer to a text box for now will do more with it later

In addition to this I am not sure if the best idea is to have a number of image controls and load each with an individual picture or have one image control and swap the picture by clicking a command button

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Display Image Based On Image Name In Cell

Sep 4, 2007

Is there a way to have image box display an image with a name matching data from a cell? example: if I type "hello" in cell a1, Image box will load image named "hello". And display new images by changing the name in cell a1. Note: the images will be located in a permanent folder.

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Auto Tracking Number From Select Cells

Jul 3, 2014

I have a formula I am using to try create an auto Tacking Number system.


[Code] .....

I want the number to appear as the data is logged into "C5"

The end product I am looking for will be "TS-July14-001", Where "M5" is the given month, "N2" is 2014 so I used the right formula to get 14

The last bit is where I am having problems, I would like the last number "001" to have a fill series effect.

Ultimately if this is possible i would then like the fill series to reset to 001 when the month in "M5" changes.

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Auto Select Populated Cells For Chart

Dec 26, 2011

Seeking a way to automatically select just the populated range of cells in Cols A, B and C starting with row 2. In this sample there are 48 however this changes.

ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBarStacked
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=Sheet1!$C$1"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$48"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=Sheet1!$D$1"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = "=Sheet1!$D$2:$D$48"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).XValues = "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$48"

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Data Validation - Auto Select From List

Jan 17, 2014

I have data validation in a cell that says only options from a list are allowed. i.e. =indirect(A1)

If this refers to a list where there is only 1 option available is there a way to display that value automatically without the user having to click the dropdown to select it?

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