Modify Array Forumula And Preserve Brackets
Dec 11, 2008How would I modify a (very long) array formula, while preserving the brackets? Or re-creating them? I've tried doing it "at the cell" without luck.
View 2 RepliesHow would I modify a (very long) array formula, while preserving the brackets? Or re-creating them? I've tried doing it "at the cell" without luck.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to store values into a dynamic array. The size of the array will vary each time, so I need the range to be dynamic. Most importantly, I need all values to be retained in the array. Currently, a value will be stored, but once the next round of the for loop is initiated, the array changes to "<subscript out of range>" and stays that way until the it is replaced by the next value. So, there isn't an accumualtion in the array--it goes one value, to out of range, to one value, etc.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI found quite a few posts about this problem, but none of the answers was any use to me. I need to redimension a 2 dimensional array in a Sub. I deleted all the code that is not of interest:
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a small problem that I may be able to deal with in another way, but if all else fails then I need some assistance.
I have this formula:
But unfortunately there will be a time when cell U1 will have the contents of perhaps 12(1). Is there any way to get the formula to ignore the brackets and the figures in the brackets?
it's possible to set a "key" for a vlookup so that one of the parameters of that key can be any value? For example if the data set key used in the lookup contains a concatenation of 4 parameters (a_b_c_d), is there anyway to modify the lookup array key so that the "c" parameter can be anything, ie. something like a_b_*_d ?
View 3 Replies View Related actual revenue planned revenue
5 4 125%
3 4 75%
-5 -3 -66%
-3 -5 60%
I need to get to those percentages (or close) the tricky part is when the numbers become negative. the forumla is actual revenue over planned revenue. If the actual revenue is below 0 and less than the planned revenue number than the attainment % should be a negative. However, if the actual revenue is below 0, BUT LESS THAN PLANNED revenue the percentage than becomes positive.
Trying to figure out how to write a formula to rank values in B if the values in A are the same? I tried rank(if(A2:A17=A2,B2:B17))but this did not seem to work.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've always used event driven functions - ie. user clicks a button and my function gets called.
What I want to do now is replace a HUGE formula that is impossible to debug with a function. So the idea is, any time the user changes any cell, the function should be called and update a certain cell with a new value.
I'm trying to sort out an accounts receivable ageing into various age categories For example, for a customer with 3 months credit term, i've used the formula =SUMIFS($C3:$AA3,$C$1:$AA$1,">=4",$C$1:$AA$1,"<=9") to sum up amounts that are 1 to 6 months past due. For the next age category 7 to 12 months past due i've used =SUMIFS($C3:$AA3,$C$1:$AA$1,">=10",$C$1:$AA$1,"<=15").
As my customers have different credit terms (30 days, 60 days etc), i've to adjust the above formula accordingly e.g. instead of ">=4", I'll have to change the criterion to ">=7". This is time consuming as i've got a long customer list.
Title: How do I add a condition to an IF and Vlookup Formula:
I need to edit a formula to include a condition. I attached an excel file for ease of explaining the problem. I want to say if $E$5 has “A to B” then F5 will automatically have BOR, but if E5 has anything else then the Vlookup formula applies.
I was thinking something along this formula:
=IF(AND($E$5<>”A to B”,ISBLANK($B5),"",VLOOKUP($B5,'Drop Down'!$D$1:$E$500,2,FALSE)))
I know I need to add “BOR” in the formula above somewhere
Where am I going wrong?
I am trying to display both text and a date in the same line. Currently I have something like ="The Date Is " & A1. where A1 is a cell with a date formatted in a preferred format. However, once I call reference to the cell, excel re-formats it into the serial date, so it displays something like. The Date Is 40220
instead of something like: The Date is 2/11/2010. Does anyone know how to format the number back into a date form? Just going through the format menus and setting it to date does not change it.
when he copies some data across a worksheet - the new data has a bold format, so he has to unbold everytime.
I can't see any obvious reason why this is happening.
I have ~500 rows of data in columns A, B, C that is as follows, for example:.............
I am having trouble with coming up with a formula that will add up the total items shipped for each item. For example, Apples = 62 items shipped.
The app. that I have been developing requires the user to create a formula in a combobox in a userform that I have setup for them.
They have a list of variables that they can choose from, which they are allowed to use in their formula creation.
A typical formula may look like this:
=SUM(25*DistFromBack) where DistFromBack = 4
I then take their formula and place it out on the sheet which returns me a value of (in this case) 100.
Now this works fine until someone wrote a formula that looked like this:
Now with the double brackets at the front it creates a formula that Excel cant deal with and gives me a 'Runtime error 1004'.
I have tried to trap this error (On Error Goto .....) but unsucessful.
I would really like to have a check when the user types an erronous formula, but dont really know how to go about it.
Trying to put together a macro that looks down active sheet for all cells that contain a value, sets a print area and then prints !
Is this possible?
FYG, I have a column that run from 3 - 2000, which contains a formula, which may produce a value depending on corresponding cells.
I used this code from a post on a similar topic, but excel is complaining code
in bold
Private Sub Print_Area_Click()
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0)
Do Until Application.Count(lastCell.EntireRow) 0
Set lastCell = lastCell.Offset(-1, 0)
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(Cells(1, 1), lastCell).Address
End Sub
I am having when trying to preserve a hyperlink when using VLOOKUP. I have two worksheets within the same workbook. Worksheet 1 contains a lot of information for internal use(many of the cells in all of the columns contain hyperlinks to web addresses), and Worksheet 2 should be a version identical to this, showing only the selected columns suitable for external use. This is to avoid using two different 'work trackers'; so, when info in Worksheet 1 is updated, Worksheet 2 should automatically be updated and reflect this.
I am currently using the following code:
Function GetHyperLink(r As Range) As String
If r.Hyperlinks.Count Then
GetHyperLink = r.Hyperlinks(1).Address
End If
I m trying to save my excel file as a pdf. all is working great except the fact that i have a few cells that contain hyperlinks (via HYPERLINK formula). when exported, they are being converted to a simple text, loosing the link.
thus my question is this, would anyone know of a proper way to export an excel file so that ALL hyperlinks are preserved? be it with excel or any other program/converter.
I have made a pivot table and in Pivot table option Merge labels for colum b. I the problem i am facing is once i give this the next colum text filed is automatically arranged in center. I want the next colum as left alignment. Once i delete some rows in the data then if i refresh it automatically align the next colum to center. I have given the preserve formatting as well as i have un selected the autoformat colum.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have programmed a button that allows the user to import XML data into my workbook via the following
Sub Button5_Click()
FileToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename("XML files (*.xml), *.xml")
If FileToOpen <> False Then
ActiveWorkbook.XmlMaps("RouteDoc_Map").Import (FileToOpen)
End If
End Sub
All my XML data comes in great to the associated mapped cells (on several worksheets) but the data that is coming in as a list erases the alternating white/gray conditional formating that I've applied via FORMULA IS =MOD(ROW(),2). How would I be able to preserve the alternating white/gray conditional formating, no matter how many rows are being imported via my button ?
What is missing? (too many brackets at the end?) absolutely I've just mucked around with the formula given so have done something incorrect I think
A1 will contain Sales and I need to work out how much commission they'll get (ie, sales of between 25,000 & 150000 will get 50% plus $2500
I'm using IF functions to get the difference of two cells. An example:
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an inventory sheet with rows containing a formula. I've placed the same formula in all 65536 rows that Excel 2003 has.
I have a macro to delete unused items. It searches for an item number then deletes that row. (Actually it deletes the item number and a partial row based on an offset, but that was for an earlier version and an entire row would be okay) When a row is deleted, all the other rows move up and Excel creates a new last row (65536) The problem is that this new row has no formulas. While it's probably unlikely that I'll ever blow through 65536 rows, it seems sloppy to leave this unaccounted for.
Is there a way to either add the existing formula(s) to the last row...or insert a new row *somewhere* that is empty except for the formula of the other rows in the sheet? Here's what I have for the existing code.
'Search for item to delete based on entry to InputBox
Sub Delete_Item()
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim YesOrNoAnswerToMessageBox As String
Dim QuestionToMessageBox As String
Within Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick, I have the following simple code extract that sets the appropriate autofilter to the correct value (and highlights a couple of cells for clarity) when a particular cell is double-clicked...
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C10:AQ11")) Is Nothing Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C10:D11")) Is Nothing Then
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:="C"
Range("C10:D11").Interior.ColorIndex = 36
End If
You'll be happy to hear that the event works as expected.
However I would like to add the following enhancement: after Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick completes the "double-clicked cell" is selected, is it possible for the "original" cell to be re-selected once the event completes?
My current headache is that I want to be able to reinstate excel formula when the delete key is hit. However there this is a slight catch. I don't just want to be able to do this for one cell but reinstate the same excel forumla in an entire cloumn (ie for multiple rows). On top of this I also need to find a way of being able to do this for multiple columns (ie column 1 has formula 1, column 2 has formula 2 etc.....)
I have found this but I am having trouble adapting it to suit my purpose. This code just reinstates the formula for 1 cell.
Worksheet module:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address "$A$1" Then
Application.OnKey "{del}"
Application.OnKey "{del}", "myFormula"
End If
End Sub
Sub myFormula()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "=RC[1]+RC[2]"
End Sub
I am making template and trying to preserve formatting when users paste into a cell. From my research, I have found that this is impossible with simple format protection, it works to prevent changing formating, but if something is pasted (with normal paste), the format will change.
I have found a few solutions, but can't get them to work correctly
Solution A: Disable normal paste and substitute Paste Special - Values
How will this work with pasting via CTRL + V and the right click menu? I need both to function.
Solution B: Allow users to paste normally, but use a macro to copy formatting from a hidden sheet
I actually found code for this, but I couldn't figure out exactly how to impliment it. The sheet that users will be pasting into is called "Batch Summary" and I was trying to pull formatting from a sheet names "Batch Summary Format", but was getting an error.
I have noticed that if I create a row and put a reference formula in one of the cells (i.e. in Cell B3 I have "=B4", to show contents of B4), then after I do Sort and Row 3 moves else where, formula in what used to be B3 no longer points to B4, but rather to B<new row + 1>.
Absolute reference doesn't seem to be an option (i.e. "=$B$4") since after sorting rows in question the cell references in my B cells do get screwed up. I guess I want to bind a certain cell to a certain other cell, and keep that bind no matter where I move the row.
I have a formula
For instance
This formula works
But when i click in the cell to edit the formula the {} (at the beginning and end) disapear and the formula no longer works.
If i add them back manually the formula still does not work.
How can i edit these formulas without stopping them working.
I have a long list of names with their locations in brackets. What formula should i use to delete the brackets and their contents only?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a value that is bracketed and I just want the number extracted to another cell.
I've shown three part lines of the data I need to extract from.
The values I need are 53.5 from line one-53.0 from line two & 54.0 from line three.
As you can see they don't always sit in the same column.
I found a template at it's just a bracket. I feel it has some underlying functionality, as they have a template in visio as well, but I can't figure it out.
So, what I'd like to do is have a workbook with say 100 worksheets. Each worksheet will have a person's bracket. Each person will write in all their picks. Their will be a master bracket where the actual winners will go, as the results are posted. When the master bracket is updated, Excel will flip through each worksheet, checking to see if the win in the master bracket matches the individual bracket. Points will be awarded or not.
Can that be done? I've also done a google search and can't get anymore help. I know that the web has multitudes of free versions, which I'd use, the only problem is that people would hesitate to register. doing it in excel, on the office system, there's no need to register, your cpu login takes care of authentication.