I have to make a table that shows that a if someone purchases
less than 5 items they receive no discount 5-10 items they receive 2% discount 11-20 items they receive 5% discount 21-50 items they receive 8% discount over 50 items they receive 10%
and it has to be done in a way that the discount rate can be calculated using Vlookup I am struggling to find the best way to write this table. i tried numbering 1 to 50 and writing the corresponding discount rate in the second column but this looks untidy and can't calculate greater than 50 as i am not sure how to write it in the cell so it reads as >50 and not just 50.
is there a way to stick a few row of cells together so that when i move one they all move.. i have some rows that when i sort them i want them to move together with the other ones..
I have a Macro of 55 Columns and 2000 Rows I need to change the value in several Cells of the row in which the value of AZ is 200.01 or more. I need the following if ANY Cell in AZ2:AZ2000 is equal or greater than 200.01 then the following Cell in that Row will equal the following:
AG = 20 AW = 11 AX = " " (BLANK) BC = N
I have attached an example of the spread sheet with Macro embeded and how it should look after the above is run. I do not know if or how to I need to tag the macro within the attachement.
I'm struggling to complete this formula. No matter what the entry in M30 is (which is a concatenated formula from another sheet), I only get the highest response, which is 18.
I'm assigning a risk score based on a dollar amount. The formula is: ....
A B C 00:00 07:00 =if(A1>0,B1,"N/A") 07:00 04:00 =if(A2>0,B2,"N/A") 00:00 07:50 =if(A3>0,B3,"N/A") 00:00 06:50 =if(A4>0,B4,"N/A")
This doesnt seem to work though using time formats. Column C just brings through Column B no matter what is in Column A. I've attatched an example below.
Here is my code as it is right now (With the correct range, and yes its a messy range :
[Code] ......
That is my range and thats the range I have to use (The stats are spread out in those rows. How I can get this to disregard 0's? Right now it seems to fail on the third rangevalue (For example in the range above it fails and highlights Y88), but if i remove that value it does the same on the next one instead, always the third.
I have tried =AVERAGEIFS(Range,">0") versions and also ones with /COUNTIF after and others but cant get this to work.
I have a list of dates B2:B248. All the cells have been formatted to date type dd/mm/yyyy.
I'm just trying to count the number that are earlier than a certain date.
I thought a COUNTIF function would work! I've tried DATE, DATEVALUE etc.
I can work with the dates ie B2 (which would have 23/08/2007)-1 comes out as 22/08/2007. However when I try if(B2<B3,"lower","higher") it gives me a false reading - even when B2 is earlier than B3.
How can I check if my list of dates is earlier than a specified date?
I want to do is count in a column numbers greater than 13 but less than 20. I am also trying to write another formula that counts numbers equal to or higher than 1 but less than 12. In other words, I do not want this count to include any cells that contain 0.
I have this table with min and max amounts that requires a fixed amount when when the condition is met. How do I write a formula for this. If result is >$0 but < $100 = $15 and so on. I canlt get it right..........
I have a table populated with equations. I need to write a function to find the smallest value in that table. However, I want to ignore the zero values.
From a dataset containing 8, 5, 0, 7 I want to find 5, not zero.
I have this formula to tell me how many times in a given column the value is greater than zero:
=COUNTIF('Data Entry'!AY3:AY117, ">0")
But I also need to know how many times the value in AY3:AY117 is greater than zero PLUS how many times the value in AZ3:AZ117 is also greater than zero
I've scoured this wonderful website and have got as far as:
It is perfect, except it doesn't have one final step. What I need it to do is be able to do that ONLY if it is greater than or less than by a specified amount. So there needs to be a modification of ... Sheet!J5<> (but by 100 or any other number that I set) $J$4,...
I want to calculate a mark-up on one cell. If it is under a set amount then I want the mark-up to change. If it is then over a set amount but below another, then I want the mark up to change again, etc. I have got this far (eg. below) but the calculation does not work properly when the value in "A3" is over "1". =IF(A3<=0.49,A3/0.2,IF(A3>=0.5,A3/0.25,IF(A3>=1,A3/0.35,IF(A3>=2,A3/0.5,0))))
In columns A and B, I have a list of time values. Format: [h]:mm:ss. Column C is B-A. Last row of Column C is the sum of all time values of column C. Sometimes A>B, or either A or B is blank. In such casescorresponding C value becomes ##### (negative date and time) And hence sum of all C values which is in last row of C becomes ####.
I'm looking for a formula that will add up the cells only when all three cells have a value greater than zero. In other words, if the last cell is zero I would like the value of the formula to =0 until data is entered
I am looking for a formula which will allow a value to round up or down to the nearest x.99 if the value is greater than x.95 or less x.05 otherwise remain the same. i.e if the value is 0.96 it should read 0.99 and if the value is 1.04 it should read 0.99. however if the value 1.05 it should read 1.05.
I'm having a DICKENS of a time on this one. To explain, I have 3 columns where time is entered: a 'Time of Call', 'Time of Arrival', and 'Response Time'. The 'Response Time' cell autcalculates by simply subtracting the 'Time of Arrival' form the 'Time of Call' and using the difference to show the response time. To make time entry into the 'Time of Call' and 'Time of Arrival' simplier for my co-workers, I formatted those cells as 00:00 so that anytime you enter a number it will convert it to a time format (i.e., if you enter in the numbers 745, it will show as 7:45 in the cell). Because of this, when the response time is configured, it does it in hundreds instead of time format. So, if you enter in 7:45 as your time of call and 8:15 as your time of arrival, it shows 70 minutes as a response time because it sees the 7:45 as a whole number...745. Therefore, 815-745 DOES equal 70, but...that's not what I'm looking for. I want it too configure this as time...not as whole numbers.