Pulls Crosstab From Access; How To Update New Months
Jul 16, 2008
I have a crosstab query in Access that groups by month and year. In Excel 2003, I have a query that pulls in the crosstab query.
At the time, I couldn't just pull in the Access table. For the other Access tables and queries, I could go to Data >> Import External Data >> Import Data >> select the database as a source >> select the table name.
However, to get the crosstab query, I had to go to Data >> Import External Data >> New Database Query >> MS Access Data Source* >> browse to my database >> select the crosstab query name >> select the data I wanted.
Since I wanted all the data, there did not seem to be a difference. But now that new dates are being added to the database, there *is* a problem. When I wrote the query, I only included the months available -- up to June 08. Now that there is data in July 08, that month exists as a heading in the crosstab, but Excel's query doesn't know to pull it! I have to manually edit the query to add the new month.
So my question is... is there a way to do this automatically? I have two crosstabs in five different spreadsheets, making a total of ten manual updates I have to remember to do each month.
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Nov 11, 2009
I need to create a new query that pulls data from a 2007 Access database into Excel 2007. When I invoke the 'From Microsoft Query' option after 'Data/From Other Sources', and then select 'MS Access Database*', the only file type presented is '*.mdb' . However, I need to pull from an '*.accdb' file type. I have both Office 2003 and Office 2007 installed.
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Jul 10, 2009
I have an Excel spreadsheet with a query to an Access table. The query pulls data from 2 columns in a table and pastes it to the spreadsheet. I am trying to update the VBA a little on one sheet and now I get the attached error whenever the code tries to run in Excel. Here is the code with the offending portion separated at the top.
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Apr 18, 2006
I have a script that pulls my stock prices every minute and update an excel page I've created...basically an excel stock portfolio...the problem I'm running into is when a stock is unchanged...instead of being $0.00 it returns "unch"...as you can imagine this throws my calculations into chaos...I have the following formula but it doesn't seem to be working =IF(J18<0,R18*J18,(IF(J18>0,R18*J18,0)))
Basically J18 is the returned change in stock price...R18 is the number of shares held...how can I get it to view "unch" as $0.00?
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a spreadsheet and an Access database that contain the same items and prices. The database and spreadsheet are on a server shared drive. I would like the spreadsheet to automatically update its list of items and prices from the Access database whenever the spreadsheet is opened. Right now, we update the item and price list on both the spreadsheet and the database but I want to just update the database and have the spreadsheet pull the updates from the database.
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a requirement there is a excel sheet that has multiple sheet with application names , cntact names , phone numbers & email address and this gets updated by me often. I need a code that can put the application names and email address alone into an access database and that should automatically get updated whenever changes are made in the excel sheet.
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Jul 27, 2006
where it function CROSSTAB(Label, Definition, Array, Create_Outline, CreateName, MultipeValues, Auto_DrillDouwn)
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Jun 26, 2008
I've never worked with arrays before but after looking through some books, would like to attempt a crosstab table. I currently have data in cells A1:K8316. Row 1 consists of my headings, which include Team (column K), Ind/Dir (column I), and Hrs (column G). There are a total of 25 different teams and I would like to sum their hours for both direct and indirect. (The columns for Team and Ind/Dir are based on vlookup tables).
I've tried some of the steps I'm finding in the book but, unfortunately, they're assuming I know how to even start and what to select - which I don't.
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Dec 5, 2008
how a crosstab query works in ms access. Below is a visual. IN my source material, the columns are Category, Commodity, Supplier, and Dollars. I need to be able to get only the top 5 suppliers in descending dollar rank in the columns adjacent to the pivot table, as displayed below. Try as i might, i have been unable to get this to work using a pivot because i don't know how to limit the supplier columns to only the top 5.
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Sep 22, 2008
I am trying to convert the table below into a 3 column list that I can then import into SQL Server from a .XLS file, using ODBC .
The table supplied, starting at B8 demonstrates one of 8 worksheets in the spreadsheet... of which I would like all exported to 8 named worksheets in a new spreadsheet in the list format as:
Asset | Date | Value
I need to ignore the Totals column and row,
The table can grow or reduce the assets and
grow the days of the month, starting again at the begining of each month. I have to run a report each day of the month.
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Apr 19, 2009
In access you can create a crosstab query grouping by more than one field/column and totaling on more than 1 field/column
ie Goup by Acc No then Cost Centre
Sum on costs by date -up to 31
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Oct 6, 2012
Sub CreateFlat()
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
In 2006 posting, this code was presented to the Forum. It works perfectly for a one dimension Crosstab. I have 4 dimensions that I need copied to the output.
I have attempted to modify the code, but nothing appears to adjust the pull of more than the first column of dimension data.
see the attached spreadsheet for the Crosstab data and desired output.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have a date column (Column E: Date Entered) on my spreadsheet that I need to set conditional formatting on. There are two conditions:
1) 18 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted yellow
2) 24 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted red
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Jul 19, 2009
Cell A1 is a past date. In cell B1 I would like how many months have gone by since todays date. eg. Cell A1 = July 07, B1 would = 24 months.
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Jul 31, 2007
I am looking for a formula that will add months and return the year. E.g. if I add 1.05 and 1.07 I should get 3.01. i.e. 3 years and 1 month.
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Nov 9, 2008
see the below link...
http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=350701. So far this is the closest I got, but it only pulls the values for 01 Nov. =NDEX(NS_Tally!W1082:W1360,MATCH($J$32,NS_Tally!V1082:V1360,0))
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Jan 10, 2007
I am Generating Excel file with Macro using my asp.net (c#) application.
I am able to generate Excel file in development environment, but in Production it gives following error:
"Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted Line: Microsoft Office Excel"
I did googling a bit and found that I have to open Excel file physically make few security related changes in macro as below.
1. Open the Office application in question. On the Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Security to open the Macro Security dialog box.
2. On the Trusted Sources tab, click to select the Trust access to Visual Basic Project check box to turn on access.
3. Click OK to apply the setting. You may need to restart the application for the code to run properly if you automate from a Component Object Model (COM) add-in or template.
Can i do above changes at runtime (using some code)?
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Dec 7, 2009
I've got a working macro that pulls a Userform. Everything works correctly but I'd like to have the form displayed on the far right instead of center screen. I've tried all the options on the form properties list to no avail.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub
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Mar 28, 2007
I am trying to create a spreadsheet for all the different Myers Briggs personality types. I want to pull down on a menu say ISFJ and in the next column will produce how to communicate to a person who has an ISFJ personality.
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Jul 23, 2009
How would the formula look that pulls/puts the right number in E19 and F19 respectively, taking input from the list above?
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Jan 28, 2010
I am trying to put together multiple userforms that perform separate tasks. I have been using code found on this forum, and it's helped out a lot, but i'm still having trouble on one of the userforms. the one that i'm having the biggest trouble with called frmEditData. What it is designed to do is pull data from different fields and display them in the textboxes on the different sheets. then, the user has the option of updating those tabs and saving the changes. For the life of me, i cannot get the data to change. it always reverts back to the original information in the cells.
i have to say again that I don't really know how to read the code too well just yet, and i've been copying code that appears to work on other sheets, but it might not necessarily work here. I have attached a rough copy of what i've been working on.
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Jul 14, 2007
Is it possible to get Vlookup to pull the format of text across to the new cell?
For example, if the source data is bold, can you get it to show up as bold in the new cell? Or worse, if there are multiple formats in the original cell (like some text is bold, some is red font etc.) can that be pulled across through Vlookup?
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May 1, 2014
I am trying to create a drop down box that pulls its selection from another sheet in the workbook and I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I figure VBA must have some way of doing it but I am not sure how the coding would go. I've attached a very basic example of what I am trying to accomplish.
Drop Down Box Ex..xlsm
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Nov 21, 2008
I have a VBScript that pulls SNMP data from some devices. It uses two external EXE's called "SNMPGET.EXE" & "SNMPWALK.EXE". When the script runs, it pulls specific information from our SNMP devices (in this case, I am pulling temperature values from Netboz Devices). The script looks like this :
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Dec 1, 2006
i have created a Vlookup that pulls data from another work sheet, it all works fine apart from this one thing....
On a work sheet i have a lot of hyperlinks that work fine, but as soon as they get pulled over using a Vlookup, the name of the hyperlink comes accross for example "link 1" but you can not click on it to take you to the link like you can on the original one.
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Jan 22, 2014
I'm creating a master spreadsheet and I want it to pull live data from other spreadsheets depending on a variable.
I've a cell that has a variable date. I've files saved that have this variable attached to it in the name format: 'filename variable'.
I want to pull data, hopefully live, from workbooks based on this variable.
For example, I have files: generic 01212014, generic 01222014, generic 01232014.
The date is stored in the master workbook say in A1 that I can manipulate by entering a different date to pull data from a different workbook.
='[generic 01212014.xlsm]Database'!$L$3
='[generic 01222014.xlsm]Database'!$L$3
='[generic 01232014.xlsm]Database'!$L$3
There has to be away to make the bolded portions of the file name variable, right?
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Jul 13, 2009
I am having problems with the function vlookup. I attached an excel file of my problem. It seems to pull the correct lookup, then it pulls the wrong data until a correct one occurs. My excel attachment should make more since of my problem. It will also pull data that is invalid. For example, the name "S5" is not a in my original data so it should not be able to find that?? Sorry, this is hard to explain - let me know if the file is not clear enough.
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Jan 5, 2014
New user with basic knowledge faced with a multi-part challenge.
I have a list of 10 items (multiple words) in a drop down
Based on what is selected in the drop-down, I am trying to figure out the best way for it to pull the corresponding text paragraph. This would then be concatenated with a numerical value inputed b the user in another cell. The final output would be displayed in a final cell.
I have figured out how to concatenate between one cell and the other cell with the paragraph but I am at a loss for how to make it more dynamic in the sense that the drop down selection drives the paragraph being selected and then taking the value in cell A1 to concatenate within that paragraph and outputting the final text to be copied out from excel.
I tried looking at posts for dependent data verification and I felt like I was on the right track but hit a wall.
Excel 2003
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Nov 21, 2005
Our spreadsheet pulls values from a column when a month is inserted in a certain cell:
OCT is typed in B2 and in the column below it, from B10 down to B286, data (numbers) are pulled from the October column K10 through K286 using =IF($B$2="Oct",K10,IF(and so on for each month). IF Nov is typed in B2 then the same happens except data is pulled from the November column, L. The monthly columns from K through V are tied to and updated
from other sheets. As you can see the problem is that nested functions allow only 7 and I need 12, one for each month. I have looked at the VLOOPUP and the HLOOKUP but our data is not set up that way (tables) since they need to be exact numbers pulled from the monthly columns that are tied to other sheets.
OCT (B2)
Complaint 3 (B10) 3
Inspection 10 (B11)
10 2
NOV 11 (etc)
11 5
Door Notice 1 and
so on
Recheck 32
Citation 2
Work Order0
Demolition 0
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May 28, 2012
I need a formula for the highlighted yellow area that pulls and sums from a reference table. Not a traditional Vlookup because the reference within the report can appear in multiple columns within multiple rows.
ReportABCDEF1AccountJanFebMarApr2Overtime(L7)Overtime300 300 300 300 3
Salaries(L8)Salaries1,170 1,170 1,170 1,170
Expected ResultsReference PageABCDEF1
Account 1Account 2JanFebMarApr2
Additional PayOvertime(L7)1251251251253
Additional PayOvertime(L7)1751751751754
Salaries(L8)Ex Staff2252252252255Salaries(L8)
Ex Staff3253253253256Salaries(L8)Ex Staff4104104104107Salaries(L8)
NE Saff1101101101108Salaries(L8)NE Saff100100100100
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