The database is of information relating to homes for sale in my area.
When I try to open my database I am getting a message in a box that flashes for a second that says:
File conversion in progress
there is a "cancel" option with this message but there is only a half second to click on it which I am unable to do.
Then this message appears:
The converter failed to open the file.
With this message the program opens, but the screen is a dark grey. Very few of the buttons are useable.
These messages only started appearing recently. The file has been in constant use for several months.
The data seems to be intact evidenced by the file size. But the data is not viewable.
I keep getting this "Run-time error '1004', Method ' Range' of object '_Global' failed" Here is the code that has the problem:
Option Explicit Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim lDup As Long Dim lRow As Long Dim NoDupes As Collection Dim rRng As Range Dim Rng1 As Range Dim Rng2 As Range Dim Rng3 As Range Dim Swap1 As Variant Dim Swap2 As Variant Dim wks As Worksheet
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Call DefaultSet For lDup = 1 To 3 Call NonDuplicatesList(lDup) Next lDup End Sub.....................
It does not even loop once though the original UserForm_Initialize For/Next loop.
I would like to write a function that enhances conditional formatting capabilities in this way: suppose that cell(4,5) contains a number that can be 0 to 5 in the adiacent cell(4,6) i want to put a function that:
1) write "NO DATA", "HIGH", "GOOD", "MODERATE", "POOR", "BAD" depending on that value 2)Choose color font depending on value 3)Choose color background depending on value
I wrote this piece of
Public Function StatusResponse(AdiacentCell As Range) As String Dim thisStatus As String Dim ThisFontColor As Integer Dim ThisbkColor As Integer Select Case AdiacentCell.Cells(1, 1) Case Is = 0 ThisbkColor = 2 ThisFontColor = 1 StatusResponse = "NO DATA"............
I m trying to use some simple macro recording for a command button click. I keep getting the "Select method of range class failed" error from the following code. From reading the forum it seems to be a common mistake by newbies, couldnt work it out for myself command button is located on a different sheet to where the select function must work...from the code you can see that there are around 20 sheets that need to be used from the one command button...
I need some help with this error. I have some VBA code in Outlook that runs whenever a task reminder goes off. The code is supposed to open a workbook, send email based on the info in the workbook, then close the workbook and quit excel.
The task reminders are set to go off every two hours. Sometimes this will work fine for days and then randomly (as far as I can tell) I get the error: "Method Open of Object Workbooks failed". If I press Debug and then Run without changing anything at all, it works fine.
I am using Outlook 2007 and Excel 2007. The workbook is a shared workbook on a network drive.
I can post code if needed, but will have to go to that computer.
Why do I occasionally get this error when the workbook definitely exists and has the same name and path?
What does entering debug mode do that then allows the macro to run without error?
i am trying to do a sum of my columns but it's not calculating at all.I keep getting "circular reference in an open workbook" error. This is the only workbook opened.
I have embeded a PDF file in an Excel Worksheet. When I double-click to open the PDF file the I get an error message: "Cannot start the source application for this object." However, the pdf file opens anyway. how to prevent the error message from displaying (without stopping real error messages)? (...happens in Excel 2000 and Excel 2003) NB: I researched this site first - user "Ed" raised the same issue 27/1/03 - but it doesn't appear to have been resloved.
However this doesnt work. I tried looking at adding VB script in but to be honest I am not a VB programmer and cant really spend too much time on this. fix the final conditional format so it run if the cell contains either "resolved" or "closed"?
So the workbook is protected with the password "letmein", and the VB code above in theory should unlock the workbook, allowing all visible sheets to be hidden with the exception of the sheet called "open". Then is saves the file.
Now heres the odd bit... it works for certain people, but not for others. I have made sure those it wont work for are not doing anything weird and they are not.
The workbook i am using has a code that only opens certain sheets for certain users. I as a master user have access to all sheets. I can go into the users sheets and click the button that activates the macro above myself and it works fine, but for some users it wont work.
Newcomer to Excel 2007 but long time programmer for Excel 2003. I am having problems with code that I feel should work. Code fails at the Select command with a "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed:
I'm trying to build a hyperlink using text formulas in Excel but I get the following error message: "Unable to open [link]. The internet site reports that the item you requested could not be found. (HTTP/1.0 404)". The strange thing is that if I copy-paste the link in the web browser, the page opens normally (which proves the link is correct).
I'm trying to open a file using VBA, part of the filename changes each week. For example, Atlanta_9EM_weekly.rep will change to Atlanta_8RH_weekly.rep. the code I'm using is: fname=Atlanta_" & "???" & "_weekly.rep. It appears that the program is looking for file named: Atlanta_???_weekly.
In column A, I have the following values: build chil rat datcen mang nextg ost rat omp sco rat
In column B, I need the formula so it shows values that if column A = "build", "nextg" or "datcen", then the value in column B is "nextg" and if column A = "chil rat", "ost rat", "sco rat", then the value in column B is "mig". For everything else, it should be blank.
I have two worksheets, one with "supplier names", "order numbers" and "delay in days" as columns. The other one with "supplier names" and "average delays" as columns.
It is the column "average delays" that I have issues with, I need Excel to search the "supplier names" column in the "delays" sheet and identify every specific supplier name, connect the delay in days for that order and calculate the average delay in the right cell of the column "average delays" in the sheet "delay statistics".
I have tried the help files and to search this forum but I have found nothing. I have also with my knowledge tried a few different ways using the IF function but nothing so far.
This is something I started doing but it is of course far away from any truth.
This is the "delays" sheet where I want to find my info. Nothing in the delay column stands for "no delay"...Kinda obvious but you know... So even the "nothing" needs to be included in the calculation..
tell me which operator works in VBA the way the OR operator works in functions? I want to write an IF statement that will evaluate whether a variable is equal to any of the three punctuation marks ".", "?", or "!". But I'm not sure how to code it. I attempted the following:
So I have table that consists of several columns describing a single transaction. I want a macro to translate the (potentially thousands) of rows into a single cell for each row on another worksheet.
The rows need to be formatted by transaction type. The problem is that I know nothing of excel syntax .
I was thinking something along the lines of a case loop, if possible:
Case D1 = BUY Output("You bought ("C1") on ("A1") for the amount ("E1")") Case D1 = SELL Output("You sold ("C1") on ("A1") for the amount ("E1")") etc.
How would I get that into workable excel code, if possible?
As shown in the below image. I have some data from A13 to I 13. Currently if I put the cursor on A13 and press DELETE button then all the formatting from A13 to I13 goes off. But the data still remain there.
Is it possible then when I press DELETE the content of A13 then all the data from B13 to I13 should also get deleted ?
Excel Jeanie HTMLSheet2 *ABCDEFGHI13Key FieldEmp 11 2 4 8 5 3 7 Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
i just tried the below formulae but its not working. if Currency in col A and Currency col B is same it should be "Matched" if not same the "CCY Mismatch" and if "#N/A Sec" then "Security Not Found"
I need to prevent users from entering several rows of data seperated by a "/" or a "," or a blank space ""
We use unique identifiers (around 500,000 of them) so I cant really use a drop down box to populate and then make the user select.....
If a user populates a cell with "10005486 / 10045446" or "10005486,10045446" I want to highlight a cell red and then count the instances of red cells on another tab so I can track "errors"
I was intending to use conditional formatting when a "/" or "," or " " is used within a cell. If a user makes this error, I should probably include a msgbox saying why the entry they have made is invalid also....
I'm having issues with sumproduct. I can't seem to get the right info that I need. Attached is the file I'm working on. Problem: I need to get the number of people "Occupied", "Partly Occupied" and "Available" on a Monday, Tuesday etc of the current week. "Occupied" means an employee has more than 2 tasks (based on New and Active-To-Date status). "Partly Occupied" means an employee is working on 2 tasks. "Available" means an employee has NO task at all.
I have attached an example workbook to this message, with the sensitive data removed. I am trying to vlookup the "cube" for the product number, into the PO worksheet, IF the vendor numbers match.
Example: On row 2 of the "PO" worksheet, part number AC1000110, should have a cube of 2.5 for vendor # 11170. I'm trying to match the "Vendor" on the "PO" worksheet with the "Vendor" on the "Cube File" worksheet, and then return the corresponding "Cube", (in column F of the "Cube File"), in cell U2 of the "PO" sheet. So, what formula needs to be entered in cell U2?