is there any rule for random number to be picked up? Any Rule, Any Formulae, Any Calculation Anything, Any authentic routine which may guess what would be the next random number? for example if first random number is 825587 then what would be the next?
I have a drop down list in rows of a column to fill out a ledger. The items have multiple account number that I want to put in a second column. I can do the lookups, but I want to have one cell that equals the value picked in the first column regardless of the row. For example if I pick a value for A1 I want it to equal O1, and if I pick a value for A2 I want it to equal O1 and so on, in order to activate a lookup for the second list.
How do I make a row of 5 random numbers in A2:A6 that are not the same as each other. It's basically for a Bingo card. I have a formula that can calculate the random numbers =INT(RAND()*15)+1 under the B's for example, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it so they are not the same.
I am starting a new Fantasy Football League. I am wanting to be able to enter players into Sheet 2 as they are picked. And I am wanting those picks to be simultaneously placed on Sheets 3-14 according to their position. Sheet 1 is a list of names according to positions. A more detailed explanantion is entered below.....
I have a speradsheet for my work, which gives the user problems and solutions to our website. however I cant get the userform to recognise the named ranges I have added. (ie the first combobox wont recognise the rowsource, which is a named range).
This would generate a random number into RPlayerNum variable, based on the list in sheet RPlay, missing off row 1 as the header.
However we have noticed a massive flaw in this code.... It works as long as the excel file is open, each time run it gives a different random number. However if you close the excel file and open it, then run it, it ALWAYS gives the same number first run, every time.
If I generate a random number in cell A1 ranging from 1 to 3. Can I count how many times the result is equal to 2 if I was to run it 100 times and then show the results in cell A3.
I need a macro that will select a random number between 1 and 6. ie select the number of a dice. It needs to input 1 random value into one cell and another random value into another. Like the dice values of a monopoly game.
is if there is a way to generate random numbers between 0001 and 9999. I always need to always have 4 digits. The first couple of numbers can be 0 so that I can maximize the number of variations.
I get the following error whenever I try running a Monte Carlo simulation with iterations in excess of 64000 (The MC simulation calls the 'NormSInv' worksheet function at least once per iteration, and the argument to the 'NormSInv' function is always a standard normal RANDOM number also generated by Excel VBA): Run-time error '1004': Unable to get the NormSInv property of the WorksheetFunction class Why do I inevitably encounter this error ONLY when the number of iterations exceeds 64000, for instance? Simulations with iterations < 64000 run smoothly without a glitch.
I am using the data analysis add-in to generate a random number (using the random number generation) using a normal distribution. The problem is, i want it to recalculate these numbers every time the worksheet is recalculated but the numbers seem to be values only.
i have worked in access using vba procedures. i can easily create a form in access that generates a random integer number between 0 and 20 and the user will guess the number between 1 to 20 if the random number is 16 and the user enters 14 the program will display a msg box saying too low or too high. here is the code .
Option Explicit Private Const MAX = 20 Private Const MIN = 1 Private iKey As Integer Private lTries As Long
Private Function Random() As Integer Random = CInt(Int((MAX - MIN + 1) * Rnd() + MIN)) End Function
Private Sub cmdGuess_Click() Dim lGuess As Long
now i have to do the same thing in excel create a program that will ask the user to enter numbers between 0 to 20 and see if the random number and user guess is same or not. but i have never worked in excel using vba procedures how can i achieve the same thing in excel using a vba procedures.
I have a random number generater but it creates a new random number whenever I recalculate the sheet or enter something in another cell. I would like it to choose a random number once and not do it again until a condition, specificaly a date, is met.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As String, i As Byte Randomize x = Format$(Int(Rnd * 1899) + 1, "0000") For i = 1 To Len(x) Me.Controls("TextBox" & i).Value = Mid$(x, i, 1) Next End Sub
I have inherited a spreadsheet that I need to update soon. It takes data that has a date field and creates a pivot table by month. The person who created it completed it thru February. Now I have added data for March and April, but the pivot tables can not find this new data and I suspect it is because of the date formatting (I have done the Change Data Source under PivotTable Options to include all the new data).
The reason I suspect the date format is that she built a button to run a macro named "dateformat", which is not in the workbook. I have tired to manually format the date using the format painter from the February dates that the pibvot table recognizes, but I still get no results.
I understand how RAND and RANDBETWEEN work, but have a slightly more complicated random number generation problem that requires a number that isn't solely between two numbers.
I have one cell that is randomly generating a number between 0 and 350 (we'll call this value A) and another randomly generating a number between 0 and 15 (value B). Then, I have a third cell (value C) that equals 15 minus B. Where I am having trouble is with a fourth cell (value D). This cell I want to have randomly generate a number between 0 and 350 but it needs to be D less than the value in A or C more than the value in A. Is there an advanced random number generation technique that can solve this?
I have a spreadsheet of 1000+ companies and I want to take a random sampling of 100 of them. I would assume this could be accomplished by auto-filling a numerical value to each line of data (which I did), then scrambling only the column with the numbers (which I can't figure out), and then selecting the entire text and resorting it to put the numbers back in order and then just work with the first 100 rows (which I can do, if I knew how to make the numbers random).
Say I have a list of 100 numbers (in column A). What formula would I use to have Excel list (in column B) 50 random numbers from the list of 100 or column A?
i have the formula =CHAR(INT(RAND()*25)+65) which creates random number when dragged from say C1 TO C6 however i need the 3rd 4th or 5th character to be a random number between one and 9 is this possible?
I have a range of cells that have values from 1 to 7 in them. What I would like to do is to have the next column generate a random number from 1 to 7 that does not generate the number that the cell next to it has. for example if cell A1 has 6 in it, I would like cell b1 to generate a random number other than 6 in it. if cell A2 has 3 in it then cell B2 would generate a number other that 3 (1,2,4,5,6, and 7).
The assignment is basically to do a module that first picks a random number between 1-100 and then the user should guess what number it is. If the guessed number is below/higher the real number then a MessageBox should appear and say if its too low or to high.
how to use the random number generator to generate unique numbers (1-55) based on the odd percentages in the attached chart.
for example in the chart, chances 1 through 10 are more likely to be generate first rather then the last chance number 55 based on the draft pick odds....