To Enter Players Into Sheet 2 As They Are Picked

Mar 3, 2008

I am starting a new Fantasy Football League. I am wanting to be able to enter players into Sheet 2 as they are picked. And I am wanting those picks to be simultaneously placed on Sheets 3-14 according to their position. Sheet 1 is a list of names according to positions. A more detailed explanantion is entered below.....

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Value Picked In The First Column Regardless Of The Row

Dec 21, 2009

I have a drop down list in rows of a column to fill out a ledger. The items have multiple account number that I want to put in a second column. I can do the lookups, but I want to have one cell that equals the value picked in the first column regardless of the row. For example if I pick a value for A1 I want it to equal O1, and if I pick a value for A2 I want it to equal O1 and so on, in order to activate a lookup for the second list.

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Rule For Random Number To Be Picked Up?

Jun 24, 2014

is there any rule for random number to be picked up? Any Rule, Any Formulae, Any Calculation Anything, Any authentic routine which may guess what would be the next random number? for example if first random number is 825587 then what would be the next?

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Named Range Not Picked Up In Userform

Jan 17, 2007

I have a speradsheet for my work, which gives the user problems and solutions to our website. however I cant get the userform to recognise the named ranges I have added. (ie the first combobox wont recognise the rowsource, which is a named range).

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Path Of File Picked Up From Cells In Spreadsheet

Oct 17, 2008

Is there a way to make the contents of a particular cell in a worksheet show where to pick up another file. Here is my code to pick up a file:

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Date Formats Not Picked Up In Pivot Table

May 16, 2012

I have inherited a spreadsheet that I need to update soon. It takes data that has a date field and creates a pivot table by month. The person who created it completed it thru February. Now I have added data for March and April, but the pivot tables can not find this new data and I suspect it is because of the date formatting (I have done the Change Data Source under PivotTable Options to include all the new data).

The reason I suspect the date format is that she built a button to run a macro named "dateformat", which is not in the workbook. I have tired to manually format the date using the format painter from the February dates that the pibvot table recognizes, but I still get no results.

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Trim In By The Players

Oct 17, 2009

Iam pulling hockey stats from yahoo sports into excel on one tab then i have other tabs as teams and iam pulling the stats from the yahoo sports tab to them

the yahoo tab is called Players but when yahoo bringis in the players names they come with a space in front of them. Now the formula iam using works if i go to the players tab and take the space out but as soon as I refresh the data it puts the space back.

here is what iam using
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0)),INDEX(Players!NHL_2010_skaters, MATCH(TRIM($D5), Players!$A$1:$A$635,0), MATCH(E$4, Players!$A$1:$AT$1, 0)),0)

I think i have to put trim in by the players but when i try and add it I get formula errors.

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Match Formula To Item Picked From Dropdown List?

Aug 7, 2014

I have created a drop down list for items we quote on. each item has a different formula depending on the variables on sheet one Sheet1. I have listed the formulas in the column next to the drop down list for each item, but our now need the main quote to put in the formula in another cell when the item is chosen from the drop down list.

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Randomly Pair Up Players

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to make code to randomly pair up players. I have found code which makes a button that randomly pairs up players in a list but I want to make it so that ? players are paired with ? other players instead of everyone at the same time so that a person dosn't get paired with more then one player at a time.

E.g. take the first 6 players in a last and pair them with the second 6.

This is the code I found:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Range, RanRng As Range, z As Range, oRes, Ray
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, real, oSt As Integer, cl As Range
Dim oCol As Integer
Set RanRng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

[Code] ........

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Compare 1 Player To 3 Other Players

May 22, 2009

I need a formula for comparing the scores of 4 players from games won or tied.
I want to know for each game who won, tied or lost.

Below is how I compare 1 player to another.

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Add Each Players Total From Each Course They Played

May 28, 2009

I have a column that adds the total points for each Golfer at each Golf Course. (Column AI)
I've added another column that I want to add the total points for each Golfer from each Course played. (Column AJ)

How can this be done so that it adds each players total points for each Course Played? There could be more Courses as well.
Would I use a: (=IF(Course=Courses,Vlookup(Course,B2:B65536),35,False) with a Sum???

Below is how it would look shown in RED:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJ2DateGolf CourseIDTeam IDNameHCP123456789OUT101112131415161718INTotal ScoreNet ScoreStable ford PointsFront Holes WonBack Holes WonTotal Holes WonTeam ScoreTeam NetTeam Stable ford PointsCourse Stable ford Points324-MayRiverview0001001Player 13066666666654666666666541087829000108782943424-MayRiverview0002002Player 2195454534443844444444436745552101745552104524-MayRiverview0003003Player 330666666666545555555554599693800099693858624-MayRiverview0004004Player 416444444444365555555554581654200081654280725-MayEagle Bend0005001Player 11878666666657666666666541119314000111931443825-MayEagle Bend0006002Player 2334666555554755554454441885552000885552104925-MayEagle Bend0007003Player 316666666555515666666665310488200001048820581025-MayEagle Bend0008004Player 413444444545385555555544482693800082693880

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VBA Code Or Formula To Have Reports Populate Based On Date Picked?

Aug 2, 2013

I have this concept of a table of responses that have to be generated every month or on command. These reports export from a website into a certain format, its easy for me to adjust it so it can populate a the table. Although, i want to incorparate my date picker so everytime i pick a certain date a diffrent set of data will populate from the report. it seems very possible, just need to know where to go from. Either a VBA code or a fomula to allow for this to happen.

Heres and example..(cell linked to date picker)........column1 column2 column3,(date picker from microsoft),,each has a corresponding month


say i pick january, i want these columns to give me my data from a sheet or other workbook(the january report). i want everything linked so it will do this for virtually every month of the year. ive attached an example, the only thing i can think of is to make the cell that changes with when i pick a date to link to the report criteria.

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Excel Userform Combobox Looking Up Value From Worksheet Based On Other Values Picked

Jun 28, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet that is a roster to track mutliple crews and shifts.

I have a userform which is used to select a person on shift and assign them as being on either, Annual Leave, Personal Leave, Training.... on particular days.

I would like to have the shift combobox auto populate what shift the person is on based on the person and dates entered. All the information is there I just can't get the code to do this.

I was also thinking about blocks where the shift goes from DS to NS and if people are on leave over this time. I would need the combobox to know this also.

I have attached my workbook : New Annual Leave Spreadsheet.xlsm

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IF And AND; Add A Line To The Code So Date Picked By The User Needs To Be Both Weekday And Not A Day In The Past

Jun 20, 2006

See attcahed code. I need to add a line to the code so date picked by the user needs to be both weekday and not a day in the past.

e.i today : 20/06/2006

if user pick a date before today or a weekend date pivot table does not update.

Private Sub MonthView1_DateClick(ByVal DateClicked As Date)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If Weekday(MonthView1.Value, vbMonday) < 6 Then
With PivotTables("PivotTable1")
.PivotFields("DATE").CurrentPage = Format(MonthView1.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Audit The Selection Of Players Selected

Mar 14, 2007

I have this macro and I would like to audit the selection of players selected. I would like the number that is entered in the input obx to be placed in the sheet "DRAFT" and be placed in A1 and the next in A2 and so on. Can this code be modified for this to occur.

Sub SearchDelete()
Dim ID, c As Range
ID = InputBox("Enter the Super10 Player ID Number", "Super10 Player Search")
If IsNumeric(ID) Then
With ActiveSheet.Range("a:a")
Set c = .Find(ID, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Cells(c.Row, 11).Value = "" Then
Msg = "P L A Y E R A L R E A D Y S E L E C T E D !" & vbCr & vbCr & "Player # : " & Cells(c.Row, 1).Value & vbCr & "Name : " & Cells(c.Row, 4).Value & vbCr & "Games : " & Cells(c.Row, 6).Value & vbCr & "Average : " & Cells(c.Row, 7).Value & vbCr & "Position : " & Cells(c.Row, 2).Value & vbCr & "Team : " & Cells(c.Row, 3).Value & vbCr & "Rank : " & Cells(c.Row, 27).Value & vbCr & "Rank POS : " & Cells(c.Row, 28).Value.............................

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Randomly Assign Players To Teams

May 5, 2007

I am trying to assign a list of players onto teams but I need to distribute "skill" evenly to ensure teams are equally matched.

A statistician in the league suggested the best way to do this might be to sort the player list (descending) by the measure of "skill", then start assigning teams in blocks. If I have 40 players in the league / 4 teams = 10 players per team. I would randomize the numbers 1-4 (e.g. 3 1 4 2) and assign them to the first four players, randomize another set of 1-4, assign them to the next, and so on...

I could then sort the player list by “team assignment” column and have hypothetically equal skill on every team.

Couple of complications... number of players and teams might vary season to season. I will have to enter in number of teams and number of players at the beginning of each season along with a new list of their stats. Also, although I have a limited knowledge of Excel and VBA, none of the other coaches do so I want to make this as idiot proof as possible.

Using various macros (or functions) I found here I was able to randomize the first "block" of players but I cannot complete the randomizations for the remainder of the list. The only solution I have found would be to manually create an array using the “RandUnique” function over X (depending on number of teams) cells and then copy and paste this randomized subset down the rest of the player list.

See attached for sample data.

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How To Auto-move Players In Cup Tree Using Formulas

Aug 31, 2012

I am trying to build a cup tree that automaticly move players over to the next round if they are first or second in
their group of 4. What happens when first person have a result of lets say 33 and 2nd and 3d person have a result of 35 each and the 4th person 37? First person is easy but then there are 2 persons with the sam result and they play sudden death and we put in a 1 in the sd column for the winner and a 2 for the loser of the sudden death.

How do I make my formula figure that if they had the same result go look at the sd column?

Another thing is that of the 2 players advancing they have to be placed in the same order in next round, how can I achieve that?

If you look in column I row 19-22 there are players in the wrong order because the player with the better result goes in first. It should be this order: 9 11 15 16 instead. (if you are ahead in the previous round you will be ahead in the next round)

Another problem I noticed now is that when 2 players has the same lowest score the first player takes both spots as it is now and that doesn't work in real. You see what I mean if you look at player 1 in round 1 and 2 (R1 & R2), in this case it should have been players 1 2 6 and 7 moving on to round 2 and not 1 1 6 7 as it is at the moment.

(Rank is their rank from the qulification rounds where the first 4 is seeded and the rest is drawn into 1 group a time)

Klass B



[Code] .......

Spreadsheet Formulas


=IF('Klass B Calculations'!F4=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C4;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F5=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C5;
IF('Klass B Calculations'!F6=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C6;IF('Klass B Calculations'!F7=1;'Klass B Calculations'!C7;""))))

[Code] ..........

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Randomly Pair Players Together To Form Teams

Jun 10, 2008

I need to randomly pair players together to form teams.

For example:
Saturday morning, there are 19 golfers signed up to play together, but want to paired randomly.

This is what we currently do:
In cells A1:A27 I type their names. In B1:B27, I type their handicaps.

We then use a deck of cards to randomly draw teams. We do this by pulling 4-A's, 4-k's, 4-Q's, 4-J's, and 3-10's from the deck. We shuffle these cards and then go down the names in colum A and assign each palyer a card and place the card value into column C. We then highlight all three columns and sort by column C to form teams.

This works ok, but the problem is they all tee off at the same time and need a "super quick" process to form teams in seconds.

The only variable that I might see being a problem is the # of players vary each time they play. There might be 12 one day and 51 the next. We have to form teams into 4 somes and 3 somes, based on the total number of players we get.

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How To Enter Name On 1 Sheet, Have It Disappear On Another

Sep 1, 2007

I think I asked this in a much more complicated & confusing way before; hoping this makes more sense. I'd like to set something up so that when a name is entered in ColA of sheet1, it disappears from a list of names in ColA of sheet 2.

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Spreadsheet To Manage My Players In A Virtual Sports Game

Dec 13, 2007

I have been working on a spreadsheet to manage my players in a virtual sports game. I have worked out that the optimum skill scores for all the positions and want a way to compare a player to the optimum.

For example:

Position 147.1737.6742.0533.8313.6711.3317.33

These are the averages for Position 1

How do I find the player who closest matches this optimum. Players have scores in the same 7 skill areas.

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Enter Data In One Sheet Shows Up In All

Mar 15, 2013

I have copied my first sheet into multiple sheets. Now when I enter data in one it shows up in all of them. How do I stop this from happening? I have cleared out any content in them and the formula bar is blank in every line.

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Sheet Won't Calculate Without Hitting Enter

Aug 7, 2014

I found some VBA code here which I very slightly modified that I'm using to bring pictures over top of cells based on their values. The code works great but I can't get it to automatically update the pictures. To get the picture in each cell I have to hit F2+Enter. I've made sure that my calculations are on automatic.

I have tried the text-to-column trick as well as the find-replace = with = trick and neither of them worked. I'm guessing I need to call a function here to force each cell to recalculate in the same way F2+Enter works but I'm not how to do that or where to put it. I tried Application.Volatile True and that didn't work either.

[Code] .....

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VBA To Enter Data From One Sheet As Date Changes

Aug 18, 2014

Please find attached.I have two sheets. In sheet 3 I will enter data. It must record on corresponding date & column in sheet 4.


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Enter Sheet Name To Destination Cell

Feb 15, 2010

I would like a button in (Sheet2) to do this operation when clicked: jump to (Sheet1) and enter Sheet2's name into cell B4, where this button is used in many sheets similar to Sheet2(aka2,3,4,5,6...) that all do the same to jump to sheet 1.

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Get Value From All Worksheets Enter On Summary Sheet

Dec 26, 2006

I have a workbook that has various number of worksheets at any time. Each worksheet has data about current employees. We can have anywhere between 20 and 50 employees at a time. When we get a new employee, we take the "template" worksheet, copy it, and rename it with the employee name. We also have a summary sheet. On the summary sheet we have the employee name in column "A" and the hire date in column "B"

Each employee sheet is set up the same since we use the template. So the employee name is in cell "A6" and the date is in "I6".

Is there a macro I can use that will update the summary page every time a worksheet is added or removed? I don't want the macro to run on its own - I want to make sure we can manually run it (after we are done entering data into the new sheet).

So, basically, what I want to do is to search for all worksheets except "template" and "summary" and take the value in cells "A6" and "I6" and paste it in the "summary" sheet in cells "A3" and "B3" respectively, and then the next values from the next sheet into "A4" and "B4" and so on and so on.

I have been experimenting with code all day, and started just trying to get the employee names copied over (cell A6) and can't do it so I haven't even tried the hire date yet (cell I6). I have tried probably 15 different codes but I guess I do not know what I am doing. The latest code I tried is....

FirstCell = Worksheets("Summary").Range("A3")
For Each Worksheet In Sheets
If Worksheet.Name "Summary" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A6").Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Summary").Range(FirstCell + 1, 0)
End If
Next Worksheet
End Sub

It would be cool too if after all the values have been pasted into the "summary" sheet if I could sort alphabetically, but I don't want to push my luck.

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Enter On One Sheet & Add Entry To All Sheets

Aug 15, 2007

I use the same number as a lookup value in several sheets(say 1-10). The number can only be changed in sheet 1, the others referring to it. So if you want to use a different value in say sheet 9 you have to return to sheet 1 and change it, then back to sheet 9. Is there any way that a number can be inputted into ANY of the sheets and change ALL of them, without using macros? I've searched long and hard for the solution to this, I'm sure it's either a trivial answer or a trivial question that doesn't deserve an answer.

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Tournament Spreadsheet (flexible Number Of Players And Payout Percentages)

May 10, 2014

I'm trying to figure out a simple spreadsheet that can spit out tournament payouts based on a flexible number of players (we might have 55, 60, 100) and flexible percentages based on the pot size (if we have 100 players, we would like to pay more players than if we had 50).

Something like [input number of players] [input pot size] [input # of payouts] [input percentage of each payout] it would just save a ton of time as we're trying to calculate payouts on the go.

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On Error Enter Sheet Name Into Cell Then Next Argument

Jul 31, 2014

I have some code I wrote that copies sheets from another sheet in another workbook to my current one, in order. However, depending on activity within these sheets, there might not be a sheet for the month.

I have the on error code to go to the next argument, however I would like it to tell me on my errors sheet that it did not exist.

The error sheet will simply have 2 columns of copied sheets and non-existent sheet.

On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("GLTemp").Sheets("981715").Copy After:=Workbooks("MHSGMR").Sheets("981715 Budget")
sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = sheetName & " GL"

[Code] ......

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Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform

May 9, 2007

Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform. How can I enter Data from entryform to multisheet?

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Enter Current Date Into Last Used Row Of Column Of Another Sheet

Mar 1, 2008

From sheet1 on a checkbox click I am attempting to post the system date into sheet3 cell c3. If c3 already contains data then I want the cell selection to go down to the next row and post the date there. I if cell c3 has no data then it posts fine but if I need to goto the next row then I get a runtime error "object doesn't support this property or method".

If Me.GCN = True Then
If Not IsEmpty(Worksheets("GCN_Paid").Range("c3")) Then
Sheets(3).ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Sheets(3).Range("c3") = Date
Sheets(3).Range("c3") = Date
End If
End If

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