To Count And Apply To Macro
Dec 19, 2009
I'm Working on the next part of my long term project.
I need to count the number of Cells Selected in MacroTest2.xls column BG.
( Selection.count) ?
I need to Open Workbook MacroTest3.csv. It has a Header and only Row 2 filled with data.
I need to Pulldown/Copy row 2 a number of times so that the Number of Duplicate Rows Created is Equal to the number of Selected Cells in the Count in MacroTest2.xls.
I have been able to do it based on a Static Number of Selected Cells (3) ( the existing Row + 2 ) by recording the manual event with this code.
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Rows("2:4"), Type:=xlFillCopy
I'm trying to understand how to declare the variable and apply it, so that the Number of Rows of Template Data in MacroTest3.csv is Equal to the Number of Selected Cells in MacroTest2.xls column BG.
This is part of a Macro that will then transfer some same selected Range of Cell Data as well. It is Currently working but not with a variable number of selected cells. I can post the whole code if it would help you to see the whole picture.
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Dec 13, 2013
apply a count to a sheet which adjusts when filtered. I have attached a sheet, but as you can see the filter is returning the incorrect count as it is including the rows which are not displyed
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Mar 9, 2009
I am using Excel to tabulate votes for a contest. Judges have given a number to each entry, and but certain judges' opinions need to count twice as much as other judges' opinions based on their qualifications.
I've attached the file to help illustrate what I'm trying to do. Morris's votes need to count twice for all Photography or Web Design entries, and Clark's votes need to count twice for all Graphic Design or Web Design entries.
I know I can do this manually by simply copying the number into a blank cell in another column (like the blank column between Morris and Clark's names), but is there any way to make Excel do this for me?
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Dec 8, 2009
I am trying to set up a macro that hides certain columns of data in an automated spreadsheet that I don't need. How do I make the macro that hides the columns apply to all spreadsheets that are open except for the one I am in?
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May 11, 2009
I am trying to record a macro that edits a rows data, and simply copies it to a new cell further along on the same row,. but i then want it to move to the next row down, and apply the same macro to that run, and continue until there is no data in the last row,. How do I get the macro to continue to the end of the data.
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Jul 30, 2008
I've made a spreadsheet at home on Excel 2007 which has up to 5 Conditional Formatting rules per cell which works fine. The problem is when I save as 97-2003 version to send to work, the old version of Excel only supports 3 rules as you know, is there a way of applying 4 or 5 rules when specific text is populated in a cell on the old version of Excel?
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Oct 3, 2009
I have a worksheet that I am always adding sheets to by duplicating an already existing tab. The tab ,"Current Invoice", is nested between sheets called "first" and "last". All duplicate sheets will also be nested between the "First" and "Last" tabs. What I would like to do is have a macro that affects all tabs between the "First" and "Last" only, even when the bookend tabs are hidden.
This is what I've started with.
HTML Sheets(Array("First", "Last")).Select
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=18
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
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Dec 2, 2009
I need to run the below code on all work sheets:
Sub Remove_Duplicate()
On Error Resume Next
With Range("b1", Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Offset(, -1)
.Formula = "=If(CountIf(B$1:B1,B1)=1,"""",False)"
.SpecialCells(-4123, 4).EntireRow.Delete
End With
End Sub
Basically I have lots of worksheets and I want to remove the duplicates in column B for each work sheet with a duplicate entry...
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Jan 18, 2014
i want to apply a macro for all sheets that start with "MCC ENTRY" and "MCC EXIT"
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May 14, 2007
I poked around and found a macro to highlight the active cell, but I want to limit it to be active only for range A1:A37. Any ideas? I put in the Set OldCell = Range("A1:A37"), but all it does is turn every cell you pick blue and it stays that way, so I'm not sure how to limit it.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Static OldCell As Range
Set OldCell = Range("a1:a37")
If Not OldCell Is Nothing Then
OldCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End If
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
Set OldCell = Target
End Sub
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Aug 10, 2008
Could somebody update the below code so that it actions all open workbooks except the master (Book2). Also, so that it appends the data (which is basically 2 neighbouring colums of data) to the Master starting in column A
Sub Format_RAW()
' Format_RAW Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+s
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$P$5105").AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=Array( _
"H1", "H2", "H3", "H4"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$P$5105").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
End Sub
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Jan 31, 2009
Sub elaseval()
For each cell in Range(“B7:B50”)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Range("C” & cell.Row : ”T” & cell.Row").Select
Range("C" & Cell.Row).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Next Cell
End Sub
I am trying to apply this set of commands to each cell in the range B7:B50. For each of these cells, I need "cell.Value" to refer to the value in the respective cell and "cell.Row" to represent the row of the cell that is currently being used.
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Jun 27, 2007
i used your recommended summary page that you posted somewhere in ozgrid. i have this workbook which has 6 worksheets.
1st sheet: summary page. this adds all the sheets between top and bottom
2nd sheet: "TOP"
3rd sheet: "Red"
4th sheet: "Blue"
5th sheet: "Yellow"
6th sheet: "BOTTOM"
i have this macro which performs some copy-paste-compute codes. my problem is this: i don't know what codes to use so that the macro will be applied to only those sheets between TOP and BOTTOM...
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Jun 21, 2014
I have data in columns that I want to create charts for. However, this data is dynamic and the number of cells where there is data varies. The rest of the cells that don't have numbers have 0s, however if I applied a macro to the whole column all of the zeros would show up in the resulting charts. How can I create a macro where I can highlight just the cells (the ones with non-zero numbers) that I want a chart to be generated for. Or is there a way to ignore zeros/blanks completely in the macro?
Example: here are two columns with data. I want to make a macro that creates a chart by just highlighting the actual numbers and ignoring the zeros.
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Dec 20, 2006
How do I apply 1 Macro to all the sheets in a Work book. That is one Macro should execute the function in all the worksheets of the Workbook.
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Feb 29, 2008
I'm trying to find a macro to apply conditional formatting to a large number of cells,
What I would like to do is when cell E96 has a value of a, cells E3:F95 are shaded in grey. Then when cell G96 has a value of a, cells G3:H96 are shaded in grey, and so on down to IU96 having a value of a and cells IU3:IV96 shaded in grey.
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Dec 14, 2008
Step 1. In Col E a list of amounts will be pasted on a daily basis.
Step2. I need a macro that will look at the last code in Col F and apply the next sequence so $36,543.00 will have OPS003, since i might paste more than one amount in Col E i would like the macro to do the same thing also in Col F. I have a formula in G which will tell me what amounts are outstanding and which have cleared.
AmountCode 12,545.00 OPS001 1,236.00 OPS002 36,543.00
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Oct 11, 2007
I have a workbook in which I have 31 sheets. I've also recorded a macro that works great when I run it on one sheet, but it comes up with an error when I try to run it on grouped worksheets. I searched Google, and a few articles I saw said that in order to run a macro on grouped sheets, you have to use loops. I don't know if this is true, but I don't know how to run loops anyway, so. I want to run the macro on 30 of the 31 sheets. I was going to put the code in, but when I did that my post didn't work, so I'm thinking there might be a limit on the length of a post.
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Aug 5, 2008
I am creating a series of macros for a workbook, and at the beginning of each macro I unprotect all sheets and at the end of each macro I protect the sheets once more. The issue I am having is that even with these macros in place, I continue to receive an Excel alert message saying:
"The cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. To modify a protected cell or chart, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Review tab, Changes group). You may be prompted for a password."
The macro will then run. Everything works as it should, but I do not want this error message to pop up. I have tried inserting
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
into the code, but it does not stop the message.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have software that exports to an excel file. The files are one or two page reports. The way the software dumps the reports into excel, it comes out looking pretty rough. The rows and columns aren't spaced very well, the fonts look like garbage, and nobody likes them.
I would like to apply formatting changes to these reports automatically without the end user having to do anything. So as soon as the document is opened up it bolds the column headers, adjusts column widths etc. The reports are auto generated so no formatting can be done when the reports are made.
There may also be different formatting done to different reports. The files will come out named something like, "Report_A_DDMMYYY.xls, Report_B_DDMMYYY.xls," etc. Report A, and Report B will likely need different formatting.
I'm not opposed to using VBA or whatever might be necessary to make this happen. I can learn anything I need to pretty quickly, I just don't know where to start with this.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have the following macro:
[Code] .....
So right now the macro is run in every single worksheet in the workbook. Unfortunately, it appears the TRIM function erases formulas in cells. I want this macro to apply only to certain worksheets. Say the worksheets i want the macro to run on are named A1-A100.
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Jul 6, 2009
i m trying to set up a macro to convert a range of user-highlighted(selected) cells to 3 significant figures: for example, convert 0.135564 to 0.136
the equation i found elsewhere online: ROUND(xx,3-(1+INT(LOG10(ABS(xx))))). but i can't quite figue out how to apply the equation to a selected range of cells via a macro.
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Dec 8, 2011
Below is a recorded macro i am trying to apply on a pivot table.
ActiveSheet.Range("$G$4:$G$100000").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="21", Operator:=xlTop10Items
The problem i am facing is that when i am trying to run it is not working.
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Jan 28, 2009
Cycle through all sheets in a workbook performing the following:Store worksheet protection state (bSheetProtection)... execute code ...Restore worksheet protectionI cannot seem to locate a way to save a worksheet's protection state in a variable.
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Jun 20, 2009
I am using DSUM functions which result in having to have an extra row beneath each of the DSUM formula rows (for the criteria arguments)
The code below checks for color coding and then populates 1 or a 0 in the database for the DSUM formulas
Im trying to optimize the code so that it runs faster. how can i code to skip the rows that do not contain data?
other optimization / best practices that you recommend are appreciated!
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Goto errorout:
If Not Intersect(Target(1, 1), Range("j3")) Is Nothing Then
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For Each rcell In Range("j11:n731")
If rcell.Value = 1 Then
rcell.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
rcell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
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Jul 7, 2006
I am trying to loop through all of my worksheets in my workbook to apply a subotal to each of the sheets. I can get it to work with applying to just one named sheet, but I cannot get the loop to work. The sheets named "data" and "PriceList" do not need the subtotal applied.
Below is the code I am using:
Sub SubTotals()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim wsDst As Worksheet
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Aug 31, 2006
I need to apply the following code to all the sheets in my workbook (they are all identical format)
rivate Sub mymacro1()
Application .OnTime TimeValue("10:27:00"), "MyMacro1"
Dim objOL As Object
Dim objItem As Object
Dim lngRow As Long
Set objOL = CreateObject(" Outlook.Application")
lngRow = 6
Do While activehsheet. Cells(lngRow, 1) <> ""
If ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow, 6).Value < Date Then
Set objItem = objOL.CreateItem(0) 'constant olMailItem = 0
With objItem
.Body = "The training review for employee: " & ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow - 5, 2) & " is due today """.....................
I don't know what syntax to use to 'globalise' if you like the macro to perform the action in the code to all the sheets.
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Feb 26, 2008
I havae the following macro which i recorded in Excel. I want this Macro to run after another macro that groups data and creats tabs. The following macro will then add a column and run an array formula. I think this can be done in a loop but i'm not sure how to do it. This is working but takes a long time and times out by the time it reaches the last tab.
Application.Run "TotalHrs"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Invoiced Amount"
Selection.FormulaArray = _
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Apr 30, 2008
I have to create autofilters dynamically on x columns based on the selection I make. I created this code but is not working.
LastColumn = Cells. Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
Range(Cells(17, 1), Cells(17, LastColumn)).Select
With Selection
.AutoFilter = True
End With
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Jan 26, 2009
I'm currently applying these formulae manually, and also instructing other people to do the same, due to my lack of understanding of macros. Hopefully someone can give me some instruction as to how to do this automatically. I'd like people to be able to open sheets sent as normal CSV's and apply a macro to get them into the right format, changing only rows with data in them.
These are the instructions I'm currently sending:
In cell n1 enter:
full phone number
in cell m2 enter:
=RIGHT("00000000" & J2,8)
Drag m2 to last record
In cell n2 enter:
Drag n2 to last record
In cell o1 enter:
Date of call
in cell o2 enter:
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