#VALUE! Error Creating String For VLOOKUP
Apr 25, 2006
Needing to do a VLOOKUP on two criteria, I have set up a string using "&" to join together the contents of two cells. This is in a workbook with many identical worksheets. The string works for some of the sheets but in others, for reasons I simply cannot fathom, it is returning a #VALUE! error.
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm trying to check to see if a file exists using VBA but the routines I see use a string that has the path and then the file name. I have a fixed path C:VBtesting and the a variable file name. I'm using a file name that consists of a username & date such as cwilliams201212. I'm having problems getting the variable file name into the string.
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Mar 14, 2013
I'm trying to use the ActiveSheet Name as the folder name for images being imported into excel. For example, on the Sheet "Sample 1" I want to pull from the File Path "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopSample 1"
I'm getting an error, I think this code should work in regular VBA not sure whats wrong in excel?
Dim strSName As String
strSName.Text = ActiveSheet.Name
Const strPath As String = "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktop" & strSName & ""
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Dec 9, 2013
Is there a formula that can be used to convert a manufacturing LOT Number to a Date? For example, the first six digits of our Lot Number are the MMDDYY followed by an item description (120913DKP-01). We are trying to pull the 120913 portion out of the lot number to equal a Date of Manufacture of December 9, 2013.
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Jul 7, 2012
I am having some difficulty with a pdf that I converted to an excel document because I wanted to use the data from the pdf tables in a different program I am currently working on. However, the data is in the improper format. For example, in the table it reads 2-1/8 as string and I want it to be the number value 2.125 . Likewise if the value in the table reads 5-1/4 I want it to automatically convert it to something that will be read as the number 5.25
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Apr 18, 2014
I have an endless list of information that I need to turn into a text string, lookup with a validation on the end.
The easiest way is to show you so I've attached the info and what result I want.
Attached File : Test.xlsx
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Apr 7, 2006
I am currently using the following formula:
However, I get the results of #VALUE!
In cell H21, the value is 27.00
How do I force excel to recognize the .00 in the formula?
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a workbook containing 2 sheets called ('EPM Extract' and 'Sheet B'). Column 'B' of the 'EPM Extract' sheet contains a list of Project IDs (numerical), and 'Sheet B' also contains a list of Project IDs (also in column B), plus all of the additional data I require.
Now, from the required cell within the 'EPM Extract' sheet, the normal Excel the code would read as =vlookup(B3,'Sheet B'!B5:W32,11,False), upon which I would drag down the code from that cell to all other required cells below. However, these are my issues:
* How do I even begin to write the code within VB, as I know that variables and arrays have to be set
* I need to apply the vlookup across 12 columns as I am bringing back 12 different results (i.e. I need to copy results from column counts 11 to 22 from 'Sheet B' to columns in 'EPM Extract' sheet.
*The amount of data in the sheets will vary each month, so I need to know how to apply the code only to the amount of rows in the 'EPM Extract' sheet, so some kind of R1C1xl.UP will need to be defined also.
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Apr 20, 2008
if it is at all possible (and if so, how) to CREATE your own error message in Microsoft Excel.
Basicaly, I am wanting to create an error message if two cells' figures do not match up.
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Oct 8, 2009
This is a spreadsheet I'm using for my fantasy basketball draft that by adding information into table C3:N15 will populate stats into team sheets and output average stats into table D20:L31 and then create a rotisserie style scoring table outputted into B36:M47.
What I want to do (and have tried to do in table B51:M62) is output this to create a sorted ranked by Approx Score without using macros or VBA. I also want to do this using Excel 2003 rather than 07 (I'd love to take advantage of the AVERAGEIF function but i figure compatibility is my first concern).
The issue I have run into is that tie scores are going to make it difficult, and utilizing a table w/ summed ranked will lend itself to that happening...a lot. How can I solve this?
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May 3, 2007
I searched the forum for an answer to my problem since I'm positive its a FAQ. Well I was right and many other users have asked a similiar question. My problem is this: I am looking to find the average of a set of numbers in column T that meets certain criteria. I was suggested by other user to use this function which finds me the total number. =SUMPRODUCT(--($E$1:$E$400="S"),--($H$1:$H$400=17),--($U$1:$U$400<>"BEBLT"),--($U$1:$U$400<>"NVLIV"),--($T$1:$T400 > 0),$T$1:$T$400)
I have tried inputing Count, Countif, Average in place of Sumproduct as well as Count enclosing the entire sumproduct function. Nothing seems to work for me. I have also tried using a SQL statement in my VBA to provide a count but it doesn't seem to produce the required result. The above function works like a charm for finding the sum, but I need to find the average of this number thus I am looking for the Count equivilant. I'm sure this is a simple problem and I'm still a rookie when it comes to functions in excel.
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Dec 28, 2011
Im trying to write a code in vba in Excel 2010 that would incorporate the vlookup function in excel.
My Data Looks like this:
List 1Weight 1List 2Weight 2List 3Weight 3List 4Weight 4a2.00%j20.00%a14.00%p2.00%b4.00%k32.00%d2.00%y3.00%
Where I have X number of Lists, each composed of two columns. The 1st column has the name of each item in each list, and the 2nd column has the value for that item.
What I'd like to do is create a function that would let me choose two lists, and tell me the amount of items in List X and what their values are in List Y, and then total them. Also, I would like it to work the opposite way, and tell me the amount of items in List Y and what their values are in List X, and then total them.
So for example, If I wanted to look at lists 1 and 2, the function would calculate that for List 1, Items D & E are found in List 2 and have a total value of 25%. For List 2, Items D&E are found in List 1 and have a total value of 17%. For all items not in both lists, it would return values of 0.
The code I came up with so far looks like this:
Function AK_Overlap_Go(x, y)
Dim Temp(1 To 2, 2 To 1)
Dim x As Integer
One of the problems I'm having is that the lists contain a different # of items, and so I think I need to loop the vlookup for each row. However, I'm not sure how to do that and get the cumulative values for each list.
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Apr 24, 2014
I need to create some vertical scatter plots ie where all the y values are in the same line, and also to put on the mean and standard deviation error bars, like the example I found below. I have managed to plot the scatter by giving all the y values in each group the same x value, but I don't know how to proceed.
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Jul 22, 2014
In creating a macro and creating a pivot table as one of the first steps, I get this runtime error in visual basic:
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"original working!R1C1:R1000C13", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14). _
CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="Sheet4!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable2" _
, DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion14
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Jun 11, 2008
I am creating 10 pivot tables for data in one worksheet and putting them in a separate work sheet. i used the macro recorder but the cod eit worte stop at this line ...
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Aug 2, 2006
I am creating an excel file that has 2 buttons:
-1 that allows the user to select an image (works)
-1 that allows the user to select a MapPoint Map file (error 400)
The code below should be able to detail the problem.
Sub InsertImageOne()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Picture1 = Application. GetOpenFilename("Picture,*.JPG,Picture,*.JPEG,Picture,*.GIF,Picture,*.BMP")
Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = False
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 205
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 344
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Jan 8, 2009
I am receiving a run-time error with following code. The error message is "unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class". I only receive the message when the lookup value is not found in the table.
I thought adding the "False" command at the end would return an "N/A" but it didn't. Is there anything I can add to avoid this error?
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Nov 3, 2007
I currently have a list of companies. I want to create a unique list of these companies which I can use for some irrelevant purpose. What i did was I started recording a macro in which I first deleted everything in the spreadsheet. Afterwards I copied the whole company list from another spreadsheet and pasted it as values into the new spreadsheet. Afterwards I made an advanced filter; list range being the companies and copied it into a new location after making sure I had said yes to unique only.
Here is the code itself:
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Apr 8, 2014
I have a standard lookup table in Sheet1 with all the zipcodes and FIPS codes for the counties in 3 states:
In Sheet2 I have data exported from a database from which I need to generate columns of county codes and states in a third worksheet.
The problem is, most of the zipcodes in Sheet2 are 9-digit and some are 5-digit:
I can extract the 5-digit zipcode using LEFT, but I can't get it to work in a Vlookup formula in a single formula.
I tried creating an intermediate column to display just the 5 digits, but when I reference that in a Vlookup formula I get N/A. I can copy that intermediate column, paste values, and convert to number and it works fine in the Vlookup (but the end user is never going to be able to do this).
How can I--in one formula--extract the first 5 digits from each cell and use that string in a VLookup formula to display the proper FIPS codes?
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Apr 13, 2012
My sheet contains values like these:
What I want to do is sum all the values after the / for a particalur value before the /:
A 8
B 4
I already tried VLOOKUP, but this function wants you to point to a certain cell to return instead of a just a part of the cell. It should return 5 for the first row to be able to perform a sum for every value of A.
How can I perform such a calculation without having to copy the values to separate cells? Can I contain all of this in one function?
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Oct 4, 2012
Im sure this cant be done because it defies the logic of the LOOKUP function but I know there are some clever people on here so i thought id ask!!
I have 2 workbooks containing similar data from 2 different sources; the one common data item in both is a clients address but have the age old problem of data quality, which needs sorting eventually but i need a quick fix!
In workbook one for example the address will be recorded as RUSKIN RD
In workbook two the address will be recorded as RUSKIN ROAD
A simple look up wont work obviously as the 2 values dont match, then i thought of using the LEFT function but again this goes against the logic of the VLOOKUP.
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Nov 25, 2008
I have two columns Cust. Phone and State. The Cust. Phone column has the full 10 digit number. Some with the preceeding 1 and some without. The vlookup will sit in the State column. I am trying to perform a lookup using the area code.
I have tried the following but always recieve #N/A.
It makes sense if I walk through it but fails to work.
I am trying to use the HTML maker to upload an example but I'm running into problems. I'll update ASAP.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am wanting to look for a string of text within the "lookup_value" that matches the text that's in the "table_array".
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a issue with VLOOKUP and LEFT STRING ETC I have a lookup table see below
AB10 Grampian
AB12 Grampian
AL8 Anglia West
AL9 Carlton LWT
B1 Central West
B10 Central West
B11 Central West
B13 Central West
B14 Central West
B15 Central West
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Sep 29, 2006
I'm trying to use this formula to lookup the value in the array that matches, however, the first 4 numbers aren't known (thus why I'm doing the lookup) =VLOOKUP("*"&C2, 'KLIF Data'!A:C,1,0)
The * is being interpreted as a character, is there a way to perform the Vlookup function using a wildcard? Or just ignoring the first 4 characters of the cells in the array would work.
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Mar 16, 2014
I've set up an email to be sent via a macro (excel 2007 and outlook) and I expanded the body of the message and it now comes up with an error "Compile error: invalid outside procedure"
It was working when I only had 4 lines and now it's not working.
strbody = "Hi," & vbNewLine &_
"abc." & vbNewLine &_
"def." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ghi" & InputBox("Enter Response date (dd/mm/yyyy)") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"jlk." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"lmn" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ABC" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"XYZ" & vbNewLine & _
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Aug 22, 2007
I am trying to create a simple user interface type thing so that someone is able to select from drop down lists someones information, such as whether they are male or female, aged between 19-35 or 35-67, whether they are studying in a business area, legal or construction etc (there are 6 variables in total), This will then give the probability of success of the person passing this course based on probabilities which I have already worked out. I have worked out how to do the first stage of creating a drop down list showing alternative choices with Sex, Age etc in the data validation options, however:
There are 517 possible combinations, as in Male aged 19 to 35 studying Business (with other variables) or Male aged 19 to 35 studying Law (+ other variables) etc etc etc each with their own probability of success. Due to the long nature of writing out Male1935BusinessNorthWestWhiteBritishCollegeBrown I have rewritten it so it appears in the excel file as M1935BNWWBCB, which obviously wouldn't make any sense to someone if they had to select M 1935 B NW WB CB from drop down lists.
Along side the M1935BNWWBCB there is the probability of success specific to that type of person. So for example I could would have:
M 60%
M1935 64%
M1935B 35%....
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May 10, 2014
Take a look at the attached workbook.
Tab 'Internal' is an example of our internal customers and how much they spent with us.
Tab 'External' is a list of companies in our area that we could do business with, it came from a marketing firm. Columns B:J contain my formulas. B is my lookup.
I need to match the two sheets together and pull the dollars spent from Internal to External. The problem is that the marketing firm did not use the same naming conventions that are in our systems. This means a simple Vlookup will not work.
Here is what I did so far: used VBA and formulas to break apart the company names in External, then using a modified Vlookup to match the words to the names in Internal. My accuracy rate is less than 1%.
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Nov 17, 2008
If I have a store number (say 1234) and I am trying to search for something which contains 1234 (i.e. the whole string of ABCD1234, ABCD1235, ABCD1236 etc) is it possible to do this in one VLOOKUP formula?
One way of doing it would be to VLOOKUP("ABCD"&"1234",....) but I would rather do it the other way around, to prevent the formula from not working.
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Sep 22, 2009
i have attached an example to illustrate the data source and result expected.
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