Creating Date Of Manufacture From Lot Code String
Dec 9, 2013
Is there a formula that can be used to convert a manufacturing LOT Number to a Date? For example, the first six digits of our Lot Number are the MMDDYY followed by an item description (120913DKP-01). We are trying to pull the 120913 portion out of the lot number to equal a Date of Manufacture of December 9, 2013.
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm trying to check to see if a file exists using VBA but the routines I see use a string that has the path and then the file name. I have a fixed path C:VBtesting and the a variable file name. I'm using a file name that consists of a username & date such as cwilliams201212. I'm having problems getting the variable file name into the string.
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Mar 14, 2013
I'm trying to use the ActiveSheet Name as the folder name for images being imported into excel. For example, on the Sheet "Sample 1" I want to pull from the File Path "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopSample 1"
I'm getting an error, I think this code should work in regular VBA not sure whats wrong in excel?
Dim strSName As String
strSName.Text = ActiveSheet.Name
Const strPath As String = "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktop" & strSName & ""
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Apr 25, 2006
Needing to do a VLOOKUP on two criteria, I have set up a string using "&" to join together the contents of two cells. This is in a workbook with many identical worksheets. The string works for some of the sheets but in others, for reasons I simply cannot fathom, it is returning a #VALUE! error.
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Jul 7, 2012
I am having some difficulty with a pdf that I converted to an excel document because I wanted to use the data from the pdf tables in a different program I am currently working on. However, the data is in the improper format. For example, in the table it reads 2-1/8 as string and I want it to be the number value 2.125 . Likewise if the value in the table reads 5-1/4 I want it to automatically convert it to something that will be read as the number 5.25
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Apr 18, 2014
I have an endless list of information that I need to turn into a text string, lookup with a validation on the end.
The easiest way is to show you so I've attached the info and what result I want.
Attached File : Test.xlsx
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Mar 20, 2014
Trying to do a linkback from another post located here but not having much luck doing it: [URL]
I'm working with 2 date columns and trying to filter a view to only include projects with dates within 3 months of today's date.
I've attached a current working file of the data and the end result i'm hoping to achieve via a macro of some sort.
I've manually got it to work via formula by inserting 2 additional columns (highlighted yellow) which determine if the dates "YES" fall in this 3 month time frame of "" blank if not.
create a macro which does all of this automatically without modifying any columns if this is possible
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Oct 19, 2012
I have a spread sheet with a date colume that reads: 2012-06-27-19 I need to have this read like 06/27/2012 but nothing I do is working I have tried to go to the formatting process and backing the hr:mm out and that doesn't work. I really don't want to go line by line to manually correct this issue.. HENCE ... over 2000 lines
Second question: If I have a column that reads 02/15/2012 and another column that reads 3/27/2012 how to a format a 3rd column to make it read total number of days between 1st date and 2nd date?
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a workbook containing 2 sheets called ('EPM Extract' and 'Sheet B'). Column 'B' of the 'EPM Extract' sheet contains a list of Project IDs (numerical), and 'Sheet B' also contains a list of Project IDs (also in column B), plus all of the additional data I require.
Now, from the required cell within the 'EPM Extract' sheet, the normal Excel the code would read as =vlookup(B3,'Sheet B'!B5:W32,11,False), upon which I would drag down the code from that cell to all other required cells below. However, these are my issues:
* How do I even begin to write the code within VB, as I know that variables and arrays have to be set
* I need to apply the vlookup across 12 columns as I am bringing back 12 different results (i.e. I need to copy results from column counts 11 to 22 from 'Sheet B' to columns in 'EPM Extract' sheet.
*The amount of data in the sheets will vary each month, so I need to know how to apply the code only to the amount of rows in the 'EPM Extract' sheet, so some kind of R1C1xl.UP will need to be defined also.
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a workbook with four worksheets named
The two sheets named FilteredDataFormat and arrayFormat exist strictly to preserve headers , and column widths.
So that for convenience sake I can clear my data without specifying a range that excludes the headers.
I simple clear the contents of the 'FilteredData' and 'array' then copy and paste 'arrayFormat' and 'FilteredDataFormat'.
Sort of an unconventional and lazy approach but I see no reason why this will not work.
Here is my original code and what happens is that excel creates another workbook for some reason unknown to me
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Oct 30, 2008
For some reason the following code creates a blank page everytime. Is there a way to have it not do this that I am not seeing?
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Sep 9, 2006
how to create commandbutton code so let me explain what I am trying to do and anyone that could provide me with some basic code details to solve my problem:
When the command button is clicked in an excel worksheet I want a pop up box to come up containing specific information sourced from two other excel worksheets depending on the commandbutton. What I want to know is what code do I enter from the visual basic view in order for the box to appear with the right information.
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Mar 2, 2007
I need to distribute it to several areas of my company. Each area only needs part of the report. Therefore I have written some code which splits the existing report by area and creates a brand new report with that smaller chunk of data in it.
However I now realize that the new sub-report will require some code of it's own in order to function. My problem is that only the sub-report will be distributed to the end user. The core report will not. Therefore any code written for the new sub-report must be included within the sub-report.
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Jan 17, 2012
I have these as input entered as text:
January 01, 2011 January 01, 2011 February 28, 2010 May 12, 2011 June 02, 2010 February 28, 2010 May 12, 2011 June 02, 2010 February 28, 2010
but I need it in this DATE format:
I need it as a formula to be entered into a cell in excel (not VBA)
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Aug 21, 2009
I have a long list of zip codes (this is just a small portion of the list) that I need to make into ranges. Is there a formula I can use?
From this list:
[Code] ......
To this:
To From
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Jun 3, 2012
I have a macro I am using that uses several date filters. There are filters for the previous month, previous 6 months, previous year, all dates in the future, etc.
Every month I have to edit the macro and change the dates in the macro so it remains accurate. Is there any way I can modify the macro so that the dates are stored in a cell within the workbook and not in the macro?
What I would like is to type the date ranges in a sheet within the workbook and have the macro look to those cells for the date filter instead of typing in exact date ranges within the macro. This way the actual macro code does not need to be modified every month. I would like to only have to change cells within the worksheet and not touch the macro code.
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Sep 2, 2008
My macro does some calculations for a worksheet. I need the macro to loop through all the worksheets regardless of how many worksheets there are. My first sheet is a summary page with the names of the subsequent sheets that the macro needs to do calculation on. I need the macro to recognize the worksheet names in the summary page and run for each worksheet name. For instance the next time I run the macro I may have fewer sheets of more sheet names in the column. It sounds almost like an Indirect function problem.
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Jul 22, 2005
I'm making a form in excel to retrieve a number of welds. This number needs to be passed on to the next form to dynamically create an identical number of input fields (a set of text boxes and labels essentially). Any ideas on how I might do this? Is it even possible? I would like to avoid having 100 (my assumed maximum, it could get changed) sets of input fields and hiding the unused ones,
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Dec 12, 2009
i have one excel sheet (refer attach) i give some example 7 to 8 customers, but in sheet nos. Of customer name a to z suppose to 3000 customer list. Now i want to create automatic customer alfa- numaric code.
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Mar 9, 2014
1.) Create shapes (customize oval shape), I was able to create one but I think the code needs improvement to have the shape a fixed name. - see attached excel file.
2.) Move shapes into corresponding cell. Example: (Oval shape1, should be in cell g6). - see attached excel file.
Customize Heatmap creation.xlsm
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Dec 8, 2008
I was wondering if someone could help me generate a Macro to do the following:
I have a sheet with the following characteristics.
Column A, rows 8-15 contain headers
Column A, rows 17-24 contain headers
Column A, rows 26-40 contain headers
Column B to CV, row 6 may or may not contain an "X"
Column B to CV, rows 8-15 & 17-24 & 26-40 may or may not contain the various data
I need a macro which does the following on the press of a button located somewhere on the sheet:
Generate a .TXT file in the folder C:Test with the name "Test_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_Full.txt" which uses the system time and date to fill in the values In the TXT file the following data should be created: ....
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Feb 6, 2012
How can I create a msg box which ask's for Yes or no option before clearing a sheet with all contents?
if code is this:
Sub Clear_sheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
If Not ws.Name = "master*" Then ws.Cells.ClearContents
Next ws
End Sub
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a piece of code that runs and creates an output Excel sheet that currently has the run date as a suffix for the automatically generated file name. However, I now sometimes have to run this report multiple times in one day, which currently means overwriting the previously run spreadsheet (whereas I would like to keep both versions of the ruin output).
Is there a way that I can create some kind of counter for the number of times the report is run and add that as a suffix for the file name? At the moment the only way I can think to do this is to set up code that looks at the file name containing the date field and adds 1 to every number that is added as a suffix, but this doesn't seem very efficient...
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a userform that creates labels and checkboxes for those lables on the initialize event based on an if statement. I would keep getting an error on a line where I try and use the name of one of those created checkboxes of "variable not defined" as if it hasn't been created, but it was.. Here is the code for the creation:
'Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'dynamically add the tickers and funds based on if there is any data inputs for them.
'declaring variables
Dim lbl As MSForms.Label
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim newcheckbox As MSForms.CheckBox
'selects the summary page
For i = 7 To 65
If Cells(i, 3) "" Then..................
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Aug 2, 2006
I am creating an excel file that has 2 buttons:
-1 that allows the user to select an image (works)
-1 that allows the user to select a MapPoint Map file (error 400)
The code below should be able to detail the problem.
Sub InsertImageOne()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Picture1 = Application. GetOpenFilename("Picture,*.JPG,Picture,*.JPEG,Picture,*.GIF,Picture,*.BMP")
Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = False
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 205
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 344
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Sep 18, 2012
Modify Macro3 and use the InputBox function twice so that Macro3 would ask the user for a particular month and a particular year; and then Macro3 uses these user’s inputs to create the calendar template for that month of the year. For example, if the user enters February for the month and 2012 for the year, Macro3 would create a new
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(1)
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = "January"
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Apr 20, 2014
I have 3 workbooks "ID numbers, 07 Car,and 08 Car".
I need a VBA code that will use the value in column C in each workbook, look up the value in workbook "ID numbers", column C thru G, and return
values into each workbook:
Workbook ID number Column C add values to Each workbook (Column B)
Workbook ID number Columns D thru E) add values to Each workbook (Columns D thru E)
See 07 Car workbook highlighted in orange, every product below the orange highlight must look like for both workbooks this after the code is ran.
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Nov 27, 2009
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = False
xlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
xlApp.Workbooks.Open ("somepathWebquery.xlsm")
xlApp.Application.Run "'some macro"
The only problem is, the web query will only work properly if it is in Excel 2007 (2003 will parse the table in a way that is not acceptable). However, when I tried to run the script, the stubborn Excel 2003 will show up. I even tried to uninstall the Office Compatibility Pack and the stubborn Windows will only run Excel 2003 and ask me to download the Office Compatibility Pack instead of giving me Excel 2007.
I tried to open it up using Open With...and it did not work, I even tried to regserver and unregserver and that did not work as well. Somehow Windows thought the only Excel I have is Excel 2003.
Is there anyway I could change the VB Script so that it would force Excel 2007 to open?
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Sep 7, 2006
I am looking for a way to measure how long it takes to complete a sub routine in VBA. I have code which posts data to matlab and then calls it back. What I need to know is how long does it take to complete each subroutine.
create a code which will measure this? I need to measure the time taken in 100ths of a second.
Is there any simple code to complete this? I am pasting a sample of my code which is using Matlab as a COM server.
Dim Matlab As Object
Dim MReal(10, 0) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim MImag() As Double
Dim value As Double
Dim RealValue As Double
I am sure I woould need to declare the timer but I do not know where and I am not sure of the syntax.
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Jun 23, 2009
I have a HR database that has user details on and successors so that if anything happens to a user (promotion or sick leave) then my database can identify who can step into that role temporary or permanently.
As i complete the cells at the end i would like to add a completed date then excel will count the days until it reaches a certain day and will change the text to either Review due in 1 week or review due in 3 weeks, 6 months review due, Overdue.
This way i can identify who i need to email so i can get up to date information on that role so if the users has changed position i can update accordingly...
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