15 Different Currencies- Sorting

Sep 18, 2007

I am mapping this file on the basis of a lot of fields. But the end product has 15 currencies. My requirement is to separate the accounts on the basis of the currencies and then consolidate it on the basis of GL account. For example, first I have to find all the accounts that are in USD and then if there are 2-3 similar GL accounts, then I will consolidate on the basis of the GL accounts. Please find attached file.

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Inserting A Row Automatically After Sorting Currencies

Apr 21, 2009

I can arrange for a new row to be automatically added to a spreadsheet after I have sorted the currencies in order?

So basically I am trying to record a macro that sorts the column into currency order then after the currencies have been sorted I would like an extra row added so that I can enter a total field in between....

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Using Different Currencies In The Same Workbook?

Mar 20, 2014

I've produced a workbook for my business where we can do automatic quotations based on a simple vlookup formula. We do however quote in a number of different currencies, ie Sterling, US dollars and the Euro. Is there anyway we can pick these conversions up by using data validation to convert the relevant cells or is there an other way?

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Using GBP And Pounds / Shillings As Currencies?

Dec 29, 2010

I am creating a simple spreadsheet to catalog some magazines. One of the columns shows the cover price which is okay for post 1970 magazines as it is in Pounds Sterling, but is there anyway I can get Excel to recognize Pounds/Shillings/Pence as currency. So put in "8d" for example without setting the field to a text format?

I want to be able to add up the total cost of some items based on their cover price but if I set the required cells to text format I cannot do this automatically using the Sum forumla.

Is it possible to have both Pounds Sterling and Pounds/Sillings/Pence as currencies in the same table or is using a text field for the latter the only option?

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How To Get Total Of Multiple Currencies Used In One Column

Jan 31, 2014

A 934.58
B 800.00
C 1,348.07
D 163.93
E 1,610.82
F 1,000.00
G 1,869.16
H 1,600.00
I 2,696.14
J 327.87
K 3,221.65
L 2,000.00

TOTAL 17,572.23

Values in column "H" (US$) have been divided by currency rates in Raw C2~G2 as we need the total in US $

But we also want to know the total amount of each currency used in column "H".

How to put a formula to find the total value of each currency used.

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Averages From List Of Dates/currencies

Feb 20, 2008

I have a list of dates and the exchange rate at that time e.g.:


What I need to insert are three formulas, 1 that works out the average for the last year, 1 for the year before that and 1 for between two given dates.

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Extract Amounts (with Currencies) From Raw Data Text

Jul 10, 2014

I have a payment Excel sheet with thousands of lines Every line (one cell) has row payments data from mainframes like the following

Lhfskldhflshlshdflsd 234 234 sdljflsdjfkl 345.000,56 EUR lshflhshlfsld 2342 sdffgsd
Fsdlflsdf -384823 jsdlfsdlfjsdlfjldfjsldjf 43 50.000,56 EUR fsdgdfgdsfdg 23432
Jlflsdjflsjdfld 569 USD fjsldjflslfhsdlhdlshg 3-448 jlfsdkljfklsd

Is there a way (UDF or Macro) to extract from every line(cell) (and put them in the cell to the right) these raw data only the amounts with the Currencies.

PS. (most of the times the amounts mentioned before are the biggest number in every line!)

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Excel 2010 :: Modify Values In Short List Of Currencies In Home / Number Toolbar

Jun 27, 2013

I recently moved to Central America and now am working on models that are either in $ or in the local currency (Q). I do not want to change my default currency value in the regional settings of the control panel because it is more convenient for me to stay in $ but it is a pain everytime I want to set a worksheet in Q and not in $.

So, I am wondering how I can change the default values in the currency drop-down list on the Home toolbar under Numbers in Excel 2010.

Currently, it gives me the change to apply the following currencies:

- $ English (US)
- £ English (UK)
- € Euro (€ 123)
- ¥ Chinese (PRC)
- fr. French (Switzerland)

Instead of either the £, ¥ or fr., I would like to have listed the Q, my other frequently used currency.

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Formatting Cell Currencies Based On A Selection In A Single Cell

Jul 28, 2009

I would like to format cells with a currency based on a value selected at the top of my worksheet. Cell C3 is a drop down of currencies. And I would like cells range E11:E200 to format in whatever currency selected in cell C3.

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Sorting Hi To Low

Mar 6, 2009

how to create the database and the resulting Pivot Table. My Sales Database includes the Sales $ and GP$ for each line. In the Pivot Table I've managed to create a calculated field for GP %, no problem.

i have also managed to figure out how to express each Row as a % of the Pivot Total, also very easy.

What I need to know is how can I sort my Pivot Table High to Low using these calculated fields?

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Sorting MP3 With VBA

Oct 4, 2003

I don't understand all of it, but I observed that it works only with mp3 with tag id v1, not v2, anyway I also see another code for tag id v2 given by NateO.

But before entering in detail of what I want, is it possible to edit tag id v1 or even v2, with VBA? Because I want to complete my mp3 informations that are missing, or modify the wrong one, in excel, and then with a macro update my mp3 files...

I've found this code on the forum to get my mp3 informations :

Option Explicit

Public Type mp3Info
Header As String * 3
Title As String * 30
Artist As String * 30
Album As String * 30
Year As String * 4
Comment As String * 30
Genre As Byte
End Type

Sub Getmp3Info()
Dim mp3ID As mp3Info
Dim lngRow As Long, lngFile As Long
Dim lngFileCnt As Long

With Application.FileSearch
.Filename = "*.MP3"
.LookIn = "H:Daniel" 'Change this to the folder you wish to search
.SearchSubFolders = True........................

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Jun 21, 2007

I have a sheet with fixed number of rows but variable number of columns. I have to sort this sheet on the basis of column A starting A2. i am using the following code

Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlToRight).End(xlDown)).Select

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

But it does not sort properly. To illustrate, i have 10 rows, some 4 columns wide and some 5 columns wide. Since the first row is 5 columns wide , all the rows with 5 columns populated get sorted but the rest get left out.

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Chronological Sorting

Feb 18, 2007

This is an example of what is being worked on:

(There are 500+ more lines like the ones below, in groups of approximately 17 lines per page of information.)

* C.B.A. Bank - 2nd reference to branch near Mike's store. (21/03/1956)
* Berwick exams results. (06/06/1877)
* Berwick exams (09/05/1877)
* Steps taken for erection of Berwick. (11/07/1874)
* Berwick tenders for work at home. (11/07/1877)
* W. was a storekeeper at Berwick. (25/07/1881)
* Berwick Brass. (27/06/1877)
* Commercial erected for son. (27/06/1878)

I need to do the folowing to it:
(not necessarily in the following order)

- Insert into Excel
- Remove brackets
- Sort chronologically
- Copy back into program I am using again, in same chronological order.

The desired outcome is to be able to throw into Excel all the lines and press a button, (possibly the Sort Ascending one) and have a chronological list of all entries.

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Automatic Sorting

May 11, 2007

I have a table which holds scores as well as other data for players. Is it possible to automatically sort a table based on their points score to see who is top of the league?

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Sorting 4 Columns Together

Nov 6, 2007

Is there a code or some way for me to sort 4 columns together? I want to sort a list of employees and for each employee theres a column with their Lost Business, customer satisfaction, and two more columns. I want to sort all the columns at the same time so that the best employees overall will go to the top of the list and the worst ones will be at the bottom. Whenever I use the sorting feature it does each column independant of the others so everytime I sort a new column it just moves around the last one I sorted.

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Sorting Data Out

Jan 12, 2008

I have five columns of data A to E. In each row there can be data in either 2 3,4 or 5 of the columns. What I want to do is essentially condense the data. So in columns, say, G,H,I J,K if there is data in column A then It goes into column g, if not it asks if there is any data in column b and so on. Then for H it does the same but one on. I have attached an example to show what I would like to happen.

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Sorting Hyperlinks

Jun 20, 2008

I created a data base that had a hyperlink to a plan of the store so we can find parts easy. With a lot of help for people here on this web site, it works very well.

My only problem now is that I sorted my Database by the hyperlink column. It made it easy to do one hyperlink and pull the fill handle down for the rest of the same hyperlink reference.

When I went to resort the database so that the parts were in alphabetical order. The sort worked well except that the hyperlink for lets say cell F87 was not sorted. Example : - F87 hyper link presort had the reference to Rack 10 self B. Post sort it had the reference to Rack 16 shelf C. But when clicked on it still took you to Rack 10 self B.

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Spreadsheet Sorting..

Nov 14, 2008

I'm trying to sort this spread sheet so that each email address will have its own column assigned to it. Ie jaz@hello.com will alway be column C and harry@hello.com will always be in D. The problem is I've around 1200 rows of infor and the email addresses are all over the place..

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Sorting By Frequency

Dec 20, 2008

how can data sorted be more frequency as most frequent on top and as the following:
i attach file

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Sorting DD/MM/YYYY Into DD/MM

Aug 9, 2009

I have around 1900 dates that I need to sort into order but I need the data to be displayed as DD/MM in chronological order eg 01/01, 02/01 etc.

At the moment the dates are DD/MM/YYYY in one column. Have tried sorting them into date order but have found that they're sorted by YYYY. Is there a way of sorting them DD/MM instead?????

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Sorting Numbers Like, Etc

Aug 26, 2009

I should sort numbers in ascending order from left to right, but the numbers sort only from right to left.

This is what I want:

And this is how it goes:

There are also numbers that have letter at the end (1.2.3a), and the cell format is text.

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Sorting Problems

Sep 8, 2009

I have an array of data that I need sorted. I did a Custom Sort. However, the data did not all sort properly (some of it did). Any ideas as to why this happened and how I can get it to sort correctly?

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Sorting When Using Columns Beyond AA

Oct 6, 2009

Im not entirely sure about this but it seems like if I have data in columns A - Z and sort in one of them, the data in Columns AA - AZ does not move accordingly rather it stays fixed.

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Sorting By Date...?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a column showing date DD/MM/YYYY. I want to be able to get a new column stripping out the days so that I can chart changes over a month rather than each day of the last 2 years. I have tried altering the cell format to MM-YYY although this shows the format I want when i run a pivot chart it will still create records for individual days. I then tried copying and pasting the above as text only. This results in the pivot chart sorting A-Z rather than by date.

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Automatically Sorting

Nov 23, 2009

I have information in columns A (First name),B (Last name), C (Misc), D (misc). Is there a way that someone can enter in new information at the bottom of the list and it will automatically sort by the last name once saved or closed ect.. ? I have people not very familiar with Excel and the keep messing up inserting rows and I don't want them to sort. If they could just enter information at the bottom and save it, then when someone opens it to just view it, it will be in order.

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Sorting Alphabetic

Jan 31, 2010

The problem is sorting alphabetic.

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Sorting The Cells

Jun 15, 2008

in the the attached image of excel
i want to see what is the bigger number in the row 49
then sorting these numbers descending and write it in C52
then make a quick equation on in each number ,and this equation is to deduct this figure from each other nine numbers and see what is the zero or above zero result and put it the cell next to this number (column E) starting from E52
527.7 is the maximum number so i put it in the c52
and then deduct 527.7from each number ,like the following
41.0-527.7 = negative value (doesnot count)
21.8-527.7= negative value (doesnot count)
.... so on
and we will see that the only greater than zero or equal to zero result is only 1 result so we put the figure 1 in the cell E52

and so on on each number

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Sorting The Numbers

Feb 25, 2009

I have three columns that are added together. Depending on where I need them to go, I need three options. For example, E6,E7,&E8 are added up, on E9, I need to be able to direct it to "A @ E10", "B @ E11", or "C @ E12"

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Sorting Data In VBA

Mar 14, 2009

I am encountering numerous problems compiling a macro to sort some pretty messy data. Hoping some of you could take a look and offer some suggestions....

The Data I need sorting is shown in the 'DATARAW' worksheet, this comes in every day and shows positions for each traded period. Usually 48 periods which I have highlighted although the data download could somtimes consist of 46 or 50 periods.

Sheet 1 (DATA RAW) contains data which I download daily.

Sheet 2 (Data Sort) is how I need it to look after sorted (I only need the data in DATARAW replacing, not another worksheet creating).

So for example:

Where column A = SP8 and the adjacent column B = 1 I would need:

All values which = ECN to concatenate the value in B to the reference in column B directly adjacent to the value next to it, until the folowing rows are presented:

So for instance the first value reported would be 131964, second 131979 etc... until the following text is shown in the rows below


When these appear I need the entire rows to be deleted.

Then basically the same for the next period where SP8 appears in column A and 2 appears in Column B.

also, the final result should contain no formulas so it can be referenced by lookups etc... also, all numeric colums should be stored as number so excel doesn't get confused.

This will basically repeat itself until the end of the file showing the same split as aove but with ZZZ as a footer. Which I also need to delete. :-S


Rows containing the values below also need deleting.


I've used colours in the attachment but the actual file doesn't have any.

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Sorting Data Using VBA

Jun 30, 2009

I use my VBA code to sort the data in certain columns. I have been doing it with the following

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